O:HO 3O'~ W iA RSVILLE CUTUZEN VOL. 2, NO. 41 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1964 - TWELVE PAGES $5.00 per year 100 per copy A Busy Evening Thruston Morton To Speak At 'Ox Roast' With Council United States Senator Thruston B. Morton of Kentucky, Chairman of By WILMA THOMPSON the Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee, will address 18th Dis- trict Republicans at an Ox Roast near Wintersville, Ohio on Saturday, Mayor Thomas Albaugh pre- September 12, sponsored by the Wintersville Area Republican Club. sided for the regular Council Site of the GOP District affair is a clearing west of Wintersville on meeting on September 1st.Solic- Two Ridge" Road, between Routes 22 and 43. Guests well be served itor James McHugh was wel- from 3:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. andfrom 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Senator comed, being present for the Morton will address the gathering between 5:00 and 6:00 p.m. first time after a lenghty ill- The emergence of Thruston Morton as one of our nation's leading ness. The following officers were public figures is a source of great pride to his many friends who have present: Clerk Delbert Vance, long admired the aggressive, industrious, and realistic methods he Council members, Mrs. Eve follows in meeting the demanding challenges of public office. Seiter, Arthur Bartell, Frank There is deep satisfaction in acknowledging his long and distinctive Dornbush, John Ford and Marion career of service to his Nation, his State, and his Party, and in recog- Mellott. Treasurer Floyd Call nizing the principles of honor, integrity and dedication which are the was on vacation and G. R. Steele hallmarks of this true son of the Bluegrass State. was excused because of work. He entered the United States Senate in 1957 by defeating the incumbent, Street Commissioner Senate Democrat Floor Leader Earle Clements, after a career that Resigns included three years as Assistant Secretary of State for Congressional With regret, the resignation of Relations, six years in the House of Representatives, over four years Burke Sullivan, Jr. as Street as a naval officer, and many years asa successful business executive. Commissioner was accepted. No His election to the United States Senate in 1962 was unprecedented replacement has yet been appoin- for a Repuiblican in Kentucky. In defeating Democrat Lieutenant Govern- ted. or Wilson W. Wyatt bya substantial margin, Senator Morton became the Ground Leveling first Republican Senator from Kentucky ever to be re-elected for the Ordinance Defeated six year term. An ordinance making it possible A seventh-generation Kentuckian of pioneer stock, he was born in to level ground in the village for Louisville August 19, 1907, the son of Dr. David Cummins Morton commercial purposes and to re- and Mary Ballard Morton. He was educated in the public schools of move minerals during the level- Jefferson County, and later attended the Woodberry Forest School in ing process was defeated by Virginia. In 1929, he received his B.A. Degree from Yale. In 1931 he Council. The vote was four a- married the former Belle Clay Lyons, of Louisville, and has two sons, gainst the ordinance and one for Thruston Ballard Morton, Jr., and Clay Lyons Morton. it. In 1929, Senator Morton began his association with Ballard and Ball- Meadowbrook Subdivision ard Company, of Louisville, a family grain and milling firm. He held Accepted various positions with the company and became president in 1947. The Meadowbrook Subdivision, lo- business was sold to Pillsbury Mills, Inc. in 1951. Senator Morton.. cated west of Woodridge Drive also -was director of several other Kentucky firms and wasacivein was accepted by Council. All civic work in his community. He was president of the Goodwill Indus- subdivision standards have been tries of Kentucky, Inc., and is currently a trustee of the Lincoln Insti- THRUSTON MORTON-U. S. SENATOR met by the developer, Mr. J. E. tute - a secondary school for Negroes - and a trustee of the Frontier Parrish. Water and sewer lines Nursing Service. ~~# t:sv F At-:A&,A and paved street are completed. Senator Morton joined the Navy A small sewage disposal plant before Pearl Harbor and served F t r of the type which will be in- 51 months on active duty, most uture oc >ks Bright For Wintersville stalled in our village has been of it in me Pacmc aooara nine in operation there for more than sweepers and destroyers. He now a year. Lots are being sold with holds the rank of Commander all assessments paid. in the U.S. Naval Reserve. Equalization Board With the war's end, he returned Meeting to LoUisville to resume managing An equalization Board, mem- the business he had left four bers of which, will be resident years before. In 1946, however, freeholders of Wintersville will friends urged him to run for Con- meet on Monday evening, Sep- gress as a representative of Ken- tember 14th at 7:30 P.M. to con- tucky's Third District. He won sider complaints received in wri- the nomination and was elected. ting regarding the levying of He was re-elected to the House assessments for the municipal in 1948 and 1950. sanitary sewer system. This In-1952, he did not seel re- must be done before formal con- election. Instead he successfully tract can be signed for con- managed the campaign of John struction. Bids for the sewer Sherman Cooper for the U.S. system were studied as previous- Senate. In January of 1953 Presi- ly presented in the Citizen. Ten- dent Eisenhower appointed Sena- tatively, the contracts will be tor Morton Assistant Secretary awarded to Savage Construction of State for Congressional Re- Company of Columbus and Pres- lations. He served the capacity ton Woodall Company of Lake under the late JohnFoster Dulles Forest, Illinois. until March 1956, when he re- The salary of the Village Clerk signed to become a candidate for will be raised from the sewer the U.S. Senate. He defeated Earle funds to compensate him for the Clements in that race, and was additional work being added for this project. re-elected in 1962, by a decisive A request was received from the margin over Lieutenant Governor Wyatt, who was nationally known County Commissioners who con- for his roles as Federal Housing template a water and sewer dis- Expediter under President Tru- trict for Overlook Hills. They man, as a founder of the Ameri- By MARGE HARRIS wish to purchase water from perhaps of town houses this project and cans for Democratic Action, and U d t ptr Manor, Wintersville for as Adlai Stevenson's campaign Upon discovery of the poster to a lively interest being dis- and garden apartments which connect the sewers to Winters- manager in 1952 and top adviser pictured above located upon a played bysome very large corpor- could either be rented or sold ville disposal system. No action large tract of land fronting on ations out of New York and Phila- in accord with the revived ver- could be taken without additional in 1956. investigation. Senator Morton is a member State Route #43 across from Sun- delphia, is the projected poten- sion of condominium ownership, tial for the site afforded by an a new concept with which the THRUSTON MORTON set Gardens Subdivision, your A large group of citizens attend- on Page 2) reporter obtained the following interchange where the new inter- Realtor, Walt Lint, is quite con- ed the Council meeting. (Continuedo~nrtn opgna inf nrmaon a1 i cilt JJ L JULNUlLLAAILVIA AA*LV*VV** CLO CL- ^ y^ state highway system will inter- versant. The plan also provides Mr. Charles McJunkin, En- of an interview with Walt Lint, sect Route #43. Of course there for a handsome structure to house gineer spoke on the progress of Realtor, the designated develop- is no doubt that when this event a commercial banking firm and the sewer system. He empha- ATTENTION er. Mr. Lint said that as acting takes place it will greatly facili- perhaps a Savings and Loan sized that the remaining ease- The Jefferson County Mo- agent for the Teramana Bros., tate the accessability of this Association. As a result of a ments must- be completed im- X-Ray-Diabetes Unit their realty firm has made sev- site to a much greater populace consultation with an expert in mediately. IF YOU HAVE NOT bile eral contacts Iith authorized both from West Virginia and shopping center development who SIGNED YOUR EASEMENTS, IT will be at the Wintersville officials of large retail corpor- Ohio. In the light of these future has been quite successful in MUST BE DONE THIS WEEK. Methodist Church of Friday, ations possessing national credit developments, an architectural several large projects, we were Those who have taken easements status. As a result, one company firm located in Columbus, Ohio informed that it was not at all from the office for study are September 11 from 1-4 and has submitted an option to lease has created a very attractive unlikely because of its tremend- requested to return them. They 5-8 p.m. and specifications for a store and practical plan for an expand- ous advantage for future potenti- must be returned, whether or not Everyone is urged to take room of 30,000 square feet and able Mall type Shopping Plaza ality due to the merits of its they are signed! several others have expressed with adequate parking area. To location, that it may well develop The next regular Council Meet- advantage of this free ser- an intent to participate. One of be surrounded by subdivision into one of the largest Shopping ing will be on September 15, vice.
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