CHURCH TODAY Volume XLVI, No. 8 www.diocesealex.org Serving the Diocese of Alexandria, Louisiana Since 1970 August 17, 2015 O N T H E INSIDE Prayer and Senate fails to pass the Pledge legislation to defund Planned Parenthood Catholic schools start every day The U.S. Senate voted 53- with a prayer and the pledge 46 to stop efforts Republicans said Democrats were using to delay and ultimately kill S. 1881. According to an AP story, 60 votes were needed to enable the defunding measure to move forward. See page 3. Pope designates Sept. 1 as World Day of Prayer for Care of Creation Like their Orthodox brothers and sisters, Catholics formally will mark Sept. 1 as the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, Pope Francis has decided. For more information, go to page 2. 11 seminarians in formation for priesthood this Fall Eleven seminarians from the Diocese of Alexandria will be at- tending seminaries this fall, ac- CATHOLIC SCHOOLS OPENED for the 2015-2016 school cording to Father Louis Sklar, di- year in early August. What better way to start the day than rector of Vocations. For details on with a prayer to God and the pledge to our country. Raising who is studying for the priesthood the flag at Sacred Heart School in Moreauville and the seminary they will be at- For more infor- tending, see page 7. mation about Catholic schools opening, see pages 11-13. (Photo by Karen Moreau) PAGE 2 CHURCH TODAY AUGUST 17, 2015 Pope designates Sept. 1 as World Day of Prayer for Care of Creation (CNS) -- Like their Orthodox protectors of God’s handiwork is brothers and sisters, Catholics essential to a life of virtue; it is formally will mark Sept. 1 as the not an optional or a secondary as- World Day of Prayer for the Care pect of our Christian experience.” of Creation, Pope Francis has de- The annual World Day of cided. Prayer for the Care of Creation, The day of prayer, the pope Pope Francis said, will be a time said, will give individuals and for individuals and communities communities an opportunity to to “reaffirm their personal voca- implore God’s help in protecting tion to be stewards of creation, creation and an opportunity to ask to thank God for the wonderful God’s forgiveness “for sins com- handiwork which he has entrust- mitted against the world in which ed to our care, and to implore his we live.” help for the protection of creation Pope Francis announced his as well as his pardon for the sins decision to add the annual prayer committed against the world in day to the Catholic calendar in a which we live.” letter to Cardinal Peter Turkson, The pope asked Cardinal president of the Pontifical Coun- Koch to consult with and work cil for Justice and Peace, and to with the Catholic Church’s ecu- Cardinal Kurt Koch, president of menical partners and the World the Pontifical Council for Pro- Council of Churches to make sure moting Christian Unity. the prayer day becomes a sign of The text of the letter, dated Christians’ commitment to work Aug. 6, was released by the Vati- WORLD DAY OF PRAYER FOR CARE OF CREATION will be celebrated Tuesday, Sept. 1, as announced by Pope together to safeguard creation “in can Aug. 10. Francis. On this day, the Pope hopes Christians will discover that “the life of the spirit is not dissociated from the body order to be more credible and ef- Pope Francis said he was or from nature.” fective.” instituting the prayer day for He entrusted to the Pontifi- Catholics because he shares the cal Council for Justice and Peace concern of Ecumenical Patriarch their approach to earthly realities, the task of working with Catholic Bartholomew of Constantinople, beginning with an acknowledg- bishops’ conferences and envi- who initiated a similar prayer day Prayer To Care For Our Common Home ment that “the life of the spirit is ronmental organizations to publi- for the Orthodox Church in 1989. Father of all, not dissociated from the body or cize and coordinate the specifics Metropolitan John of Per- Creator and ruler of the universe, from nature,” but lived in com- of the celebration. gamon, who represented the pa- You entrusted your world to us as a gift. munion with all worldly realities. “I invoke upon this initiative triarch at the public presentation Help us to care for it and all people, The ecological crisis, he said, the intercession of Mary, mother June 18 of Pope Francis’ encycli- that we may live in right relationship-- is a summons “to a profound spir- of God, and of St. Francis of As- cal, “Laudato Si’,” had suggested with You, itual conversion” and to a way of sisi, whose Canticle of the Crea- there that all Christians join in with ourselves, life that clearly shows they are tures inspires so many men and prayer Sept. 1. with one another, believers. women of goodwill to live in “This would mark a step to- and with creation. Quoting his encyclical, he praise of the Creator and with re- ward further closeness among said, “living our vocation to be spect for creation,” he said. them,” he had said. Christ our Lord, Pope Francis said Christians both divine and human, want to make their special contri- You lived among us and died for our sins. bution to safeguarding creation, Help us to imitate your love for the human family but to do that they must redis- by recognizing that we are all connected— cover the spiritual foundations of to our brothers and sisters around the world, to those in poverty impacted by environmental devastation, and to future generations. Diocesan Holy Spirit, giver of wisdom and love, Directory You breathe life in us and guide us. Help us to live according to your vision, stirring to action the hearts of all— The 2015-2017 Diocesan individuals and families, Directory has not returned communities of faith, yet from the printer. and civil and political leaders. As soon as it is printed, it will be distributed. If you pre- Triune God, help us to hear the cry of those in poverty, and the cry ordered a copy, it will be either of the earth, so that we may together care for our common home. Amen. mailed to you or you will receive a phone call to come pick it up This prayer from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops is based on Pope Francis’ Laudato Si’: On Care for Our Common Home. from the Diocesan office. AUGUST 17, 2015 CHURCH TODAY PAGE 3 Week of Prayer to end Evils of Planned Parenthood Aug. 22-29 Senate fails to pass legislation to defund PP; new efforts expected WASHINGTON (CNS) -- The head of the U.S. bishops’ pro-life committee Aug. 3 urged Prayer to Our Lady to U.S. senators to take the federal money that goes to the Planned end U.S. funding of Parenthood Federation of Amer- the Culture of Death ica and instead fund women’s health care providers that do not Our Lady of Guadalupe, promote abortion. “It has long been troubling to Mother of America, many Americans that the nation’s we pray for your intercession largest abortion network, per- in the defense of Life and Family forming over a third of all abor- in the United States. tions, receives over half a billion taxpayer dollars a year,” said Bos- We pay for the election ton Cardinal Sean P. O’Malley. “This concern has rightly of political leaders grown in recent years,” he wrote who will respect the dignity in a letter to the senators. of each person The cardinal, who is chair- from conception until natural death. man of the USCCBs’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities, urged sen- And we pray for the conversion ators to support S. 1881, a mea- sure that would defund Planned of all members of Congress, Parenthood and its affiliates. and all those working Later that day, the Senate PEOPLE PROTEST on a sidewalk Aug. 6 outside a San Antonio Planned Parenthood clinic that performs abortions. in the U.S. government Federal and state lawmakers have called for an investigation of Planned Parenthood and defunding it after the organi- voted 53-46 to stop efforts Re- who are promoting zation’s top physicians were videotaped talking about ways to perform abortions to better salvage intact fetal tissue and publicans said Democrats were the Culture of Death using to delay and ultimately organs intact to sell to researchers. (CNS photo/Paul Haring) here and around the world. kill S. 1881. According to an AP story, 60 votes were needed to enable the defunding measure to obtain more ‘intact’ organs, is the releasing any video footage of tions into the organization. Through your intercession, move forward. latest demonstration of a callous- interviews of officials from Stem- Cecile Richards, president may our elected officials in the US The Senate action came just ness toward women and their un- Express, a California-based com- of the Planned Parenthood Fed- reverse the policies days before Congress was to be- born children that is shocking to pany that provides organs and tis- eration of America, in a statement that use taxpayer money gin its August recess. AP said the many Americans,” he said. sue to researchers. said that “allegations that Planned to destroy Life, Marriage House is expected to vote on a In two of the videos, top Planned Parenthood receives Parenthood profits in any way similar measure when Congress Planned Parenthood physicians more than $500 million of its $1.3 from tissue donation is not true.” and the Family worldwide.
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