IN THE NEWS Tuesday, Oct. 12, 1971 Still one thin dime Iowa City, Iowa 52240 Surf's up Scads (that's more than seven) of Indians were reported swimming, sun· 01 discovers missing professor bathing and water skiing Monday at both Lake Macbride State Park and the , Coralville Reservoir. Although tempera· tures were cold enough to make a meter maid wear mittens, the cbllly Ehrlich claims leave deni al air didn't phase the frolicking. As one Indian put it, "[t's Indian summer. Hand me that sun tan lotion." Expect more l sunburned Indians today as the temper· atures are expected to skyrocket into 'unreasonable, illegitimate the 60s. The mercury in both the Iowa River and the thermometer will drop By BILL ISRAEL instructor in American studies. "reflected the whole callous that no provision had beee into the 30s tonight. D.ily lowln Univlnity Editor Ehrlich said Monday night he treatment of undergrads In gen· made for a replacement. A University of Iowa profes· had received a "series of let· eral in the department." Sokol noted last week Ehrli~ sor who left Iowa City without ters" from UI officials, the last Asked to respond Monday "had no contract as such an4 permission to pursue research dated Sept. 30 [rom Provost night, Price refused comment, upon his departure ...his pa, Cancellation Heffner, indicating that dismis· saymg the matter has passed was cut off. It's simply • The exhibition of models built from in the Baltimore, Md., area told sal proceedings had been initl· from his hands and Is now the matter of no tickee, III Leonardo da Vinci's scientific and tech· 11M Dilly lowln Monday night he was denied leave by his de· ated. responsibility of the Office of washee ." nlcal drawings which was to be shoWl! However, be said he had not the Provost. , today in the Iowa Memorial Union has partment chairman without Ehrlich has been noted far reason and without the consent been informed that a three·man Sokol said he's made no at· his vocal criticisms of the UI been cancelled because of inadequate committee of VI faculty memo tempt to contact Ehrlich since display facilities. The exhibition depict· of the faculty of his department. administration and his particl· Howard J. Ehrlich, UI profes· bers has teen set up to consid· Thursday, when The 01 first pation in the New University ing the Inventive genius of the noted er his case. '. 15th-century Italian artist will not be sor of sociology, said James L. noted the sociology professor's Conference and other groups. Price, professor and chairman Ehrlich charged that Price. unauthorized leaving. In line with U[ regulations, shown later in the Terrace Lounge "knowing full well I wouldn't either, as originally planned. of the UI Department of Soci­ Sokol said earlier Ehrlich's the three·man investlgatlnt ology, "presented no reasons" be there," instructed sociology request for a leave of absence committee was selected Oct. I why Ehrlich could not take a graduate students to register was denied because It had been by the Faculty Council and II leave of absence to go to students for Ehrlich's course, submitted too late to be con· composed of former chairmet Younker's trial Maryland . "Race and Ethnic Relations," sidered. o[ the Faculty Senate. DES MOINES (,fl - A suit filed hy tIM Ehrlich said Price verbally at fall registration "in an at· He added the 1971·72 UI Committee members include Iowa attorney's general's office charg· denied him permission to leave tempt to embarrass me .. " chedule of Courses, listing two professors Donald B. Johnsoll, '. Ing Younker Brothers Inc., with collect. on or about Aug. 4. Ehrlich A large number of students courses to be taught. by Ehrlich, political science; Jerry J. Kon. ing excessive interest on charge ac. said he requested a written signed up for the course. he had already been printed when ros, zoology: and Dee W. Nor­ counts opened Monday in Polk County statement from Price, and that added, saying Price's action Ehrlich requested leave, and ton, p ychology. District Court. 12 days later - the day after Atty. Gen. Richard Turner told tilt Ehrlich departed for Baltimore ' court In his opening remarks that - Price placed written notice of 500,000 Iowans are overcharged by the the refusal in Ehrlich's depart· department store chain annually. mental mailbox here. Turner is seeking an injunction pro­ Ehrlich said Price's authority Stuit proposes steps 'J blbiting the store from collecting 18 per to refuse leave was "illegiti· I cent interest 011 charge account balances, mate," and that It was the duty lie said state law permits only 9 per of a faculty committee to pass cent interest on such accounts. on such questions. Bennett Webster, attorney for Younk· However, Howard N. Sokol, to cut 'inflated' marks • frs, said, In his opening remarks, that assistant to UI Provost Ray L. Iowa's 102·year-old usury law cited by Heffner, said Monday night the The dean of the University of "AOJ grade on thei r transcripts, semester on a pass·fail basis Turner as applicable In this case, UI Operations Manual requires Iowa College of Liberal Arts although students who received doesn't apply to department store However , the committee that only the department chair­ Monday proposed a measure a " D' would receive no credit ;' charge accounts. voted to allow students to take man and the college dean pass designed to correct what he [or the course and would have a course for a grade, if they've on such issues. terms "inflated grades" being a "W" - withdrawn - record· already taken the same course Price refused aU comment granted at the universltv . ed on their transcripts. pass-fail. Promises Monday night. At a meeting of the college's Finally, Stuit's proposal asks 'l'he committee voted to allow SAIGON I.fl - President Nguyen Van Ehrlich admitted he left with· that more intensive depart· incoming freshman students to Thieu pledged tonight to "bring about out permission either from a Education Policies Committee (EPC), Dewey B. Stult present· mental reviews of grades be take credit by examination Asphalt staircase peace and social reforms for the pe0- duly-eonstituted faculty com· undertaken, and that cour e tests before their summer regis· ple" of South Vietnam. ed a three-point proposal which mittee, which he claimed Price and department chairm~n be trations permitting advanced What might at first appelr te be a suspended staircase, I., In Making his second appearance on na· had never called into seSSion, calls for increaSing median grade distributions, modifying held responsible fat course placement in ome cases before reality, a pllint·on·concrete pedestrian crosswalk by the Univer­ • tionwic\e television since his re-electioll or from administrative o£ficials. grade distributions which vary summer registration opens in sity Hospit,l parking rlmp. This man negotiated the near sur· Dct. 3, Thieu did not announce his for· Ehrlich said he left the uni· the pass·fa!] system, and asks a more intensive departmental from recommended grade dis­ July. reallistic snne yesterdlY aHernoon. - John Avery Photo msl acceptance of a second term but versity on a "last minute" de· tributions. CO/1cluded by stating! cislon to join his wife, who is review of classes that vary from recommended grade dis­ VI students are currently reo i "In the days to come, we will explaln teaching at the University of ceiving higher grades than they to the people our plans for the future." tributions. Maryland, and to pursue re­ deserve, Stuit said. The grade Dan eyes future 'lbieu devoted mo t of his IS-minute search dealing with the atti· Stuit proposed that the com· distributions in some depart,. epeech to a review of the election results tudes of children. mittee raise the median grades ments - which he would oat which, he saId, "confirmed once more He said the research is of in introductory courses from publically specify - do not con· tbat the antl.communist spirit of tbe special Interest to him because 2.20 to 2.31, in Intermediate South Vietnamese people cannot be form to !lis recommended dis· Watermelon man p!ea s of its relation to his special courses from 2.35 to 2.47, and tributions. Ihaken." interest, daycare centers. in advanctd courses Irom 2.50 Tbleu saId the 88 per cent turnout of George W. Forell, EPC com· Carol P. Ehrlich, Ehrlich's to 2.61. mittee member and professor of voters was the highest since the 19111 wife, has a one·year contract at The proposal asks that stu· Nallonal Assembly elections, religion, said he thought a part guilty to sellinp char e -eeeAw the Baltimore campus of the dents who earned an "A" in a of the reason for the recent rise also the 1967 preSidential election which University of Maryland as an pass-fail course receive the The final chapter of the Dan that his business created a pub· l1essmen like himself when he put him in office. In that election the in Ul grade averages is that students are taking courses the Watermelon man story was lic nuisance were dropped. Po­ plE'ad"d guilty to the cha1'go , turnout was 83,7 per cent, of which closed Monday but the protag· lice Court Judge Joseph Thorn· Monday. 'l1IIeu received only 35 per cent bat "pass·fail" they think they may onist promises an epilogue. ton suspended Schabilion's fine " De< pifp how ~ood the case enough to win out over 10 other candl­ do poorly In . Some committee members Dan E.
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