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... t. • \ . ; 0 /!iclal Orran o /ll'be lntenaatioual' Ladle-' Garmeul 'Worken' Ullloa .. Vol. XVI. No. 6 Jeney Clay, N.J., July, 1932 Price 10 Celila ·! ..--~- ..... I The Master BuDder ·1 .· ._ .,1 ·, BENJAMIN SCHLESINGER Late Pre.idenl, l . iL. G. W. U. Bor'n-Oecember 25. 1876 Died-June 6, 1~ , • ,.~,. Jr ~~sa=~z~:~t5·~·;.=;:~~i5~~;;~;;~~~$$;$;;~~~.a:·;.$E:~:~S$~~55~~~ At the Bier .of. By David Dubinsky.' Wllll pt..S.C 11.,-to &114 ~-od •"*": ~•"W7 -m'oral aiHl ~ter1al for~ ~t our la4uatr)' and In the labor mov8F-e~~­ ,. ataJid at u.. Ill•• or oar <lepr.rt"'! ~d olll7 help the, c&use of our 91'1&11· 1 .~d >. whe~ at tber"ilut conYoat~n \' bo lead.. , Tile IDa! pa«a or Beu,tamlu b:atJoa. ~e ~el:l)ted. no refusal &Del ~e retu1ed to run for re&lecUon, we. know· 1 Sehloo!Dpr'a - or uro . are IKIIac set" t.. o · aU 1 ot.U. an e'Dmple o~ a. reet!eeaj tag hla creat Talue to our ~onmea,_~ elo0e4t~. ab4 e9~oua I...Setatilp. · · were "OIIag· tol.<lo everrthlag lu tlio 1 ·_Ant_ callle · Jn cloee. contact 'With Buf Brija.mln Sctil'M-~I'et . wu to· die j,orJd t~ . make It poulble Ltor ·~ htnl;_ ..lealqar 111 UH. wboa I wu world. at larce eYen!mon tlian t\l&L He to recaln hla hoaftb .,.. lona: aa be ...eeti.t • lDambor or tllj General £1ecu· typiQ~ tho protHt jor ilio ae<i<il~ w.ork· lcoul4 'be u~ocl1.tod .•II"' uo. rro .our ti_Ye Boanl. I Olli.J til.4 tile opportUioltr' era aa:alut the Intolerable ,conditions grea t misfortune. bpwever,• rate ~aa un· to work with hliD for a te• 'lDODtba . that pfeT&J18d ID ouf Jnduatey_aq<l ~btcli _ex pec:tealy , truck> at. lilm and baa taken 'trllell lle realgaod ID n:s. Alroe4y &I OYerbq.rdeaed the 1\'!•• ot our· workere ; hlr:D away trom qur :midst aq tho mo- · Qat time 101 &am.lratlon tor the •tefunc yean - &CO> He •·~~~n~, ttie ln,etreaf ~'nt ;wl:io~ We ne'ed J:ilm m(!•t. , I" bave - I(III.IIIY ot hla 1014llnlhlp was ao g,, and the contc:Jence Pt the outlldet world no wofda of con.aolatlon to otrgr to our, that ~ted 1 not to a e; ,!:ils l't!a{fD.&­ to tbe• woea ot tbe .Pnzieot worketr. Ho ' o.m work~'ra and ·JeQt or oll 1 to his Uoll. ADd when be came back; to ua a 4ramaUoo4, by hlo jPeroonallty, tit.. cry • faln.IIT,...,1Jisi wife aa4 chll4r~rt-:wbooe few ..,._,.. later. ,.-be our orpnJiattoo or Our workers fo~_f more light. 3 or a loss • ~· been tbd tgreateat 1:o.nd t}le wu 10rel7 In need or tbe~ tYP;e ot lea~er­ . gn!ater mea•are or fhapplnesa and for ~ beavfeat.f .at tbero Ia.; anythJng ~ tbnt · can J:te &Joae could c:l•e ua bd he · a place pi tlleiaun. - f ~ - llgbt_e~a our b£!Niavemont at tbla mom e nt, ~ atartod 0ar Uuloa on !be "'&4 to now benjamin~ Sc:bl ea~,er waa a co~;~tt,I!Dl !' perhaps lleft1 fDI. tlio ·.~l~ought that ute. 1117., a4rntraUon ror hta' lnd~mltalbe ln1pfratloo- to our eauae whlle be was t Benjamin, Schle&lnglr baa"' Jived a riCh wll1. ~rcefulnesa and enerq lme•' W~u rapd coul~· · Ci avbte hlmBelr eo'ttr~ly and' ~-1/ full uro; fiaa !ITC.d • · Jlte ' DO ·botmaa._ ., _ io tile &r.. t ....,.... ·But e YeD Whon "" { 4o41catl!4 fully,. frol'l lilo early )'OUlb, to ~, f'-a,~ SCtil~s1~r:;er 'WU a ~an:atlc In became alck In the lait ·few 1:ears. hils·; ·the eauae or bfe teJiow: men. And · he ·f Ilia loyalty &act dew-otlon tG our mo.,.. Tery nam~ Ue0cl4\~. with our UDIOni dtid ~e d~tb ·he .-~hf~Y~ wi~h ~ to die· \ JMDl Aa the bead of our On font be · bas 6~come a aym~pl . or at,ren~th and -a.e ~ capta.ln at the helm .or ch1r 8bJp, b~Ye tbe wbote worl4 eerve ouf I hope tq_ our men and women ~ nd · t::•r· a t: hla P:OBt aa PreeiCJent or our lnte,.. · au.te. .t• wo~l~ enlttt lllld h&l'lillill fled a r..,..~,·::)l~ n' Jf nuen ~8 .throuabont national Uhlon. l " 1: . .. We &l'e' here t~ to pay our Jut · made hfm un h·e~llll respected nod es· trftiate to oar. leader-to the President tecilned. 'l'beae · oatata.nd:Jng mental cl(ts ot~ oar, tn_terui.Uon.J tlnlpn:_Brotlier '·or oUr ,departo<i J ea~er wm ;be·' long rc- 11oQJamJjl· Schle&l~r. Of u.:• U~'!'lx IDOIDtiorM, tDOI • oaly. by tijl . hantedlate . )'1W11 tl>at lle.ll•f'l he gon 1om Yfl!'rB uooclaleoJ b!U f i80Jb7, thoaa who kno'O' ' to orpu lzod 11.!>01"-'ell hla l"t~lllgel!oe. him Ill oilier walto' llr ure. ~ All lilo enO,.gy ou4, 1!!.~!7· hlO Yel7 IJrq. • 1 oUIJ ...emem' ~ow.' In ..:. wecikobe•l. ~- Benjamlil SchlafD.cer. waa -~ - lde-- vo'lce. :tio\declareCt a t,rbur·laat conYentlon, teiMlel' ot bta t611ow·workera att"" bt• Ute. As Preeldent or ou.r lpternaUonl.l Union ).;, led hlo army Ia fotty ID4U>ttlal atrur••"r ta eveTf aarment· c~ter; or ·' th'e Untied Slateo11.bci Cauda, aa4.1.wtth ~17 rUe exCepUou or· t~mpol"&r'y . fall· urea. lie.,. won theln alL " . Un4er !Jia lu4~nlilp, tllo Idles' &ar. 1 Dtent w.orken, ·wbo, twenbr·IYet 7eat:1 aco wore worllil& &114> Urfllg u esrlo.­ bl.4 lieei. raised to the lnel or a d ecent. · Iauman U'fin$'. The •Orxera ·or the .wom .. · . en•a p.rmeat lnda•ui ~•lltr ne~er r,orcet aU tbe aacnaciu BeiiJamfn SeJilea:lnger , tii.d ua~ OfiOD~ 4u,rtac hlo. actl•o l.,;,der· ablp oflopr Union. -- Ttie ttDiwervlng 146allom wltli wblch .be eamect out our: i.OrrantuJton carp . •pa.tcns ~f;S ;laYartably, rewarded liY, the entlaa.all.aitc responee from ttie mas s~ ·or O.r warura. The clrlYtac oaora with · l.rhtch lie Cal'ilod oat •All lila• ; ~ pJ,ana,- llta~ boueat7 unQae~tt cfuect fe..eil br t~ooe w,hcfw ere ·uot till rrieo4o. • A********** JULY, 1982 ..,.; ......... ••••••••••••••••••••r···················· ~ :P a 1 e 8 ·. ' '' President Dubinsky's Speech of Acceptance 1 need ROt tell you that 1 eoatlder ID7 electloa to lbe pres!· lbt &eDir&l Labor IIIOYIIIIeDL We allookl lr7 to ODIIot lato lito 4eaey ot our tau.ruattcmal Unloa the createat reward that otn!oo or our UllloD aU olemoala or U.. -Ire &ad n4~ ooald fall to anr rn•mber of 01}f 9raanlu.U()n, • crMt honor eal lAbor IDOY-..l If rOOOtlfiV7o • , aac1 u ezpreaaloa Or c.oaftdeaee oo the .,_.n of tbe enUre Oea· 1 .And I• c'o•cluelo• lo~ me ••~ to 700 mi ol!~Ceroet ap. eral DeeuUYe Bo&rd, ud. 'throutb, you. tbe eoallldeace of the pnclo!lon ud reopecL Tbe ople•dld rialenlal ......,.., Ia ~embi'""reblp of our In· wb!cll , ... Lbu41e4 toraatloaal. tile mau.r beQire ,.,. lo4a7 IIU II••' u a Te be " '" traak .. with 7ou. I wu ••rJ' da&llce to come to oar bealtoDt to accept tblo mombero and to lila · 'NI7 ImpOrtant po1t. world wllll a clear ..ut aot tiecauoe It Ia aot doclarallo• uiat lbero all hoaorable poelUonl Ia """' wllllla oar uot becaaoe I wuttd raab &ad lllat WO to oblrl< reopOaolbiiiiJ\ mar worlr­ but l>ocaUIO I laad ou11 lo&elb• rro. lalown lbo IDIIUitp4& DOW OIL Tbla will - of tile cut ' whl<ht Able 11.1 to acbJe•• wow.ld e9afroat me •• tbo tub WO HI / prealdenL I knew that beCoN oanelYu. I IDJ' I prodocuooro - 0111 rorr bapefDI lbal Bcllloola&or .,4 Blc· wllll ,..., --lloll ID&D-botll bad lo•« •• mar aU--n.U 0114 aa4 creditable rooard• llle worbro &ad otll­ Of &ehtMIDIIDl &ncl .....- abletowort ·. U"lce tO tllla UDIOD (or tile Wtermlllt of .,erore' thO,. became lbt cOIIdiUm of oar president. Tbe7 were membeN aad lbl oalltandiD& lnno In olriD&lbeDbll or - the t.bor JDOUmtDL UDIOIL the ............ ud 1 bew, at tbe lloll to wii!Cio we laaro aame tiJDe.. troa· dedicated oar lllllo. bleo aad tribulation• our eDiriJ', oar co. tbey 1'•4 to , ondure. •••l""oo t~~~d -t ef You will u4erotoo4, · oar life. • U•erefore. why I hesi­ tated to ac.c.ept. • Let me t ell JOU Wm• . Green further tbat I ba•e I ao apee~l prorram to To DIJbinsky ' olfer t~ you. I fool I ulRd to roa oa"' tbat our prorram Ia arotaJt.tloaila- roat the Procram of tho' oppotat 11111111 to ..,.. welfare of au Uafoa. .. PraeldeDt or tile tllo proaram or Ill pr.. e"at!on aad or ··-o armeat Worbrl'La4lea' lla eoaUauo4 prorr••• Unloa. Yoar ~ and ach••acement. It mou Mlectloa ,.,,. Ia tblo proaram that ...... u.. llllb nprd mj Jredeci.Jor atood Ia wblcll 101 an boW tor aad It la# the pro- eDd nllecll u.. .s. "'"' of lllo tabor ..... ol I»D'd•:r IIIOYOJI!IDI wltll Wblcb,. pieced Ia 7011 by :roar we are a&Uatt4 and follow ollcen &ad U.. whoee cauae we are ,..u ud 11e or ,.oar cllamPiooiDJ. I will fDteraalloa&l Ualoa. • trr to follow It up DAVID DUBINSKY I ...,_ wt&la :roor wltldll my poworo.

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