20 Manorhaven Blvd. Port Washington, NY 11050 516-944-7202 portjewishcenter.org May/June 2021 Iyar/Sivan/Tammuz 5781 News of the Congregation Condolences to: 1 David Silberg on the passing of his parents, Patricia & Arthur Silberg Shabbat Services Friday, May 7, 8:00 pm - Shabbat Services Friday, May 14, 8:00 pm - Shabbat Services Friday, May 21, 8:00 pm - Shabbat Services w/ Confirmation Friday, May 28, 8:00 pm - Shabbat Services Friday, June 4, 8:00 pm - Shabbat Services Friday, June 11, 8:00 pm - Shabbat Services Friday, June 18, 8:00 pm - Shabbat Services Friday, June 25, 8:00 pm - Shabbat Services Weekly Torah Portions May 7 Behar/Bechukotai 25 Iyyar Leviticus 25:1-27:34 May 14 Bamidar 3 Sivan Numbers 1:1-4:20 May 21 Nasso 10 Sivan Numbers 4:21-7:89 May 28 Beha'alotacha 17 Sivan Numbers 8:1-12:15 June 4 Shelach 24 Sivan Numbers 13:1-15:41 June 11 Korach 1 Tammuz Numbers 16:1-18:32 June 18 Chukat 8 Tammuz Numbers 19:1-22:1 June 25 Balak 15 Tammuz Numbers 22:2-25:9 2 | Port Jewish Center www.portjewishcenter.org Rabbi Alysa Mendelson Graf This month, we celebrate Shavuot, for families looking for the special kind went at warp the holiday when we celebrate receiving of Jewish home that PJC offers. speed! Jay, the Torah on Mount Sinai. According On behalf of every member of PJC-- we are all so to the Torah, God tells the people that if past, present, and future--I want to es- grateful to they listen to God’s voice and keep God’s pecially thank those who have taken the you for covenant, then they will be a treasure to extra step of serving on the Board of our being there God. The people respond by saying “‘All synagogue. There are so many benefits for PJC. Not that the Eternal has spoken will we do.” of being part of a small congregational only did you (Exodus 19: 5, 8) From the very begin- community, but one of the challenges of serve as our ning, God, through Moses, let us know our size is that there is a limited num- co-president, that being part of a community means ber of people who are available to serve. but you are the Communications Direc- making a commitment to each other. And yet, year after year, members of our tor for the Islanders with three (teenage) For over fifty years, the families of community have stepped up to serve. kids at home during a pandemic whose Port Jewish Center have been in a cov- Together, they have guided us from gen- wife has been on the frontlines as an enantal relationship with one another. eration to generation and from strength essential worker (thanks Dr. Hillary Be- Together, you/they/we built a congre- to strength. berman!). You already had plenty on your gation based on the love of Torah and I want to especially thank Mark plate and we thank you for your service the principle that each individual and Meltzer, who stepped up to serve as to our sacred community. each family in our community of Torah co-president AGAIN during a critical I want to thank every member of our is to be treasured. We started as a small time of transition for our synagogue. I current board, those whose terms are fin- collection of families who wanted to count myself as incredibly lucky to have ishing and those who are continuing, for create a sacred community for ourselves had Mark as co-president when I first everything you have done to help sustain and our children. Over the years, we not arrived at PJC almost seven years ago. our community, especially during this only embraced the Torah, we acquired a And, I count myself just as lucky to have (we hope) unique year. I look forward to Torah (four in all!) and a building. The Mark by my side during this incredibly being able to publicly thank each one of loving care of our PJC family has not difficult pandemic year. While Mark has you for your commitment to our com- only sustained our synagogue, but helped many wonderful characteristics, the most munity at our (virtual) Annual Meeting. it blossom and grow. important one is that he is, through and I hope each and every member of our Every member of PJC, each in their through, a mensch. We are all grateful community will join me at our Annual own way, has contributed to sustaining that he was willing to come back to Meeting to thank our leadership for the covenantal relationship we have with serve one more year as our co-president. their service, to hear about the incredible one another and our community. I want Todah rabah! work they’ve been doing to sustain our to thank each of you being there for PJC I also want to thank Jay Beberman, community and to learn more about our with your time, your heart and soul, your who very quickly went from serving on plans for Port Jewish Center. special talents, and your financial sup- the board, to serving as our treasurer, to port. All of it has sustained our commu- becoming our co-president. In fact, some nity. All of it has allowed us to be there might say that his journey to co-president Rabbi Alysa Mendelson Graf open arms • open minds • open hearts May/June 2021 3 Co-President Mark Meltzer — Mi Shebeirach, Kaddish and Sweet Things Fredda and I try to attend Shabbat ser- named loved one or friend. When Fred- smiles in the vices each week. It is a pleasant way to start da or I add names to the list, it is quite little Zoom the weekend, pray, sing together and keep comforting to know not only are our voices boxes become connected with our PJC family. During the praying for a full recovery, but all the bigger and past year, attending services has become congregants are praying for our loved ones the PJC more impactful than ever before. For me, as well. It is so comforting when Rabbi family shares this has been a year of reflection, isolation, Mendelson shares that a congregant, loved all that is fear and discovery. one or friend who has been ill is getting good in An unimaginable year of loss and adap- better. They are out of the hospital, walk- their lives. I tation. Recently, these difficult feelings are ing around and becoming their old self. find a consistency in the sweet things that being replaced with hope and optimism. When we arrive at the time in the ser- are brought forward. There is no men- Thank God. vice where the Kaddish is chanted, I listen tion of stock portfolios going up, politi- Although we are not meeting in person, to the names that are mentioned by congre- cal preferences, or what is wrong in the this year’s Shabbat services have been gants and Rabbi Mendelson. Mothers, world. Rather, it is all about very personal intense and emotional for me. Prayers and Fathers, Grandparents, Friends and Loved pleasures each member of the PJC family is songs that I have heard hundreds of times Ones are presented. Each name mentioned experiencing. It is about the joy and excite- had new meaning and depth. Jeremy Sipe’s is so special to each congregant. Each name ment we feel when we are with, or planning guitar, piano and voice were a sweet gift mentioned has played a significant, mean- to see, our family. It is about returning to each Shabbat as this young man energized ingful and loving role in the lives of our health after being ill. It is about securing a our congregation during these challenging congregants. These people are cherished COVID shot and the protection provided. times. Rabbi Mendelson’s insights and her and missed .They have shaped who we are. It is about the birth of child. It is about optimism about the future were reassuring, Daily events remind us of those that have graduations, new jobs, academic accom- much needed and appreciated. Seeing the passed and we wish they were still here plishments and growth. Most important, faces of my friends in their little Zoom with us to see the joy in our lives and com- it is the willingness to share these feelings boxes with their smiles, waves and energy fort us when the need arises. Chanting the with other members of the PJC family who made me optimistic and grateful. We are kaddish reminds us of these departed loved kvell with you and share your enjoyment. always so happy to see each other. ones and makes us grateful for all they Somehow, however overjoyed you feel Perhaps the most emotional and insight- have given to us. Listening to these names about your sweet thing, you become even ful times for me during these services were this year has been especially meaningful more overjoyed when you share the "news” the Mi Shebeirach, Kaddish and Sweet and poignant. Could these departed loved with your PJC family. Things. ones ever have imagined a pandemic of I thank you all for helping Fredda and Each week the congregants share the this magnitude and the impact on so many me make it through this challenging time. names of their friends and family who are lives? How comforting would it have been I thank you for the opportunity to be struggling with health issues and need a for these loved ones to be with us as we co-president during this past year.
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