Established Oct. 13, 1875 Devoted to Developing the Great Bay District Member Associated Press FORECAST TEMl-BaTt-U-S Vttr tonight and Saturday: mild: rentle Rlfh 87 (MSI SI hours, S a.'«_) t*____ ' changeable ______ fair weather probable S A. M. REAPIMOS W QTH-ta _-_t__H__ Sundai.. Vo* Anselei 881 Dearer _ •Mti OC_____f—TTD1.S Boston _\ 881 St. Fail tt His h | . Lev Plttabursh _. -84] Mew Tork 8:88 a.m.; s 53 p.m. 11:18 p m. New Orleans .Hi: Kansas otat - SUN EISES SUN SETS Tampa ________ .MlCbteaso 5:21 o'clock 6:25 o'clock EYE LOOK WS8 Milium . _tf|S_u_ .Iksnelseo (AP)—The Associated Press (UP)—The United Press (CPA)—Consolidated Press (CNS)—City Newt Service VOLUME LVIII NUMBER 92 SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA, FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1932 PRICE TWO MS L A. JUDGES REFUSE TO ANSWER RECALL THREII iiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiimiiiiiiii lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll! •"....iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Secrecy Hints Early Climax in Kidnap SearchW J»ri_. __-_«__• to fei»rt Jurists Mastak Dragjisls Rgbl Where Dynamite Blast Killed at Least Seven Men Lindy's Plea for Stubborn Sil Ionic Onfisance Privacy Indicates In Receiver R Inquiry Climaxed by Bar Association, Demand As Bar (o Trade Hope for Contact for Resignations Claim Old Remedies Now LOS ANOELES, April IS Norfolk Negotiators Claim (CNS)—Tbe defiance of al­ Technically Illegal; ienee on ths part of three Seek Modification Information Baby Still superior court judges whose Alive and Well voluntary resignations were With scores of bottles con­ demanded by the Los Angeles Ber taining medicinal prepara­ NEW YORK, April 15 (UP) association today met toe associa­ tions displayed in the Santa —Secrecy thrown about every tion's threatened alternative of re­ Monica city council chamber phase of activity to return the call owe the American Mortgage Co. in support of their contention kidnaped son of Col. Charles Projected Wage state receivership scandal. tbat tbe present wins tonic ordin­ "I have nothing to say," was, In ance Is making them liable to ar­ A. Lindbergh gave hint today substance, the reply which met rest at aay time, a group of drug­ of sa approaching climax to tbe questions to tbe three Jurists, Wal­ baffling crime which has held world ter Guerln, Dalley tk Stafford and gists today appeared before city Interest since March l. John L. Fleming. commissioners to urge the substi­ Cots Protested John F. Condon, "Jafsie,'' asked to Denies Voicing Refusal tution of a more liberal law. be Stem free rein in his efforts to Judge Guerln emphatically de­ Speaks for Druggists recover ths baby after he and Colo­ House Committee Hears nied he had told anyone he would Attorney Samuel J. Crawford, nel Lindbergh were double-crossed not resign bis position, or that he speaking on behalf of the druggists, in tbs $50,000 ransom deal en April Objection to Slashes had commented in any way upon asserted tbat in defining bitters as 2. Lindbergh likewise asked the co­ the report. "any mixture containing mon than operation of the press, insisting that From Many Sources "I have absolutely nothing to one-half of one per cent by volume lt was of ths utmost importance that say." be declared. and capable of being used for bev­ he and his representatives be not WASHINGTON. April IS UPl—The Ihe bar association demand was erage purposes, tbe wine tonic ordi­ followed or questioned. divided bouse economy committee embodied in the report of tae Ju­ diciary committee of the bar asso­ nance technically included scores of These facte Indicated the Lind­ was flooded with protests today popular remedies ranging all tbe against projected slashes in govern­ ciation, adopted hue yesterday by bergh family still places tbs greatest ment expenditures end demands for the board of trustees after the com­ way from Fletcher's Castoria which hope ln private negotiations, but po­ mittee had devoted a month to In­ contains 6 per oent alcohol, to Lydia lice efforts to trace one of the $20 even more drastic savings than it or President Hoover have suggested. vestigating the far reaching expose E. p___kham'.. Vegetable Compound. bank notes from the ransom fund which caused the dismissal of A. J. which has IS per cent alcohol In it. were asked, apparently in a desperate The seven nommlttos members re* Showalter and Charles F. Allison, "Santa Monica druggists ars vio­ plan of action to leave no stone un­ celved nearly 5,000 telegrams aad receivers. lating tba ordinance continuously in turned until the baby is found. letters protesting projected federal wage cute sal elimination of cer­ To speed up its part te the ex­ filling prescriptions and in meeting New Tork police undertook the al­ haustive probe, toe county greed tbs legitimate demand for recog­ most impossible task ef tracing the tain activities. A "defiant sUsnce" en ths Oil the other hand, hundreds of part of Superior Judges Walter jury went into specl___ session today, nized remedies which are technically bank note that was among the 3,000 Guerln (top, center), Dai ley S. calling Showalter back for OHM of capable of being used as a beverage. deposits made at tba East River messages came demanding sharp his "tell all" testimony concern­ Tne druggists are engaged in a le­ Savings Bank here on April 4 and 5. cuts that would result bl savings up Stafford (right) snd John L. to $350,000,000. Fleming (above) today met ing receivership management of tbs gitimate and a necessary enterprise. Condon continued on ttls myste­ numerous valuable properties of the All they want is to be protected la Associated Press telephoto showing part of tbe wreckage caused by a terrific explosion, believed to Committee Split demands that they resign or have been a bomb, fallowed by firs. In the nearly completed 18,000,000 state building at Columbus, O. rious errands. On one of his trips, face a recall movement. Judge defunct $l8.ooo,ooo mortgage eon* their business interests," Crawford in which he beaded for Tuckahoe, J. O. Roop, tbs budget director, osrn. told tbs council. Seven were known to have been killed and scores injured as the force of tte blast carried away ons side Caryl M. Sheldon (top, left), of the 13-story marble structure. Damage was estimated at more than $1,000,000. (Story an page 18.) he stopped and requested reporters said he hoped to have the draft of fourth Jurist mentioned ill the Tells ef "Commlssloas" May Copy Riverside not to follow him. the administration's proposed 8200- Los Angeles receivership scan­ Showalter's testimony today. II The substitute ordinance pre­ 000,000 economy omnibus bill ready dal, was criticized sharply. was understood, dealt largely with. sented by the druggists is a copy of U. S, Needs New NORFOLK AGENTS BELIEVE to submit to the economy commit­ alleged "rebates" and "commissions* the Riverside ordinance, which BABY ALIVE AND WELL tee tar tomorrow. said to have been paid by concerns limits the sale of wine tonics upon Crop of Money NORFOLK, Va., April 19 (U.R)— Split wide open on many phases suppivlntr the various apartment a prescription by registered pharm­ State Backs City Joslyn Leads in of Its own program, the economy houses to receivers.. Several other WASHINGTON, April 15 USt New information has been received acists only. which leads three Norfolk investiga­ committee continued its work ea witnesses were scheduled tor the Sponsors of the present wine tonic Ttw weight of a national farm tors to believe that the kidnaped sections to be included in the omni­ Trial Delayed by afternoon session. law, Beaded by the Rev. Frederick organization today waa put be­ L.ndbergh baby still is alive snd -vs.!. bus MU a Majority aew lavors. The ultimatum ef the bar, in W. Hatch, put In a strong case in hind tbe concerted push foe Dean H. Dobson-Peacock said today. II bee yet definitely to decide which the dissenting voice ot only support of their attitude, marshall­ ID Harbor Action fan payment of tba veterans' Coif at Avaloa whether tt will adhere to tbe plan one member of tbe committee arosa ing Russell Hart, S. L. Berkley. J. bonus. ___*'* The Meter bad hist conferred of Chairman McDuffie to consider also criticized Superior Judge Caryl C. Steele, W. I. Hull, tbe Rev. P. John A. Simpson, president with his two associates, John the federal salary slashing plan Darrows Illness M SheldOB for accepting a suit of G. H. Stevens and Richard K. Can­ Santa Monica Given Right of the National Farmers Un­ M. L. Joslyn, Brentwood, Hughes Curtis and Rear Admiral along with ths legislative appropri­ clothes from Allison and Superior dy as their spokesmen. ion, called for enactment of the Guy H. Burrage, who returned to* ation bill. Judge Walter s. Gates for obtain­ Claim Charge Not Justified to Sue for Franchise in Patman bill to pay ttt treasury Shoots 72 to Top dsy after being away on mysterious Defense Chief In Island ing a Job tor a relative from the co- missions for several days. Neither Veterans Concerned receivers. Leaders flf this group contended Name of California certificates the $2,000,000,000 Early Starters has made a statement. The suggestion of Frank T. Hine. that tlw purpose of the present law outstanding. 'Honor Murder' Case The committee stated tbat WhUe "This country needs a new Dean Peacock reiterated that the veterans administrator, te reduce was not to hamper the sals Of me­ Santa Monica's reasons for da* AVALON. Santa CataJina Island. Norfolk plans would BOt permit an* hospital and compensation costs in Slightly Upset Judge Sheldon's sot "was highly dicinal preparations other than wine manding forfeiture of the break­ crop of money," he told tbe the veterans bureau to save $80,- improper, his relations with Allison tonics, and that it did not la fact ways and means committee.
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