Talukawise Plan Statistics 1979-80 & 83-84 of DHARWAD DISTRICT

Talukawise Plan Statistics 1979-80 & 83-84 of DHARWAD DISTRICT

<isP iv^ Ti) Kr) Ui f i 7. i : £ - .... GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Talukawise Plan Statistics 1979-80 & 83-84 of DHARWAD DISTRICT DISTRICT 8c REGIONAL DISTRICT PLANNING UNIT PLANNING DIVISION DEPUTY COMMISSIONER’S PLANNING DEPARTMENT OFFICE, DHARWAD. KARNATAKA GOVERNMENT DHARWAD DISTRICT SECRETARIAT Data Compiled by : r ~ - 1) District Planning Unit, DIarvad 2) District & Regional PbnniigUnit Planning Department. Bar^abrc- iub. National Systems Unit, N»tionJ»] Inf?tinire of Fducationil Pl-'>f!ni' 1 A m jri-r ation i ^ o M a r g r ^ v, i)clhi-110CW DOC. N o ........................................... V / PREFACE I’lainnilr, Planning calls for prccise and reliable data about various socio-cconoinic fatctors». rc5c»ur(r planning unit like a Tiluka/nistrict. As a prelude to the introduction of dc'cciitr aliscci |) na^la<a, cclection of essential plan stastics for each of the talukas in different districts w%s initiated duKi thjjc fstablshnient of the Distiict and Regional Planning Division in the Planning Dtepai tiinent. I lnis ggu/laitcc of the Planning Secretary listed out various items for the purpose of cojllecting iitifoirni^i iv t()f he T^lnka-wise Plan Statistics was published for the period 1969-75. Coverage of data in the lM«n Statisti eing nifprfVed Ic’ni year to year to meet the requirements of decentralised planning. This voilumc is th>»* fiiftlh isi the s« s iijaHaU 'or thP ending 1983-84. T iir biDM hiuru lajiis iH atiistic!* reMling to District Income, demographic features, Welfare Measures for W<eaker Soct ion. Crnplwi |n| a^d'^n plloymr:nt Agriculture and Allied activities, Economic and Social Infrastructure, etc. The Distsrict Pla^n|tig Offii’r »d IhiS stafthave collected and coniplied the Taluka-wise Statistics which was reviewed an.d finalisecJ h»y th' DisUrici and regnal] Planning Division at the State Level. In spile of best efforts to verify the data foir atcciuracy andi consisftsnry. it is tillosssible th*t there arc some errors here and there. We shall be greatful if they are br<ou|gh;t t« our nrnii ie 30 that v c ma bnbllc fo jreclify them. VVc are thankfa! to alt nhecoernie<d departments at the district level for thtir co-operation in making available the re(qu3re<d ciat a. Plianining, Intstituniosml m aisd'tatie;s lOepartment, D. M. NANJUNDAPPA Ka^mataka Cjtovernmfcai Commissioner and Secretary. Vitdhiania Soudlha,. Ba« FcJb. \m& FOREWORD The preparation and publication of the “TALUKA- W lSr PLAN STATISTICS” 1983-84 of Dharwad district is the fifth publication of this kind brouglit out by the District I’ianning Unit. This is a compendium of all essential statistics relatirig to seve ral factors of Planning and Development of Dharwad District. This would be of immense use to all those conceri td with Development administration. Dharwad. M. Maheshan Date: 28-2-1986 Deputy Commissioner, Dharwad District. CONTENTS " la L e T itle Page No. M District tmone 1 2 ) General Feanres: 19B] 2 3 ) Demograpliicl'eiHites ; 19^1 3-5 4)) Clasn'lication >t’ ’illagts by Population size : 1981 6 4)) (A) Classilicati>n of I'owns by Population size ; 1981 7 5 ) Age-Struciun of the population : 1971 8-9 6,1) Category wist niniber of Artisans 10-11 7J Occupatioualpa tern tif w-ork-force : 1981 12 8) Estimate of Water Section 13 9^ Measures fort he benefit of the Weaker Sections 14-26 10) l'niploynientnsii(! un eniployjncnt 27-28 U ) Employment under stipendiary employment scheme 29 12) Latid-Man Ruic Taluka wise 1981 30 13.) Employmentunier Rural Employment Programmes 31 14 ) Land Utilisariors 32-34 15) Distribution )f Und holdings by size : 1981 35-38 16) Fisheries 39-43 17 ) f ive-sfock p(p»iatior.; 1977-83 44-49 18 ) Soil-conscrvatioa : 1979-80 to 1983-84 50 19) Area ursder Figl Yielding varities 20) Fertiliser corsunption 51-52 53 21) Irrigation ; 19'9-?0 to 83-84 54-57 22) Area proUuc io. olsekcted agricullura! crop, production ,o 23 ) Pi or?jremen( offooi-grains Tabic No. Table Title Page No. 24) Power consumption ^0»-7 4 25) Minimum Needs progiamme-Rural Electrification 75 26) Quantity of production of Major Minerals & Industrial products 76 27) Number of Industrial Units 7'7 28) Categorywise number of small-scale Tndnistrirs : 1979-80 and 83-84 7S-79 29) Industrial Estates and Industrial Areas 80 30) Health 81-85 31) Rural Health 86-87 32) Minimum Needs programme-Slums 88 33) Animal Health 89-90 34) Education 91-92 35) Elementary Education 93-94 36) Minimum Needs programme-Adult Education 95 37) Minimum Needs programmc-Nutrition 96 38) Transport & Cormmunication 97-99 39) Minimum Needs programme-Rural Roads 100 40) Minimum Needs programme-Rural Water supply 101-103 41) Financial Infrastructure 1979-80 and 1983-84 104-105 42) Co-operation 106-107 43) Marketing and Godowns 108-109 44) Hudgctary position of local bodies : 1979-80 and 1983-84 110-111 TABLE-1 District Income ■>ii. la^ .4“ 81 Item 1970-71 1975-76 1980-81 1982-83 No. *vi- #* 1 6 1. "otal Income aii cunent pritfs (Rs. in lakhs) 13252 21447 36254 41278 2. ?cr C apita In(coime at cut rent prices 571.70 831.60 1244.13 1346.75 3. Indiisiirial Oriigiin of incon e at current priccs I) Ajgriciiltiir c, Animal Husbaidry, Fishery and Fores(ry. a ) Tiicoinic (Rs. in lakhs; 6469 9518 15004 16894 b.) A? prera-ent of total Ijcome 48.80 44.40 41.40 40.90 Ilj Minings, Faictory Establislments (Including Electricity) Constructtioui of Small Scale Establishments. a) Incomie; (Rs. in lakhsi 3007 4905 9557 9354 1>) As pceraent of total Income 22.70 22.90 26.40 22.70 III) Transport! £tr Gommunicatitns, Commerce & Other Seniccs. a) Incoirnc* (Rs, in laths) 3776 7024 11693 15030 b) As pterdent of total Income......................................... 28.50 32.70 32.20 36.40 ——— ................................................................ ............... ............. Reviseftd Series—1985-86. Provisaoinal Sourcce Directorate of Economics & Statiitics, Bangalore. 1 TABLE—2 General Features SI Name of Area in Rainfall (Ten year Actual laiifali T otal No,. Taluka §q. Kms. average rainfall for ♦ in M.M-) Census 1978 to 1982 1 2 3 4 5 (j I Byadagi 436.6 675.7 449.6 934-07 2 Dliarwad 1032.5 910.2 694 5 160186 3 Gadag 1097.4 624.6 690.8 254299 4 Hangal 773.6 1156.7 10772 170476 5 Haveri 799.9 779 3 588 0 181700 6 Hirekcrur 806.6 919.1 637.0 162240 7 Hubli 631.8 764.1 923.6 96756 8 Kalaghatagi 682.8 1056.6 921.7 99507 9 Kundagol 648.5 591.5 397.2 127513 10 Mundargi 884.0 541.0 456.0 87526 11 Nargund 435.6 499.6 491.1 68487 12 Navalgund 1080.8 596.4 548.4 138083 13 Ranebennur 907.0 573.2 449.7 218845 14 Ron 1291.0 853.3 640.9 193787 15 Savanur 539.0 696.7 664.4 104477 16 Shiggaon 588.6 958.6 668.9 121844 17 Shirahat ti 949.2 728.3 527.3 139246 H. D. M. C. 190.9 — — 527 08 District : 13738.0 762.5 10816.3 2945^87 Source : 1) District statistical office, Dharwad. 2) Census of India, 1981, Karnataka-Part II-B (1) * Tlie total of the area figures of the talukas will not tally with the district figures becausc the former represtfits “ Land Use” area and are derived from figures supplied by the Director of Survey Settlement and Lmd Records in Karnataka and the latter from Surveyor General India. TA B LE-3 Demographic Features K.viral population Urban Population Population Sex Ratio 1981 SI Density No. Name of I'ofal Prrreutagr of Total Perccntagr of per S<i. Rural Urban Total Tal Ilka Rviral Popula- Urban Popu­ K. M. liTn to total lation to total 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Bviiflivgi 75472 80.80 17935 19.20 214 940 950 942 Dliarvva'I 117160 91.86 13026 8.14 155 962 939 960 Gaclag 122396 48.13 131903 51.87 232 984 944 963 4 Ilangal 1533B7 89 97 17089 10.03 220 928 954 931 t; llaveri 115332 79.98 36368 20.02 22/ 947 926 943 f) Hirekenir 151970 93.67 10270 6.33 201 939 908 937 7 Ilubli 96756 100.00 — — 153 960 — 960 Kalaghatagi 38472 88.91 11035 11.09 146 938 972 942 K-undagol 1131B8 88.77 14325 11.23 19/ 961 958 960 H) Munciargi 73909 84.44 13607 15.56 99 974 960 972 11 Narguiui 44956 65 64 23531 34.36 157 1011 975 998 12 Navalgund 103711 75.11 34372 24.89 128 989 955 980 IH Ranebf nnur 160727 73.44 58118 26.56 241 937 933 936 14 Ron 143015 73.80 50772 26.20 150 1035 971 1018 15 Savanur 79424 76.02 25053 23.98 194 937 940 938 16 ■Shiggaon 106859 87.70 14985 12.30 207 938 936 938 17 Shirahatti 100495 72.17 38751 27.83 147 966 947 961 H. D. M. C. 527108 100.00 2761 — 910 910 Disi ri( t 1907229 64.75 1038258 35.25 214 959 929 948 Source : 1981 Census Hand Book Series-9 TABLE—3 Demographical Features (Contd) SI Name of Taluka Total SCS and SIS Population P(‘rccntag(c of SCS and STS Poj)u lation No. Rural Urban Total Rural Urban l ’o>taJ II 12 14 15 1 Byadagi 1227^ 335(i 16.27 18.71 16.74 2 Dharwad 10661 1274 7.24 9.78 7.45 3 Gadag 28256 13839 23.08 10.49 16.55 4 Hangal 28277 1590 18.43 9.30 17.52 5 Havcri 22215 4389 15.28 12.07 14.(64 6 Hirekerur 34327 843 22.58 8.21 21.68 7 Hubli 8746 9.04 9.<04 8 Kalaghatagi 9390 1838 10.61 11.28 9 Kundagol 14347 1377 12.67 9.61 12 33 10 Mundargi 22505 3758 30.45 1^7.60 .30.<K) 11 Nargund 7924 3273 17.62 13.91 16.35 12 Navalgutid 12465 4522 12.02 13.15 12.30 13 Ranebennur 34442 4227 21.43 7.27 17.<67 14 Ron 29809 8613 20.84 16.96 I9..83 15 Savanur 12909 205(5 16.25 8.20 I4.J2 16 Shiggaon 13654 1230 12.78 8.21 12.'21 17 Shirahatti 21190 3207 21-08 8.27 17.52 H.

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