
SANIBEL — CAPT1VA Vol. 16, No. 9 Tuesday, March 2, 1976 1 section — 10 cents Shell Fair starts Thursday! The Planning Commission began yesterday's meeting with a "standing room only" crowd who had come to talk for and against a request by Joseph Kueharski, to build eleven 1.500 sq ft. restricted commercial buildings between the two Yachtsman Drives. The Commission took exception to the fact that in the petition a 4.500 sq. ft. restaurant had been called for but the building was not on the blueprint nor had any parking been allocated for the 200-seat restaurant. KueharsM said that if the commission did not want a restaurant, be would aot pat cue in. Richard Brodeur, representing Kocfaarski, said the plan as presented complied wiikall the requirements of 76-1 after the Commfesioaers said feat the Meat of the restricted commercial area was aot to create a shopping center but to cater to the "mom and pop" type businesses. Brodeur asked for a list of BOB-eompliaBces so that Ms client would know what to do. whereupon George Teasey said that perhaps the Commission had erred in their judgement about what the restricied eonmiereiai meant in theory and hew it came out in practice. Chairman Basse White said that KueharsM was asking forpartof the iand use plan which is now under revision and rsnini«d tibe petltlaoer &at as of the moment no plan had yet been adopted. " :'"- • Several of fie residents of tfae east Island Beigbborliood spoke against the project; several spoke for the project. KueharsM said that he had worked wiOi members of the planning commission and with the mayor and had believed he was complying with the intent of the plan as well as 76-1, md that he was acting in good faith. Had he received an infavorable response from individual members of the lanning commission, he said that he would never have Dent $6,006 or $1,000 on-engineering work. A motion was made to deny the request and then amen- ;d. The amendment said that the compatibility of the RC-l •quest with adjacent property was in question and that the :quest was inconsistent with any amendment to the reposed comprehensive land use plan. Both motions were passed unanimously. Five-minute itermissioawas called, after which KueharsM said that the roperty had changed in zoning three times, from con- lOminium to duplex to commercial, that he came before the lommission in good faith, and attempted to do what he thought the plan called for. However, he saw no way that the problems could be solved outside of a court of law and ' 'I will spend every damn doEar I have to do it. I don't believe there contd on p. 17 What's happening toaay at city hall CITY OF SANIBEL of Martin's Unrecorded Subdivision in the Southwest County, Florida (on the Northeast corner and Southeast AGENDA Quarter of Section 27, Township 46 South, Range 22 East, corner of the intersection of Tarpon Bay Road and Gulf COUNCIL MEETING Sanibel, Lee County, Florida. , Drive). March 2, 1976 10:30 a.m. 7. Consider request by Velma Ridge and Gordon 2:15 p.m. 11. Discussion of proposed building plans, in- Tracy to construct facilities for a 95-unit travel trailer park, cluding recreational facilities - Richard M. Wilson, Chair- section 26, Township 46 South, Range 22 East, {at the end of man, Sanibel Community Association Building Committee. 9:00 a.m. 1. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance Dunlop Street), Sanibel, Lee County, Florida. (LeBuff). 2. Approval of Minutes of previous meetings 2:45 p.m. 12. Consider approving Sanibel Causeway (September 16, 1975, February 3, 6, 17 and 24, 1976), 3. 11:15 a.m. 8. Consider request by Edward T. Carmody to Resolution. Correspondence. construct a single-family dwelling on Lot 6, Sea Side Sub- division, Section 28, Township 46 South, Range 22 East, 9:20 a.m. 4. Continuation ef public hearing and second Sanibel, Lee County, Florida (Gulf Drive). 3:00 p.m. 13. First reading of proposed Ordinance reading of an Ordinance Appropriating Funds from 1975 Ad regulating bicycle traffic on bicycle path and Periwinkle Valorem Tax Receipts to pay May 1975 Series Tax 11:30 a.m. 9. Consider request by Dave Holtzman to Way. Anticipation Notes and Interest Accumulated Thereon. construct three (3) additional two-story buildings {42 units) at Shell Harbor Inn,- Lindgren Boulevard and Gulf Drive, 3:30 p.m. 14. City Attorney's Report. 9:30 a.m. 5. Public Hearing and second reading of an Sanibel, Lee County, Florida. Ordinance Providing For the Issuance of Warrants Against 3:45 p.m. 15- City Manager's Report. And In Anticipation of The Taxes to be Levied by the City for 12:00Noon Lunch. the Year 1976 For General Corporate Purposes, To An 4:15 p.m. 16. Mayor and Councilmen Reports. Amount Not To Exceed $225,000. 1:30 p.m. 10. Consider request by Herta Trost to con- struct a Holiday Inn Motel complex and residential sub- 4:30 p.m. 17. Public Inquiries and Comments. 10:fl0 a.m. 6. Consider request by Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. division in Section 35, Township 46 South, Range 22 East, and Bertram to construct four (4) duplexes on Lots 1, 2,17 and 18 Section 26, Township 46 South, Range 22 East, Sanibel, Lee Adjournment. March 2,1976 The ISLANDER political and governmental SAN1BEL-CAPTIVA ISLANDER Activities SANIBEL PLANNING COMMISSION, officially established by Established 1961 the Sanibel City-Council on February 25, 1975, wiil hold reguiar meetings every Monday at 9:30 a.m., at Sanibet City Bfftor .. Virginia N.Brown Calendar HaSi. The Pvbiic is invited to attend. FIRE DEPARTMENT meets every 2nd and 4th Thursday at 7:30, Palm Ridge Road Firehouse. These listings are presented as a public service for visitors Classified Rates:'S1.00 minimum for 10 words or less; and motel owners {who may get tired of reciting iong lists for SAN18EL-CAPTWA CONSERVATSON FOUNDATION Board of five cents per word thereafter. their guests) by the Sanibel Captiva ISLANDER. If you have Directors meets the second Tuesday of each month at 3:30 3 service, either paid for or free, which you think should be p.m. included, please call the ISLANDER office at 472-1881. Thank FIRE CONTROL DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS hold their you. regular meetings on the second Tuesday of the month at Deadlines: Advertising- Wednesday 5 p.m. B 1:00 p.m. at the new firehouse, on Palm Ridge Road. The Ciassrtfeds may be phoned > * (472-1 31) up to Thurs. noon. pub! ic is invited to attend. Please cail classifieds and subscriptions to 463-4421 if you things to do can't reach 472-1881. BINGO MUREX American Legion Home, Wednesdays 8 libraries p.m. -no minors. ISLANDER OFFICE CAPTiVA LIBRARY - Open Tuesdays and Saturdays, 9:30 a.m. 2398 Palm Ridge Road, Sanibel, FL 33957. Sanibel phone BIRD TOURS - Griffin Bancroft, 472-1447, GeorgeWeymou, ' to Noon. 472-1881. 472-1516. SANIBEL PUBLIC LIBRARY - Open Monday through Satur- Published every Tuesday. Second class postage paid at Fort FISHING GUIDES FOR CHARTER: Capt. Ted Cole, 472-2723; Myers Beach, Florida, 33931. Capt. Doug Fischer, 472-1551; Cspf. Baughn Haiioway, 472- laylQ a.m. to 4 p.m. Closed Sundays. y" 2802; Capt. Beltort Johnson, 472-1122; Capf. John Johnson, 472-1020; Capt. Bob Sabatino, 472-1784; Capt. Duke Sells, 472-1784; Esperanza Woodring, 472-112; Capt. Chic Kennedy,2 how to get there 472-4087; Capt. Herb Purdy, 472-1849, (also offers sightseeing, trips). BOATS (FISHING) TO RENT - Blind Pass Marina, 472-1020, island Boat Rental, 472-2228, 'Tween Waters Marina, 472- NATURAL HISTORY FIELD TRIPS to Sanibei's wildlife habi- 1784, Tarpon Bay C canoes), 472-1323. tats by Richard Beebe and George Campbell. Tuesdays and Thursdays by appointment. For reservations ca!! 472-2180. BOATS (SAIL) TO RENT - Snook Mote!, 472-1345, The Colony, Wednesday's Open Trip: meet at Santbs! Elementary School 472-1424. parking lot, Sanibei-Captiva road at 9:0B am. Wednesday fee: S4 per person. BICYCLES FOR RENT: Hines Rental 472-2874 or check the NOAH'S ARK - Thrift shop open Tuesaay through Friday motel you are staying In. OF SANIBEL THE ISLANDS" BOCTIQUL 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Located In back of St. Michael's ana A15 Angel's Episcopal Churrh. Just arrived!!! SHELLING TOURS - Beach Bay Bayou, 4/2-1315; Saugftn Church Calendar"— Haiioway, 472-2802; DukeSeiis, 472-1734; Tarpon.Bay Marina 472-1323. CAPTIVA CHAPEL BY THE SEA New DRESSES by TflNNER! SIGHTSEEING TOURS - Herb Purely, 472-1333 or 472-1845; The Rev. Dr. R Ganss Little Tarpon Bay Marina fcanoes), 472-1323,- Capt. Chic Kennedy, Sundays V,-Ma.m. ! 472-4087, Sanibel Alarina. 1717 Periwinkle V\ tiv "Sumbci's Finest' 472-1070 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES SIGHTSEEING INFORMATION - U.S. Fish & WiicHfe Service, : 472 1100. Sanibei Public Library " " Sunday 11:0O a.m. - Wednesday 8:G0 p.m. HAND CRAFTED GiFTS CRAFT SUPPLIES TENNIS & SCUBA EQUIPMENT (RENTAL), The Real Eel, 472-2674. WATER SKIING - Herb P'»-rf" ~-•-- HOURS: 10 TO 5 CLOSED SUNDAY 2365 PERIWINKLE WAY, SANiBEL ISLAND Breakstone products Sweatshirts Original Sanibel Honey DOMESTIC F1LLO & IMPORTED DOUGH WINE & BEER 9 0 GROCERIES BEER e GIFTS * GOURMET FOODS _ _-*. .i mmigan, Paster 1:30 every third Thursday of the month. For Details, phone Sunday (nursery to age 7} 9:15&T1:00 a.m. 472-2425. Sunday School (ages 4-12) 9:15 a.m. SPIRITUALIST CHURCH SANIBEL-CAPTIVA SHELL CLUB meets 3rd Wednesday, 8 Rev.
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