PAGE THIRTY-TWO THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1972 iiltaturI)f^Bt?r lEwniug l^?raU> Winter Stirs Thoughts of One Long Gone By The Center Congregational Pull Gospel Christian Pellow- By JlMDf JOHNSTON cember, 86.6 in January, and 31.8 in Feb­ T he abnormally high temperatures that ever happening before, and it was had been Installed in Bolton in 1928, and most of the next day. When It was About Town Church council will ,meet to­ ' ship. Interdenominational, will (Hendd R«|Kirter) ruary). night at 7:30 in the F'ederation Lufkin Denies G>nflict; iniSht have been Just what the weather­ the first winter that fanners could recall Giglio said, and with the stores of natur­ all over, we had 28 Inches in Bolton. have a Bible study and <^n “On Christmas day,’’ Giglio went on, The flrat In a series of Len­ Boom of the church. If you think this is an open winter, you man ordered as far as farmers were not being able to fill their ice houses. "It completely tied up all traffic. From discussion tonight at 7:30 at "I hooked up a plow to an old Perdson al ice running out as summer neared, ten Services will be held tonight Orange Hall. Bhoulda been around here 40 years ago. Belton Notch east, the road was closed Blames Democratic Games tractor we had repaired and did about concerned, Giglio said,' but It certainly L. T. Wood (Manchester ice distributor) • the farmers bought electric coolers. at 7 :80 at Trinity Covenant The planning committee of l^oonard Giglio was. He owns and op­ for four days. ’The first men to get five acres on South Rd. in the Quarry- raised Old Ned 'vlth the dairymen. had a couple of ice houses at the Notch ‘"That marked the beginning of the Church. the Second Congregational Members of the Manchester HARTTPORD (AP) — The erates Aliena Pood Market on Rt. 44A In through were driving a team of oxen. We $60,000 o f his m oney into the vUle aecticn of Bolton. ’The turf turned It was an annual ritual, he said, for Church council will meet to­ Emblem Club have been invited North Coventry. pond, but he couldn’t lay in a supply.” end of ice-cutting,” Giglio said. got out with horses and manag^ed to get Democrats are playing politics 1970 cam paign o f Gov. Thomas over beautifully. ’The soil w as Juat like The Junior and Senior Con­ night at 7:30 at the church. to the Rockville Emblem Club’s Ho also has a memory like a blotter farmers who had their own milk routes At that time, Giglio’s father, Michael, ' Weather “experts” of widely varying to Manchester on the 21st. firmation Classes of Emanuel with the environment, Ehivlron- J. MesidU. spring or fall. No moisture.” or wholesaled to area peddlers (at six with the help of nine sons, ran a dairy Hawaiian Night Feb. 26 at 8 and an answer for old-timers who say ablllUes and memories point out that a "Drifts were so high, they couldn’t be Lutheran Church will meet to­ Friendship Lodge o f, Masons p.m. at the Rockville Elks Car­ mental Protection Commisdon- "Mr. Lufkin’s wealth and they can’t remember weather like what A neighbor saw him engaged in the im- cents a quart instead of three cents to farm almost opposite Bolton Lake, where plowed by trucks but had to be hAnd- usual mid-winter work. good winter is often followed by a miser­ night at 6:30 in the Parish will meet tonight at 7:30 p.m. riage House. The program will er Dan W. Lufkin charged to­ varied business interests have we’ve been having: cooperatives) to go to Bolton Lake or the present Lyndale Farm is located. shoveled. That was the year that Man­ "She was surprised," Giglio said. To­ Building. at the Masonic Temple. The Include a buffet and dance, 'ric­ the Notch pond. To take care of his long-time customers, , able summer. The summer was a nor­ chester opened Main St. with a V-plow day as he rejected charges of been widely publicized by the "The truth la,’’ Giglio recalls, "we did day it might be labeled differently. Entered Apprentice degree will kets may be obtained by con­ With a horse and a saw gauged to cut G iglio said, "W ood had to bring in 300- mal one, Giglio answered this observa­ oh a big tractor.” conflict of interest. state and national press," said have o n e .. .1982-33. That fa ll and eariy In the same winter, Giglio said, he The Young Marines of the be conferred. Frederic^ M. tacting Mrs. Alfred Ritter, 46 through the ice to just a few inches above pound cakes of ice by railroad — I think tion, but 1933-34 w as really a “ winter of Giglio, who will be 65 Sunday, con­ winter stayed warm right through De- saw Sam Riggs plowing with a team o» Frank J. Mansfield Detachment Gael, junior warden, will pre­ Chester Dr. Lufkin, a former stockbroker AJello and Caldwell in their oemiber. water level, they wculd hack out huge q’om Boston. our discontent." cluded his recollections with, "I can re­ will have its weekly meeting to­ horses on B. Middle 1’pke., right across side. whose fortune is estimated at statement. "The ground never froae.’’ blocks. These they would take back to "Every day we would cart two or three "We had the biggest snowstorm that I member that blizzard yery well because morrow from 7 to 9 p.m. at the from the present site of Shady Glen, their barns or ice houses to be packed ’The A m erican Legrion w ill over $30 m illion, said his in­ "Since the State Department (The National Weather Service at blocks from the North End station to our can rememlyer in my life,” he said, and Feb. 20 is my birthday. It seems we al­ Marine Corps Home on Parker "Oh, we had occasional' light snrw,’’ in hay or sawdust. fa rm .” Mountain Laurel Chapter of have its regular fish night for vestments are being handled of Environmental Protection is Bradley Field confirms his recollection. he has been living in these parts since ways get a big storm on It. I’ll be sur­ .St. The organization is open to members and guests tomorrow Giglio commented, "but It never lasted “But that winter the water in Bolton But the mild winter produced some 1919. "It started about 5 p.m. on Feb. 19 Sweet Adelines wili rehearse through a “'blind trust’’ and he in a large sense a reg^ulatory Average temperatures that winter, they long. Rain a day or two afterward prised if we don’t get one this year.” boys between the ages of 8 and at 7 p.m. at the Legion Home. Lake never froze,” Giglio continued. balm in Gilead, even for dairy farmers, and was going strong when I got home 17 years. tonight at 8 at the Franklin agency, we think it is'essential said, were 40.4 in November, 34.7 in De­ would melt it all.” P.S. Have you heard the forecast for R ecreation Center, 680 Frank­ doesn’t even know what com­ that the General Assembly be “Many old-tlmera couldn’t remember in the way of mcdernlzation. Power lines from the milk route. It kept up all night tonight? Howard Slade, son of Mr. and panies he owns stock in. ROOMS lin Ave., Hartford. assured by Mr. Lufkin that his The Chapel Choir of Blmanuel Mrs. Norman Slade of 101 E. Lufkin was criticized Wednes­ Lutheran Church will rehearse private stock holdings or other The commission on member­ Middle Tpke., has been named day by Senate Majority Leader tonight at 7:30 in Luther Hall of business Interests cannot pro­ ship of South United MethodUt to the dean’s list for the fall se­ J. Edward CaldweU and House duce a conflict of interest." the church. Majority Leader Carl AJello, FULLY Church will meet tonight at mester at the University of Lufkin’s comment today was 7:30 at the church. Connecticut School of Engineer­ who said they will demand an that the Democrats were "play­ S cen e at The Weather Mr. and Mrs. J(dm Spaulding ing, West Hartford. accounting of Lufkin’s holdings of 118 Walnut St. will be host ing games with the environ­ The Capital Snow., 80 p er cent chance, b e­ before confirming his appolnt- m ent.” CARPETED ginning this evening and last­ and hostess at Luts Junior Mu- Sunset Rebekah Lodge w ill In­ 'm ent. stall officers Monday at 8 p.m. *nie Sisterhood of Temple Page 1 1 ing into tomorrow; tonight’s seiun Sunday afternoon from 2 Beth Sholom is sponsoring a The Democratic leaders, who iJlanrl^FatFr lEuFttiitg f c a U i low near 30. Saturday’s high to 5. in ceremonies at Odd Fellows head the committee on Execu­ Hall. Officers are reminded to theater party on Feb. 24 for the ONIY abcu^ 35. Sunday . fa ir, cold. tive Nomlnatians, also ques­ MPHNA Nur§es wear white. Refreshments will film, "Fiddler on the Roof’/ at Manchester— A City of Village Charm An evening o f social g^ames tioned the legality of Lufkin’s be served during a social tin^ the Cinerama Theater, West will be held tonight at 7:30 at contributimis to the Republican Attend Confab after the meeting.
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