40 A VE'fON GIFFORD. DEVONSHIRE. [KELLY'S PubliiC Elementary School (mixed),. erected, with resi- Police Station, Francis P. Sandercock, constable in dence for the master, in 1857, for xg6 scholars; • charge FredPricl{ John Deuton, master; Miss M. E. L. Carrier to Plymouth.-Triggs, of Modbury, on sat.; t() Hannaford, infants' mistress - Kingsbridge, Anthony Luscombe, thurs. &i sat • Marked thus * receive their letters tEllis John, farmer, Heath Putt Randolph, boot repairer through Modbury, Ivybridge. Ellis Thomas Jame~. miller (water) &i Roberts Henry, farmer, North Efford Marked thus t sbollld be anclressed assistant overseer & clerk to the Rogers Hubert, builder, Ashford mill Kingston Road, Kingsbridge. · Parish Oouncil Rogers John, farmer, Wakeham Marked thus t receive their letters Friend James, grocer & baker tRogers Rd. Blackler, frmr. Chautrey - through Loddiswell, Devon. Hancock .Albert, farmer, Pond *Sherrell Frederick, farmer, Babland PRIVATE RESIDENTS. *Hancock Fredk. farmer, Buckley's Spry John, farmer, Stocadon Boultbee Rev. Thomas Francis M.A. *Hodder Servington, yeoman &i farmr. Stear William Henry, farrier (rector), The Rectory Harraton Steere Elizh. (Mrs.), King's Arms inn Dobell John Laskey, South Efford fforton Richard Mumford, farmer. Steere Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper COMMERCIAL. Ley Steere George, farmer, Borough Adams Thomas James, mason tHorton Sidney, farmer, Lixton *Stephens Samuel, farmer, Fishleigh Baker Wm &i Son, farmers, Borough *Jackson Nicholas, farmer, Higher Taylor Eliza (Mrs.), baker Bond Charles Arthur, butcher Wizaller Toms Albert John,carpenter & joiner Bowden Wm. Hy. farmer, Hellyer's Jenkins Beatrice .Alice (Miss), Com- *Toms William, farmer, Grove park Bowden Wm. Hy. jun. farmer,Titwell mercial inn Torring George James, fa1•mer &i tBrooking Sydney, farmer,Waterhead tKingwell James, farmer, Waterhead landowner, .A.shford Brown Frederick, wheelwright Lakeman Harold, builder Wakeham John Septimus & Richard. Coaker John Olive-r, farmer,Stadbury Lakeman Rich:ud,builder & contractr farmers, Court Barton . *Cowles Chas. farmer, Polston park Luckraft George &i Son, carpenters Walke Mrs. Sarah M. general dealer Damarell William Henry, blacksmith Luscombe Anthony, carrier Widdicombe Wm. John, shoe maker tDavey Thos. baskett rna. Waterhead Luscombe Servington, farmer,Ideston Willcocks .Alfred, farmer . • Edgecombe George, mason . Morgan John H. draper Willcocks Samuel, builder Edgeeombe Geo. Hy. draper & grocer *Northmore·Thos.Hy. frmr.Hea.thfield *Wroth Arth. frmr. Heathfield Down Edgecombe Robert, coal dealer Nosworthy Carolin ... (Mrs.), farmer, *Wyatt Jsph. frmr. Lower Wizaller Edgecombe Wm. Jas.sexton & mason Binnick • Yabsley Joseph Josiah, farmer & Ellis Frederick, farme~, Stadbury "faynter John Hy. farmer, Chillaton landowner, Ashford AVONWICK is a village at the junction of the I there are 250 sittings. The Rev. Thomas Arnold Hyde­ 'three parishes of Ugborough, North Huish and South I~LA. of Oxford University, has been priest in charge Brent, yvith a station haU a mile east on the line to 'ince I\F4· There is also a Congregational chapel. Kingsbridge, 2 miles south fr-om Brent station on the I Here are the Avon Vale Grounds and Pavilion, used for South Devon section of the Great Western railway, and tennis, archery and croquet. about ~ north jrom Kingsb:ldge. In thiS> villa.ge was Post M. 0. T. &i Telephonic Express Deliver Office.-- an anCient ford, over the uver Avon, called Char, or ~l . ' G' y n- di ' ~ rd Th h h f St J t d · W1 ham Jeffrey 111, sub-postmaster. Letters through vt>r c s .o : e c urc o . ames, erec e m I 8 7 8 South Brent from the des1gns of the Rev. R. Medley Fulford F.R.I.B.A. W L tt B A · k t t' ~8 a building of stone in the Gothic style, consisting a 11 . e er ox, vonwlc s ~ 100 . of chancet. nave and south porch:.. the chancel is a Public Elementary Sc~ool (mued), for 50 children, is mamorial to the late James Cornish esq. of Bla~k Hall: now closed, & the ch1ldren attend Brent school 'he carved oak reredos was executed by Hems, of Exeter: Railway Station, William Ruse, station master • PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Symons Miss, Weir dewn Gill Carrie (Mrs.), boot &i shoe dealer {)ornish-Bowden James, Black hall COMliEUCIAL. Gill Wm. Jeffery, cycle agt. Post off .Cornish-Bowden :Misses, Avon view A.von Vale Olub Grounds- &i Pavilion Hawke W. )I. & Son, coal merchants. _Douglas Archibald, Rock cottage (B. F. T. Hare, hon. sec) Laskey Florence (Miss), dress maker France-Havhurst• Mrs. Manvmeads• Co!e William, shopkeeper Maris Austin, wheelwright Harpur F. Harold, Avon villa. Cousins John, blacksmith Mudge Robert, estate carpenter Langford Wm. T. Charford manor Cowell Frank; .A.von inn Mudge Samuel, farmer, Higher Bow \ A WLISCQ,MBE is a parish and village, on the road purchase of c'alico, which is distributed on Easter from Honiton to Cullompton, 2 miles nol'th-west fro~ ;3unday to such agricultural labourers as have brought Roniton station on the main line of thoe South Weste~n a.p their families without parochial aid. Hembury Fort, railway and 16 north-east from Exeter, in the Honioon 'ln the road from this place to Honiton, and supposec;l division of the county, Hemyock hundred, Honiton petty by some to be the "Moridnnum " of Antoninus, is an ljessional division, union and county court district, and ancient camp on an elvated site and affording extensive i,n the rural d£>anery of Boniton, and- the archdeaconry views; the camp covers an area of about 1 1-5 acre. and diocese of Exeter. The church of St. Michael and enclosed by triple lines of earth works and divided by .!11 ~ngels is an edifice of stone, in the Perpendicular other ramparts crossing it. Thomas Chard, abbot of style of the rsth century, consif!ting of chancel with Ford, was born at Tra.cey in this parish about 1470. aisle, naYe of four bays, north aisle, south transept, Tracey, a fine old 'l'esidenr.e, beautifully seated, i• aouth porch with groined stone roof, and an em- owned and occupied: by Mrs. Weldon. Ashfield is the battled wes-tern tower containing a clock and 5 bells: rl'sidence of Lt.-Col. William John Mackintosh J.P. (late a trat•eried stone screen with figures of angels divides l Royal ArtiHery). The principal landowners are Mrs. tile chancel from the nave: the south porch is said I Weldon, M. Notley esq. the trustees of the Calwoodley to have been erected by Thomas Chard, last abbot charity. Exeter and Rev. Daniel James Pring M.A. The of Ford and suffragan bi~hop in the diocese of I wil is clayey; mbsoil, marl. The ch~ef crops are -oats, Exeter, who also founded a chantry in the south I psas, beam, roots and pasturage. The area is 2,62f> ai~le: there . is a memorial window to Richard i :lcres; rateable value, £4•575; the population in 19II Marsden esq. of Manchester. erected •by his wife and i was 419 in the civil parish and 397 in the ecclesiastical. family in r863; and two others of considerable merit; I By Local Government Board Order 16,349• detached ~he church was repaired in 1838 and restored in x887 1 "Qarts of the pa.rish were transferred to Buckerell. and at a cost of f.I,ooo, under the direction of Mr. F. 1 (Jittisbam and a part of Buckerell added to .Awliscombe, Medley Fulford F.R.I.B..A. ~ the chancel has been I March 24, 1884. decorated from designs by Mr. Palfrey, of London, and 1 Wolver~tone is a. hamlet 1! miles north-west, and in 1891 new windows were inserted, principally at the part of Weston is ri miles south from the parish church; cost of George Neumann esq. and his family : there are the remaining portion is in Buckerell. 320 i'ittings. The churchyard has ri'CPntly bet>n enlarged, Post Office.-Mrs. Sarah Cann, sub-postmistress. Let- and the n&w ground wa~ consecrated by the :Bishop of ters through Honiton, which is- the nearest money Exeter, nth Oct. 1890. The register dates from the year order & telegraph office, 2 miles distant; tel-egrams ' I559· The living is a vicarage~ net yearly value £2oo, are dispatched b11t not delivered · including 10 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of Wall Letter Boxes.-Weston; Godford Cross & Ash- the Bi8hop of Exeter, and h!!ld since 19II by the Rev. field Cross . Outhbert Edward Reynolds Romilly M.A. of Trinity Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1874, f-or IOO (Jollege, Cambridge. There is a. :Baptist chapel about a. children; Herbert A. Greenwood, master mile from the villa.gey built in x869, and seating about. This school i~ in the area of the Honiton Centre School 130 persons. Shipley Close, a field in the parish of 1 Sub-Oommittee ; E. W. Hellier, High street, Honit!;m~ Honiton. is let for the 'benefit of the poor of thi!l p.ari~h I clerk aad Budleigh Salterton: the rent is devoted t~J the ~unty Constabulary, 1ohn Frederick Strang, const-able • • .
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