THE TUFTS DAILY Where You Read It First Wednesday, February 22,1995 Vol XXX Number 21 ZBT and AEII will move into on-campus houses by next fall by JOHN O’KEEFE Inter-Fraternity Council [IFC] ing a bid. Daily Editorial Board PresidentJason Ser said, “To have The fraternities presented a re- The Tufts chapters of Alpha all the houses on the campus is form proposal which was approved Epsilon Pi [AEPi] and Zeta Beta very important to the Greek sys- by the trustees and CFS this se- Tau [ZBT], the only two off-cam- tem. Having a house on campus mester. Exact details of the new pus fraternities at the University, can only help in terms of rush rush policies will be reported in will receive on-campus housing numbers and recruitment.” He tomorrow’sDaily. next semester. According to Asso- added, “It will bring the Greek After receiving the trustees’ ciate Dean of Students Bruce system even closer together and endorsement of the policy two Reitman, “theuniversity hascom- boost themoraleofall the houses.” weeks ago, the University in- mitted to finding or identifying Ser further noted that the issu- formed ZBT and AEPi that they Photo by Ben Margoles facilities for AEPi and ZBT for anceofon-campus houses toAEPi would be granted some form of Tina Kim, with a five set victory against Conn. College, helped this fall.” andZBTis longoverdue.‘They’ve on-campus housing next semes- push Tufts to a 4th place finish at the Howe Cup. See story, pg 7. Thesetwo fraternitieshavecon- been waiting a while. They really ter. According to Gertner, “[the sistently received the highest rat- deserve these houses,” he said. ings by the faculty Committee on Gertner concurred with Ser’s Campus wiring will Fraternities and Sororities [CFS] sentiments about the benefits of in recent years, yet both chapters on-campus fraternity housing. have been without on-campus “ZBT has always been at a disad- speed up Emerald housing since their respective vantage. Their house is way on the charterings. AEPi and ZBT were other side of campus, away from by JOSH ROBIN crease in potential speed will re- formed in the last seven or eight all of the other fraternities. Hope- Daily Editorial BoardJ sult in a variety of new opportuni- years and are the two most re- fully this will really improve their The possible changes in com- ties for users, all revolving around cently founded fraternitiesat Tufts. exposure on campus,” he said. puter services at Tufts have the the World Wide Web. The web, AEPi President Matt Jacobs However, Gertner added that potential to bring about large-scale according to McDonald, is a sys- said, “We’re ecstatic that the Uni- he was disappointed that it has differences in the capabilities of tem that allows direct access to versity has made the commitment taken so long for it to happen.. ’ individual machines and can re- anyone in the world who has a to getting us a house.” The presi- “They’ve been talking about this sult in major changes in the avail- computer, an address, and compa- dent of ZBT was unavailable for for years,” he said. ability of information and re- rable software to the original op- comment, however Inter-Greek Several officers in the Greek sources, Tufts officials said. erator. Council [IGC] President Gregory system indicated that the issuance According to Paul Morris, ex- “It’s like a regular postal ser- Gertner, who is a ZBT brother, of campus housing to the two fra- ecutive director of Tufts Comput- Daily file photo said that he was pleased with the ternitiei wa.c,made&ntingentupon Bruce Reitman ing and CommunicationsServices, University’s decision. the successful revision of frater- the most significant of changes “Having loopercent of the fra- nity rush policies in compliance University] took the acceptance that may result after the proposed ternities on campus can do noth- with the recommendations of the of the new rush policy as the impe- construction this summer is an in- ing but help the Greek system,” Tufts Board of Trustees. tus for giving houses to ZBT and crease in the power and speed of Gertner said. Jacobs stressed that ad hoc trustee committee AEPi.” the wiring. residing in an on-campus house on fraternities and sororities pre- “In 1993, after the trustees met “It will bring about access to provides many benefits for the sented a report in November of and presented their report, [Uni- Emerald in a faster way. It allows chapters including improving ex- 1993 which demanded that the versity Provost] Sol Gittleman greatercapabilityand more people posure to students and allowing fraternities adopt more open rush promised that bothoff-campusfra- to access the resources,” he said. sophomore members to reside at policiessuchthatcandidateswould see HOUSES, page 12 Morris specified that these the fraternity. be “reasonably assured” of receiv- changes are all proposed and that no formal contracts have been signed. This is a function of the Brinker presents proposal for fact that during the last meeting of Tufts’ Board of Trustees, officials said that this summer, all dorms on student Bill of Rights- to Senate Daily file photo invitations to attend this meeting, campus will be wired for e-mail David McDonald by ANDREA GROSSMAN “that the task force shall present capabilities.Presently, only South Daily Editorial Board its findings and recommendations which will be the “first attempted and Miller Halls are capable for vice,” he said. McDonald went on In a short Senate meeting held to the administration, faculty, and opening of this mega-dialogue.” that type of technology. to say that the web offers users the on Monday night, Tufts Commu- student body no later than Jan. 1, Also in his president’s report, The difference in speed is a possibility to interact in text, sound, nity Union [TCU]President David 1996.” Brinker addressed the body on the result of an increase in the amount and images. Brinker presented the body with a Brinker’s roughdraft of the bill importanceof getting alarge num- of available bytes per second.Pres- McDonald added that possi- new resolution calling for a Task of rights is based on one that cur- ber of students to vote on the Con- ently, the system has an availabil- bilities available on the Web vary Force on Student Rights and a rently exists at the University of stitution on March 8. “We’re go- ity of 9,600 bytes per second. Ac- from the listening of recorded rough draft of an Undergraduate Connecticut.The proposed docu- ing to keep the polls open from cording to Morris, this number messages from the White House Student Bill of Rights, as a part of ment includes sections dealing breakfast until dinner, so students may beenlargedto IOmillion bytes to the viewing of paintings in the his weekly president’s report. with student welfare, student con- have the maximum amount of time per second, using a system of wir- Louvre. University-wide, he said The resolution concerning duct, academic freedoms, and to vote,” he said. ing known as “ethernet.” that short term goals include e- Brinker’s proposed Task Force on speech and expression. He also said that he hopes to “Ten megabytes will support a mail exchanged with faculty mem- Student Rights states that the pur- Brinker said he plans topresent send the Senate newsletter out next large number of users simulta- bers and seeing specific course pose of the group will be to write both the new resolution and the week. neously... alargenumberofpeople assignments. Long term-goals in- upanoEcialStudentBil1 ofRights Undergraduate Student Bill of During the vice president’s re- will be able to work at the same clude the deliverance of students’ to explore issues such as “freedom Rights to the administration at the port, Services Committee Chair time,” Morris said. grades electronically. of speech and expression, free- March 3 meeting of the All Col- David Breakstone said that he is According to Director of Infor- “Our long-term goal is to begin dom of association, freedom of lege Council. He said that all ad- working on establishing a Spring mation Technology and Libraries to transfer information electroni- religion, privacy, nondiscrimina- iktrators have been sent out Break Shuttle, which would run David McDonald, the improve- cally instead of using paper,” he tion, and the students’ roles in the like the Turkey Shuttle that was ment of the wiring and the in- said, alluding to the potential de- decision-making process at the used to transport students to Logan crease in waste that the changes University.” Airport before Thanksgiving can bring amount. The resolution also states that Break. He also mentioned that he Inside “The World Wide Web shrinks the task force will be chaired by is in the midst of organizing a Features ......................... P. 3 the world,” McDonald said. “It either the Dean of Students or the Frisbee Golf.Tournament. Food, folks, and fun: Ihe Arlington alloys [the computer user] to in- Associate Dean of Students and Bryan Krause, chair of the Ad- Food Co-op, Dan Tobin’s column. and teract with other people and other will be funded by the TCU Senate. ministration and Budget (A&B) -get this -Clown College. organizations.” Brinker said that he would like Committee, said that his commit- McDonald specified that on the the Student Bill of Rights to serve tee is working on getting hours A&E ............................... P. 5 system that is used in South and as “an articulable list of what the expanded at Wessell Library. A&B Everybody on the Drag City label Miller Halls, the technology al- rights of students are.” As of now, is in the process of composing a puts in their two cents, and third-grader lows users to access the Web, but he said he feels that, on occasion, survey which will bedistributedto Billy Madison doesn’t get a gold star.
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