Sir David Money-Coutts is 80! Autumn 2011 Association serving terms as Chairman, It was a fortunate day for Peppard when considerable skill and expertise to lead a Treasurer and President. He was also In- Sir David and Penny, Lady Money- team to put together these very success- ternal Auditor of the Parish Council from Coutts, moved to the village in January ful events. The notion of the Revels was 2001 to 2006. 1962. They had been looking for a house taken from the annual Whit Monday He has been a regular attendee at All within travelling distance of London and Revels which took place on Peppard th Saints' and was a member of the Parochial friends, living in Peppard at the time, told Common in the 18 Century. Prize- Church Council until last April. He took them that the house where they still live fighting on a mound opposite the Red part in the Oxfordshire Historic Churches today was coming onto the market. They Lion and various races were held. The Trust Ride or Stride in 2002 visiting 51 married in 1958 and lived in Chelsea for Congregational Minister at the time took churches by bike and raising £450. In the first four years of their marriage. They a dim view claiming that the Revels 2006, aged 75, he walked round Oxford have three children and their younger ‘brought together the very scum of the visiting 32 churches and raised an amaz- daughter, Laura Corrie, also lives in Pep- surrounding country ... the day always ing £2,152. He lives his life by Christian pard with her family. Sir David celebrated ending in intoxication, fighting and values and always tries to do things to the his 80th birthday in July. best of his abilities. His most important He grew up an only child in Ayrshire and principle of life is to respect other people spent happy holidays from boarding as individuals irrespective of who they school at his grand-parents’ home and are. He describes himself as self- farm in Somerset. After Eton, National contained, a perfectionist who can be Service and New College Oxford, Sir bloody-minded. I remember Sir David as David joined the family bank (Coutts a tall man riding around on a big, old, Bank) in 1954 becoming a director in black bicycle or on his sit-on mower pre- 1958 and chairman from 1976 until 1993. paring the common for the Revels. He told me he still has the bike which belonged to Throughout a very busy life of work, his father. He entered and won the slow charitable and public service interests, one bike race on it at one of the Revels! of Sir David's abiding interests has been Sadly, Sir David suffered a stroke five the Territorial Army in which he served Sir David & Lady Money-Coutts years ago and was very ill contracting for 16 years with the Royal Gloucester- MRSA and C. difficile while in hospital, shire Hussars. He was appointed KCVO other evils too shameful to mention.’ Sir followed by a second stroke a few months (Knight Commander of the Royal Victo- David and his committee organised su- later. Despite hearing and sight problems, rian Order) in the Birthday Honours List perb events which brought the village Sir David remains great company. in 1991. together without, I'm pleased to say, any It was a real pleasure to spend time with Sir David is best known in Peppard for his of the ‘evil’ elements from which they this wise, but modest, man to compile this chairmanship of the first three Revels took their name! The Revels continue to article. Peppard has been enriched by his committees: to celebrate the Millennium, this day; the next event being The involvement in the village. His careful the Queen's Golden Jubilee and the bicen- Peppard Olympics to be held from 2nd to and thorough chairmanship of the Peppard tenary of the Battle of Trafalgar. Al- 4th June 2012. Revels has established a tradition that though the idea to resurrect the Revels Sir David became a member of the continues to give huge pleasure to all. came from others, Sir David used his Peppard Branch of the Conservative Sue Nickson interest in community matters and an- Peppard News is a community newspaper published Editorial other with Sir David Money-Coutts, by Rotherfield Peppard PCC with financial support from Peppard Parish Council, and is distributed free who, over the years, has played a large We seem to be hitting the spot! to almost all households in the ecclesiastical and part in village affairs. civil parishes of Peppard. Views expressed are not Our summer issue article on Peppard War Hope you enjoy the read. Let us know necessarily those of the PCC or RPPC unless stated as such. Memorial Hall has brought much positive what you think. feedback from readers, including the very Peppard News is also available by e-mail. Don’t forget to visit our website kind letter re-produced on Page 11. It also Issues: March, June, September & December www.PeppardNews.co.uk for local in- resulted in a very generous donation of Editor: Tony Treglown, new curtains for the hall as part of its re- formation and events. 87 Shiplake Bottom, Peppard Common, RG9 5HJ furbishment. It’s good to know that our Best wishes, e-mail: Peppard [email protected] community spirit is alive and kicking! www.Peppard ews.co.uk Special for you in this issue are two inter- Contributions accepted via e-mail or post to Penny Tony Treglown, Harvey, 12 Shiplake Bottom, Peppard, RG9 5HL views we managed to arrange, one with Editor Advertising: Ian Fraser - phone: 01491 629631 our MP, John Howell, who takes an active Printed by Trinity Creative Resources Earley RG6 7RH Page 2 Our Schools Peppard Primary School Peppard C of E Primary Despite being a great excuse for much School merriment, the serious point of the Dads’ What a busy term! The children and staff Peppard Common RG9 5JU Rep is to encourage fathers right across all worked extremely hard throughout the Phone: 01491 628354 the school to be even more hands-on and final term of the year preparing for SATs, Temporary Headteacher - involved in fundraising activities. practising for sports day, and rehearsing. Brenda Brown We are looking forward to more fundrais- The event most deserving of a mention is ing events in the autumn; a Treasure Hunt the fantastic production of Alice. On 5th Chairman of the Governors David Sell and Family Fun Day and a Mothers versus May, the walls of the Kenton Theatre in Fathers quiz night are planned, as well as Henley were ringing with the sound of the traditional seasonally orientated events children’s voices. All our pupils, even the Friends of Peppard School at the school. A big thank you to you all youngest, were involved with dancing, The summer term has been a busy time for your support - you know who you are! singing and acting. The production quality for the parents of Peppard School. We Dominic Metcalf, Chairman was superb and impressed the staff of the enjoyed a great Village Fair, the sun Kenton Theatre. shone and there was a good turnout. The Peppard Toddler Group Tina Nowell, Headteacher, said, ‘I felt so following week, FOPS enjoyed a won- Our summer term finished with a Teddy proud of them all. They were so confident derful evening ‘at the races’ in Peppard Bears’ Picnic with singing around the and skilled. It was brilliant!’ Staff and War Memorial Hall - kindly arranged by parachute and the children sitting, with parents worked together to produce cos- David and Emma Sell. The two events their favourite bears, enjoying fruit, fairy tumes and props for the show in just a alone raised over £3,000 for the school. cakes and biscuits. Later this was fol- couple of weeks. These funds are vital and contribute not lowed by a Mums’ Night when we were only to educational and fun trips (this End of term was a sad day for all as we lucky enough to sit outside for an evening year Legoland) but are also needed for said goodbye to our Year 6 pupils and and catch up with friends over a few Headteacher, Tina Nowell. Tina can be essential books, IT, and recreational snacks and drinks extremely proud of all the hard work and equipment. We said goodbye to three committee progress she and her team have achieved. members - Leanne Holme, Mary Walczak We look forward to an exciting new and Charlotte Mackworth Praed whose school year with two new teachers com- company, hard work and enthusiasm we plementing an already talented team and will all miss. However we also welcome an extremely full Foundation class. Katie Bayfield, Laura Gelata, Jo Williams Mrs Brenda Brown, formerly the School and Emily Reed in their stead. We Improvement Partner from OCC, will be planned to meet up during the summer acting as temporary head whilst we recruit holidays at Binfield Heath Park. a new headteacher. There are two photography sessions We are looking forward to our Year 6 planned during November for children annual residential trip. In September, the Dads’ Curry ight and siblings or parents. pupils will enjoy a fun filled week of ac- Peppard Toddler group is a friendly and 15th July saw what will hopefully be- tivities in Shropshire, including abseiling, inclusive group of Mums and carers meet- come a regular event: the Dads’ Curry rock climbing, canoeing and hill walking. ing each Tuesday morning in term time, th Night held at the ever-tolerant(!) and Our Harvest Service will be on 28 Sep- including half terms, from 09.45 to 11.45 ever-excellent Tandoori Connoisseur.
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