PAGE TWENTY - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn.. Fri., July 21. 1978 •------------------ -------------------------------- - ... ^ • '* More tax suits filed Duplicate bridge Good morning ... Have a good day 410 W. Middle Turnpike (the' bid Several owners of a variety of com­ property on Oak Grove Street. Treasure City building), $431,930. mercial enterprises in Manchester John D. LaBelle and Alice C. Jar­ East Ilarlford Bridge Club and Dave Hinchey, second. son and Nick Daum, second. • Cottage Homes Inc., 381 Broad have appealed the tax assessments vis, co-executors of the estate of July 11 at Brltish-American Club, June 20 at British-American Club June 15 at 200 Clement Road The weather Alexander Jarvis, also have appealed St., $346,660. 73 hfaple St., Manchester -North- -North-South: Paul and Geri Bar­ -North-South: Clem Hitchcock and for their properties. • Roland W. Schiller, property in Among those who have appealed the assessments on the following South; Marilyn Jackson and Mary ton, first; Jeannine Raymond and Larry Hebert, first; Don Weeks and Fair, warm and humid Saturday. Lows 70 to 75. the Orford Village area, $14,600. properties: 299 W. Middle Turnpike Roy, first; Barbara Davis and Ken Kozak, second. Nick Daum, second. Hazy sunshine Saturday and Sunday. Chance of an are Jarvis Realty Co., owner of • Schiller, Frank W. Reichert and (C & D Cleaners), $85,260 ; 328 W. Phyllis Pierson, second. afternoon thundershower on Sunday. High both property at 253-263 W. Middle Turn­ Shirley S. Weiss, property on Bidwell East-West: Jim Polites and Bob pike —site of Stop & Shop, Mister Middle Turnpike (Minit Auto Care), East-West: Peg and A1 LaPlant, East-West: Paul and Geri Barton, days 90 to 95. Probability of precipitation 20 per­ Street, $12,200. Schiller lives at 96 Stratton, first; Joan Byrnes and Bob Donut and a barber shop. $105,760 ; 501 W. Middle Turnpike first; Mike Joyce and Jim Todd, se­ first; Millie and Jim Prechtl, second. mianrhpBlpr iEimiing l^pral^ cent Saturday and Saturday night. Southwest Seaman Circle, Reichert at 34 Bencher, second. * A r*__ •■_. %rr'ir/c______ C*____ tO O f The firm feels that the assessment (Grandma’s Pies), $111,820; parking cond. A Family NEWSpaper Since 1881 winds 10 to 15 miles an hour through Saturday lot property off Center Street, $47,- Bidwell St. and Weiss in Coventry. June 8 at 200 Clement Road for the property, $574,990, is too high. I’rall & W hiinry Rridgr Club night. 750; and vacant property off Broad • The Center Street Corp., 16-18 June 27 at British-American Club -North-South: Tony Longo and Bur­ Home delivered copy 15 cents Jarvis Construction Co. filed an June 22 at 200 Clement Road, East Street, $6,300. Locust St., $11,880. —Nortii-South: Paul and Gerl Bar­ ton Smyth, first; Dick and Jackie appeal in connection with the $434,690 Hartford -North-South: Paul and Vol. XCVII, No. 248 — Manchester, Conn., Saturday, July 22, 1978 Newsstand copy 20 cents The following property owners also • The Second Center Street Corp., ton, first; Beverly Cochran and Lynch, second. assessment for property at 404 W. Geri Barton, first; Shirley Graboff have appealed the assesstpents of the 500 Center St., (the Wash Board Lenora Brooks, second. East-West: Mollie Timreck and Center St., the Manchester Racquet and Chuck Powell, second. listed properties: Laundroma), $32,660. Phyllis Pierson, first; Nancy Suizdak Club, And Jarvis Enterprises Inc, East-West: Joan Byrnes and East-West: Louise Kermode and • JMB Income Properties Ltd. II, and Dot Christensen, second. appealed the $40,800 assessment for Louise Kermode, first; Rita Holland .lackie Lynch, first: Frank Tomlin­ About town Dems pledge Manchester Composite Squadron of the Civil Air Patrol will meet Sunday from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. at Pre-lnventoiy Sale! the Manchester State Ar­ to glue party mory. Membership is open to all young people from first woman ever elected governor Grade 7 through high “Thick ’nThin” By M IKE CLANCY Killian is more personal than w A m without the aid of her husband’s ideological. He claims to represent school. More information 7-Web & Vinyl Tube HARTFORD (UPI) - Connecticut name or death, would beat Killian by a may be obtained by calling Democrats — mostly party regulars Folding Hl-Back Democrats Friday opened the 1978 large enough margin in Saturday’s 6466344 or 871-0257. convention with a pledge to hold the — who have felt left out of her ad­ Patio Furniture balloting to avoid a September ministration. Some liberals were un­ party together despite the un­ pimary. Manchester Chapter. precedented intraparty struggle happy with Mrs Grasso’s perfor­ In order to qualify for a primary in mance. but a challenge from their SPEBSQSA. will meet between Gov. Ella T. Grasso and Lt. which all registered party members Monday at 7:30 at the Teen Gov. Robert K. Killian. quarter never materialized, may vote, Killian, who says his boss Mrs. Grasso beat Killian in a Centqr Annex of 11™ While fife and drum corps has not spoken to him in over a year, Manchester Recreation delegate primary in his hometown of marchers tried to outduel a bagpipe must get at least 20 percent of the 1,- Center. The meeting is Hartford in 1974, and former state band outside, elder statesman Sen. 357 delegate votes. open to all area men in­ Abraham Ribicoff, D-Conn., and national Chairman John M. 19" Mrs. Grasso said she had the sup­ Bailey, who ruled the Connecticut terested in singing four- delivered a keynote address in the port to avoid a primary, but Killian— part barbershop harmony. Handsome ensemble has hi- Bushnell Auditorium that avoided en­ Democratic party with an iron hand backs, non-tip patio legs for the first lieutenant governor in for almost 30 years, convinced the dorsement of either Mrs. Grasso or modern Connecticut history to Robin Chapter. loser to step aside and take the Killian while urging nomination of a challenge a sitting governor of his American Business C anon AE-1 Fully Automatic number two spot on..the ticket. ticket that would beat the own party—disputed her contention, Women's Association, will Electronic 35mm SLR Camera But Bailey, Mrs. Grasso’s political create a decorative "basket- Republicans in November. Killian is so sure he will qualify for have a picnic meeting Mon­ ' weave effect and provide mentor, died shortly after she took Ribicoff has refused to take sides a primary he has already started day at 6 p.m. at the home This lightweight compact makes profess­ additional comfort. office and ever since, the governor in the bitter battle between Killian taking out radio and television ads of its president, Mary ional results a snap! Shutter-priority and her second-in-command have exposure, with instant-response metering and Mrs. Grasso. To show he was for August. Clemento. Virginia White, >269 been fighting. system, 50mm f/1.8 lens for sharp shooting. Our Reg. 299.87 committed to neutrality, Connec­ who has been active in Both sides courted delegates ticut’s senior senator declined to be a during the convention’s opening day At least 10 candidates have mental health associations •Canon "TX" 35mm SLR Camera with deligate to this year’s convention. of speeches and politicking. Balloting expressed interest in the lieutenant and programs for the han­ OurRcf. 199.87 . 1/1.8 Lens and Carry Case, M78 "For the last two decades the was scheduled for Saturday, with no governor’s spot and about five dicapped. will be the guest Democratic party has had a majority shortage of candidates for the other women are looking at the secretary speaker. • Canonet GUI 35mm Rangefinder Camera W 9 9 ' with 1/1.7 Lens and Carry Case, Our Reg. 134.88 M09 in Connecticut, But you and I know a spots on the ticket. of state’s job. There appears to be lit­ Save An Extra Save Over 1 majority in registrations does not Connecticut Republicans meet tle competition for the treasurer, Public 1 guarantee success. We have lost next weekend in Hartford with Rep. comptroller and attorney general 25% 20% elections while being the majority Ronald Sarasin, R-Conn., the likely nominations. records OFF party. We don’t want to do that convention choice. But state Senate Mrs. Grasso, the daughter of SAVE 2 0 % OurRe* Pri«‘ again," he said. Warranty deeda AnEiitr« fc 'w /w OFF ■■ $ ’ OFF Minority Leader Lewis B. Rome is Italian immigrants, recently broke 1 Our Reg. Prices "We have an open convention. We with tradition and announced she U & R Housing to Paul Entire Stock of Our Reg. Prices ^ expected to get the required 20 per­ are an open party. We have some M. Falck and Marjorie F. Air Conditioners cent and has said he will probably would not endorse any of the can­ decisions to make. We must have a enter a primary. didates running for lieutenant gover­ Falck. property at 37 and Dehumidifiers in Hartford. Gov. Grasso is seeking a second governor and a ticket consistent with The feud between Mrs. Grasso and nor. Gov. Ella Grasso has a kiss for Connecticut Patriot Lane, $8680 con­ Entire Stock of Entire Stock of the long line of Democrats who have Democratic Stat?)Chairman William O’Neill term in office and O’Neill wants the nomina­ veyance tax. IGLOO® Chests Cast-Aluminum served Connecticut with distinction,” tion fot lieutenant governor. (UPI photo) Stanley W. Backus. East THERMOS® Insulated at a reception Friday night before the 1 3 9 .7 ^ 349.70„ *112.0*279 and Jugs Gas Grills Ribicoff said. Hartford, Anna Fuller, 43 Qt.
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