♦ WHERE TO GO TO-NIGHT WEATHEI1Z0RECAST Royal Victoria—Oriciaals ia Stepping High.' Capitol—Wine. For 8S hours ending i p m: Wednesday: dominion—City That Never Sleeps. Victoria and vicinity—Moderate to Coliseum—Tilly of Blo*rosbury, Columbia—Captain Blood. fresh westerly winds, partly cloudy- and Playhouse—A wife's Romance. VOL. 66 NO: 5 VICTORIA, B.C., TUESDAY, JANUARY 6, 1925—14 PAGES. PRICE FIVE CENTS B.C. WISHES INCREASED BENEFIT FROM MINES Chicago May he NAMED JUDGE OF Former Premiers of Italy Are US. SUPREME COURT; Without Movies STEWART WEPT MOVE MADE TO DIRECT ALL Opposing Mussolini and Followers EXTR1T1 CASES HARLAN F. STONE Next Sunday WHEN HE TOLD Chicago. Jan. «.—Chicago may be CREATIVE FORCE OF MINES nMkii without movie# next Sunday If the picture operators, who have been re­ OF BANK CRASH IN SEATTLE COURTS fused a ten per cent, wage Increase demand, carry out their intentions to quit worji then. They will definitely TO UPBUILDING OF PROVINCE Former Liquor Board Head in decide at a meeting Thursday. Convicted Home Bank Direc­ Charge of Robbery and Operators now receive from IW to tor Testified at Trial of $100. and In a few tfasee, $125 a week. Suggestion Ownership of Minerals in Province be Murder Cases . R. P. Gough Thugs in Pittsburg Restricted to Citizens of Empire tb be Discussed Takes Ten Warrants in Big­ Described to Judge in Toronto at Meeting in Vancouver; Effort to Prevent U.8. gest Extradition .Trial in Demanded $25,000 _ To-day Confusion Th%t, • ■ Drawing Oreg* Advantage From Cassiar Develop­ B.C/s History Existed Then . ' And Wounded Man ment. A. M. Johnson, former chair- Toronto. Jan. 6.—In giving evi­ Pittsburgh Pa, Jan, I,—Holdup dence on behalf of K. P. Goughrvlce- nan of the Liquor Control Board, men here to-day fired at and preaident of the Home Bank, which Vancouver. Jan. C.—A special meeting of the British Columbia will have complete charge of wounded Lawrence A. Bands, presi­ failed in August. 1S2S, on trial on Mining Bureau will be: held here soon to consider the advisability British Columbia’s campaign to dent of the First National Bank, charges of making false statements when he ran to.cull for help after a of the bank’s affairs to the Minister of .suggesting to the Federal Government that the ownership of bring alleged Nanaimo bank rob demand for $25,000 had been made of Finance. J. F. M. Stewart. another British Columbia minerals in place in future be restricted to hers and perpetrators of the upon his father as he was leaving director, who has already been con­ citizens of the Empire. A decision to hold the meeting was Beryl G murder to trial in this his home in the fashionable Squirrel victed on a charge of negligence, Hill district broke down to-day. 'He was telling reached at a conference between Board of Trade bureau, the country, it was announced at the of the dramatic meetinff-of the Home British Columbia Chamber of Mines, the Native Sons of British Attorney-General’s Department PAI8H VISITS U.S. « Bank directors on August 7. 1023. when A. K. Calvert presented the re Columbia, and Hon. H. H. Stevens and Brig.-Gen. J. A. Clark, here to-day: President Coolidge yesterday New York. Jan. 6.—Sir George SIGNOR ORLANDO SIGNOR SALANORA port of the bank’s affairs which city members of Parliament. Mir. Johnson left here for Seattle appointed Attorney - General Pateh, prominent British financial j brought out the. fact that the bank The proposal la aimed to safeguard .last night to direct extradition pro­ Stone to eucceed Joseph /Mc­ authority and editor of The London Prominent among those in Italy taking a leading part in the grow­ had failed. the business interests of the province ceedings against the alleged Nanaimo Kenna a* a Justice of the high­ Statist, arrived here to-day en ing effort to overthrow Fascism are Signors Orlando and Halundra, * Mr. Htewart broke down when he in the event of the Cassiar district bandits and the men held responsible est court of the United States. route to Washington. both of whom formerly occupied the post of Premier. for the murder of Capt. Gillis and Jji* told of the actions and words of the CONFERRING WITH becoming the scene of a rush this •on. late H. J. Daly, who was president of ye* r. _ Jt was stated that Seattle .and Armed with no less than ten war the broken hank. NEW YORK BANKERS; Wrangel, Alaska, merchants were rants, Mr. Johnson will commence MacDonald, Former DALY'S MISTAKE making preparations to endeavor to what is believed to be the largest MONTAGU NORMAN capture the trade of the Cassiar. Ban FINANCE MINISTERS OF ALLIES - "Daly said he would take the re­ Francisco. Beattie and Spokane series of extradition cases on record UNDER SHADOW DF sponsibility; would take the punish­ had profited largely In the past by • herb. Never before, according to of­ British Premier, is ment for the crowd," said Htewart. ficiale of the Attorney-General’s De­ gold stampedes in British Columbia He said it was his mistake. He and the Yukon, it was agrued. ami partment. has British Columbia would see it through. It ended up prosecuted so many extradition casea MEETING IN FRENCH CAPITAL TO Visiting Jamaica every effort should be made now to GALLOWS PRISONER with Daly making a worse show of prevent the United States centres ob­ at one time. himself than I am now. The proceedings to be pressed by Kingston. Jamaica. Jan. Ram­ taining the largest share of the an­ Mr. Johnson will come before the say MacDonald’, -former British Pre­ ’’The first part of the meeting was ticipated output of gold. Seattle courts next Monday, it is un­ DISCUSS NUMBER OF PROBLEMS mier. arrived here yesterday. Mr. like any other ordinary board meet­ MacDonald, who will visit several GRANTED NEW TRIAL ing. I thought the business was done derstood, here. From now until then West Indian and Central American when Mr, C alvert said hé wished to file British Columbia prosecutor will ports before returning to Great complete his preparations for the make a report. Mr. Daly wondered Pari*, Jan. 6.—The Inter allied financial conference began to­ Britain next month, said his health William J. Payette, Sentenced 1f the report should not be made hearing which, it is hoped, will re­ had greatly improved and that the MEMBER Of MINERS' day -in fact, if not in from. With the official opening set for to­ Inter, hut Mr. Wood asked that It be sult in the trial of the alleged ban- sea voyage from Avonmouth had to Hang For Murder of Wife, ._a its and hi-tochers at the Spring reed. It would take somebody other morrow^ Premier Thcurus of Belgium, had a conversation, with been -•meet- enjoyable, -He said he to Have New Triaf t Thin line To' TcTT whs t lia ppemxTtTVe». BÜsïàes ïti British Columbia. Premier Harriot this afternoon and it is understood the British would forget politics until he re­ turned home. RESERVE ALL GONE 10NJ1ERE0 Habeas Corpus c hancellor of the Exchequer and the French and Italian Finance B.C. Court of Appeal Dis- "In five minutes I knew the bank Ministers are to have preliminary consultations at which the j misse? Appeal of Dr. J. P. was burst. *K Five Men Arrested on Sus­ geest ion of Inter-allied debts will be discussed. ' The reserve was gone and the Effort For Watson Vye From Sentence capital Impaired. That was not all. picion at Pittston, Pa.; Notwithstanding the attitude of the Mr. Calvert said there were othêr big United States, it is believed In com «CeachKlM en peg» Ï) Strike in Progress Failed To-day petent circle* that the conferees, not - filliaiu Joseph Payette, sen ably the British, are determined tn Daniel Guggenheim, ted bv the Assize Cotirt «il ^ __ — - M Scran ton, ,Fa_ Jan. «.—Samuel Seattle, Jan. 6 Federal Judge K. push the debt problem In unofficial SHOULD FLOURISH ~Kamloops to bo hanged on Jan- Geh. RlVeTU States Spachid, vice-president of Keren lo­ w. Cushman to-day denied a petition conversations in the hope of at least Financier, Seriously cal union of the United Mine Work­ for a writ of habeas corpus in be­ nary 15 for the shooting of hit abridging future work toward a de­ Official of Central Irish Co­ ers of America, was shot and killed half of Kona C. Watson, former city finite solution. It Is likely Winston III in New York wife Margaret, at Not eh Hill on Patriotic Union is to-dav near hi* home in Pittston, detective, held with four other sus- Churchill. British Chancellor of the operative Society Here near here. Fourteen bullets pene­ October 11 last, is granted a new. trated his body. Fire men were ar­ devote most of their time lor New- York. Jan S.-^Jhmlel Cuggen trial in a judgment handed Failure in Spain of the Royal Bank of Canada, De- devote mo8t of their tlm th helm, financier, is seriously ill here. Believes Ireland Sets Good rested on suspicion in connection next week to these conversations, the MPI OF POUND with the shooting. c ember 12. Three physician* are In «attendance. down by the B.C. Court of Ap­ Judge Cushman, however; signed greater part of the conference pro- Mr. Guggenheim, w,ho l* sixty-nine Example to B.C. For Small peal this morning. Chief Justice Madrid. Jan. S.—The newspapers Whether the killing had any con­ e»ep«^teJ«|jS6 '» ,s? .coI lapsed in kburoua» 8a are discussing an article which re- nection with the strike of the mine - ^ sent to sub-committees clrTy hi too urday night.
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