-. CATALOGUE OF ‘rm MOST VALUABLE,INTERESTING AND c HIGHLY IMPORTANT LIBRARY OF THE LATE GEORGE DANIEL, ESQ. OF CANONBURY, TOOETIIEB WITH HIS COLLECTION OF ORIGINAL DRAWINGS AKD ENGRAVED PORTRAITS OF OF TEE FIRST QUALITY, BY BABRETT, CATTERMOLE, COOPER, COS, DEWINT, HARDING, PROUT, PYNE, STANFIELD, STOTHARD, WILKIE, AND OTHER EMINENT ARTISTS. NISCELLANEOU8 OBJECTS OF ART, INTEREST & CURIOSITY, BEAUTIFUL ASD OTHER FINE EXAMPLES OF ART AND VERTU. WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY XESSBS. SOTHEBY, W1,LKINSON & HODGE, auctioneers of Eiterarg wroprrte t titRorks iIIoalratibe of @e fine arts, -4T THEIRHOUSE. NO. 13, (late 3), WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, W.C. On WEDNESDAY, the 20th of JULY, 1864, and Niue following Dags, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECIRRTaY. -- May be Viewed Two Days previous, and Cataloguee had. I. Thehighest bidder to be tho buyer,and if disputo mk? bd-ffeen bidders, the lot 80 dis uted sball be immediately put up again, Provided the seller cannotdeci Be the said dispute. 11. No person to advance less than GJ. ; above ten shilliop, 18. ; above five pounds, 2r.6d. ; and so on. 111. The purchaaera to give in their names and plnces of abode, adto pay down 108. in the pound, if required, in part payment of the puxhaee- money ; in default of which the lot or lots purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. IT. The lots to be taken away at the buyer’s ex nse, immediately after the conclusion of the sale ; in default ofwhich essrs. SOTIIEBS,WJLKISSOX & HODQEwill not hold themselves responsibleaK”if lost, stolen, damaged, or otherwise destroyed,but they will be left at the derisk of the purchaser. If, at the espiration of ONE WEEKafter the conclusion of the de, the books or other property are not cleared or paid for, they will then be catalogued for immediatesale, and the e nee, the same as if re-sold, will be added to the amount at which the%oh were bought. Mesum, SOTHEBY,WILEINSOR & HODQEwill have the option of re-selling tho Lots uncleared, either by public or private sale, without any notice being given to the defaulter. v. The books presumed to be perfect, unless otherwise expressed ; but if, upon collating, BD should prove defective,the purchaser will be at liberty to take or reject t?! em, provlded they are returned within ONEWEEK after the rnclusin of the de, when the purchasemoney will be rettcmed. VI. me deof any book or bkais not to be set aside on account of any stwined or short leaves of text or plates, rant of list of plates, or on amount d the publication of any subsequent volume, supplement, appendix, or plates. All the manuscripts, autographs,all magazmea, and reviewe, d books in lots, and all t-a m lots or volumes, willbe sold with all faults, imperfections, and errors of‘ description. The sale of any lot of prints OF drawings is not to be set aside on account of any error in the enumeration of the numbers stated, or errors of description. VII. No IMPEBFECTBOOKE will be taken back, unless a note accom auieu each book, stating its imperfections, with the number of lot and &to of the sale at which the samz was purchased. VIII. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenienca in the settlement of the purchases, no lot can on any account be removed during the time of sale. IX. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the money required and deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; and if un3 locrx ia swtuined in the *e-eel2ing of aucA Iota as urc not cbamd or puid for, all clkcrgdr on such re-amle shall be matie good bg tlie &faultw.q ut this Sale. .--- .--- PREFACE. I_cII THISmemorable Library abounds in treasures, specialities, and curiosities of Literature. It contains many unique books, and some equally so as regards the chance of sale, the only others known being locked up in Public Libraries that can never be dispersed. The copies, generally speaking, are of unrivalled beauty in point of internaland external condition, thus exemplifying the profound taste and judgment of Mr. DANIEL, who never neglected an opportunity of acquiring the finest examples that presented themselves during a long and an anxious career. The successful result of his labours will be admitted on a careful perusal of the following Catalogue, so rich in bibliograyhical rarities of the highest class, and which are sought for by the Amateur with peculiar curiosity. The limits of a Preface would not admit of an enumeration of the Literary treasures contained in the Collection, but the followingmay be cited,among others of great interest and rarity, illustrating the unceasing perseverance of thelate possessor. The works of Shakespeare form a very important section, and comprise the First Four Folios, all of the first class, and much finer copies than can everagain occur for sale. The Quarto Plays, too, present a remarkable feature, the following being of the first edition and of the highest degree of rarity :- The Tragedie of King Richard theSecond; the Tragedy of King Richard the Third; Love’s Labors Lost; Tragedie of Romeo and Juliet; Chronicle History of Henry the Fifth ; History of the Uerchnnt of Venice; Much Adoe about Nothing; I Is. 1V I I ! iI I I \I i i I ! \ V of DaintieConceits; Story of King Dqms ; Meetingof Gallants ; Old Meg of Herefordshire; an extraordinarily curious Collection of Penny Merriments, and Popular Histories ; Roy’s Rede me and be nott Rothe ; Kynge Rycharde, Cuer du Lyon ; Unique Scottish Chap Books ; Smith’s Chloris ; Sonnets to the Fairest Coelia ; History of Tom Thumbe ; Watson’s Passionate Century of Love ; Westward for Smelts ; and many other of the rarest works within the range of English Literature. The class of lore under the heads of Garlands, Jests, Drol- leries and Songs, comprisessome extraordinary features, and forms a singular portion of the collection,containing many rarities of quite a unique character. There is also another class of productions to which attention must be drawn, viz., those volumescopiously enriched with original Autograph Letters, Drawings and Engravings, illus- trative of the lives and times of Bums, Chattertan, Cowper, Goldsmith, Gray, Johnson, Kemble, Pope, and other men of note. There are also two Missals of the highest class of art, of the finestquality and inthe purestcondition, and the Library contains the choicestcopies ofworks in generalliterature, which occupy a large feature, many of them being illustrated with curious peculiarities, conferring a unique distinction, and greatly tending to enhance their value and importance. The Collection of Original Drawings and Engraved Portraits of eminent Actors and Actresses, beautifid water-colour Drawings and miscellaneous objectsof Art and Vertu, will close this most interesting sale, which is confessedly without a rival in most of‘ its importantbranches, possessing 88 they do innumerable articles of the most distinguished rarity, worthy the attention of the Collector, the Nan of Taste, and the Amateur. I BOTHEBY, WILKINSON 1c HODGIE. July, 1864. I CATALOGUE OF THE TRULY VALUABLE, MOST INTERESTING, AND HIGHLY IMPORTANT LIBRARY Ob' TEE LATE GEORGE DANIEL, ESQ., FIRST DAY'S SALE. .. .- a Adlard (George) The Sutton-Dudleya of England and the Dudleye of Massachuaetta in New England, from the Norman Conqueat to the preaent time presentatiol, copy fmthe atdh bo. J. B. Bmith, 1862 . 3- . 7 Bachyli !hgmaise, Qr. ex Bibl. P. de chrdonlrs2,1666, &a X#.on title ped lllwocco by Roger Payns,Ji.om Birliop Bl~oq&ld's Zbrq Urn. Pa&, tw o#&a A. %ebi Qpog. 1542 8 Bachylus, Tragedies, Wted hmthe Qreek by R. Potter, 2 vol. 1+ ' avo. 1779 4 is . 9 10 11 12 . 5- L 13 19.- 14 15 ' Ir . Ib b 16 17 18 19 20 41 22 .4baa ! 4 9 =-qP PICKEBIIVQs MAQNTFIOEWT EDITION, with tke $mat Iypmsexolce OF WE ENQEAVTNQB ON IBDIA PAPEB A VEBY CHOICE AND ELEQANT COPY IR QBEEI YLOBOCQO SUPER EXTRA, g. e. by Haydcry, dea tooled with tpmmthof 0. Cbbton'a fihiq l'emple, worked L goM Colombier 800. 1836 61 Wright (W.) The Compleat Fisher, or the TRle Art of Angling, jht. peen morocco, 9. e. by Hering I0mo. &ld by Joatph &h,1140 6 67 Armatrong (J.) of Love, rqwht, 1768-Montgornery (J.) and other Poems, PIBBT EDITION, 1806 ; and four others, Poetical lh. (6) 68 AUFOQBAPHLETTEBS OF EMINENT EIVGLISE LITEBATI A VOLUME OX COXSIDBIEABLB IXTEBEST AND VALUE, FILLED WITH PILEOIOUB CONTEmS, OF WaICH THE FOLLOW~BMAY BE OIFED AS 4 8AXPLE- Dr. Johnson’s Letter to &nick, reem hia p+wtA edition of Shakespeare, dated May l8th, 1766. Dr. Johnson’s Letter to Gtarricg, with Hogarth’s Epifrph. A Bill of &change for S 80. drawn by Oliver Goldsmith and accepted by Qarrick, dated Dec. 26,1178. Six clever Linea in Verse, addmad by GFafiiclr fo Dr. HiU upon his Petition of I. & U. Dean Swift’s Receipt for the Originell Copyea of three ’Pisslrycl by Sir William Temple, dated July 29th, 1701, in hir owtograph. I Pa ’a Getter to EicMson, vey darcrcterielic, and full of pw r-w. ‘I We may take a cup of sack together and chatter like two parrots, which are (at leaat) more mpectmble aad manlike Bnimals than ’9’ graeboppers, to which Homer likens old men.” Addison to Mr. Hu hee, dated Oct. lath, 1718. (‘1 sm in s thauasnd troublea for poor flick (Steele) and wish that hi8 4for the publick may not be ruinous to him-self.” Pope’s Recei t of Mr. Tonaon for “the 8umm of‘ Iiha China for the WXe of Bath’s prologue, and 8 piece of the 13th book of Homer’s Odyssee,” Gntireb Mctqproph; and Various Poctraita of Bhakespeare, Garrick, Johnsan, S&, PO (m &aurin )¶ and other articles of high iub- and 07-k =&e whog forming 8 moat interesting en00- with, and fiIlEtl’8tiV0 Of, %HE OBEATEBT COT EXPO^^ Op UODB- ’ TICEB.
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