May 11, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E801 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS A PROCLAMATION IN MEMORY OF and our system of government. It is inspiring John Hurst Adams put his distinctive touch DANIEL J. BOORSTIN to see these young people advocate the fun- on the college. During his helmsmanship as the Chairman damental principles of our government and of the Board of Trustees at Paul Quinn Col- HON. ROBERT W. NEY that the next generation of leaders believe and lege, he raised it to the highest Heights of OF OHIO understand these principles. excellence. The college, which was founded Mr. Speaker, this group of high school sen- in 1872 by the African Methodist Episcopal IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES iors has accomplished more and gone farther Church, was doubly blessed by the presence Tuesday, May 11, 2004 in this competition than any previous group of the Adamses on its campus. from the State of Alabama. With great pleas- As the Dean of Students at Paul Quinn Col- Mr. NEY. Mr. Speaker, I hereby offer my lege, Dr. Dolly Adams not only changed the heartfelt condolences to the family and friends ure, I rise today to congratulate this great lives of students, she also changed the lives of Daniel Boorstin upon the death of this out- achievement. of all around her. This veteran educator standing human being. f served in the Woman’s Missionary Society Daniel Boorstin was born October 1, 1914. for nearly three decades. Dr. Adams super- Along with his numerous roles as husband, HONORING THE RIGHT REVEREND vised the Tenth Episcopal District of Texas. teacher, innovator, and leader, Dr. Boorstin JOHN HURST ADAMS AND HIS She also served as the National President of served as the Librarian of Congress from 1975 WIFE, DR. DOLLY DESSELLE Links, Inc. and was accordingly named one ADAMS of the ‘‘100 Most Influential Black Ameri- to 1987. cans’’ by Ebony magazine. Dr. Boorstin will certainly be remembered by It is an understatement to say that Bishop those who knew him as a brilliant scholar, ac- HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON Adams and Dr. Adams will be greatly missed. complished historian, and devotee of the writ- OF TEXAS Our lives are richer and our hopes are bright- er because of their contributions. This godly ten word. Dr. Boorstin founded the Library’s IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Center for the Book which promotes reading couple has served as a source of inspiration Tuesday, May 11, 2004 for others. and literacy both nationally and internationally. Each of them has given their ‘‘utmost for Dr. Boorstin’s devotion to both family and Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. His Highest.’’ The couple can truly say as his work embody the excellence displayed Mr. Speaker, to appropriately honor the Right the Apostle Paul famously said, ‘‘I have throughout his life. His life and love gave joy Reverend John Hurst Adams and his beloved fought a good fight, 1 have finished my to all who knew him. wife, Dr. Dolly Desselle Adams, upon his re- course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth While I understand how words cannot ex- tirement as the Senior Bishop of the African there is laid up for me a crown of righteous- press our grief at this time, I offer this token Methodist Episcopal Church’s Eleventh Epis- ness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, copal District which comprises the state of shall give me at that day: and not to me of profound sympathy to the family and friends only, but unto all them also that love his ap- of Dr. Daniel Boorstin. Florida and the Bahamas. I’d like to submit for pearing.’’ f the RECORD the following letter to the St. Mark Although they are retiring from active African Methodist Episcopal Church. ministry, they will not recede from our TRIBUTE TO SPARKMAN HIGH Again, the people of Dallas join me in salut- memories. I will enter an official statement SCHOOL’S ‘‘WE THE PEOPLE’’ ing Bishop John Hurst and Dr. Dolly Adams, into the Congressional Record highlighting COMPETITION TEAM and wishing them Godspeed. his lifelong accomplishments of Bishop John Hurst Adams and honoring his retirement. The BISHOP JOHN HURST ADAMS CELEBRATION Once it is printed, I will be happy to forward COMMITTEE, HON. ROBERT E. (BUD) CRAMER, JR. you a copy to your attention. Again, the peo- Attention: The Reverend Doctor Samuel L. OF ALABAMA ple of Dallas join me in saluting Bishop John Green, Sr., St. Mark African Methodist Hurst and Dr. Dolly Adams, and wishing IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Episcopal Church, Orlando, Florida. them Godspeed. DEAR CELEBRATION COMMITTEE: I congratu- Tuesday, May 11, 2004 Sincerely, late the Right Reverend John Hurst Adams, EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON. Mr. CRAMER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to and his beloved wife, Dr. Dolly Desselle congratulate a group of young men and Adams, upon his retirement as the Senior f women from North Alabama who finished Bishop of the African Methodist Episcopal HONORING THE FLINT JOURNAL fourth in the National ‘‘We the People: The Church’s Eleventh Episcopal District com- Citizen and the Constitution’’ Competition. prising the state of Florida and the Baha- These young scholars from Sparkman High mas. School have worked tirelessly for this competi- As a minister of the AME Church, as a HON. DALE E. KILDEE preacher of the Gospel, and as an educator, tion and have gained a deep knowledge and OF MICHIGAN Bishop Adams has served both the commu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES understanding of the fundamental principles nity of God and the community of man. and values of our Constitution. I want to con- Credited with initiating 70 congregations, Tuesday, May 11, 2004 gratulate these students on this outstanding Bishop Adams is a modern-day apostle. Be- Mr. KILDEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise before you achievement. cause the Spirit of the Lord was upon him, today to congratulate Genesee County’s old- The ‘‘We the People’’ program, administered Bishop Adams has played an instrumental est business, the Flint Journal, on the grand by the Center for Civic Education, provides role in transforming the souls and the minds opening of the newspaper’s new Press and students with a working knowledge of the U.S. of untold thousands. From 1972 until 1980, the Right Reverend Distribution Center. To commemorate this Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the principles Adams served as the Presiding Bishop of the event, the Flint Journal will host a special of democratic government. The 3-day national Tenth Episcopal District, which comprises business reception on May 11, 2004 and a competition is modeled after hearings in the the entire state of Texas. In this capacity, he community open house on May 23, 2004. U.S. Congress. The hearings consist of oral devoted all of his energies to ministering to The Flint Journal was founded in 1876 by presentations by high school students before a the spiritual, intellectual, physical and emo- Mr. Charles Fellows. The Flint Journal began panel of constitutional scholars. The students’ tional needs of parishioners, converts, as a weekly newspaper until it began daily testimony is followed by a period of ques- churchgoers, the un-churched, the lost, and publishing in 1883. The Journal provided na- tioning by the judges to explore their depth of those on the edge of the church. tional and world news to its readers via the The citizens of Dallas are forever indebted understanding and ability to apply their con- to Bishop Adams and Dr. Adams for their Associated Press beginning in 1908. stitutional knowledge. leadership of Paul Quinn College and their In 1911, Mr. Fellows sold the newspaper to These students have built an excellent aca- stewardship of the venerable institution of Booth Publishing. In 1922, the first Sunday demic foundation that will enable them to higher education located in Dallas. As its edition was produced. The daily circulation of achieve a broader understanding of our nation President from 1956–1962, the Right Reverend the Flint Journal passed 100,000 in 1961. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate May 04 2004 06:02 May 12, 2004 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A11MY8.001 E11PT1 E802 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 11, 2004 For the past 80 years, The Flint Journal has eulogy in 1866 to then recently assassinated Luther King, Jr., as he resiliently struggled been located in their main building, which was President Abraham Lincoln to a crowd of over through the harrowing challenges of racial designed by the noted architect, Albert Kahn. 1,000 worshipers. Pastor Hugh Furneaux was equality and the demands for simple justice In 1954, an addition was completed where the designated ‘‘Shepherd of the Hill’’ by regional and equal opportunity for all. printing of the paper has taken place for half newspaper editors because of his efforts to go The timeliness of his common sense and a century. In October of 2002, the Flint Jour- to remote camps with his two donkeys to de- the courage of his conviction serve to nal, as part of its commitment to continuing to liver inspirational messages. strengthen and guide us at a time when our provide superior newspaper coverage of world Today, First Presbyterian Church is the only community needs someone to put in perspec- and local events, broke ground on a new regular place of worship in Columbia offering tives the agony and pain of people without re- multi-million dollar state-of-the-art Press and weekly services.
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