Surname Interests Ryedale Family History Group November 2020 Listed here are the registered surname interests of some of our members. Recent additions are entered in red. If you would like to make contact with any member, please note the member's number and apply to the Membership Secretary by email to: [email protected] Member Surname Place of Residence County Dates No. Code From To 849 Abbott Ireland IRL < 1800 849 Abernethy Ireland IRL < 1800 90 Abra(ha)m Fylingdales NRY 1790 > 90 Abram Burniston NRY 1810 > 90 Abram Scalby NRY 1760 > 78 Acklam Beverley / Fridaythorpe ERY > 1840 685 Ackroyd Guisborough NRY All All 958 Acomb York, Long Marston NRY All All 41 Aconley Farndale NRY All All 42 Aconley All ALL All > 111 Aconley Farndale / Lastingham / Rosedale NRY 1750 1850 218 Aconley All YKS All All 669 Agar Kirkbymoorside NRY 1700 > 669 Agar Lastingham NRY 1700 > 110 Ainsley Bilsdale NRY > 1850 111 Akenley Farndale NRY 1750 1800 90 Akins Thorpe Bassett ERY 1780 1800 56 Allan Lythe NRY 1600 1750 718 Allanson All All 1790 1850 79 Allenby Kirkbymoorside NRY 1800 1860 93 Allenby Kirkbymoorside NRY All > 624 Almond Kirkby Fleetham NRY 1750 1850 326 Anderson Portsmouth HAM 1870 > 650 Andrew Langthorne NRY 1850 > 78 Ankers York YKS 1830 > 111 Appleton Whorlton NRY 1700 1850 90 Archer Habton NRY 1810 > 517 Ashworth Turton LAN 1700 > 236 Ask(h)am All WRY All All 85 Asover Ryedale NRY 1700 1850 111 Atkinson Farndale NRY 1700 1800 327 Atkinson Consett / Darlington / Staindrop DUR 1852 > 327 Atkinson Kirkbymoorside NRY 1800 1852 408 Atkinson Ebberston / Thornton‐le‐Dale NRY 1744 > 617 Atkinson Southwark SRY 1780 1800 685 Atkinson Bilsdale NRY All All 352 Atkinson Follifoot / Ripley WRY 1800 > 617 Atkinson Rosedale NRY 1700 1800 56 Audas Kirkleatham NRY 1700 1800 177 Avison Malton / Thornton‐le‐Dale NRY All All 483 B(r)isby Farndale / Wrelton NRY 1700 1950 111 Bailey Farndale NRY 1700 1770 111 Bailey Fylingdales NRY 1775 1825 61 Baker Pickering / Kirkbymoorside NRY 1680 1880 ©2020 Ryedale Family History Group Surname Interests Ryedale Family History Group November 2020 Listed here are the registered surname interests of some of our members. Recent additions are entered in red. If you would like to make contact with any member, please note the member's number and apply to the Membership Secretary by email to: [email protected] Member Surname Place of Residence County Dates No. Code From To 69 Baker Kirkbymoorside NRY 1700 1850 69 Baker Lastingham NRY 1650 1800 69 Baker Raindale NRY 1800 1850 71 Baker Ellerburn NRY 1750 1850 71 Baker Grimsby LIN 1900 > 71 Baker Kirkbymoorside NRY 1700 1800 71 Baker Malton / Middleton / Pickering / Raindale NRY 1800 > 71 Baker Old Malton NRY 1800 1900 71 Baker Raindale NRY 1700 1900 71 Baker Stokesley NRY 1700 > 121 Baldwinson All ALL All All 61 Banks Ampleforth NRY 1750 > 61 Banks Gilling NRY 1700 1900 61 Banks Hovingham NRY All > 212 Barker Stockton on Tees DUR 1700 > 244 Barker Helmsley / Nawton NRY 1700 1800 347 Barker Harome NRY 1780 1840 347 Barker Leeds WRY 1860 1962 685 Barker Bilsdale NRY All All 835 Barker Malton NRY All All 965 Barker Pockley / Beadlam / Nawton / Kirkdale NRY All All 340 Barnes Richmond SRY 1900 > 341 Barnes Richmond SRY 1900 > 933 Barry Crayke, Pickering, Norton NRY 1800 1970 605 Bartendale Settrington ERY 1755 1800 949 Bartram Liverpool LAN All All 949 Bartram Tivetshall St Mary NFK All All 56 Barugh Lythe NRY 1600 1700 357 Barwick Kirkdale NRY 1850 1910 730 Bassindale Isle of Axholme LIN 1650 1740 910 Batley / Battley Appleton‐le‐Street, Malton NRY All All 935 Baxter Seaton, Flimby CMA 1800 > 584 Baxter Fylingdales NRY 1740 1850 926 Beal All NRY 1700 1850 337 Becroft Malton NRY All All 885 Beecroft Bilsdale, Hawnby NRY All All 90 Beedam Malton NRY 1765 1810 91 Beetham Malton NRY 1765 1810 885 Bell Bilsdale, Hawnby NRY All All 121 Benn All ALL All All 400 Benson Kirkbymoorside / Robin Hoods Bay / Thornton‐le‐ NRY 1750 1850 768 Benson Ryedale NRY < 1850 26 Bentley Bradford WRY 1750 > 212 Bentley Danby in Cleveland NRY 1600 > ©2020 Ryedale Family History Group Surname Interests Ryedale Family History Group November 2020 Listed here are the registered surname interests of some of our members. Recent additions are entered in red. If you would like to make contact with any member, please note the member's number and apply to the Membership Secretary by email to: [email protected] Member Surname Place of Residence County Dates No. Code From To 525 Bentley Helmsley NRY 1700 1900 525 Bentley Helmsley NRY 1700 > 472 Berriman Rosedale / Kirkbymoorside / Ryedale NRY 1750 > 584 Best Farndale / Wombleton NRY 1790 1930 979 Bielby New Malton NRY < 1820 337 Bielby / Beilby Malton / Norton NRY 1700 1900 935 Birkett Cumbria CMA 1800 > 78 Blackburn Kirkbymoorside NRY > > 186 Blackburn Helmsley NRY 1750 1850 71 Blades Malton NRY 1820 > 56 Blake Mendham SFK 1750 1850 264 Blanchard Bulmer NRY 1770 1860 186 Bland Kirkbymoorside NRY 1750 1900 78 Blenky Appleton Wiske NRY > 1800 111 Boavill Ingleby Greenhow NRY 1580 1850 427 Boddy Seaton Carew DUR 1850 1950 909 Borman Bulmer NRY All All 426 Borton Kirkby Misperton NRY 1750 1840 186 Bosamworth Gilling NRY 1700 1800 497 Botham Pickering NRY 1800 > 752 Botterill Ryedale NRY 1860 1870 111 Bouell Ingleby Greenhow NRY 1580 1850 342 Bougen Rosedale NRY 1800 1900 90 Boulter Hurley WAR 1790 > 111 Bovell Ingleby Greenhow NRY 1580 1850 111 Bovill Kildale NRY 1700 1850 41 Bowes Farndale NRY All All 95 Bowes Nawton NRY 1750 1840 161 Bowes Delaware / Wilmington USA 1925 1971 161 Bowes Dumfries SCT 1890 1897 161 Bowes Middlesbrough NRY 1838 1865 161 Bowes New Shildon DUR 1871 1881 161 Bowes Nunnington NRY 1810 1820 161 Bowes Sproxton NRY > 1809 349 Bowes Farndale NRY 1700 1900 357 Bowes Aislaby / Wrelton NRY All All 422 Bowes Kirkdale / Nawton NRY 1700 1890 775 Bowes Kirkbymoorside / Helmsley NRY All All 619 Bowes Appleton‐le‐Moors / Farndale / Rosedale / NRY All All 36 Bowman Robin Hoods Bay / Thorpe NRY 1870 1930 348 Boy(e)s Beverley ERY All All 348 Boy(e)s Ryedale NRY All All 78 Boyes Kirkbymoorside NRY > 1750 821 Boyes Settrington NRY 1700 1850 ©2020 Ryedale Family History Group Surname Interests Ryedale Family History Group November 2020 Listed here are the registered surname interests of some of our members. Recent additions are entered in red. If you would like to make contact with any member, please note the member's number and apply to the Membership Secretary by email to: [email protected] Member Surname Place of Residence County Dates No. Code From To 56 Bradridge Lythe NRY 1600 1750 12 Braithwaite Hovingham NRY 1700 1800 26 Braithwaite Bradford WRY 1750 > 56 Brantingham Witton Gilbert DUR All > 111 Breckon Danby NRY 1800 1850 111 Breckon Glaisdale NRY 1700 1800 111 Breckon Westerdale NRY 1800 1850 472 Breckon Farndale / Kirkbymoorside / Rosedale NRY 1750 > 842 Brennan All ALL 1850 All 959 Briant Berkshire BRK All All 910 Brigham Appleton‐le‐Street, Slingsby NRY All All 464 Brisby Pickering area NRY All All 483 Brisby All ALL All All 11 Broadhead Barnsley WRY 1800 1950 56 Broadrigge Lythe NRY 1600 1750 725 Brooks Derby DBY All All 90 Brough Stape NRY 1800 > 90 Brown Huggate ERY 1810 1820 90 Brown Lockton NRY 1870 > 90 Brown Snainton NRY 1840 > 199 Brown Malton / Norton NRY 1900 > 236 Brown All / London ALL All > 236 Brown Southwark SRY > 1837 69 Brown Brompton by Sawdon NRY 1750 1800 382 Brown Oswaldkirk NRY 1700 1900 56 Bruce Gateshead DUR 1750 1850 14 Buckle Gilling NRY 1800 1950 1 Bulmer Fadmoor / Gillamoor / Kirkbymoorside NRY 1690 1860 61 Bulmer Cold Kirby NRY All > 61 Bulmer Helmsley NRY All > 340 Bulmer All NRY 1600 2000 849 Burnett Ireland IRL < 1800 56 Burrow Lythe NRY 1600 1700 79 Burton Kirkbymoorside NRY 1800 1950 186 Burton Hutton‐le‐Hole / Lastingham NRY 1650 1900 161 Busby Dumfries DFS 1882 1902 161 Busby Kirtlington OXF 1812 1881 714 Calverley Leeds / Halifax WRY 1800 1915 822 Calvert Glaisdale / Stokesley NRY All All 236 Cambidge All ALL All All 525 Camidge York NRY 1700 1900 781 Campbell Hovingham NRY 1800 1900 781 Campbell Terrington NRY 1700 1900 56 Campion Lythe NRY 1650 1750 ©2020 Ryedale Family History Group Surname Interests Ryedale Family History Group November 2020 Listed here are the registered surname interests of some of our members. Recent additions are entered in red. If you would like to make contact with any member, please note the member's number and apply to the Membership Secretary by email to: [email protected] Member Surname Place of Residence County Dates No. Code From To 199 Campion Guisborough / All NRY 1800 > 871 Campion Midlands ALL All All 51 Carpenter Beadlam NRY 1800 1900 160 Carr Pocklington ERY 1700 1850 426 Carr Barton‐le‐Street NRY 1800 1900 186 Carter Kirkbymoorside NRY 1780 1980 347 Carter Farndale NRY 1700 1800 584 Carter Farndale NRY 1730 1920 327 Cartwright Kingswinford / Wordsley STS 1800 1870 327 Cartwright Southbank NRY 1880 1901 327 Cartwright Spennymoor DUR 1870 1880 788 Cass Yorkshire YOR 1700 2000 768 Cattle Ryedale NRY < 1850 714 Cavanagh Leeds / Halifax WRY 1800 1915 297 Cave Malton NRY 1750 1850 56 Chandler Weybread / Withersdale SFK 1750 1900 56 Chapman Danby in Cleveland NRY 1750 1850 326 Chapman Farndale / Hawnby NRY 1790 1850 90 Chester Lockton NRY 1700 > 8 Christian Cleveland NRY 1830 1950 36 Christian Robin Hoods Bay / Thorpe NRY 1890 1931 426 Christie Sheriff Hutton NRY 1850 1920 939 Christmas Guilford SRY 1700 1800 584 Christon Osmotherley / Sinnington NRY 1760 1850 137 Clark(e) Great Edstone NRY 1750 1850
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