CENSUS 1971 PARTS X-A & B TOWN & VILLAGE DIRECTORY SERlES-S VILLAGE & TOWNWISE GUJARAT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT DISTRICT CENSUS KUTCH HANDBOOK DISTRICT C. C. DOCTOR Of the Indian Administrative Service Director of Census Operations Gujara. Originating in the 19th century perhaps as an occupational craff, The embroidery work of the Kutch and Saurashtra regions was in its heyday one of the loveliest of the folk erts of Cuiaraf. Over a period of time the craft had acquired sufficient sophistica­ tion and regional and caste as.lociations to facilitate its classification ill10 a.~ lIlany as 22 schools. five major and three minor ones. and fourteen other obtaining in the KlIlch and Saurashtra regions respectively. The work has been known to !:ave been done mostly for personal use, till it was exploited for commercial purposes in later years. It is commonly done in free hand. but the lise of wooden blocks for printing the basic design of motifs to be emb­ roidered is not unknown. The printed design, however, supplied at most the barest outline and within it the craftsman had alii pIe free­ dom as regards minuteness of detail and choice of c%llr. The motifs were chosen largely from local or regional stocks, except in the case of more classical examples where they fell back on Persian or Mughal fore­ bec;rs. The sl_\·/i.wl peacock is the 11I0si favourite single motif in all Kutch embroidery and the one displayed on the cover page 0/ this volume shows the elegance and vitalily par excellence achieved by the Kutch embroiderer even within the framework of a simple structure. The 0 'her form commonly used in Kutch embroidery may be found elsewhere in this mlumi'. (Lk~k f~om an ink tracing by K. D. Vaishnav, Geographcrtfrom a photograph). DISTRICT KUTCH 11- ~ ~ • '0 '" i:.. ~ :I: ~ 0 I- ~ :> !;( lI:: 11- a:: , c( I- %~ I ., ~ :J 0 ~ CJ a: I- 0 0 11- ~ (/) . 0 0- «- 0 11- CENSUS OF INDIA 1911 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS Central Government Publications-Census of India I 971-Series-5-Gujarat is being published in the following parts: Part Subject covered Number I-A General Report I-B Detailed Analysis of the Demographic, Social, Cultural and Migration Patterns. I-C Subsidiary Tables. II-A General Population Tables ( 'A' Series). II-B Economic Tables ('B' Series). II-C(i) Distribution of Population, Mother Tongue and Religion, Scheduled ,-Castes & Sched uled Tribes. II-CCii) Other Social & Cultural Tables and Fertility Tables, Tables on Household Com­ position, Single Year Age, Marital Status, Educational Levels, Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes, etc., Bilingualism. III Establishments Report and Tables ('E' Series). IV-A Housing Report ~ll1d Housing Subsidiary Tables. IV-B Housing Tables. V Special Tables and Ethnographic Notes on Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes. VI-A Town Directory. VI-B Special Survey Reports on Selected Towns. VI-C Survey Reports on Selected Villages. VII Special Report on Graduate and Technical Personnel. VlII-A Administration Report-Enumeration. } VIII-B Administration Report-Tabulatioll. For official usc only IX Census Atlas. DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK X-A Town and Village Directory. X-B Village and Townwise Primary Census Abstract. X-C Analytical Report, Departmental Statistics and District Census Tables. CONTENTS Pages PREFACE V-x FIGURES AT A GLANCE xi-xii ALPHABETIC LIST OF VILLAGES xiii-xxv Part-A-Town and Village Directory General Note 3-4 Introductory Note on Town and Village Directory 5-18 Town Directory and its Appendices Statement Status, Growth History and Functional Category of Towns 21 Statement II Physical Aspccts and Location of Towns, 1969 Statement III Civic Finance, 19(,8-69 23 Statement IV Civic and Other Amenities, 1969 24 Statement V Medical, Educational, Recreatiunal and Cultural Facilities in Towns, 1909 25 Statement VI Trade, Commerce, Industry and Banking, 1969 26 Statement VII PopUlation by Religion, 1971 27 Appendix List of Urban Areas as per Location Code Numbers 28 Appendix II Names of Outgrowths of Urban Areas which do not qualify to be trea ted as separate towns 28 Village Directory Bbuj Taluka 29-;5 Mundra Taluka 47-53 Mandvi Taluka 55-65 Abdasa Taluka 67-81 Lakhpat Taluka 83-91 Nakhatrana Taluka 93-105 Rapar Taluka 107-119 Bhachau Taluka 121-129 Anjar Taluka 131-139 Abstract of Amenities at each Taluka/Mahal 140-141 Part - B-ViUage itIId Tu.lfllWise Primary Census AIIstract General Note ifi Primary Census Abstract Bhuj Taluka 5-23 Mundra Taluka 25~31 Mandvi Taluka 33-41 AMasa Taluka 43-53 Lakhpat Taluka 55-61 Nakhatrana Taluka 63-73 Rapar Taluka 75-83 Bhachau Taluka 85-91 Ar,jar Taluka 93-107 Block Directory showing Jurisdiction of Enumerator's Blocks in the Urban Areas MAPS Di,trict Map Frontispiece Bhuj Taluka Facing Page 5 Mundra Taluka 25 Mandvi Taluka 33 Abdasa Taluka 43 Lakhpat Taluka 55 Nakhatrana Taluka 63 Rapar Taluka 75 Bba~hau Taluka 85 Anjar Taluka 93 PREFACE The District Cenlus Handbooks are being Part B published regularly since 1951. Earlier they were (l) Urban Block and Villagewise Primary brought out under the name of "Village Hand­ Census Abstract books" and contained only the population totals. They are prepared by the Census Organisation :Parte on behalf of the State Government and published by the latter. They are the first to be published (1) Analytical Report In the series of 1971 Census publications, which (2) Administrative Statistics ale now to follow. The need for making avail­ able to the State Government, the Census data (3) Census Tables as early as possible after the taking of the eount, has been recognised since long. It is a matter of It was originally decided that each part deep satisfaction that the present volume is being would be brought out separately. But since the published within a year of the taking of the data for parts A and B bas been prepared Census. almost at the same time, it is decided to combine these parts into one volume. Part C which has The data collected during 1971 Census was to await the collection of official statistics frolll tabulated initially at three Regional Tabulation various Departments of the State Government Offices at Surat, Rajkot and Bhavnagar for and preparation of Census Tables, would be rural aleas and one more Tabulation Office at published separately. Ahmedabad which dealt with the slips of urban areas only. The data abstracted at the Regional The Town Directory consists of information offices was brought to Ahmedabad where it was about the status, growth history and functional compiled for the State as a whole and is now category of lowns and their physical aspects, being published. location, Municipal finances, civic and other amenities like sewerage, protected water supply, The District Census Handbook contains fire fighting service, electrification etc. It also primary data upto the village level for rural contains information aboul medical, educational. areas and enumerator's block level for urban recreational and cultural facilities available at areas. It is for the first time that in 1971 tbe lowns. Detailed information about "lade, Census we are giving information about urban commerce, industry aod banking is also provided areas of the Stale in a separate part called here. The population of the towos according to the "Town Directory". Weare also giving compre­ 1971 Census by religion and Scheduled Caste and hensive information aboul rural areas in the Scheduled Tribe is furnished here. The Town "Village Directory". This is further supplemented Directory is a new feature of 1971 Census and the by the AlJ1habetical List of Villages For faCility above information has been compiled in it for tbe of reference. first time. It bas been decided to bring out tbe The Village Directory contains comprehensive District Census Handbooli:s of 1971 in three information about tbe amenities available at tbe parts as uoder:- vilhige such as educational and medical, supply of electric power, drinking water facility, Part A communication through road, rail, kutch a road, (1) Town Directory pueca road and bus route, existence of post, telegraph and telephone facilities, etc. Further (2) Village Directory information about staple food, area under various uses like forest, cultivable land, sour~e and the village officials and scrutinised at taluka extent of irrigation, cultivable waste and name level by the Statistical Assistant before returning of the nearest town and ils distance, day on 10 this office. The Development Commissionel Ilhich 'bazar' is being held, if any, and its and tbe Director, Bureau of Economics and importance from religious, historical and archaeo­ Statistics, issued firm instructions to Ihe field logical point of view is recorded here. stiff to ensllre that tbe information was filled and scrutinised with the utmost care. After this The Primary Census Abstract contains infor­ juformation was received in the Ceosus mation about the number of occupied residential Directorate, it was subjected to a very close and houses and households, total population Including rigorous cbecking by a cell which was specially houseless and institutional population, literacy, created for tbe purpose. Tbere were a number Sc4eduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe population of poinls on which further probe became and the distribution of working population inlo necessary, wbere tbe information was found to nine industrial categories of workers and non­ be incomplete or inconsistent. Our greatest workers. hurdle was tbe reconciliation of area figures as The Analytical Report in Part C takes note reponed by tbe village officials and those reported of the social, ecollomic and demographic changes by tile District Inspector of Laud Records. A which have occurred in the District during the series of meetings had to be \beld a1 each last teo years. The administrative statistics are District Headquarter, where the Deputy Dirrctor obtained from various Departments of the State in charge of the District Census Handbook Uait Government and presented in this part which had to remain present and point out the glaring inconsistencies reported to the Taluka Develop­ also incorporates a few of the tables generated ment Officers and District Inspectors of Land from the data derived during 1971 Census.
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