J , R.I. J EW IS H HISTORICAL ASS OC . 13 0 SESSIOC'lS ST . PROVIDE NCE , RI 0 2 906 Senate Provision Curbs Boycotting Or Bribery WASHINGTON: Under a provi­ $100 million in 1977. sion approved by the Senate recent­ The antiboycett language would ly. American concerns that boycott affect transactions made 30 days or Israel or use bribery as a foreign­ more after the provisions become sales tool arc in line to lose millions law. The anti-bribe section would of dollars in tax benefits. generally become effective retroac­ I V()LUME LIX, NUMBER 23 FRIDAY, AUGUST 6, 1976 ~ PER COPY 16 PAGES Up to a year in jail may be im- tive to Jan. I. ---------------------------------;::;;;;;;;;;;----- posed upon any business executives In approving the package of who fail to report corporate income amendments dealing with foreign -j derived as a result of a bribe. or income, the Senate killed one of earnings in any country that dozens of provisions that have been requires participation in a boycott. attacked as favoring special The provision was added to a interests. multibillion dollar tax bill. Still sub­ Tnists Abroad ject to House consideration, the In writing the tax bill, the provision is much tougher than Finance Committee accepted a recommended by the Ford Ad­ House-approved section that ministration. tooghened tax treatment of trusts The anti-boycott and anti-bribery set up in foreign countries by provisions were tacked on to a Americans to benefit their children . package that affects tax treatment The House language would have of income earned by Americans or applied the stricter rules as of May US businesses abroad. It was ap­ 21. 1974, lhc day the provision was proved by the Senate in an 86-1 written by the Ways and Means vote. The Finance Committee sanc­ Committee. The Finance Com­ tions drew no debate. mittee, at the request of Senator The committee acted following Carl T. C urtis, Republican of disclosures that some of the Nebraska, delayed the effective date nation's biggest corporations for eight days on grounds it took cooperated in the Arab boycott of lax lawyers that long to find out Israel and Jewish businesamcn and about the House committee action. that others routinely paid bribes to The delay would have saved foreign officials to improve sales. money for four trust agreements. Congressional aides estimate that Senator Edward M. Kennedy, the provisions on • boycotts and Democrat of Massdchusctts, at­ I' bribes will cost offending concerns lacked the action as a classic loophole for the wealthy. I On a 45-to-4 I vote, the Senalc Mexico Backslides removed the eight-day delay. Gifts, E5tates On Her Promise In another development a bill making basic changes in Federal lax U NITED NATIONS : The laws covering a person's large gifts Mexican government, which several during life and estate at death was months ago promised American approved 28 to 3 today by the Jewish leaders that it will no! ;,ar­ Ho use Ways and Means Com­ COMMITUE MEMBERS plannine,.the Auguat 111 brunch for the benefit of the Building Fund ... the Jewiah Home ticipate in any further anti-Israeli mittee. for the Aged are sh'!wn at the conatniction site on Hilliide Avenue. fTam left to right are Mia. lamey Goldbe°,g, campaigns at the UN after its sup­ Among its main features. ii Mrs. Max Leach, Mrs. Semon Weintraub, Mrs. Max Alperin, Mrs. Albert Alter, Mrs. Meyer Saval and Mrs. David po rt of the resolution equating would create a unified new rate Horvitz. PHOTO BY FICO & WINOGRAD Zionism with racism, has criticized structure for estate and gift taxes in the Israeli rescue operation in place ·o r the presently separate rales RI Jewish Community Has Undertaken Uganda. for such taxes. In a letter to the president of the The committee voted 19 lo 15 to Security Council, the Mexican recommend that the Rules Com­ Largest 5~ngle Fund-Raising Project government. without mentioning mittee clear the legislation for House action next month under Mrs. Max Alperin will be the for the fund-raiser will be used for include Mrs. Barney Goldberg, Israel by name but obviously referr­ ing to Israel, stated: lerms Iha! would bar the offering of hostess on August 18 at 11 :30 a.m. furnishings and equipment for the Mrs. David Horvitz, Mrs. Meyer any amendments from the noor. at a Heartliner Mid-Summer new geriatric care facility. The six Sava! and Mrs. Albert Alter, "Mexico, faithful to its prin­ The legi s lation, with mosl Brunch for the benefit of the million dollar drive for the renova- president of the Ladies' Association ciples, cannot fail likewise to features effective next year, would Building Fund of the Jewish Home tion and expansion of the Home is -of the Jewish Home for the Aged, express its firm rejection of the use be a combination of tax cuts and for the Aged of Rhode Island. The the largest single fund-raising . ex officio. of armed force by any state as a tax increases in this area of law. entertainer will be Cantor Ivan E. project ever undertaken by the means of trying to solve connicts, which presently raises about $5 Perlman of Temple Emanu-El. Rhode Island Jewish community. ~lso, Mf:1. Leo Greenberg, Mrs. because such acts arc a nagrant billion a y~ar for the Treasury. The Na mes of the Heartlincr donors will Elhot Revkm, Mrs. Abraham Ber- violation both of the Charter of the Ford Administration recommended According · to the event co­ be inscribed in a Golden Book at man; Mrs .. Haskell Frank, Mrs. M. - United Nations and of universally changes th at would eventually cost chairmen; Mrs. Max Leach and. the Home. Samuel Mtstowsky and Mrs. Isador accepted principles of international the Treasury $1.6 billion a year. Mrs. .Semon Weintraub, proceeds Other members of the committee S. Low. law, and create precedents of in- Congressional tax staff experts estimated that the committee­ AJ C s·eeks Destruction Of Questionnaire ~:x~~~~~~dangcr for all civilized approved bill would produce an­ "The lack of the political will to nual revenue losses for the Treasury NEW YORK : F. David inherent and persistent danger that early as 1905." during the initial years, with a peak records which identify individuals Jewish organizations, including implement the basic precepts of Mathews, secretary of Health, the United Nations Charter and the loss of $982 million for the budget by race or ethnicity may become the the American Jewish Congress, Education and Welfare, was recent- ' relevant resolutions adopted by the yi,ar beginning October I, 1979. basis for future descrimination have contended that . identifying ly called upon by the American United Nations to give effect to against them." They further warned ethnic groups within school systems Jewish Congress to order a form those precepts in specific cases has that continued use of the form is a device aimed at establishing Air France Billed that has been distributed in the produced, in the opinion of the could lead to a "constitutional quotas, which could result in dis­ public schools of five major cities to Mexican government, a dangerous challenge." crinination against Jews. For Plane Release be destroyed. The form requires impasse in the situation in the Mid­ Sanford ,Winston, an official of PARIS (JTA): Air France is teachers and principals to identify Jack M. Elkin, chairman of the dle East which naturally affects all H. E.W., said in a telephone inter­ recovering its air bus which was themselves and their pupils by race organization's Metropolitan Coun­ internatio•nal activity." view that the agency could not com­ hijacked June 27 and landed at and ethnic origin. New York is one cil, said the forms violate the The letter also condemned all of the cities involved. "constitutionally protected riiht to inent until the letter had been Entcbbe, Uganda, the next day - received. acts of terrorism, including the but at a price. President Idi Amin The congress said there "is an privacy, recognized by the courts as hijacking of the Air France jetliner The forms in question were dis­ released the plane "with no strings to Uganda "by an extremist Palesti­ attached" except a "bill" for 500,- tributed earlier this year by H. E. nian group." Agn~w's Group Assailed W.'s Office of Civil Rights. The 000 Francs. (about $120,000) which NEW YORK: M,moranda, the _ of Breira, an organization concern­ forms were part of a long-range the Ugandan ruler says is due him newsletter for the Education for ed with the plight of Jews study initiated three years ago to Hasidic Songfest for the upkeep of the aircraft and - Democracy Foundatio11, headed by throughout the world, said the determine whether equal services meals and accommodations provid­ former vice president Spiro T. Education for Democracy were being offered to females, Seeking Writers ed the hostages during their week­ Agnew, was denounced recently by newsletter had_ distorted his minority groups and emotional!¥ or long stay at Entcbbe Airport under representatives of two major Jewish organization's criticisms o_!.Israel. physically handicapped children. JERUSALEM: The organizers of .the guns of pro-Palestinian organizations. Both group lead.ers The other cities ·involved' are the eighth anriual Hasidic Song terrorists and Ugandan troops. The claimed they had been misquoted In addition, John A. Von Kan­ Chicago, Philadelphia', ~os Angeles Festival, to take place here October "bill," which the French national by the publication, distorting their oon, the B16omington, Indiana and Detroit., 1_2-15, have asked composers air line reportedly agreed to pay, positions on Israel.
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