- ·t?) !>asset , / Suspended} - 7 'I <t .f' r N. P. D. Ralsey ,- ,..-y- Deprived} v _.. ,:, -'/ "} ..J N. P.D. Affiliated Suspended} U.M.C. Reinstated Expelled Rest::a ' ft1J-/'f70/ J)A'U 1\cLMAlHVr /J?v . Re m"(~ 7 -j 'f -'/ Cj () 7 Nome Kelley, Stephen T 9.7 Lodge No 51-- -St- . John ' s Initiated - -- • Dlmltted Official Record 4- 5- 1 948 Suspended} N. P . D . Deprived} N.P.D. Suspended} U.M. C . Relnuated Expelled Name Kelley, Stewart Et.'-AR::D LodieNo. 81 Atlantic Dlmitted Official Record lnitiatr _ 'llf -s0 1 7 Passed Suspended} N.P.D. Raised Deprived} N.P.D. Affiliated Suspended} U.M.C. Reinstated Expelled Restored Died Remark~ /' - 'i' )' 1 CJ Y 1 - Initiate _ j / -/ '1 'f 3 S uspended} Pnsaeds- --S ~/ 1 '-/ :5 N.P.O. Raised L/ J Deprived} N . P. O. 5 ~J i -/ 'j I Afflllnled Suspended} U.M. C. Reinslnled Expelled .TBBODOKE K. KELLEY CUMBERLAND - Theodore R . Kelley, 83, of 85 Orchp.rd Hlll Road, ·died yesterday ln a Portland hospital after a long Ulneaa. · He wu born 1n Mars Hill Dee. 1, 1905, son of Gordon and Sarah White Kelley, and attended Mars HUla schools. He lived for many years 1n Westbrook, coming to Cumber­ land in 1952. Until shortly be­ fore his death Mr. Kelley was employed as a maintenance man for the Portland Gas l.Jght Co. He was a member of War­ ren-Phillips Lodge, AF & AM, for more than 25 yeap. Besides his Wife, the former Marton Stiles, ' he Is survived by two sons, Donald F. Kelley and David G. Kelley, both of CUmberland; three grandchil­ dren; three brothers, Cole Kel­ ley of 5outh1nrton, Conn.. ker­ mit Kelley of San Carlos, Calif., uti Charles Kelley of Bristol. Conn.; a sister, Mrs. Ruth Pri.U ol Sandusky, Ohio; and ae v e ra 1 nieces and nephews. Funeral aenlces will be at 2 p.m. Friday at the Lindquist Funeral Home, 3'l Portland St.. Yarmouth. Interment wUl be 1n Gray Village Cemetery. Nume Lodre No. Initiated Dimltted .Jj/ q/11 jfJ-'1-11 Passel! Suspended} J /:J-ft I N.P.D. Rais~d Deprived} 1-r/..r/11 N.P.D. Affiliated Suspended} U.M. C. Reinstated Expelled R~stor~d Died Remark& Name Kelly , Thomas Edward Lodge No. 29 Tranquil Initiated Dimittcd Official Record 2 -15..:...1 9_8 9 -- - - - -- Passed Sus~nded l- N • . D. ~ 3 -15.:..1..9-B q 14/~ ~ Deprived 6~se7 -1 9R9 N. P . D. F Affiliated Sust(nded u . c. } --- Reinsta~ Espelled ------ --- Restored Died - Born --- - 5 - 30-196 1 R-emarks --------- --- - -- ---- - Restored Died Remarks Jai ti•tod Dimittod Olliciol Record <1/tl/71 J, S Iff 51)- 1•a ~u~ e d Sueoended } ?/t:;71 N. ''· n. s.s. l ~fl.,t -1 '?~ 1- Raised Deprived } 91/7 1 N. P. 0 . .J:w; 1~ - Affili•t~d Suspended } U . M . C. Roinololod Bxpoll~d llo•torod Di e~~' / f7J Remarll.s laitiatecl lo;j~~ Dimittecl Official Recorcl Paooecl Saspenclecl I 1/~t/£ (, N.P.D. Raioecl DepriyecJ. ~ 1 1 1 f 6; N.P.D. ?-j t .Jji'~ Alfiliatecl Saspenclecl l U.M.C. Reiaiatatecl Expelled Reotorecl Dit>cl Name lnldated Dlmltted Official Record .3-~1 -/f;J...( , £>.1 f .ZI/- . Passed . ~ Suspended ~ -.2a - l '1 J..f N.P.D. }J -t.f-/f1 Rilsed ·1 Deprived } J.J. - ;;_J--1? J../ N.P.D. A.f nuated Suspended U. M.C. Reinstated Expelled Restored Died Initiated Dlmltted Official Record :2. '- ~-1 9 .:3 ;L Suspended} PJ~Ii -1 11 N .P.D. \ Deprived} Rnl~ -'}'S ~ <f Y? N.P.D. Affiliated Suspended} U.M.C. Reinstated Expelled Restored Died f -11- /96'1 Remarks a:.~~;).. Initia ted Dimitted / a7 -!- lr IL 5 -11 - .;:J.)j Passed Suspended} ;;_ -;;_ Cf -19/)_ N.P.D. Raised D eprived} 3 -;;_ f -19 I'­ N .P.D. 1 il!t Suspended} A ffi1~"j r '.rs U.M. C. R einstated Expelled Restored Died 0- ~ -; rt.J Remark a 0\..j-3 61.6- Name Ke lley, Willard Maurice, Jr. ~3 Lodge No. 173 Ple iade s Reiruta ~d Restored Remarks ------- Initiated Dlmltted Official Record !'-31- J8'j3 Passed Suspended} ?-cJI- Jfi'q3 N.P.D. Raised I Deprived } q_ /3- l<i?J3 N.P.D. Affmated Suspended } U.M.C. R einstated Expelled Restored Died Remarks Name Kell~y, William Arthur LodaeNo. 48 Lafayette UInitiated Dlmitted 5-29 -1946 Passed Suspended} 6 -14-1946 N.P.D. Raiaed Deprived} 6-28-1946 N. P.D. AffiUated Suspended} U . M . C. Reinstated Expelled Restored Died //-.;)-/?.5-;?' Remark• Born: 2-28-1888 Num~ Lo d~r e N o. Initiated D lmltted 10- ~ I 1 P a ssed - !Job- ~;~t,p--I 9 3 3 I // - J/ - JO o J..- Rals~d I OJ D eprived } II,- 17- ) Qg.j- N . P . D . Affilt at~ I S uspended} J U . M. C. Rein !t ~t~! r-1i 3 Expelled Res t ored I~ N•m•~~~ · I LodgeNo. ' )/j{-_~~ ~r:a;aJe' _ .1 qct'O Dlmltted / Official Record . Ja~ea Suspended } ~ - b - }q {J-0 N. P. D. Rflsed Deprived } (o - ~ _..I q{1--{J N. P. 0. Affiliated Suspended } U. M.C. Reinstated Expelled R estored R em arks :s ~0 tr =~!f·~=-. r~-tlll ... o o-· 111 .... ; e: ::s·: 3 ! :r"' ~ a ~ ~ = .... IPCO ::::1 ..... I .. o~ g::· ~~~~ ~~~~o~a ... "' k ~g"' QO~ _a . c:T-!:;~ ;;> ...... o _,. ,.::::~ <- o t<" > ~ =' i( -. p.... < ::: ol!l.-- ID 0 c.o- ... ::::t .. -o ... ::::to,.o_ts,..,..:T,...tD . "''<~ ':'= -· 3<lwo.-cr. ~A many smau sKtmusnes. H t received his discharge at Hilton Head June 25, 1865. He came to Westbrook In 1881 from Steep Falls and entered the employ of the S. D. Warren Company. He servt-d t he com­ pany 47 years until his retire­ ment in May, 1928, when he was added to t he company pension list. Only twice during tho~e years did he fat! to r eport for 11•ork on account of illness. He became a member of Cloud­ man Post, No. 100, G. A. R .. soon after its organization 11·ith 28 vet­ erans from this city as charter members, and had been the only 1 ~;urviving member for a number of year11. lie was a member of Warren Phillips Lodge, F . & A. M., and of Ammoncongln Lodge, I . 0 . 0. F. He had made his home a number of years with his son­ in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Hale, on Warren Avenue. He also Is survived by two sons, IJames M. Kelly and Andrew C. ' Kelly of this city: another daugh- ter, Mrs. Gertrude E. Harlow also of Westbrook; three grandchil­ dren, Lewis M. Watson of Port­ land and Mrs. Marion A. Hebert and Philip D. Kelly of t his city; and four great-grandchildren. Nnme Lod&"e N o. Init iated Passed Suspended} N.P.D. Raised Deprived'} N . P . D. Affiliated Suspended} U.M.C. Reinstated Expelled R eotored Died Remark a 7-1I -1 ct ~ y Name Ke lley, Wil iam Henry Lod!le No. 209 Fort Kent Dlmitted Official Record lnlr~~ 0 - 1952 Suspended} Pa~~ 27 - 1952 N. P. D. ~ -~t - /9, Deorlved} Ra~e~ 2 4 - 1 9 52 N.P.D. Afflllated Suspended} U.M.C. Relnatated Eipelled Restored Died Remark• Born .5 - 24-1917 P~l 8 !l\IIV paos11d Name Lodge No Official Record Suspended} N.P.D. Deprived} N . P. D . Suspended} U . M.C. Re insta ted Expelled Restored Died Re marks N ame I Loda-e No. .JJ ' Dimitted Official Record Suspended} N . P. D. Deprived } N.P.D. Suspended} U . M. C. Reinst ated Expelled Restored Died ;J. -t- /9 I/ Remarks r Name p j.1 J.. f',A, /; !'.( Kelle:l 1 Wi lliam P ~ ~fit?' LodaeNo. 50 Aurora .;;6 ..,v c a ' -f. a7_ Initiated Dimit ted ""',;,-o otnclat Reco~f I - -'r -f 1 'f ' Passed Suspended} ~ _,( N.P.D. Deprived } c2- I .,5-) 9'1~ N.P.D. Affiliated/ j ll.ftJ Suspended } 1 4 28 U.M. C. Reinstated Expelled Restored ~ff~ .I :7n.L- Remarks· ,b~ ~ Age 29; salesman, made a ~ ason in Gate of the Temple Lodge, South Boston, Ma ss . ~ ~ /0 -.:l. ~-lf..;J 0- .;z_ I - I '7 .L l1 Y M ~ '1l ?> \1'0(1 CAMDEN - William PalmerKelley, 92, ronne ;m Main Sl, died Saturday at a Camden healthcare center. He was born in Falmouth, Mass., a son of Alfred Foster' and Elizabeth Howland EeUs Kelley. Mr. Kelley was a World War I Navy veteran. He manied Margaret Louise Moore in South Bostono on Oct 12, 1921. She died in 1982. Mr. Kelley was proprietor of Achorn's Department Store in Camden and Belfast for 35 years and had lived in Camden for 58 years. He was past president of the Camden Lions Club, whose clubhouse is named in his honor. He also was a past district governor of the Lions International, a member of the First Congregational Church, UCC, and a life member of American Legion Post 30 and Amity Lodge of Masons. He is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Richard <Patricia) Ayers of Camden; nine grandchildren; and 11 great-grandchildren. A funeral will be held at 10 a.m. Wednesday at First ConoreDational.Church U_CC. Elm.Streel.with the Rev \ Nam: IJ" • • n I ( ?'2 ~--""d,!J: {AJilL.'o.un., ~ Initiated Dlmltted Official Record /(}-.11-) fo3 Passccl Suspended { /J- JJI -J Oo 3 N.
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