
UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF RECLAMATION GRAND JUNCTION PROJECTS OFFICE • REGION 4 P', 0, BOX t'I'ZI IN REPLY REFER TO: GJ•lOO GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO 81!501 J ul 1 3 1967 Bill Nelson c/o Daily Sentinel 634 Main Grand Junction, Colorado 81501 Dear Bill: Enclosed is a copy of a portion of the June 28, 1967, Congressional Record which I agreed to forward to you. Makes mighty interesting reading and I hope you enjoy it. Enclosure June 28, 1907 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE H8245 there must be some increase in State traordinary growth in some areas o! Club was a depressing blow to those who highway income in order to provide the the country. assumed that agency was immune to necessary matching funds to support a The State h ighway offi cials recom­ political machination. It leaves a stench continuing program of the magnitude m ended the establishment of an urban that increases in intensity as the general co ntempla ted. system covering improvements on arte­ public comes to realize the impropriety The highway offi cials are recommend­ rial roads and streets in the urban areas and inequity involved in making an out­ ing a modest extension of the interstate to be selected cooperatively by the States standing patriotic organization the tar­ program to provide for increasing the and t he urban areas involved. get of an absurd and malicious attack. safety and capacity of those interstate A tabulation and summary of the pro­ If anyone doubts that the Sierra Club routes which prove to..be overloaded and gram recommended by the State high­ was singled out for reprisal without jus­ for some limited extension of the system way officials is shown in the accompany­ tification, then he has not read "Colo­ as dictated by population shifts and ex- ing table: rado Water Lobby," by Dr. Alfred G . Etter. The article immediately raises the fabulation and summary question of why one organization among many in conflict over a public issue Approxi­ Matching Funds (in billions) 1975- 85 should be penalized for its philosophical mate ratio, difference. More than that, it demon­ System category percent of Federal­ !Dial needs State Ava ilable Required Available strates how Federal bureaucracy may Federal State State employ one of its most devious devices to ---- attack a group seeking to promote the Interstate ____________ __-- ------- __________ __ ________ _ 10 90-10 $7. 04 $0. 70 $0. 53 national interest as a sacrifice to local Urban •• --------------------------------------------- 30 ~ H l 15. 65 7. 83 5. 83 organizations motivated by obviously Rural primary __ ____ ___-- ----___ ____ _-- --- __ ___ _____ __ 40 ~~-V· 20.87 10. 43 7. 77 Rural secondary ____ ______ ~- ____ __ ____ : __ ____ ____ __ . __ 20 ~H-I 10. 44 5. 22 3. 87 selfish reasons. 1---1 Dr. Etter's analysis quotes me as ask­ TotaL-------------------- _______ -------- ____ __ ___________________ ___ _ 54.00 24. 18 18.00 ing during a congressional hearing why ===I=== = Total l().year program (in billions of dollars) ______ _ ------------ ------------ 78 ------- ----- information demanded of conservation I groups is not also req uested of opposite associations. I repeat the question, but Comparison of presentfumls (1968 fi scal year) and an average year in the proposed 10-year I do not expect ms or anyone else to program even attempt to defend its position by (Dollar amounts in billions) providing an answer. I include "Colorado Water Lobby," 1968 fiscal year Federal-a1id Average year lor 1975-85 Equiv- Compari­ from Defenders of Wildlife News, in the program period alent sion with RECORD : Category 1966 1968 COLORADO VVATER LoBBY dollars proeram Federal State Total Federal State Total (By Dr. Alfred G. Etter) - -------- ---1---------------1---- In early June of 1966, one d ay after the Interstate ...... _____________ _____ ________ __ Urban .. ____ _______ ____ ___ . _____ ____ ____ __ $3. 40 $0.34 $3.74 $0.70 $0. 07 $0. 77 $0.56 Wh. Sierra Club published pleas 1n the New York 0 25 0 25 0 50 ·1.56 0 78 z. 34 L 70 3.4 times. Times and the VVashlngton Post asking tor Rural primary __ ---------... ___ .------------ 0 45 0 45 , !lO 2.09 LOS 3. 14 Z. 27 2.5 times. help in the preservation of the. Grand Can­ Rural secondary ____ -------_. __ __ ______ __ . 30 . 30 .1;0 L04 . 52 1. 56 L 12 1.9 times. yon, the Internal Revenue Service informed the Club that because of its efforts to 1n­ fiuence legislation the IRS could no longer This division of f :..mds was determined Department of Transportation. It would guarantee that membership dues and gifts to by the State highway officials on the basis be reasonable to expect that these State the Club's general fund would be exempt of an inventory of our total road and transportation agencies would work in· !rom federal income tax. street improvement needs. The total esti­ Shortly thereafter, R epresentative VVayne close cooperation with the Federal De­ Aspinall of Colorado, Chairman of the House mated cost to meeL all road and street partment of Transportation in the same Committee on Interior and Insular A!Ia.inl needs is $209.59 billion on the basis of way that the State highway departments and a strong promoter of Reclamation ac­ 1966 prices. Assuming that costs will in­ have worked with the Bureau of Public tivities, defended this action. In the Grand crease at the rate of two and one-half Roads. Junction DaUy Sentinel. Asplna.ll's home­ percent per year the cost would be about Nevertheless, some State highway om- · town newspaper, he was quoted as saying $285 billion in the 1975-84 period. eials have expressed concern that State that the Club had exceeded the bounds of propriety- in Ita lobbying efforts and had Therefore, the State highway officials highway departments will not be invited made a "nasty, indecent, and ignorant at­ are proposing a Federal-aid highway pro­ to work with Federal officials in the plan­ tack . .. on the (propo5ed Grand Canyon) gram which would meet only about 25 nin~r of future Federal-aid highway pro­ dam.a and on reclamation generally."' percent of the total need and which grams. I am hopeful that, as time goes The Sierra Club was attacked again ln May, would leave many of the inadequacies of on, the Department of Transportation 1967, by another Coloradoan, Senator Gor­ our road and street system to be handled will fully avail itself of the expert knowl­ don Allott. Irritated by the Club's cont inued .bY the State and local governments with­ edge of the State highway adminis­ opposition to Colorado River legislation that trations. - would put a dam in Grand Canyon and build out Federal assistance. five Colorado projects. Allott said he hoped The State highway officials believe that The State highway officials are cer­ the Senate Interior Committee would hold a highway development programs should tainly to be congratulated for bringing bearing "one of these days on the Sierra be based on documented highway needs this far-sighted report to the attention Club and its lobbying activities." • and upon the desires of the public. {If the Congress. In calllng for invest igation of the lobby­ ing activities of conservation groups, pro­ In addition to undertaking extensive / reclama tion forces invite similar investiga­ highway needs studies, the highway of­ COLORADO WATER LOBBY tions of their own eff<;>rts to guide water ficials h ave embarked on a $285,000 re­ legislation. The following prelimlnary study search project to determine the public's The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under of rccln.mntion prrnnntlon and lobh ::i ng In transportation pre ferences and the previous order of the House, the gentle­ Colorado h n.s t.hereforc been m :ule. T he re- factors that influence or determine these man from Pennsylva nia fMr. SAYLOR] 5Ult.s are · enlightening and shocking. They preferences. The research is being ad­ is recognized for 10 minutes. have slgnlftcnnt portent for democrncy and ministered for AASHO by the Highway Mr. SAYLOR. Mr. Speaker, from the conser vation In the United States. In July, 1966. In Glenwood Sprin g~. Colo­ Research Board of the National Academy time that the Internal Revenue Service rado, the Colorado River Wa ter ConsrrYnLlon of Sciences. It is expected tl1 a t some of first indicated that contributions to the District wns holding n. board m eeting. Mr. the findings of this research study will be Sierra Club mil-( ht no longer be consid­ Robert J ennings. District Manager for the available for the use of Congress early ered tax deductible, America was on next year. notice that a supposedly sacrosanct Fed­ '"Aspinall Hits Sierra Club Lobby The­ It is interesting to note that some of eral office was far from being above re­ tics", Grand Junction Dally Sentinel, July the State highway departments have proach and would henceforth bear care­ 6, 1966. evolved into transportation departments ful watching. • "Angry Solon Asks Sterra Club Probe", somewhat along the lines of the Federal The IRS attitude toward the Sierra Grand Junction Da.Uy Sentinel, May 6, 1967. H8246 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE June 28, 1967 Bureau ot Reclamation, was telling the Board currying tavor It Ia often a very short dis­ Frying Pan River, a vast new reservoir, sold members about plana tor an annual Reclama­ tance to .becoming a servant. So It has hap­ with the srune "great recreation potential" tion "Work Session" to be held at Orand pened to many water districts. Today, the bait, Ia In the process of construction.
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