S1650 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 26, 1997 reached the level of debt that our coun- the Social Security exemption would imous-consent requests to discharge try is expected to face in the next cen- amount to more than the Clinton tax H.R. 499, which passed unanimously in tury without monetizing the debt, increase and those two sources of sav- the House of Representatives on Feb- printing more money, and experiencing ings combined. It would obviously be ruary 5, 1997, in order to complete the destructive, rampant inflation. very difficult to find any consensus for naming of this post office for a great If inflation drives the cost of basic such huge reductions, and therein lies patriot, a great friend, and a wonderful goods and services beyond the reach of the rub. I am very concerned that the Congressman from Texas. most Americans—if, for example, bread Social Security issue—that older Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- costs $100 a loaf—it will not matter Americans—are being made the scape- sent that the Governmental Affairs that a retiree’s $1,000 Social Security goats for a vote against the balanced Committee be discharged from further check arrives promptly in the mail. budget amendment. consideration of H.R. 499; and further, The worst enemy of those on fixed in- Mr. President, if proponents of the that the Senate proceed to its imme- comes is inflation. exemption are serious about wanting diate consideration. So the exemption neither guards to balance the budget, excluding Social The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without against cuts in benefits nor ensures Security, then they should lay out how objection, it is so ordered. The clerk that the government has the ability to they will deal with tomorrow’s Social will report. repay its debts to the trust fund to Security deficit as well as how they in- The legislative clerk read as follows: cover future benefits. It is a false tend to cover the $706 billion gap in the A bill (H.R. 499) to designate the facility of promise to the millions of Americans short term. the United States Postal Service under con- who depend on Social Security to meet struction at 7411 Barlite Boulevard in San Or they should simply admit that Antonio, Texas, as the ‘‘Frank M. Tejeda their most basic of needs. they do not support a balanced Federal Post Office Building.’’ Leaving Social Security under the budget. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there balanced budget amendment will, how- Several Senators addressed the objection to the immediate consider- ever, make sure that the retirement Chair. ation of the bill? system remains safe, sound, and bal- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- There being no objection, the Senate anced. And that is important because, ator from Iowa. proceeded to consider the bill. while the system is running annual f Mr. GRAMM. Mr. President, I am surpluses now, it will soon begin run- MORNING BUSINESS honored to join my colleague, Senator ning huge deficits. Beginning in 2012, KAY BAILEY HUTCHISON, in offering a Social Security will begin spending Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I ask tribute to our late colleague, Congress- more than it collects in payroll taxes. unanimous consent that there now be a man Frank Tejeda. By 2029, benefits will amount to more period for the transaction of morning Frank will be remembered as a man than all payroll tax revenue, accumu- business, with Senators permitted to who dedicated his life to serving Amer- lated surpluses, and interest—meaning speak for up to 10 minutes each. ica. He was widely admired for his that the trust fund will have neither The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without friendly common sense, but in par- sufficient income nor savings to meet objection, it is so ordered. ticular for the special place that he then-current obligations. If allowed to Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, with- kept in his heart for the men and continue operating in deficit, the So- out losing my right to the floor, I yield women who wear the uniform of our cial Security Program will rack up $7 2 minutes to the Senator from Texas. country. trillion in debt by 2070. These deficits f In his short tenure, Frank Tejeda left are the greatest threat to the Social FRANK M. TEJEDA POST OFFICE his mark on our country, on the people Security system. BUILDING of Texas, and most personally on the Mr. President, the exemption will not people of San Antonio, who knew him protect benefits or guarantee repay- Mrs. HUTCHISON. Mr. President, I best. It is most fitting that we des- ment of IOU’s to cover future benefits. thank the Senator from Iowa, because ignate the Post Office facility to be It will not even ensure that Social Se- it is very important that we pass a bill constructed in San Antonio as the curity surpluses are invested in some- tonight. It is for a fallen colleague on ‘‘Frank M. Tejeda post office Build- thing other than government IOU’s. the other side of the rotunda. We lost ing,’’ not to remind people of who But it will make it far more difficult to the Congressman from San Antonio a Frank was, for they do not need to be balance the rest of the budget by not few weeks ago at the age of 51 to a bat- reminded. We designate the facility in allowing the amounts invested in Gov- tle with cancer. Frank’s name to recall for future gen- ernment securities to be counted to- Frank Tejeda was a great Congress- erations that a man, whose life was too ward a balanced budget. man, he was a great friend, and he was short, made a difference and will live That would mean Congress would a patriot for this country. He left high in our hearts. have to cut spending, raise taxes, or school at the age of 17, joined the Ma- The Frank M. Tejeda Building will both by an additional $706 billion over rine Corps, came back and graduated stand as a monument for dedication, the 5-year period 2002 through 2007 be- from St. Mary’s University. He then commitment, and for the precept that yond what would be necessary to bal- went on to distinguish himself and with God-given talents and the will to ance a unified budget. earn degrees in law from U.C. Berkeley work, we can do anything we set out to The exclusion would force deep and Yale, as well as a masters in public do in America. Frank Tejeda epito- spending cuts—an additional across- administration from Harvard. mized those qualities in his life and we the-board reduction of 10 percent—in Frank Tejeda was a hero. He earned honor him. education, the environment, Medicare, the Bronze Star for valor, and received Mrs. HUTCHISON. Mr. President, on law enforcement, and other discre- the Purple Heart for wounds sustained behalf of Senator PHIL GRAMM and my- tionary spending programs. Or, it in combat in Vietnam. But most of all, self, I ask unanimous consent that the would require huge tax increases—up he never forgot where he was from— bill be deemed read a third time and to 12 percent higher than they are south San Antonio, TX. As a leader in passed; that the motion to reconsider today. his community and as a public servant, be laid upon the table; and that any To put that into perspective, Presi- Frank always remembered the people statements relating to the bill appear dent Clinton’s 1993 tax increase he represented and was always there at the appropriate place in the RECORD. amounted to $241 billion. Last year’s for them. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without congressional budget resolution pro- For that reason, Mr. President, my objection, it is so ordered. posed slower Medicare-spending growth colleague Senator GRAMM and I want The bill (H.R. 499) was deemed read to provide savings of $158 billion, and to name the Postal Service facility the third time and passed. discretionary spending savings total- being constructed at 7411 Barlite Bou- Mrs. HUTCHISON. Thank you, Mr. ling $291 billion. levard in San Antonio, TX, as the President. We have now finally passed The $706 billion in additional deficit ‘‘Frank M. Tejeda Post Office Build- the bill in both Houses of Congress that reduction that would be required by ing.’’ So I am going to make two unan- will name a post office for Frank M. VerDate Mar 15 2010 22:26 Oct 24, 2013 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00058 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\1997SENATE\S26FE7.REC S26FE7 mmaher on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with SOCIALSECURITY.
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