For his efforts this week, Thomas 3 second consecutive Hill to be name oft! ISWBAP. THMONDAY, FEBRUAREY 17 , 199CHRONICL2 © DUKE UNIVERSITY DURHAM, NORTEH CAROLIN A CIRCULATION: 15,000 VOL. 87, NO. 94 Brodie to fund A.B. Dukes to prevent cuts By MICHAEL SAUL The A.B. Duke program offers President Keith Brodie an­ full tuition scholarships each year nounced Friday that he would to outstanding high school stu­ personally fund five Angier B. dents nationwide. Duke scholars next year in an In the past two weeks, faculty effort to quell criticism of pro­ and students have questioned the posed cuts in merit-based schol­ University's commitment to aca­ arships. demic scholarships in relation to The fundamental priority in athletic scholarships. budget decisions at the Univer­ "I am concerned that a divi- sity should be the funding of schol­ siveness has been created on cam­ arly academic work, Brodie wrote pus, a divisiveness which pits the in a letter to Thomas Spragens, decision ofthe athletic director to chairman ofthe Arts and Sciences continue scholarships for student Council. athletes while cutting other costs, Brodie's pledge to donate about against the deans' decision to cut ALEXIOUS BUTLER/THE CHRONICLE $350,000 over the next four years merit scholarships as opposed to to the A.B. Duke program comes taking additional cuts in non-aca­ Smile pretty one day after a heated discussion demic expenditures under their Trinity junior Erica Berry is looking forward to next year and practicing a unique look for her about the future of financial aid control," Brodie wrote in a letter senior yearbook photo. during the monthly meeting of to Spragens. the Arts and Sciences Council. See BRODIE on page 5 • Greenwald selected as '92-'93 Chronicle editor Senate From staff reports versity community and reporting Trinity junior Jason to The Chronicle Board, the candidate Greenwald was appointed editor paper's publisher. in chief of the 88th volume of The Perhaps more importantly, the Chronicle by the newspaper's editor is automatically granted a visits area publishing board Friday. berth among the sports staffs in­ Greenwald was nominated for famous "Grid Picks" panel of pig­ the position by the staff Feb. 7 skin prognosticators in the fall. By PEGGY KRENDL and will serve from May 1992 to Greenwald stresses the impor­ Reforming the welfare May 1993. He will replace cur­ tance of the "big picture" in re­ system, encouraging free rent editor Ann Heimberger. porting and editing stories. "We enterprise and redirecting Greenwald, an English major need to look beyond the obvious efforts on the war on drugs and native of Los Angeles, Calif., story, beyond the press release, top Sue Myrick's campaign is presently managing editor of and find out what's really going agenda for the 1992 Senate The Chronicle. He began work­ on," said Greenwald, affection­ race. ing on the paper as a reporter his ately known "Beaker." "Don't be convinced by a sophomore year. He has worked Greenwald said he also wants 30-second sound byte. Take as a wire editor and copy editor to expand coverage of the busi­ the time to find out what and has served on the editorial ness aspects of the University as the issues are, and, more board for the past year. CLIFF BURNS/THE CHRONICLE well as examining more of the importantly, take the time Among Greenwald's more Jason Greenwald is preparing to take over as editor in May. academic issues. to find out where the candi­ noteworthy accomplishments as "Duke is an institution of higher dates stand on those issues," a reporter are his series on the hike and proposed budget cuts. The editor's responsibilities learning, but it is also a corpora­ Myrick said. importance of teaching versus He has also had a part in im- include overseeing the editorial tion. We must not ignore those Myrick, a former Repub­ research at the University and provements to both reporter and staff of about 150 students, rep- corporate issues that bear upon lican mayor of Charlotte, his coverage of this year's tuition copy editor training this year. resenting the paper to the Uni­ the academic." See SENATE on page 5 • McDonald House offers comfort Women's basketball proceeds to benefit house By ERIC LARSON serious, long-term illness, the fi­ and bad news about their child's The name Ronald McDonald nancial and emotional costs may condition. A large percentage of for most people means a red- be more than they can handle. the children have cancer. At four haired clown in striped sleeves The house offers a room for the o'clock when families begin re- and a yellow suit. whole family to stay in—some­ turningfrom the hospital or clinic, But for many, Ronald times for one night, sometimes impromptu conversations spring McDonald means home. for months at a time—which is up, the best therapy for a long, The Ronald McDonald House both cheaper than a hotel and a rough day. of Durham on Alexander Street whole lot friendlier. The house doesn't offer any offers a place to stay for families "You would think that with 20 therapy groups or plan many ac­ of children who are undergoing families, each with their own way tivities of its own, Tilden says. treatment at the Medical Center. to run a home, there would be The idea is to provide a home Proceeds from the women's fireworks," says Sandy Tilden, a with as few distractions as pos­ basketball game on Tuesday at 7 part-time public relations official sible. "We want to let them relax p.m., Duke vs. North Carolina at the house. "But there aren't." and let there be a home they can State University, will go to the Instead, there is something else. come to." house. Tickets are available at The families share time and Rooms are available to fami­ the door at $5 for adults, free for understanding, since most fami­ lies at $8 a night, but the fee is University students and $2 for lies staying at the house have often waived. The rooms aren't DAVID MAZIARZ/THE CHRONICLE all other students. also shared the same problems: large, allowing only enough space For many families whose child long stays at the hospital, doctor for a double bed and a few sleep- Children receiving treatment at the Medical Center can stay with or teenager is being treated for a bills, roller-coaster rides of good See MCDONALD on page 4 • their families at the Durham Ronald McDonald House. PAGE 2 •THE CHRONICLE :M6NbAY,TEe"RUARYT7, 1992 World and National Newsfile Muslim leader killed by Israeli air attack Associated Press By CLYDE HABERMAN Despite the closeness ofthe timing, the sheik and his family after they left a rally Dahmer found Sane: Jurors de­ N.Y. Times News Service attack on Musawi, 16 hours after the at­ in the southern Lebanese town of Jibchit. termined Jeffrey Dahmer was sane JERUSALEM—Israeli forces killed the tack on the Israeli soldiers, may not have Rockets blew apart the Mercedes-Benz when he killed and dismembered 15 leader of the pro-Iranian Party of God in been related to the other incidents. carrying the sheik and two Range-Rovers men and boys. They cast aside the Lebanon on Sunday, in a lightning strike By its very nature, it seemed to have carrying bodyguards. opinions of five psychiatrists who by helicopter gunships that reportedly also required careful planning, making it un­ A spokesman for the Party of God, or agreed he suffered from a mental left his wife, his son and at least four likely, in the view of some military ex­ Hezbollah, said the sheik, his wife, Siham, illness, and listened to one person: bodyguards dead. perts, that it would have been cobbled and their 6-year-old son, Hussein, were the confessed serial killer himself. The dramatic raid on a motorcade carry­ together in a hurry. burned to death in the car. Dahmer told police he killed "for my ing the Shiite Muslim leader, Sheik Abbas According to reports from Lebanon, two At the rally in Jibchit just before the own selfish desire for self-gratifica­ Musawi, kept this part ofthe Middle East Israeli helicopters descended on a seven- attack, Musawi denounced the Arab-Is- tion," and the jury concurred. locked in a new cycle of violence that was vehicle convoy carrying the 39-year-old See ISRAEL on page !!• likely to cast a pall on U.S.-brokered peace Houses hurt chances: Rows of talks scheduled to resume in Washington red-roofed houses that cascade down next week. a hillside, more than doubling the Nevertheless, there was no sign that Campaign themes replayed size of this militant Jewish settle­ any of the parties were thinking about ment, are part of a huge Israeli build­ withdrawing from the talks. ing program in the Occupied West At about the time that the Israelis in last debate before primary Bank. They have jeopardized Israel's swooped down on Musawi's convoy, Syria request for $10 billion in U.S. loan and Lebanon announced in Damascus that By WALTER MEARS "When you raise your hand, you become guarantees to help absorb 350,000 they would go to Washington "to give peace Associated Press the insider," he said. "What are you going Soviet Jews who have immigrated a new chance." MANCHESTER, N.H. — Five Demo­ to do to provide jobs for the people of this since 1989. Israel and a joint team of Jordanians cratic presidential candidates took turns country?" and Palestinians are also planning to at­ replaying the themes of their New Hamp­ Tsongas drew fire from most ofthe field Experiments continue: Swiss tend despite heightened tensions after a shire primary campaigns Sunday night in for his support of nuclear power and espe­ voters on Sunday rejected plans to weekend of ample bloodshed.
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