Executive Committee ELECTED OFFICERS' COIUMI1,TEE CHAIRMEN PRESIDENT THE COMBINED FUND Grace Lewis Hayes '43 Pamela Hastings Trumpolt '54 (Mrs. James H.) (Mrs. Franklin J .) % Mrs. C. S. Lewis P. 0. Box 148 378 Prospect Avenue Marlboro, Mass. Hackensack, New Jersey FIRST VICE PRESIDENT Barbara Martin Brodeur '47 (Mrs. Albert) ALUMNI-STUDENT RELATIONS Winding Lane Greenwich, Connecticut Esther Kass Kanoff '42 (Mrs. Harry L.) 21 Garfield Avenul) Clifton, New Jersey SECOND VICE PRESIDENT Constance Koss Hoffinan '37C (Mrs. George W., Jr.) 77 Essex A venue Montclair, New Jersey ALUMNI DAY REUNION Barbara Martin Brodeur '47 (Mrs. Albert) THIRD VICE PRESIDENT Winding Lane Centenary Greenwich, Connecticut Pamela Hastings Trumpolt '54 (Mrs. Franklin J.) P. 0. Box 148 Marlboro, Mass. BULLETIN ADVISORY COMMITTEE SECRETARY Diane Hopkins Weiland '54 (Mrs. Philip) Barbara Nielsen Watson '44 23 Kate Lane (Mrs. Ripley, Jr.) Metuchen, New Jersey 55 Hillside Avenue Glen Ridge, New Jersey Alumni TREASURER PAST PRESIDENT Teddie Richards Benfield '06 Virginia George Hook '44 (Mrs. T. R.) (Mrs. Nicholas J.) Centenary College for Women 6 Glenwood Avenue Hackettstown, New Jersey East Orange, New Jersey CHAPTER PRESIDENTS BERGEN PASSAIC LONG.ISLAND Karen Nelson '53 Nancy Becker Foudy '49 55 Barrows A venue (Mrs. E. Robert) Rutherford, New Jersey 7 Filbert Street Association Garden City, New York CENTRAL CONNECTICUT MANHATTAN Carol Sweet Locke '53 Martha J. McGregor '60 (Mrs. Robert E.) 242 Henry Street 14 Riverview Terrace Brooklyn I, New York Windsor, Connecticut FAIRFIELD COUNTY NORTH JERSEY Sally Kirkham Scholtz '50 Shirley Wilson McCune '50 (Mrs. Frederick H.) (Mrs. R. J.) 29 Walmsley Road 121 Westview Road N croton Heights, Connecticut Upper Montclair, New Jersey PHILADELPHIA Barbara Kalbach Simmon '54 (Mrs. George L.) 244 Prince Frederick Street King of Prussia, Pa. The Bulletin of CENTENARY COLLEGE FOR WOMEN STAFF MAY 1962 EDITOR CONTENTS Page Margaret Rahfield Campus News .............................................................. 4- 5 Director of Alumni Services Theater-of-the Air Contest Nursery Astronauts Phi Theta Kappa Singers on Tour Roberta Fleming Roesch ADVISORY COMMITTEE C. C. U. N. Meeting Centenary Sports Diane Hopkins Weiland '54, Chairman Alumni Association and Chapters 6-7 M. Elizabeth Kilkenny '52 Edna Avera '52 Executive Committee Meeting Alumni Day Committee Nominating Committee Fairfield County Chapter Philadelphia Chapter Central Connecticut Chapter Manhattan Chapter Westchester Chapter North Jersey Chapter Fund Report 7 Faculty News 7 In the Spotlight Class News 8-23 Published five times a year, in February, May, October, and semi-monthly in September at Hackettstown, N. J. Entered as second class matter April 17, 1918 at the post office in Hackettstown, N. J., under the Act of Fine Arts Week Back Page Congress, August 24, 1912. Picture Credits: Niper Studios COVER: Installation of the 1962 Alumni Class Officers; First Volume 45 row, Sue Stewart, treasurer; Betsy Wendel, secre­ tary; Judy Vogt, vice president; and Sue Smalley, president. Second row, Constance Koss Hoffman C'37, Advisor to the Alumni-Student Relations Com­ mittee; Grace Lewis Hayes '43, President of the Number 2 Centenary Alumni Association; President Edward W. Seay, Esther Kass Kanoff '42, Chairman Alumni­ Student Relations Committee; Elizabeth Shimer, Class Advisor. Member of American Alumni Council Campus News fiFTH ANNUAL THEATER-OF­ a miscellany of cardboard, tin cans, The national organization honored THE-AIR CONTEST thread spools, and wooden dowels; Miss Forbes as an outstanding chapter and appropriately garbed in space sponsor with a silver loving cup, and Sparta High School of Sparta, N.J., helmets; the pupils of the Centenary elected Jan Hazlett '63, second vice­ with their presentation of "The Fall of Nursery School, taped a fifteen­ president during the annual meetings. the City" directed by R. L. Martin; minute radio panel discussion for Phi Theta Kappa activities on the took first place in the Centenary broadcast on April 9. Their ideas on Centenary Campus include promotion Theater-of-the Air Contest on March the space flight of Col. John H. Glenn, of newspaper sales and the Sock Hop 30. Second place was Liberty High Jr. brought out some very interesting as fund raising events. Culturally, they School, Bethlehem, Pa., with their in­ opinions and suggestions for the bene­ sponsor lectures, discussion groups, terpretation of "Our Love" as directed fit of space travel in the future! and programs on international rela­ by a student director. Third place tions; and socially, they hold teas honors went to Middlesex High PHI THETA KAPPA honoring those on the Dean's List. Sichool, Middlesex, N.J., for their performance of "The Hitchhiker" as Jan Hazlett '63, president of the directed by J. P. Berridge. Delta Phi Chapter, Marjorie Macey SINGERS ON TOUR Additional commendations were '62 and Miss Phyllis Forbes, sponsor, attended the national Phi Theta Kappa made to St. John Baptist School, Starting on April 3 with an appear­ Mendham, N.J., and Wilson Borough convention at Biloxi, Miss., on March 27-30. ance at the assembly at Hackettstown High School of Easton, Pa. High School, forty-four members of The award for first place will be an the Centenary choral group under the inscribed plaque to remain in the pos­ direction of Newel Kay Brown, began session of the winner for one year and their Spring Tour. After the interrup­ to remain in permanent possession of tion of spring recess, they resumed the any school winning for three consecu­ tour with a program at the Lafayette tive years. This plaque, plus a framed University chapel on April 29, and a certificate will be presented to Sparta concert on April 3 0 at the First Pres­ High School's drama group in a stu­ byterian Church in Berwyn, Pa. ~al­ dent assembly by Miss Elizabeth lowing this they were heard at Abmg­ Shimer, head of the radio/tv depart­ ton Friends School, Jenkintown; Stev­ ment. Framed certificates will also be ens School, Chestnut Hill; Charles awarded by Miss Shimer in assemblies Ellis School for Girls, Newtown; West­ to the second and third place winners. wood High School, Westwood, New A total of seven schools partici­ Jersey; Gordon School, Jackson pated in this competition which fea­ Heights, New York; and Concord­ tured half-hour plays produced on Carlisle High School, Concord, Mass. WNTI ten minutes apart. Contestants Mr. Brown, W,ho is director of were judged on the choice, quality, choral and instrumental music., has and originality of play; acting, timing, been completing work for his Ph.D in professional and technical air skills. composition at the Eastman School of Other participating schools included Music of the University of Rochester. Morristown High School, and Haw­ Mrs. Brown who is also a music thorne High School, all of New Jersey. major will join the Centenary Singers Judges for the contest were Mrs. as a flutist when they leave New York John Hesse and Mrs. Eugene Prince, on June 12 for their Fifth European both of Hackettstown. Study Tour. Linda Dey '62, a dance Next year's contest, which is open to major, will also accompany the group all interested high schools, will be held as a performer. Their five-week jour­ on the campus, Friday, March 22, ney will take them through Holland, 1963. Germany, Switzerland, Italy, France and England. Arrangements for con­ Arden Jost '62, Centenary's representative in the Glamour Magazine's search for the certs in Stuttgart, Germany, on June NURSERY ASTRONAUTS ten best dressed college girls in America. 18; and Zurich, Switzerland on June The ten finalists and ten runners-up will 20; have been completed. Dates are From their very own space capsule, appear in the August 1962 issue of the also being arranged in London and which they designed and made from magazine. Paris. 4 ROBERTA flEMING ROESCH CENTENARY IN SPORTS RETURNS TO HER ALMA MATER For the first time Centenary has a Roberta Fleming Roesch '39, intercollegiate .swimming team. Home author of a column for King Features meets held in the George J. Ferry Syndicate, addressed the March 27 Natatorium were: Tuesday morning assembly at the col­ lege. The subject of her talk was February 15-St. John University "Human Interest in Newspaper March 14--Temple University! Work." March 21- Swarthmore College A native of Hackettstown, after graduation Roberta went to work for A short tour of outside meets included the New Jersey Fish and Game Com­ March 7, St. John University; March mission, starting as a secretary but 12, Queens College; and March 28, eventually writing speeches and pam­ Drew University. Barbara Cox '62 is phlets. Her first published writing, was captain orf the Varsity team coached titled "I Want to Be a Writer," and it by Miss Bette Rhoads head of the President Edward W. Seay shows 1962 physical education division. was bought by a writers magazine. Viewbook to Roberta Fleming Roesch '39. The pay? Four books on how to be a On March 26, the Freshman Swim­ writer. Since then she has contributed ming Team captained by Catharine to such magazines as Parents, Ameri­ privileged to attend the first annual Trumbatore, won the Inter-Class can Home, Everywoman's, Your Life, Eastern Regional Conference of Col­ Swimming trophy, with the score of and Journal of Lifetime Living. legiate Council for United Nations in 47-37. Last spring she added the column Washington, D. C. from March 10 to The Riding Club at its February "Opportunities Unlimited'' for King to 13. They were addressed by such dis­ meeting was honored to have as its her activities. The six-times-a-week tinguished leaders in the American guest, Franklin F. Wing, Jr. Brig. Gen. column, which gives career advice and business, political, and literary world U.S. Army, Ret, Gen. Wing illustrated guidance to women, is enhanced by as Walter Reuther, president" of the his talk on the U.S.
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