-ixiaieS: jiiaf/.- .. J / . t ' ^ — - THURSDAY, JANUARY S6.1961 lEv^nittg If^roUi /pm with Your Neighbors-^Join the March of Dimes Pearl Display Avorage Daily Net Press Ran the Wsather — A hoapital bed ja HALE’S For the W cA ^ ^ " 8 needed for a local patient ^^JMichael’s ^wmwmvj Mf lU I ibeut to be dlecharged from • HMMOT W pV M W ■Mr Ml w* Hartford InetltuUon. U any 10,143 ■Iglil feif M i Mlit kMMi one has such a bed. nrt in uae, Steps in Production of M aluJJrBIFr IwuFutuu Self Serve N^TaiU porMora noor M l aataidny M r lU loan sflll be greajiy appre­ MenAer ot tho Audit > . ^ ciated by the l^ c h m t e r Cultured Genas Illus* Eurrau of CXreniatloM - A N D , ^ Manche8ter-~“ A City of VUlago Charm Branch of 0>e_^ Mrm. H*nry a o f » * « trated by Exhibit of tiM Mmcheiter itegubHcw cancer 90dety. Telephone 4183 da>a. 6918 evenings. WoniMi’a CSub. and Kra. An interesting exhibit on the (Claaalflad AdverUalng an Page 14) MANCHESTER, CONN, FRIDAY, JANUARY *6, 1951 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE FIVE CENTS Finlay, wUl attend the meeting ot Health Market- VOL. LXX, NO. 98 the Rational Republican Women a cultured pearl Indiutry Is noyv on Club In New York Oty. Saturday. SUte Welfare Conunlasloner display In the window of Michael's Robert J. Smith ha* been raap- Jewelers on Main atreet. The ex­ polnted to his post by Governor hibit, to be shown 'til February 6, In Fact Thousands Of People Shop Here For Economy Launch New Mohawk Has Only New 2nd Milk Price Here Chinese Reds Are Wrong About This GI Lxxige. The 'commissioner ha* Includes an aquarium model of a England Skiing This Week 2 American Corps held executive poeltlon* in the pearl “ farm" and was made es­ Welfare Department for lo years, pecially for^the Michael stores by Cornwall, <3onn,, Jan. 26.— HALE'S the Richelieu Pearl company. Move to OK more than half of them aa head A31 Of The Time. Have You Tried It?? (/P)—Walt Schoenknecht, Mo­ In Month Brings Tab of the department. The pending Illustrated In the display are hawk ski area manager, an­ Headquarters reappointment waa noted In yes­ the various steps In the production nounced today that there will Reach Point Fifteen terday's Herald. of cultured pearls, accompanied by Pari-Mutuels be skiing here this week-end. FOR explanatory card* and photo­ IVORY Schoenknecht aald unless To 24 Cents a Quart graphs, from the insertion of a 4 Exfro Specials there Is an imexpecled anow- The meeting of the Peat Grands mother of pearl ball Into the nroRY Asaoclation of King David Liodge. LIBBY’S FLAKES Bill Would Allow Two fall, Mohawk will be the only Miles from Seoul oyster to a completed /string of New England ski area to have No. 31. scheduled for tomorrow pearls. Also shown are pearls In soap Horse Racing Tracks Hartford. Jan. 26— --Hartford . hearing, and preparing an order evening, haa been postponed until Pvt. KBsmieT 8. Orcyb various stages of development and Delrich Large skiing. and other Connecticut dealers to­ aJtcr each hearing. Friday evening, February 2. crosB-secUons of the gems. 8 For 32c In State; Introduce Schoenknecht aald work day prepared to raise the retail Hammerbeig ordered a farmer’s crews produced more than 300 price increase of '44 cent* a hun­ Battle Tested Outfits Private Kaxmler S. Orayb, eon One of the sample pearls 1* Com Beef price of milk one cent a quart France Urges The Manchester Juvenile of Mr. and Mr*. Joseph Grzyb, of much larger than the others but 31c Drastic Narcotics Act tons of snow last night with dredweight or about a cent a Push Near Capital in 1 Grange will meet tomorrow night 37 Mill atreet. Manchester. Conn., is mlsshapened. Had the large experimental snow - making Feb. 1, the second hike for the con­ quart, effective Feb. 1, bringing at 6:30 at Tinker hall. All mem­ Is at Fort Hood, Texas, taking gem developed normally It would l \ ( ) R \ IVORY state Capitol, Hartford, Jan. 25 machines. Crews will continue sumer within a month. the producer price U> 16.48 a hun­ **Lin]ited Objective” ib. working today. There will be New Europe bers are urged to be present. Mov- training with a unit of the famed have been of great value. IVORY —VP)—A new attempt to legalize One big dealer declining to be dredweight. This ,.. an anticipation Attack; Drive Has IM win be shown after the meet­ 2nd Armored Division. Natural pearls are found In one SOAP SNCW iSNOW pari mutuel betting on horM rac­ no skiing today. quoted said he expects by this of a riae in the Boston market and ing. ____ out of every thousand oysters and action to pass on to the public a a hike which was already announc­ Powerful Tank, Ar* are due to the accidental penetra­ 8 For • ing In Connecticut waa Initiated Army Plan .C E R E SO T A price rise of about a cent a quart ed in the New York price. Nutmeg Forest, Tall Cedars The W.B.A. Guard Club will tion of a microscopic crystal Into 4 3 < [32c today in the General Assembly. tillery, Air Support meet tomorrow evening at eight MIDIUM paid to the farmer, ordered over­ Order Moved Fast Minstrels will hold a rehearsal at the membrane of the oyster. Over 2 7 c A bill creating a three-man Rac­ The Boston price formula actual­ o’clock for Its monthly meeting a period of years, the oyster covers ing Commisaion and authorizing Senators See night by State Milk Administrator the Masonic Temple tomorrow Donald O. Hammerberg. ly will not take effect in this .Slate Asks 11 Nations, Includ* Tokyo, Saturday, Jan. 27. Ranges. Refrigerators evening at seven o’clock and also with Mrs. Pauline Bcrrett of 16 the Irritating crystal with films of PERSONAL not more than two race track* In Eldridge street. FLOUR the state waa Introduced in the It will mean that the family until such time as the Boston ing Wpst Germany, to —(/P)-^trong elements of at Odd Fellows hall on Sunday nacre and a pearl is formed. formula catches up with the Con­ In cultured pearls, a mother of House by Rep. Ervlhg Pruyn (R., Security Body grade milk at retail, 22 cents In two American corps slammed ~ Washers and AU afternoon at three o'clock. Chair­ IVORY OXYDOL December, will be 24 cents a quart necticut price. Karmers fearful of Join; W ould Supple* man Ed Swanson has requested pearl bead replaces the crystal Oolebrook). The bill bore the nota­ The Wapplng Parent-Teacher 8 For in February. Early this month •'federal enliaglemerif'' were as­ northward within 16 miles of Other Appliances that the full cast appear for the Association will conduct a card and Is cultivated Into a pearl over Scottissue tion that Pruyn had Introduced it dealers took the initiative in in­ sured at the price hearing Friday ment Ike's (]ommand Seoul on the Korean western rehearsal Sunday. party, Saturday evening, February a period of from three to nine by request. Wasting Time 3, at eight o'clock In the fire house years. 19c It is a common practice for leg­ creasing the retail price one cent that the relationship to Boston 1’ront Friday against spotty Tts J W H A J ^ C O M J . 4 9 ^ 32c on the grounds of an increase In doc* not mean federal control, and Part*. Jan 26 —'Al — France The First District American Le­ In that village. Prises will be islators to offer bllla turned over to minor Red opposition. A to them by conatituents. their own operating costs. Pro­ that the action by the State may made an historic mjVe today to gion and Auxiliary meeting will awarded the->^nners and refresh­ Cub Pack No. 120, sponsored by | SPIC special Ui iS. Eighth Army the Catholic Mothers Circles, will end Birth Control Bill Ote Red Probe Sparked ducers received no part of this. be rescinded at any time u|K>n be held at the new Hockanurn ments served. Proceeds TVlll be S. Sgt. Oliver Fniwley, shnnn viniting his wife and rhlldren In Fllts- muster the soldiers of Europe, who summary called it “a limited used for supplementary equip­ hold Its monthly meeting tomor­ DREFT The horse rac||ig bill made its By McC^arthy; House Tie Price to Beaton holding a hearing called for by burgh, was a most mi; piised OI when informed the Chinese Reds still school on High atreet. Just beyond row evening at seven o’clock In 3 1 ^ iS p ic have si>illed each other's blood for objective attack." But It mode Pratt A Whitney. In East Hart­ ment for the Wapplng grammar SPAN appearance as the Leglalature en­ Big news to the farmer in to­ farmers, dealers or consumers, were listing him a* u prisoner. Hr was raptured by the Reds hut achooL St. James’s hall. Group Eyes Youths Hammerberg made a record for was freed Nov. 2,1 and has been gelling m<dlcal treatment at VBlle,v centvirles, into one Army, under clear that It parked a heavy wal­ Retd Herald Advs. ford Sunday afternoon at 8:18. »2->» tered the final hours for the intro­ day’s price order by Hammerberg lop aa it aought for the Chinese 25c duction of new tnuineas. is that C om ^ticut producer prices speed In preparing the order after Forge (Pa.) hospllnl.
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