Digital Kenyon: Research, Scholarship, and Creative Exchange Mount Vernon Banner Historic Newspaper 1896 1-2-1896 Mount Vernon Democratic Banner January 2, 1896 Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation "Mount Vernon Democratic Banner January 2, 1896" (1896). Mount Vernon Banner Historic Newspaper 1896. 31. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by Digital Kenyon: Research, Scholarship, and Creative Exchange. It has been accepted for inclusion in Mount Vernon Banner Historic Newspaper 1896 by an authorized administrator of Digital Kenyon: Research, Scholarship, and Creative Exchange. For more information, please contact [email protected]. — 'politics, Igrkvltvrf., literature, the akts and sciences, education and local affaibs.-Sho per issra in adtasce. A FAMILY NEWSPAPER—DEVOTED TO NEWS-, MOUNT VERNON, OHIO: THURSDAY. JANUARY 2, 1896. NUMBER 35. VOLUME LIX. Mt. LiBerty. 22— Wm Cooney died in Marietta. IMPORTANT EVENTS 7— Calvin Magers, ex City Marshal, “Pirates of Penzance” presented By Highest of all in Leavening Power.— Latest U. S. Gov’t Report legal notice. hung himself. Martin Kunkel, 78, died. local talent. Miss Ethel 0. Veatch, 19, died at New­ 23— Mrs Sarah Hutchinson, 81, died. A/f ARY A. LECKRON and Elijah Leek That Have Happened in Knox County ark. 25— Mrs Narcissa CulBertson, 70, died. i i*- ,On» w*’° re®’d® North Manchester, 10— W. B. Grant hung himself in Gov Foraker and Asa Bushnell spoke in Xf 11*°*' t*ke notice that Joanna F. •‘tiler, administratrix with the will an- During lS9o, Morris township. Opera House. ,ex*d. of the estate of George W. Fix, de 11— Harvey Wagner, 16, died at Gam­ 28— Wm H Toms, Wm A Tome and i?* , ' on t’,e ^Oth day of November. A Bier, from having eaten poisoned candy. Wm McDonald Bound over to grand .. IH!»5 filed her petition in the Probate! Accurately Compiled Front the Files 13—Prof L I) BoneBrake and J H jury for killing David Perrin. *n»l for the county of Knox Baxter re-elected superintendent and 29— Gov CampBell spoke in Opera •nd State of Ohio, alleging that the personal of the Banner. principal of schools. House. estate of said decedent Is in»utttcient to pay 17— Electric railway completed on 30— Gov McKinley sjmke in Opera • is debts and the charges of administering Main and High streets. House. Wni Stevenson, 88, died. ABSOLUTELY pure “*9 P’tate; that he died seized in fee-simple Marriages, Deaths, Crimes and Occur­ of the following described real estate, situate 18— KnOx county teachers meet at 31— Elks celeBrated All Hallowe’en. In said connty, to-wit- CenterBurg. Slight earthquake shocks felt. SEW VEER’S TIIOl'UIITS. lVIiat AH Hoys Should Know. First Trait —Being situated in the town- rences of More Than Pass­ 19— Mrs John Lindsey, 65, died. NOVEMBER. Don't Be satisfied with your Boy’s •htp of Hilliar, in said county and State 20— Colfax lodge, tfo 688, K of P, Clipped at Random from the Wise and aforesaid, and bounded and described GOOD FOR EVERYBODY ing Note. 2— L F Day committed suicide at education or allow him to handle' a instituted at BladensBurg. Brink Haven. pVHty One?. follows, to-wit: A part of lot number three Almost evenBody takes some laxative 25— Lake Hiawatha Park opened to Latin or Greek book until you are sure if?' section two (2), township five (5) range 3— Burglars entered Business houses Vanity speaks for itself. fifteen (15) U. 8 M. lands, and butinded on medicine to cleanse the system and keep the JANUARY. the puBlic. of date Bishop, Armstrong Bros, Warn­ that he can— Blood pure. Those who take SIMMONS 26— Fred Secord, 38, fatally injured in the South and East by lands owned by T)e- 1— Meeting of the third annual farm­ er Miller and Browning Sperry. Seeing is sometimes disBelieving. Write a good legiBle hand. nras Bricker; on the North by the public LIVER REGULATOR (liquid or powder) a runaway at GamBier. 5—Fall elections. Wm Wander elect­ road running from Rich Hili to Mt. Ver­ get all the Benefits cf a mild and pleasant ers’ institute in Mt. Vernon. 27— Fred Secord died. Poetoffice at No woman is as pretty as she looks. Spell all the words he knows how to 2— John M. Critchlield, ex-proBate ed Auditor on Democratic ticket by 12 use. non; on the West by Mrs Lieb’s mill prop- 1 laxative and tonic that purifies the Blood Brandon roBBed. George Wohlford, 82, Friendship ends where Borrowing be­ erty, now owned by Alice Bennett; said and strengthens the whole system. And judge of Knox county, died. Close of plurality. Speak and write good English. died. in Brown township. Mrs Agnes 7— Thos Kelly, 92, died. gins. tract containing seven (7) acres- more than this: SIMMONS LlVER REGU­ farmers’ institute. Mills died at Waverley. Write a good social letter. occoNn Tract—Also, lot number thirty* LATOR regulates the Liver, keeps It actiye 3— Nancy Dodd Stevenson Buried at 9— Chas S Wolford killed by C, A A C The average man counts time by pay Add a column of figures rapidly’. seven (37) of the original plat of the village 30— D L Mulhane, father of Rev train. and healthy, and when the Liver is In. MartinsBurg. Mulhane, died in Ireland. days. Make out an ordinary account. of Centerburg Knox county. Ohio, as re­ good condition you find yourself ffee from 7— Nevil WBitssides died in Kansas 10— Rowley House raided. James M Deduct 1G$ per cent from the face of corded in Knox county records for said 31— Miss Iva Bell, 27, died in Morgan Yesterday’s mistakes are tomorrow’s village of Centerburg. Malaria, Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick- City, Mo. Inauguration day at the township. Rice, 81, died in ColumBus. Headache and Constipation, and rid of 13— George Kennen lectured on faults. That Phebe Fix, the widow of said dece­ court house. JUNK. Receipt it when paid. dent, is entitled to dower in said real estate that worn out and deBilitated feeling. 8— Mrs. Sarah Marquand died near “Arctic Asia.” Advertisements never quit work on Write an advertisement for the loc. ’ and that W. D Miller claims to bold These are all caused By a sluggish Liver. Brandon. 1— Wm Patrick, 73, died 14— Mrs Mary Cox, 75, died. holidays. 1 paper. mortgage thereon for $235 00. Good digestion and freedom from stomach 9— W. E. Moore died at Frederick­ 2— Mrs Benj Casteel, 70,died at Bangs. 15— Grand jury reported 17 indict­ Write an ordinary promissory note. The prayer of said petitioner is for assign­ trouBles will only Be had when the liver Lloyd Logsdon, 61, died. New saloon ments. RoBert Hill arrested near Utica Poverty shared is usually poverty ment of dower to said Phebe Fix in said town. Benjamin Beal died at Esto. douBled. Reckon the interest or discount on it is properly at work- If trouBled with any 10— Mrs. Florence Miller died. J. M. ordinance introduced in Council. for throwing corn at B <fc 0 train. ■ for days, months, or years. property; that W. I). Miller be require*! to I of these complaints, try SIMMONS LIVER 5—Mrs Mary Woolison, 57, died in answer setting forth the particulars of bis McDonald, once superintendent of 16— Meeting of Knox County Teach­ They deserve their misfortunes who Draw an ordinary Bank check. REGULATOR. The King of Liver Medi­ Monroe township. ers’ Association. mortgage lieu thereon and tliat said prop­ the Bridge works, died at Phoenixville, know not how to profit by them. Take it to the proper place in a Bank cines, and Better than Pills. 8— Children’s day at A. M. E. church. erty be sold to pay the debts and charges Pa. • 17— Mrs Henrietta ShinaBerry, 69, opl to get the cash. aforesaid. j^EVERY PACKAGED 11— Thos. McKee, aged 68, died. 15— County Democracy met an en­ died. Mary A Leckron and Elijah Leckron are I dorsed- Hori,; Wm M Harper for State pray thee loudest in a thunder storm. Make neat and correct entries in day­ Has the Z Stamp in red on wrapper. 12— Great Blizzard and snow storm. 18— C C Hill died at Fredericktown. book and ledger. hereby notified that they have been made ] J. H. Zeilin & Co., Phila., Pa. Senator. >' parties defendant to said petition, and that ABraham K«»onsman, 74, died near 21— Rev L W Mulhane lectured Before A friend in need is generally the Tell the numBer of yards of carpet Fredericktown. 16— Odd Fellotvs and Knights of Py­ Dougherty CluB on “Chaplain Life.”- friend who strikes you for a quarter. thev are required to answer the same on thias hold memorial services. required for your parlor. before the first dav of February. 1M96. 14— Ex-oouncilman Ed. W. Bell made 22— Mt Vernon silverware discovered Measure a pile of lumBer in your JOANNA F. MILLER, an assignment. 18— Death of Hon' Lecky Harper, edi­ near UrBana. Life is the last haBit that we wish to ! sBe<l. J lose, Because it is the first one that we Administratrix, by her Attorney, Columbus 15— Mrs. Wm. C. Brace died in Cleve­ tor of the Banner. I onesr Band at Lake 26— Anna Marv Collins, 36, died. Ewalt. 5dectU Hiawatha Park.. form. Tell the numBer of Bushels of wheat MISTER! YOU VE land. Residence nt John Marsh Burned 28— Annual Thanksgiving footBall in yDur largest Bin, and the value at cur­ near Danville. 19— Hon Wm M Harper nominated By game Between Kenyon and O S U; To some men the Best wife is the one rent rates.
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