* July'15,1976 / 30d PEACE AND FREEDOM THRUI NONVIOLENT ACTION PEOPLES EVENTS FOR THE BICENTENNIAL: Philadeþhia and Washingtôn DC The Food Run Enters New York Report from the Southern Walk Gay Pride Grows in Boston News from the Occupied West Bank Farmworkers Éight for Decent Housing ,"\] ,'l 1. t fl .: i I, Because a federal appeals court recentlyrefused to allõw the state Fnergy Facility Siting Council-to iescind Its pnor a.pproval of the pebble üGnu Springs nuclear-plants, the site constructîon " , permit isnow formally a*aifins llhe f 5, 1976 Vol. Xll¡ No. 25 governor's signature. But, sorñewhat July / surprisingly, Gov. Bob Stíaub has an_ nounced that he may veto the oermit. lormerly a firm supborter 4. One Cood Revolution'.,',', '" of niclear Another!'30,Q00:' !9*!ll Straub istêginning to show Deserves senstttvrty to anti-nuke pteìssure; in late People Cather in Philadelphia June ne.was publicly caltins nuclear uly 4th Murray Roqenó/ith power "a J / disaster, èconomicallv as well 6. PBC Calls for Economic as..environmentally. " yet he saj,s he i n Wash i n gtón ;' still may sign the site permit if úe de- Qe_m.o.c¡acy_ DC Ken Packman ' . cides state electricity ieeds require / " ', more nuclear potver. (He has u-ntil the 7. The Bicentennial Food Run / end of July to make up his mind.) For Mary E. Mayo such a moderate politician there would 8. Through the South with the nave þeen no reason to consider vetoing Continental Walk / Mike sgch a permit, except for the cumulativã elïects of anti-nuclear activists _ Jendrzejczyk who 10. Cay Pride Week in Boston refused to accept what the mass media / portrayed as inevitable. John Kyper J uly 4th Coalit¡on rally in philadelphia. photo _NORMANSOIOMON 12. A Letter.from the West Bank by David White. Message to my. Distant Friends / Portland, Oro. Leo Kohn confronted with the issue of feminist What is between us ¡s silence. 14. A House is not a Home LETTERS sgparatism-, gently, some- / lom_etimes I liked your a¡ticles on the problems of But look! rivers & mountains Donald Monkerud ryry psychiatric f.rrg Jtrr coarition demonsrration in. l|ï:.tältiitJä:1,:tît3lfr"t;'Jl;i' victims lWlN, ? / I / 7 61. lÍ carve up the map; cities spot 16. Changds PÍiladeþhia was the edition had an ama?jngly powertut ,iäiort ro,ïr,Lii lives been more ransint. vou the distance & roads connect 19. Reviews shot in the arm for me. dõiiù,öàìüthe could then have helped Al rñoiË dif-.. ãi'åírc"ã. i,"i ãããpiiìiãã'ti"¿ t" radicaiÉ wîo them, drawing one & one & one ferent groups and individuals tom feel they must enteitherapy but would all ie'iíinistsin their struggles, and to my I count iridescent ove.r the¡lace, each with their own aims yi|;; not want this to be a sivinà in to the Cover: The Native American and and methods, f"ñ{;;d;Ë:tft;led with psychiatric feathers on the back came tosether with such , racket. I tìhink-this is an old Black peoples' contingents lead the show of solidaritv. in iúch "'ii',-î- problem and it misht have been of the crow which $qgt experience for a love march in Philadelphia. numbers, and wiiÍr suct¡ enitnñiasm ,"ü,i "orn-on addressed. flies between us. July4th ibatúä;;;ìJä'äåiJi,"n;¡;.t!jlffi The author of one \ Photo by David White. Í:ä:lnryn.3"f,:îil3i,8:î:"u:l,"ff u, - article said that, at counfir in me than I haveèv^erfett best, psychothetapy a be- Jå'p*"i¡"i,lri" else to is dialogue Lewandowski fore. I hope the work of õ"fdilõi"ce between p_eople. In prison -Stephen the Coalition frããi""A grow anew. And there can be a the where I will contiñue in the same was one of the STAFF att spirit wã sãw iäüip"in in that. Some women have Quaker c.o.'s spoke about "co-counseling." His wife on tJre outside was part ofa co-counselihg I Dwight Ernest ¡ Ruthan.n Evanoff movement in the Philadelphia LifãCen- Mary Mayo o Susan Pines ters. (And the Vietnamesê Buddhists Murray Rosenblith friendly to the US pacifists believe we Theffiþ,:*i*ffi#Ttffi organizers fftr#ii#i?friî#it:f*Hþhå"ï-'ih" nee$-tg and everyonetihere ãi- n"ed ofoppressed groups for meditate; ihey are sorryfor us UNTNDICTED ceeded my expectationsänd too.) Marty Jezer deservJ uoiáno-y is crucial. Not all women have in tñiò masaiine CO.CONSPIRATORS s-poke of Gestalt Therapy. Aþropos of 'u*hanksan.con'iinuedg*fu the above, at the NY mè-modal Ëervice o ' : for Fritz Perls, Paul Goodman said he lan Barrv . Lance Belville Maris Cakars' ffi o Coffin' . Lynne Shatzkin Coffin¡ i{tti*ir,rålirliËi*,,iti*f: thought Perl's therapy was Susan Cákars' Jerry are right on' Thev need a continua- Ann Davidon . Diana Davies Ruth Dear tion_-ot and the first ' Douthard' r feer we need to acknowledge that we åiîfff;f,lî: major advance in, a Ralph DiCia* ' Briån Doherty'william tradition begun with pláto. Needless io Kaien Durbin* o Chuck Fager ¡ Seth Foldy lack a commonly shared uniíerstandins And t'he politics that come out of their Forest o LarryCara o LibbyHawkt ,,socialism,', say, really, Goodman's own value to us J¡m Joan of the terms lives has eñriched mine. I recommend Ñeil Haworth ? Ed Hedemann o Crace Hedemann as a radical certainly has a . r "capitalism, " etc. Is "free enterorise" to those others of us who feel open to it. lot to do with i watch with the eyes of the.bear Hendrik Hertzberg* Marty Jezerl Becky Johnson some of the insighti he explored as a Nancy Johnson ¡ Þaul Johnson o Alison Karpel synonymous with "caÞitalism?"-Does to learn from them, Maeazinejl've . Kyper . Elliot Linzert practtcrng psychoanalvst. As a theraoist i bear CraigKarpel John capitalism necessarilf mean uneoual liked are C;ountry Womõn. Second ,.organism-ih- think the Jackãon Mac Low . David McReynolds' he spoke up for the frée o r distribution of capitai? Does sociálism If,avo, Off Our Bacle, and and a has his dreams DavidMorris MarkMorris* Jim Peck ' Quert; the-environment, spoken . Fred Rosen imply bureaucracy? I'm sure that thess . lot of poetry. " and I thfnk I'm right Tad Richards lgal Roodenko* ' that in nearly every work ofhis, fic- " in this old cave Nancv Rosen . Ed Sanders o Wendy Schwartz*''' and other essential questions about the WICKIIIT'E Martha Thomases . Art Waskow Beverly Woodwafd ditection -CREPPS tional, criticàI, and therapeutic, there is i smell his winter smells ' of our econõmic life have been lìfladlcon, TYlcc. *Memberof WIN Editoriãl Board answered his counsel that the end t^o needless by some author(s) to the psychic satisfaction of some of us. suffering comes where thê between the roots and vines But. not à comection and an update on my individual 503 Ave. 5th Fl. being.very widely read and adjust-s his/her environment Atlantic / / being artlóiõ1;itldil;iiËäiril ¡n to the selfand not the other way around. that hide his cave Brooklyn, NY 11217 He puts ii{i:å"?,åT,.fi ,liåÌfl!'ii3:3üïîl':ïïl;,tiJilJißrJ¡å;*dazero it tellingly, "In adjusting which is mine for the summer Telephone : (212)624-8337, 6*24 -8595 soclety to oneself [there is the ì dutv olganror the crarificarion 'rom irie to i watch with the eyes of the bear WIN is published every Thursday except for the first lf:_lT 11 or iã;iñ;;^hñ'hiîi,ä¿ rr"u" become a revolutionary." For an rnese concepts wrthln the_movement. read: The oregon solar Institute two weeks in January, the last week in March, the first es_ extended recapitulation ofthis, there is and when my friends crawl by week in June, the last two weeks in August, and the the work ofthe Living Theatre, P¡radlse first two weeks in September by W.l.N. Magaz¡ne lnc. Now. on their bellies like snakes w¡th the support of the War Res¡sters League. Sub- scriptions are $11.00 per year. Second class postage Asaman, someofwhosecrosefriends Let us hear more about this Dart of i roar with the voice of the bear paid at New York, NY '10001. lndividual writers are Í:t,t:f"t*trgyfórthã-stn;ÑË;ã-nuãeår the story responsible for opinions expressed and accuracy of have been strong feminists, r,ve as welt. i leap with the spring of a bear. been o,"rotfi1]z;lhlTi.Pltgs -ROBEhTREISSNewYor*, facts given. Sorry-manuscripts cannot be returned IYY unless accompanied by a selËaddressed stamped en- H. Russelt velope. Printed in USA 2WlN July 1s, 1976 -Norman J uly 15. 1926 WIN 3 ,! Party and others set up information and literature sion, squ¿¡ rights for gay Pe*ople and an end tothe tablós around the back of the rally area' , oppiesdion of-women. Speakers also strçssed the ' The rally was cut short by torrential rain shortly nbäd to ,re tax money for human r¡egds\instead of after 5 pm. gy then, however, representatives armaments. Reverend Bernard Lee from the from mänv d¡iferent orsanizations had addressed Southern Christian Leadership Confererfrce (ahd ; thè gatheiing, emphasì-zing the themes of inde- an organizer for the Southern Continental Walk) One Good Revolution Deserves Another! penðence foi Puerto Rico, sovereignty for Ameri- spoke in place of Ralph Abernathy,,who was' can lndian nations, an end to government repres- hospitalized. Other speakers included Karen,De Crgw, national president of NOW; Dr. Helen Rodriguez, Helen Sobell, New York State Assemblywoman Marie Runyon and pe-ace activist David Dellinger.
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