S4788 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 24, 2021 its history and accomplishments toward im- bers the countless lives the Chinese Com- (1) the fraternal benefit society model is a proving the standing of China as a world munist Party has destroyed and the people successful private sector economic and social power; currently living in fear of its tyrannical am- support system that helps meet needs that Whereas untold millions of Chinese citi- bitions. would otherwise go unmet; zens became casualties of the Chinese Com- f (2) the provision of payment for life, munist Party’s quest for power, enduring se- health, accident, or other benefits to the vere loss and suffering in what amounts to SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLU- members of fraternal benefit societies in ac- humanity’s worst atrocities since World War TION 10—EXPRESSING THE cordance with section 501(c)(8) of the Inter- II; SENSE OF CONGRESS THAT TAX- nal Revenue Code of 1986 is necessary to sup- Whereas, during the Yan’an Rectification EXEMPT FRATERNAL BENEFIT port the charitable and fraternal activities Movement from 1942 to 1945, more than 10,000 SOCIETIES HAVE HISTORICALLY of the volunteer chapters within the commu- people were killed as the Chinese Commu- nities of fraternal benefit societies; nity Party attempted to attack and replace PROVIDED AND CONTINUE TO (3) fraternal benefit societies have adapted intellectuals with people who supported the PROVIDE CRITICAL BENEFITS TO since 1909 to better serve their members and Communist ideology; THE PEOPLE AND COMMUNITIES the public; and Whereas, during the Chinese Land Reform OF THE UNITED STATES (4) the exemption from taxation under sec- of 1949 to 1953, an estimated 4,700,000 land- Ms. STABENOW (for herself, Mr. tion 501(c)(8) of the Internal Revenue Code of owners were murdered in order to redis- 1986 of fraternal benefit societies continues tribute land to peasantry; CRAPO, Mr. CASEY, Mr. RISCH, Mr. to generate significant returns to the United Whereas, during the Campaign to Suppress CARDIN, Mr. BLUNT, Ms. SMITH, Mr. States, and the work of fraternal benefit so- Counterrevolutionaries from 1950 to 1952, an YOUNG, Ms. KLOBUCHAR, Mr. THUNE, Mr. cieties should continue to be promoted. estimated 712,000 people were executed for PETERS, Mr. LANKFORD, Ms. BALDWIN, f their political views and 1,300,000 more were Mr. PORTMAN, Mr. MERKLEY, Mr. SCOTT sentenced to ‘‘labor reform’’; TEXT OF AMENDMENTS Whereas, during the Three-anti Campaign of South Carolina, Mr. BROWN, Mr. in 1951 and the Five-anti Campaign in 1952, DAINES, Mr. MANCHIN, and Mr. TOOMEY) SA 2120. Mr. DURBIN (for Mr. KELLY) Mao Zedong humiliated, terrorized, exiled, submitted the following concurrent proposed an amendment to the resolu- imprisoned, and killed thousands of political resolution; which was referred to the tion S. Res. 270, honoring the memory opponents and capitalists, weakening the Committee on Finance: of the fallen heroes of the Granite economies of the major urban centers of S. CON. RES. 10 Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew; China; as follows: Whereas, during the Sufan Movement from Whereas the fraternal benefit societies of 1955 to 1957, the Chinese Communist Party the United States are longstanding mutual In the fourth whereas clause of the pre- carried out a purge of hidden counter- aid organizations created more than a cen- amble, strike ‘‘lightening’’ and insert ‘‘light- revolutionaries, arresting an estimated tury ago to serve the needs of communities ning’’. and provide for the payment of life, health, 214,000 people and executing approximately f 53,000 people; accident, and other benefits to their mem- Whereas, during the Anti-Rightist Cam- bers; AMENDMENTS SUBMITTED AND paign from 1957 to 1959, approximately 550,000 Whereas fraternal benefit societies rep- PROPOSED people suffered exile, imprisonment, and exe- resent a successful, modern-day model under SA 2120. Mr. DURBIN (for Mr. KELLY) pro- cution as Mao Zedong conducted a purge of which individuals come together with a com- mon purpose to collectively provide chari- posed an amendment to the resolution S. ‘‘rightists,’’ credited for creating the modern Res. 270, honoring the memory of the fallen one-party state of China; table and other beneficial activities for soci- ety; heroes of the Granite Mountain Interagency Whereas, during the Great Chinese Famine Hotshot Crew. from 1959 to 1961, an estimated 30,000,000 peo- Whereas fraternal benefit societies operate ple died as a result of the policy of the Chi- under a chapter system, creating a nation- f wide infrastructure, combined with local en- nese Communist Party, which prioritized in- AUTHORITY FOR COMMITTEES TO dustrialization over agriculture, remembered ergy and knowledge, which positions fra- today as one of the greatest man-made disas- ternal benefit societies to most efficiently MEET ters in human history; address unmet needs in communities, many Mrs. STABENOW. Mr. President, I Whereas, during the Socialist Education of which the government cannot address; have 8 requests for committees to meet Movement from 1963 to 1965, an estimated Whereas the fraternal benefit society during today’s session of the Senate. model represents one of the largest member- 5,000,000 people were persecuted and 77,560 They have the approval of the Majority were executed for their political beliefs; volunteer networks in the United States, Whereas, during the Tiananmen Square with approximately 8,000,000 people of the and Minority leaders. Massacre on June 4, 1989, an estimated 10,000 United States belonging to more than 25,000 Pursuant to rule XXVI, paragraph protestors were arrested or killed by the local chapters across the country; 5(a), of the Standing Rules of the Sen- People’s Liberation Army after the Chinese Whereas research has shown that the value ate, the following committees are au- Communist Party declared martial law; of the work of fraternal benefit societies to thorized to meet during today’s session Whereas, since the transfer of sovereignty society is more than $3,800,000,000 per year, of the Senate: of Hong Kong in 1997, the Chinese Com- accounting for charitable giving, educational COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES munist Party has increasingly undermined programs, and volunteer activities, as well the autonomy and judicial independence of as important social capital that strengthens The Committee on Armed Services is Hong Kong, resulting in a series of deadly the fabric, safety, and quality of life in thou- authorized to meet during the session protests and demonstrations; sands of local communities in the United of the Senate on Thursday, June 24, Whereas, as of June 2021, an estimated States; 2021, at 9 a.m., to conduct a hearing. Whereas, in 1909, Congress recognized the 1,000,000 Uighur Muslims are subject to mass COMMITTEE ON BANKING, HOUSING, AND URBAN value of fraternal benefit societies and ex- detention and torture, including electric AFFAIRS shock, waterboarding, beatings, rape, forced empted those organizations from taxation, sterilization, forced prostitution, stress posi- as later codified in section 501(c)(8) of the In- The Committee on Banking, Housing, tions, forced administration of unknown ternal Revenue Code of 1986; and Urban Affairs is authorized to medication, cold cells, and organ harvesting Whereas fraternal benefit societies have meet during the session of the Senate in re-education camps in the Xinjiang prov- adapted since 1909 to better serve the evolv- on Thursday, June 24, 2021, at 10 a.m., ince of China; ing needs of their members and the public; to conduct a hearing. Whereas the efforts of fraternal benefit so- Whereas, as of June 2021, an estimated COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE, SCIENCE, AND cieties to help people of the United States 150,000 Tibetan Buddhists live in exile in TRANSPORTATION India and Nepal, 62 years after their leader, save money and be financially secure re- the Dalai Lama, sought refuge from a Chi- lieves pressure on government safety net The Committee on Commerce, nese uprising in Tibet; and programs; and Science, and Transportation is author- Whereas, as of June 2021, the Chinese Com- Whereas Congress recognizes that fraternal ized to meet during the session of the munist Party exerts increasing political, benefit societies have served their original Senate on Thursday, June 24, 2021, at 10 military, economic, and social pressure on purpose for more than a century, helping a.m., to conduct a hearing on nomina- Taiwan in order to undermine its freedom countless individuals, families, and commu- tions. and independence: Now, therefore, be it nities through fraternal member activities: COMMITTEE ON ENERGY AND NATURAL Resolved, That it is the sense of the Senate Now, therefore, be it that, as the world acknowledges the 100th Resolved by the Senate (the House of Rep- RESOURCES anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party resentatives concurring), That it is the sense The Committee on Energy and Nat- on July 1, 2021, the Senate solemnly remem- of Congress that— ural Resources is authorized to meet VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:07 Jun 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00054 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JN6.095 S24JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE.
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