JijUy 9. FLLETT. \VM. M. JIILI.. President. OasMer. Assist at Casbi' "' MTONAL STATE E>m, eichmo.xd, -, a. i.Jormerly >.it(.c Ban.; of Virginia.) Capital, $500,000 Surplus, $300,000 your Busiinesf Res'pectlully SolioiteU, es C3 <8 The Norfli Cdrolinei '^*K-i c-^ es 69^ /I t/9 z O o > z O X Uk u i C3 CS5 o rrTcs ^'^ CO \ PUBLISHED EVERY YEAR BY i ne News and Observer. CO RALEIGH,N.C. Capital $150,000 Southern Life Insurance Go. T* Ovei' $100,000.00 la approved securities deposited with the V snrance Departiiienl of tlie State of North Carolina, as an additic i protection to every polify holdci. *' "The SOUTiLERX is a o are "Protection." THE XORTH CAROLINA YEAR BOOK. C MECHANICS SAVINGS BANK CHAS. E. JOHNSON, Pres. WALTERS DURHAM, Cashier. C. B. EDWARDS, V-Pres. Save part of your earning-s. 4 pei' cent, interest paid on tlei)osits. CAPITAL STOCK $15,(100.00 UNDIVIDED PJlOnTS $17,000.00 DEPOSITS . ; !i;3(10,01!0.00 Four per cent, interest paid on deposits. Parker & Hunter Insurance and Real Estate / 1 East Martin Street RALEIGH, N. C. Pew people tliinli. A great many tiiinli tliey thiiili. And a great many only tliink They think they think. Now Think About This The higliest, most serviceable quality is m" every inch of the workmanship and finish of a DURHAM BUGGY. They are me- chanically right and the style and quality of this Southern built vehicle Avill please you. A line of well satisfied customers warrant the statement. Write for our handsome 1908 catalogue. Durham Buggy Company, Fine Vehicle Builders, - ' Carolina I D THE NORTH CAROLINA YRAR BOOK. The Leading FURNITURE Stare~of Virginia and Norlli Carolina. SYDNOR&HUNDLEY (INCORPORATED.) The Latest in Druggets, Rugs and Carpets. Photographs furnished upon application. 709-711-713 E. Broad St., RICHMOND, VA. Bridal Suits a Specialty. I rlKaari Life Insurance Company of Virginia J. G. WALKER, President. T. WM. PEMBERTON, 1stVice-Pres. W. L T. ROGERSON, Secretary. ORGAXIZKD 1871. Th^e PIONEER Southern Industrial Insurance Company: The OLDEST Southern Life Insurance Company: The LARGEST Southern Life Insurance Co. Issues the Most Approved Forms of LIFE, ENDOWMENT and INDUSTRIAL POLICIES, Assets Over $ 3,500,000.00 Insurance in Force Over $60,000,000.00 Payments to Policyholders Over $ 8,000,000.00 The North Carolina Year Book TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page Page ALTITUDE 215 Vote for Superior Court Judges.. 65 ATTOKNEYS 96-100 PENSION STATISTICS 27 BANKS AND BANKERS 195-203 PHYSICIANS 104-112 National Banks 201-202 PLATFORMS 51-54 Private Banks 203 Democratic 51-53 Savings Banks 202-203 Republican 53-54 State Banks 195-201 POLITICAL ORGANIZATIONS 49-51 BANK STATISTICS 27 Democratic 49-50 BUILDING & LOAN ASS'NS 27 Republican 50-51 CAPITAL INVESTED 27 POST OFFICES 23 CLIMATE 215 PUBLIC HOLIDAYS 215 CHUKCHES 113-ia] RAILROADS 35-37 Baptist 12G-131 RAILWAY STATISTICS 25-26 Christian (Disciples) 115 SALARIES STATE OFFICIALS.... 14 16 Christian Science 114 SCHOOLS 133-190 EvangL-lical Lutheran 117-118 Denominational Colleges 133 Free Will Baptist 118-119 Colore d Schools 135 Mtthodist Prot.stant 114-115 Educational Statistics 135-136 Methodist Episcopal (So.) 122-126 Educational Statistics— Moravian 114 By counties 190 Presbyt.jrian 120-122 Graded Schools 1.38-140 Primitive Baptist 131 High Schools 136-137 Protestant Episcopal 119-120 Private Schools 140-143 Reformed 114 Prominent Private Schools 133 Roman Catho'ic 114 Public School teachers 143-189 Society of Friends 116 State Institutions 133 Southern Christian 116-117 SOCIETIES AND ORGANIZATIONS 38-43 Summarv Statistics 113 Agricultural Society 47 CO. AFFAIRS AND OFFICIALS— Architectural Association 42 Arranged alphabetically 72-95 Association of Academies 42 CORPORATIONS CHARTERED.... 190 Association of Wholesale Dealers, COTTON, SILK AND WOOLEN Millers and Manufacturers of the MILLS 203-208 Carolinas 47-48 DENTISTS 101-103 Bankers' Association 41 DIVORCE LAWS 28 Bar Association 41 ELECTORAL VOTE— Chemical Society 40 State 58 Colonial Dames 39 United States 213 . Confederate Veterans 38-39 FAIRS 213 Cotton Growers' Association 48 FURNITURE FACTORIES 209-210 D'aughters of (Confederacy 39 GAME BIRDS 28 Daughters of the Revolution 46-47 INCORPORATED TOWNS AND Daughters of the Averican Revo- MAYORS 21U-213 lution 47 INDEBTEDNESS AND RESOURCES Dental Society 40 OF NORTH CAROLINA 63-71 Elks 46 INTEREST LAW 190 Farmers' Alliance 42 INSURANCE STATISTICS 27 Firemans' Association 43 INDIANS 27 Funeral Directors and Embalmers 43 JUDICIAL OFFICERS 61-63 G. A. R 39 Associate Justices Supreme Court. 61-62 Horticultural Society 42 Attorney-Generals 62 J. 0. U. A. M 45-46 Chief Justices Supreme Court.... 61 Knights of Pythias 43 Clerks of Supreme Court 62 Library Association 42 Judges Superior Court 62 Literary and Historical Associa- Marshals of Supreme Court 62 tion 42 Reporters of Supreme Court 62 Masonic Orders— KNITTING MILLS 208 Grand Chapter Royal Arch LAND GRANTS 48 Masons 44 NEWSPAPERS 191-195 Grand Commandery Knights OFFICIAL VOTE OF THE STATE.. 54-58 Templar 45 Congressional vote, 19^)6 55-57 Grand Council Royal and Select Official Vote for President. 1904.. 57 Masters 45 Popular vote for President 57-58 Grand Lodge of Masons 44 Vote for member N. C. Cor. Com. 54-55 Medical Association 46 <T>*Dea(yrSr|couNc^> THE NORTH CAROLINA YEAR BOOK. Page Page Medical Society 40 STATE OFFICERS 58-61 N. 0. Board Pharmacy 40 Auditors 59 48 Commissioners of 69 Nature Study Society" Agriculture.... Odd Fellows 43 Commissioners of Labor 59 Order of the Cincinnati 40 Governors 68 Pharmaceutical Association 40 Presidents of U. S. Senate 60 Poultry Association 42 Railroad Commissioners 69 Press Association 39-40 Secretaries of the Navy 60 Red Men 45 Secretaries of State 69-60 Retail Merchants' Association.... 47 Speakers of the House 60-61 Royal Arcanum 40 Speakers of U. S. House 60 Sons of the Confederacy 39 Speakei'S of the Senate 60 Sons of the Revolution 46 State Comptrollers 69 State Federation of Labor 44 State Treasurers 60 Tochers' Assembly 41 U. S. Senators 60 SOLDIERS HOME 28 STATE RECEIPTS AND EXPEN- DITURES 23-25 STATE GUARD 19-22 SUPERIOR COURTS, TIME OF STATE GOVERNMENT— HOLDING 30-32 Executive 8-14 TAX COMMISSION REPORT 214-216 .Judicial 33-35 TEMPERANCE INFORMATION. .. 25 j Li gisJative 16-19 ' TOBACCO STATISTICS 28 STATE INSTITUTIONS EST. 1907. 28 Y. M. C. A 113-114 INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. Page Page Allen's Forty Lessons Double Entry National State Bank, Richmond Bookkeeping G Top of front cover American Book Company 134 News and Observer 17 Antietam Paper Company E Norfolk & Southern Railvs-ay 11 A. & M. College for the Colored Race, Normal and Collegiate Institute, Ashe- Greensboro 1E9 ville 157 Atlantic Fire Ins. Co 24 North Carolina State Normal and In- Baptist University for Women, Raleigh. 147 dustrial College, The 141 Bank of Tarboro 71 North State Mutual Life Insurance Co.. 34 Barrett & Thompson 40 North Carolina College of Agriculture Bromo-Seltzer B and Mechanic Arts, The 137 Christopher Engraving Co., Richmond.. 112 Parker & Hunter O Citizens Norfolk Bank, 5 Peace Institute, Raleigh 145 Citizens National Bank, Raleigh 22 Peoples Bank, New Bern 42 Clayton Banking Co., Clayton 44 Presbyterian College for Women, Char- Commercial and Farmers Bank, Raleigh. 9 lotte 149 Doblrr iV Mudge, Baltimore, Md E Raleigh Banking and Trust Co 29 Durham Bu^gy Co., Durham C Marble Works, Bros., Edwards & Broughton 1S9 Raleigh Cooper Props G Elizabeth College, Charlotte 1.55 Bank, 37 Farmer and Mechanic 131 Raleigh Savings Raleigh Saint 143 First National Bank, Durham 15 Mary's School, Raleigh Seotti.sh Fire Insurance Co., Fayette- First National Bank, Richmond 31 ville P Fourth National Bank, Fayetteville 36 S"curity Life & Annuity Co., The 32 Greensboro Female Greensboro. 1.51 College, Smithdeal's Business Rich- Horner Oxford 153 College, Military School, mond, Va E Tffftrson Standard Lif-^ Ins. Co 7 Southern Life Insurance Co., Fay- Johnsnn, B. F., Publish Rich- Co., etteville Bottom of front cover mond, Va 132 State The Great 41 Jovce Engraving Co., The Maurice, Fair, Washington 95 .1. Southgate & Son G Keeley Institute, Greensboro 19 Svdnor & Hundley. Richmond, Va D 13 Kings Business College 163-lSl Sydnor Pump & Well Co Life Insurance Company of Virginia, W. T. Terry F Richmond, Va D University of North Carolina 138 e'. M. 100 Mechanics Savings Bank, Raleigh C Uzzell, & Co., Raleigh Mechanics k Investors Union G Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co., Rich- cover ^tlIrphy's Hotel, Richmond P mond, Va...' Back \ational Bank. The, Fav-tteville 77 Virginia State Ins. Co., Richmond P National Bank of Virginia, Richmond, Wake County Savings Bank, Raleigh 43 Va Side of front cover Yarborough House, The 45 MORTH CAKOLINAS RESOURCES. NORTH CAROLINA'S RESOURCES, By GOVERNOR R. B. GLENN. Industrially, North Carolina has evolved to that position of prosperity and output where the oniy limits upon continued expansion are those which result from basic limitations. That is to say, that whereas the problem of former years was to secure the in- vestmtnt of the capital of the State in active State industrial enterprise, the time has come when the lesson has been so WjU karned that the question has shifted to the procurement of the necessary capital to carry out the plans of an industrially awakened citizenry. In industrial development, the mills that manufacture fabrice still lead in im- portante. The State has taken first place among all those in the U.nion in the number of textile manufactories and is second to Massachusetts in point of value of production. The growth of this industry is t.vpical of that of the State, is in a large sense the index of its prosperity, for what has been done in cotton milling, while done in larger figures, has been equalled if not exceeded in other numerous lines of industry.
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