Published by the Jewish Community of Louisville, Inc. www.jewishlouisville.org JEWISH LOUISVIllE INSIDE Local alumna of Florida high school speaks out after shootings COMMUNITY STORY ON PG. 8 FRIDAY Vol. 43, No. 2 | 8 Adar 5778 | February 23, 2018 Forman addresses anti-Semitism Jewish educator: Poland trips won’t change to fit Holocaust law By Lee Chottiner Community Editor A professional educator who takes teachers and students to Poland, immers- ing them in the Holocaust experience, spoke out publicly against that country’s new law criminalizing claims of Polish complicity during the war. But Dr. Zipora “Tsipy” Gur, founder and executive director of Classrooms Without Borders, vowed to continue her organization’s work despite the law. She also refuses to censor its programming to accommodate a climate that is increas- ingly hostile to the idea that Poles played a part in murdering Jews. “It’s even more important now to dou- ble what we do,” Gur said during a recent visit to Louisville. “I really feel like we have a responsibility now.” Ira Forman warned a Louisville audience that anti-Semitism is not going away, but Jewish communities must take care not to over or underesti- An Israeli and the daughter of survi- mate the threat. (Community photo by Tara Cocco) vors, Gur made her remarks during a program Sunday, February 11, at Temple Shalom. She was in town to promote her Former U.S. envoy lays out the dos and Pittsburgh-based organization to Jewish leaders here. In addition to Temple Shalom, she met don’ts for fighting hatred here and abroad with officials from the Jewish Heritage Fund for Excellence, the High School By Lee Chottiner of racism, all of which have their own unique standing the differences involves talking to for Jewish Studies, The Temple and area Community Editor characteristics. the Jews living there as much, if not more, schools. To fight anti-Semitism, Forman laid out than following analytics. It involves reading Two Louisville instructors who teach Ira Forman stated the obvious: these steps: the newspapers in those countries and taking the Holocaust, Fred Whittaker and Ron “We are not going to end anti-Semitism,” he • Know how bad the problem is – The in news from many sources. Skillern, will travel with Gur to Poland said, “not in my lifetime, not in my children’s world is not returning to the 1930s when Na- • Enlist civil society: A country’s govern- this summer, both making their first trip lifetime, not in my great-great-grandchildren’s zism was ascending, he said, and European ment can be very responsive to the needs of to the country. lifetime. This is not rocket science.” Jewry in France, Great Britain and Germany its Jewish community and enact laws to pro- Gur’s remarks came days after Polish However, the expert on anti-Semitism did will not disappear. But some communities in tect it, but it’s not enough, Forman said. The President Andrzej Duda signed into a law offer a ray of hope to his Louisville audience: smaller countries under threat, such as those people themselves must treat anti-Semites an act criminalizing claims of complic- “We can push back.” in Eastern Europe, could vanish. like pariahs. “If civil society is not with us, it’s ity by “the Polish Nation” during World That’s why Forman, who served in the • Get it right: Anti-Semitism doesn’t come over for us as a community.” War II. Violators face up to three years in Obama administration as the State Depart- exclusively from the political right or left, and • Taming the Internet: Figuring out how to prison. ment’s Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat it’s important to be as factual about the prob- suppress anti-Semitic indoctrination online, The law, which scholars believe could Anti-Semitism (SEAS), didn’t just give an as- lem as possible. “If you cry wolf,” Forman he said, is something that must happen. chill open discussion of the Holocaust sessment on global anti-Semitism when he said, “then when things happen that are truly • Relevant education: Teaching the next and the roles many Poles played in it, has spoke at The J on Tuesday, February 20, he bad, people will not listen to you anymore.” generation not to hate is vital. However, while been criticized by the U.S. and Israeli gov- laid out a point-by-point plan to “push back.” • The problem is complex: Anti-Semitism most European countries have mandatory ernments as well as Yad Vashem, the U.S. Speaking to about 50 people young and differs from country to country, Forman said. Holocaust education, young people see it as old, Forman said anti-Semitism is not like Hungarian anti-Semitism bears little resem- See POLAND on page 26 Islamophobia, homophobia or other forms blance to French anti-Semitism, and under- See FORMAN on page 26 STAY TUNED FOR ALL THE UPCOMING EVENTS 2 Community Y FEBRUARY 23, 2018 Y 8 ADAR 5778 THE DASHBOARD D’var Torah Snapshot Is Purim a major or minor holiday? By Rabbi Avrohom Litvin during the daylight For Community hours of this festival. Purim is also about The holiest day of the year is Yom Kippur, caring. For this rea- which is known in the Bible as Yom HaKi- son, we remember the purim. The happiest day of the year is Pu- needy by giving chari- rim, which is coming up in just a few days on ty to at least two needy Wednesday night, February 28, and Thurs- people during the day- day, March 1. light hours of Purim. The names of these festivals are quite simi- Rabbi Avrohom Litvin If you don’t meet any lar. Yom HaKipurim can be literally translat- poor people, place at ed as “Yom” – a day, “Ki” – like “Purim” – the least two coins in a charity box for those who Festival of Purim, as if to say that the great day are less fortunate. of Yom Kippur is somehow like, but not quite Purim is about sharing your joy. During the JOFEE Director Michael Fraade, center, joined a discussion with dinner guests during The J’s Tu as great as, the even greater holiday of holiday daylight hours of Purim, people gather with B’Shevat Seder, Sunday, January 28, in the Patio Gallery. Guests at the seder heard speakers of Purim. friends and family for a feast with wine. They address the subjects of conservation and waste reduction. Tu B’Shevat is the Jewish new year How can this be? sing, laugh, have fun together. Traditionally, for trees. (Community photo by Tara Cocco) Everyone knows that Yom Kippur is a ma- the Purim feast lasts well into the evening. jor day on the Jewish calendar. It is the day Regarding the question of Purim being a that Jews resolve to be better. With those reso- minor or major holiday, the sages of the Ka- lutions, we hope G-d will forgive any sins we balah write, what Yom Kippur can accom- Candles may have committed and bless us for a good plish only through fasting and afflicting the Here are the candle lighting times for Shabbat in March: and sweet year. body, Purim can accomplish with food, wine • March 2 @ 6:19 • March 23 @ 7:40 But when G-d saved the people of Israel and joy. In this context, Purim is even greater • March 9 @ 6:26 • March 30 @ 7:46 in the Purim story, the Jews were estranged. than Yom Kippur. • March 16 @ 7:33 They had sinned. They were not in a holy The commentaries point to another ele- state. Yet G-d still saved them and turned their ment that these two days share, albeit in in- sadness into joy and gladness. verted order. The fast of Yom Kippur is pre- Purim is, indeed, a major holiday. It shows ceded by a mitzvah to eat and drink. Purim us the eternal lesson that G-d is connected to begins with a fast, which is followed by a mitz- Contacts us and loves us and will protect us and pro- vah to eat and drink. Got a story idea? A letter? A gripe? A Administrative Coordinator David Mays vide for us, not just based on our individual The sages draw allusion to each of the fes- kudo? can handle all circulation questions. He actions, but because of our innate connection tivals, such as showing the connection from Send it along to Community Edi- can be reached at dmays@jewishlouis- and bond to him. Purim to Pesach, for on both we emerged tor Lee Chottiner at lchottiner@jew- ville.org or 502-238-2770. How does one celebrate so awesome a day? from bondage to freedom. Purim is also com- ishlouisville.org. You can also call Lee Got an item for the Community eblast? at 502-238-2783. Send it to weeklyupdate@jewishlou- A few key ways were ordained by the sages. pared to Rosh Hashanah, for the books of the Not getting your paper? Want to sub- isville.org. The first is to listen to the miraculous story. living and the dead were opened and awaiting scribe? Put your subscription on hold? Head to your synagogue, temple or Chabad G-d’s judgment on both of those days. center and hear the whole Megillah. The Indeed, Purim is a great day with major sig- story is traditionally read both Wednesday nificance and the happiest day of the Jewish evening and Thursday morning. When Ha- calendar. Happy Purim to one and all. man’s name is mentioned in the reading, chil- Deadlines dren twirl graggers (noisemakers) and adults (Rabbi Avrohom Litvin is the regional director Deadlines matter, especially for news- day, March 23.
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