38 - 1 Postmaster: PLEASE SEND entire magazine and Form 3579 to UNP, c/o Blanton Clement, Jr., P.O. Box 146, Morrisville, PA 19067 _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Moving? To change your address, cut the wrapper on the line above and send this form with the old address label to Blanton Clement, Jr., P. O. Box 146, Morrisville, PA 19067 Name________________________________________ Address______________________________________ City, State, ZIP_________________________________ 21 8 Volume 38 3 8 - Number 1 1 February 2014 Whole Number 218 21 8 UN NEW YORK: 2014 – THE YEAR OF THE HORSE The Journal of United Nations Philatelists Affiliate #71 of the American Philatelic Society A unit of the American Topical Association Editor: Richard Powers Production Manager: Greg Galletti www.unpi.com Correspondence regarding editorial content Table of Contents February 2014 should be sent to the Editor: Richard Powers, Message from the Editor.…………..……….…..1 2445 East Del Mar Boulevard #422, Pasadena, 2014 UNP Election……………………………..1 CA 91107-4871. 2014 UNESCO Bulk Order……………………2 2014 United Nations Stamp Program………….3 Changes of address should go to the UNP Secre- Personalized Sindelfingen Sheet………………4 tary: Blanton Clement, Jr., P. O. Box 146, Mor- AFRCW, R. Powers……………………………5 risville, PA 19067. SOE Dispatching Mark on UN Pouch Mail, R. Powers…………………………………6 Inquiries concerning replacement copies of recent International Register of Potential Toxic issues which failed to arrive in the mail or back Chemicals, R. Powers…………………….8 issues from December 2011 on, should go to the First UNICEF Stamp, R. Powers………………9 Production Manager, Greg Galletti, P.O. Box International Meteorology Organization, 466, Mt. Airy, MD 921771-0466 or by e-mail at R. Powers……………………………….10 [email protected]. Back issues cost $0.75 IRO in French Zone of Germany, R. Powers…12 plus postage (U.S. addresses: $1.39, Canada: UN Search for WMD in Iraq, R. Powers……..13 $1.81; others: $3.76 airmail. Orders for earlier UN Observer Mission in Uganda and Rwanda, back issues should go to the UNP Archivist: An- R. Powers………………………………..14 thony Dewey, 157 Warrenton Avenue, Hartford, New Zealand Trusteeship in West Samoa, CT 06105-3931. The Journal (ISSN 0164-6482) R. Powers………………………………..16 is published bi-monthly by United Nations Phi- UN Office in Leopoldville, Congo, R. Powers.18 latelists, Inc. (UNPI), P. O. Box 146, Morrisville, Personalized Corruption Sheet in Panama…….19 PA 19067. U.S. Members should receive issues UNP Special Auction #30……………………..22 via standard mail about the 15th of even months. Reprinting UNPI is an organization of philatelists devoted to the collection, study and exhibition of the issues Permission to reprint articles published in this of the UNPA, the postal history of the UN, the journal is granted to philatelic journals as long as issues and postal history of its branches, special- the source of the article is properly cited. The ized agencies and forerunners, as well as Editor would appreciate a reprint copy. world-wide topical issues that honor the UN, its Disclaimer agencies and programs. Opinions expressed in this journal are those of the The annual domestic dues of the UNPI are US authors and are not necessarily those of the Edi- $24.00, of which $23.00 apply to the subscription tor, UNP Officers or UNP club members. of The Journal. Cover Illustrations Unless otherwise stated, catalogue numbers are from the latest edition of the Scott Standard Front cover: United Nations New York Postage Stamp Catalogue (Scott). (Lindner) Mini-sheet for the Chinese Lunar Calendar – Year refers to the Lindner United Nations Catalogue of the Horse (2014). Back cover: Maximum (1976); United Nations Philately by Arleigh cards for 2013 French service stamps for use at Gaines; (Zumstein), Spezialkatalog über die UNESCO Headquarters in Paris with two Japa- Briefmarken der Schweiz (1992). nese cranes and the Sigirhya site in Sri Lanka. MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR A Look Ahead to the 2014 UNPA Stamp Program By November 2013 the United Nations Countries (2011), Africa (2012) and China Postal Administration (UNPA) had announced a (2013). tentative schedule of stamps for 2014. If the The UNPA issued simple flag stamps in schedule, which appears on page 3 of this issue, 2013 for South Sudan (a brand new country) and holds, there will be seven commemorative is- the Russian Federation and Cape Verde (which sues, three of which are continuing series: the had new flag designs) and Myanmar (formerly Endangered Species Series (October), the World known as Burma). The set for 2014 includes Heritage Series – India (July) and the Flag Se- flag stamps for Afghanistan, Cambodia, Dem- ries (February). That leaves four sets, which ocratic Republic of the Congo and Serbia. have new themes and are not part of continuing Six new definitives are currently scheduled series. These include the themes: International to appear in March for the three United Nations Day of Happiness (March), International Jazz post offices in New York City, Vienna and Day April), International Year of Family Geneva. New stationery items will also appear. Farming (August) and Education First - If any member is interested in writing an UNESCO (September). article tackling any of these topics or any other At least four more personalized sheets will subject, please drop me a letter or send me an be issued: one noting the 35th Anniversary of e-mail, so that I can offer you my enthusiastic UNPA Vienna (May) with ten stamps for Vi- support and devote my own creative energies to enna in the sheet, another honoring the 45th other projects. In either case, it is crucial that Anniversary of UNPA Geneva (June) with ten this Journal contain contributions from as many stamps for Geneva in the sheet, a sheet in the members as possible in order to guarantee that “Chinese Lunar Calendar” series on the occa- the articles of this periodical represent the vast sion of the Year of the Horse to be issued in range of interests of its members. This is hard January for New York with ten stamps and a to achieve when many issues represent contri- Greetings from New York City personalized butions of only two or three authors. I look sheet with ten stamps in January. forward to receiving your article. The Endangered Species Series has been an annual issue since 1993. As usual this twen- NOMINATIONS COMMITTEE ty-second set in this series will be released by SELECTS CANDIDATES FOR THE the UNPA in the form of mini-sheets of four blocks of four distinct stamps for each office as 2014 UNP ELECTION well as an annual collection folder, three max- imum cards and a limited edition silk first day UNP Officers and Board Members have cover. been soliciting nominations for positions of This year the World Heritage set will honor UNP officers and Board of Directors, who will India with six sheets of twenty stamps as well as take office beginning July 1, 2014 and will serve three prestige booklets, each containing twelve until June 30, 2016. stamps of two different denominations. This Most of the current officers and board series began in 1997 with a set that honored the members have agreed to continue serving. In Terracotta Warriors of China. Since then series addition the committee found additional mem- has been released honoring Austria (1998), bers willing to serve. Their names will appear Australia (1999), Spain (2000), Japan (2001), on the ballot, which will be printed on the rear Italy (2002), the United States (2003), Greece page of the mailer for the April issue of the (2004), Egypt (2005), France (2006), Latin Journal. Thus far, the following members America (2007), Germany (2009), the Nordic have agreed to serve in the indicated offices: THE JOURNAL OF UNITED NATIONS PHILATELISTS Vol. 38 #1 FEBRUARY 2014 1 Officers day cancel and background information on the subjects of the two stamps. The philatelic President: Larry Fillion document which was prepared for the 2011 Vice-President: Greg Galletti UNESCO service stamps appears in an article in Secretary: Blanton Clement, Jr. the April 2012 issue of the Journal (page 9). The cost of this item was € 5,00. Treasurer: Chris Dahle La Poste will also issue a small mono- Board of Directors chromatic proof sheet (gravure) on “vélin d’Arches” paper of the two stamps for € 2,00. Kenneth Grant The size of the proof sheet is 14 cm 7 cm. Tim O’Shea The gravure for the 2010 UNESCO issue also appears in the June 2011 issue of the Journal Richard Powers (page 10). Caroline Scannell If you are interested in participating in the bulk order, please let me know by March 1, The UNP-Secretary Clem Clement is con- 2014 what you would like to order, at my e-mail tinuing to solicit additional nominations for the address: above offices - including self-nominations - [email protected] from any and all members, who are interested in giving a little extra time to the Club. In order or at my mailing address on the inside rear cover that the nominations can be included in the April of this issue. issue of the Journal, they should reach him by . When the bulk order is delivered to me February 25th at the following address: (probably in April), I will ship you the items you ordered with an invoice for the face value of the Blanton Clement, Jr. items ordered plus shipping from Pasadena. P.O.Box 146 For those who like to deal directly with La Morrisville, PA 19067 Poste, they can be reached through the website: e-mail: [email protected]. www.laposte.fr 2014 UNESCO BULK ORDER or by mail: The French PTT (La Poste) has announced La Poste/Phil@poste that it will issue two new service stamps for Service Clients exclusive use at UNESCO headquarters in Paris, Z.I.
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