FREE EACH VOLUME 34 MONTH ISSUE 12 A community-based newspaper serving the Puget Sound area since 1981 December 2015 Articles translated into six languages The newspaperTheThe of Neighborhood House —VoiceVoice visit our website at www.voice.seattlehousing.net First Hill's Streetcar debut still TBD Elections 2015 Testing and final preparations are underway roundup BY VOICE STAFF BY JONATHAN LUONG One of six The Voice intern streetcars that As of press time, the following election will service results were calculated. Certification Nov. Seattleites recently approved Proposi- residents from 24 would yield final results. tion 1, a nine-year plan that calls for $930 Capitol Hill to At-large positions (Numbers 8 and 9) are million raised through property taxes that Pioneer Square. elected to two-year terms while the seven will fund transportation and maintenance The cars are district councilmembers serve four-year projects. supplied by terms. Dubbed the ‘Move Seattle’ plan by Inekon, the City Council District No. 1 Seattle Mayor Ed Murray, funds collected Czech company Shannon Braddock: 49.60% are expected to help create new bike lanes that built Lisa Herbold: 49.74% and other transit renovations. Some people, streetcars used however, have taken issue with the fact that along South City Council District No. 2 the Department of Transportation (DOT) Lake Union since Bruce Harrell: 50.83%* will begin other projects while the First 2007. Tammy Morales: 48.93% Hill Streetcar is still facing delays and is PHOTO BY NANCY GARDNER considerably behind schedule. City Council District No. 3 a distant memory as test runs continue. While this may be disappointing to Promises made by Seattle Department Kshama Sawant: 55.947%* Norm Mah, a spokesperson for the DOT, some, major progress has been made on the of Transportation (SDOT) director Scott Pamela Banks: 44.78% Kubly to have the First Hill Streetcar run- recently admitted that there was no planned trains since the summer. start date. ning by the end of the summer are now Please see “Streetcar” on Page 6 City Council District No. 4 Rob Johnson: 51.29%* Michael Maddux: 48.23% Yesler youth club seeks support from NSF City Council District No. 5 Fusing the gap between knowledge and power is helping enrich youths' lives Debora Juarez: 64.32%* BY MEREDITH WENGER Sandy Brown: 35.14% Special to The Voice City Council District No. 6 Editor's note: Since 2011, The Big- Mike O'Brien: 61.29%* Brained Superheroes Club at Yesler Com- Catherine Weatbrook: 38.42% munity Center has been working to pro- vide the support needed for Big-Brained City Council District No. 7 Superheroes to develop and apply twelve Sally Bagshaw: 80.89%* real-world superpowers—such as kind- Deborah Zech-Artis: 18.36% ness, leadership, and critical thinking. Club leader Meredith Wenger recently travelled City Council District No. 8 to the other Washington to garner support Tim Burgess: 54.56%* from the National Science Foundation Jon Grant: 44.87% (NSF). Here's her report. City Council District No. 9 How do we best empower our kids—by Lorena González: 78.05%* putting them through programs or by giv- Bill Bradburd: 21.44% ing them a place to play? Participants in last month’s National Science Foundation Seattle Proposition 1 Maker Summit in Washington, D.C., gener- Property-tax increase to fund various trans- ally seemed to agree: yes. portation and infrastructure improvements: Yes, programs can help kids develop PHOTO COURTESY OF MEREDITH WENGER Yes: 58.66% No: 41.34% specific skills and knowledge. But let’s also give kids a place where they have the Kids ages three and older meet after school Mondays and Wednesdays at Yesler Terrace King County Proposition 1 inspiration, resources, and support they Community Center to be part of The Big-Brained Superheroes Club. Aside from LEGO Property-tax levy to fund various prevention need to take charge of their own learn- structures and magnetic sculptures, they make 3D art of all kinds, and draw, color and and early-intervention programs that sup- ing and apply and expand their skills and paint. With help from area donations, the BBS crew has made all sorts of creations out port the health and well-being of children: knowledge in ways unique to them. Or, of surplus hardware cloth, wooden stakes, used pie and muffin tins, and random bits of Yes: 56.22% No: 43.78% as Karen Wilkinson from The Tinkering electronics. Additional collaborations between the BBS and NSF are being explored. *expected winner Please see “Superheroes” on Page 4 Please see “Elections” on Page 2 Neighborhood House Nonprofit org. In this issue The Weller Building U.S. postage PAID 1225 S. Weller St. Suite 510 Seattle, WA Page 2 Seattle, WA 98144 Permit #8887 Health Notes Open enrollment info SHA News Page 3 Denny Terrace celebration Translations Page 7 2 – THE VOICE DECEMBER 2015 Be Safe Health Notes Tips for staying safe A column devoted to your during the holidays BY JOE TRENKENSCHUH is a timer device. Burglars prey on dark- well-being Seattle Neighborhood Group ened homes and businesses. If they think Open enrollment continues through Jan. 31, 2016 somebody is home, they are less likely to The holidays are the busiest time of the take the risk of being caught. A simple BY NEIGHBORCARE HEALTH year, as we often hear—and it’s best to light timed to go on can cut your chances take precautions against dangers far and of being a target. Washington Healthplanfinder, (http:// people encountered in the past. near. Seattle Neighborhood Group has the When out shopping, stay alert to your www.wahbexchange.org/), the state’s insur- Residents of Washington who qualify inside story on how to stay safe this holiday surroundings and always be careful with ance exchange, is holding its third annual for Medicaid can also continue to use season, and wants to share our tips with you. your purse or wallet. It is best to keep your open enrollment since the Affordable Care Washington Healthplanfinder to enroll. Statistics show that crime usually in- purse strapped across your body, and your Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare, was Medicaid-eligible individuals can enroll creases during and after the holiday season, wallet in a front pocket. If a stranger ap- introduced. The enrollment period for se- in health insurance through the Wash- but that is no reason to be the next victim. proaches you, be prepared for any method lecting private insurance plans runs through ington Healthplanfinder year-round. To We all love decorating our homes. Some of distraction and make an effort to distance Jan. 31, 2016, for coverage that begins Jan. 1. date, 560,000 newly-eligible residents of us choose to display pine trees that yourself from the person and situation im- This year, Washington Healthplanfinder have enrolled in our state’s medicaid plan, hover over the glittery wrapped packages. mediately. is offering 136 Qualified Health Plans called Washington Apple Health, which is However, SNG recommends not placing Many con-artists work in groups of two (QHP) from 12 different insurance compa- managed by the Washington State Health your tree near windows that face the street or three in order to distract victims. They nies – an increase in options from previous Care Authority. or high traffic areas. This creates opportu- can be quick and skilled, so it is necessary years. This should offer consumers more Qualified residents who make less than nity for a potential criminal to smash the to be alert not only in department stores competitive plans and provider network $16,000 per year, equivalent to 138% of window and grab those precious gifts you but also other places such as ATMs and choices. Since 2013, 152,000 residents have the federal poverty level, are eligible for worked so hard for. gas stations. enrolled in a QHP, many of whom qualified Washington Apple Health. It covers a wide If you celebrate a holiday that involves Whenever alcohol is involved, you for monthly premium discounts because of variety of medical care including primary the exchange of gifts, make sure to flatten should plan your commute accordingly by lower income levels. care, mental health and some dental and and recycle gifts boxes as burglars who selecting a designated driver or knowing Since our state began participating in the vision services. prowl alleys look for big-ticket items and your public transportation route ahead of ACA, the rate of uninsured Washingtonians There are certified Navigators at all of what they don’t see, they won’t go after. the revelries. has dropped by about 40 percent. However, the Neighborcare Health clinics to help in- Other popular holiday decorations that Wishing you and your loved ones a safe about 600,000 residents in the state remain dividuals apply for insurance on the Wash- can be hazardous include those irresistible and happy holiday season! uninsured. This year anyone without health ington Healthplanfinder. To schedule an cinnamon-scented candles. Always blow insurance will be fined a fee of $695 per appointment or find a Neighborcare Health out candles before leaving the house or go- adult and $347.50 per child or 2.5% of an- Navigator close to you call (206)548-3013. ing to bed. Those who celebrate Hanukkah Joe Trenkenschuh ([email protected], 206- nual income, whichever is more. If you’re and Kwanzaa with candle-lighting activities 323-7094) is a project coordinator at not enrolled yet, now is your chance! Neighborcare Health is the largest provider should also be vigilant. Seattle Neighborhood Group. Feel free Also new this year – anyone who enrolls of primary medical and dental care in Se- One of my favorite home defense gadgets to contact him for crime prevention tips in a plan through Washington Healthplan- attle for low-income and uninsured families to deploy while I’m out and about (not only or help with your safety and security finder will pay the insurance company di- and individuals, serving our community for during the holiday season, but year ‘round), concerns.
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