AN A EXPRESSION REFLECTION OF OF STUDENT STUDENT OPINION. MECHANICS INSTITUTE LIFE. ROCHESTER, NEW YORK. Pl'UU�IIED MO:,.;TIII.Y DY TllE STt'OENTS OF TIIE RO('IIESTER ATIIENAF.UM AND MECHANICS JNSTITUTF. \'ol. I. �o. � ROCIIESTER, N. Y., NOVEMBER, 16, 1928 Price 5 Cen(s RAMIKIN STAFF SUCCESSFUL Student Politics Hurting TO SPONSOR YEAR SEEN FOR Success of Organizations "A FULL HOUSE" GLEE CLUB Student Writer Suggests That Petty Controver­ sies be Cleared Up Cast Selected from Members Miss Helen Salisbury Acts of the Senior as Faculty Advisor I Class First Issue of Psimar Better Understanding Among All Student Groups Needed Once more, the Girl's Glee Cost of cuts and Construe ti ve Criticism Will Something new and quite dif­ Club, now an established fact, is printing $144.29 Help Eliminate Friction, ferent from anything which has under way. With Mr. Ben Incidentals 12.00 Writer Thinks been tried for the same purpose \Veaver, who is the new director Slationuy 16.25 in preceeding years is the plan and who apparently is going to of the Ramkin staff by which There has been a dangerous be extremely successful as the Total $172.54 f they expect to raise additional head, and with a group of of­ short circuit between organiza­ funds for the "best ever" Rami­ ficers, who are decidedly inter­ Sales of Psimar plus tions and diferent departments Miss Geraldine Hilton is the secre­ of the Institute, but this fall so kin. tal'y and tl'easurer of the Student ested in the welfare and con­ 48 yearly sub- Sometime during the week Counc:il. Miss Jlilton is a Senior from tinued succes of the club to scriptions $ 41.50 much strong current has been preceeding the Christmas holi­ lhe School of Home Economics. cany matters along, the future flowing that a fuse has blown. Am't rec'd on adds What is the cause of all this days the staff, assisted by a fe" looks decidedly rosy. to Nov. 6th 9.00 other members of the Senior friction between student organ­ Class is to put on the comedy The freshmen have contrib­ ization? The analysis of it is "A Full House", the proceeds of Yearly Budget uted several nice voices and have just this-it's made up of mostly which are to be used for the good Is Approved shown their interest in the club "Guiding Staff" fanciful notions expressed ver­ of this year's Ramikin. by nobly increasing the number bally or otherwise, which in turn of participants. Elected By are made up of false assump­ Accordingly, Miss Margaret by Council tions and conclusions too rapidly Greenwood of Washington Jun­ The faculty advisor, being un­ Co-op Students reached. There is no doubt left ior High has been engaged as doubtedly one of the best liked in the students' minds that this coach, the cast has been selected Men Receive $2,798 for Ac­ and most valuable members of tivities, Women Re­ unrest has a destructive force and rehP,ll"Sals begun. the organization not S•) long ago Snappy Meeting Held by and tears down rather than The cast includes - Thelma ceive $1,395 herself, is Miss Helene Salisbury, builds up the standards we are Schutt. Kathleen Downs, Gerald­ a fact which is a source of much Electrical Association striving to attain. ine Duffy. Geraldine Hilton, pleasure to all Glee Club mem­ This situation of school poli­ Catherine Palmer, Dorothy Hum­ bers who knew her and those tics is indeed a vital issue. It has The Student Council has ap­ who will get to know her this stone, Norman Collister, Earl Where were all the fellows challenged students in the past Hungerford, Jack Bennett, Wil­ proved of the following budgets year. for Student Activities for the going the night of October 17th. and is baffling the students of liam Stinson, Keith Doone, season 1928-1929. The officers this year are as One would have thought it was the present. Is this situation Dutch Van Emmerik, and Clyde follows: a pre-election meeting of the going to be led on indefinitely? French. Wrestling $ 950 The (Continuedstudents on feelPage -1,a Columncleaning 2) -up Geraldine Hilton President Democrats. o! It was more Boxing 300 successful than that. Basketball 998 Jennie Durofchalk Chemists Form Glee Club 550 Vice President Things started in the usual Dorothy Humstone Secretary way-late-about ten minutes; An Association Mens' Activities $2,798 clue entirely to the president, Seniors Inspect Esther Lawerence Treasurer who was enroute to the Alma North East Co. Basketball $ 50 Ferne Wilson Librarian Mater filled with Cider, that is. Bright Outlook for Bowling 75 he transported Ten Gallons in Youngest Organization Glee Club 375 his "Baby Lincoln" as part of of Mechanics Golf 100 the refreshments that came later Through the 'courtesy of Mr. Hiking 25 LITERARY GUILD in the evening. He says that it Fowler, Maintenance Superin­ Riding 60 wasn't the Cider that made him tendent of North East Electric Swimming 40 TO BE ORGANIZED late, but a Flat Tire? Co., the Electrical Seniors were Three years ago, in response Tennis 10 gi,·en permission to inspect the to requests made b\· manv local From the opening of the meet­ Y. W. C. A. 200 The best in magazine litera­ ing until the end there was ac­ power house and transformer an,! neighboring in<lustrial con­ Awards 70 ture and current books will be rnults of that Company on the cerns, there was founded at Me­ tion and plenty of it. Smith, a Conference 100 selected by student readers and n, who was selected by afternoon of October 23rd. chanics Institute a new course, Freshma stu­ General 40 recommended to the student the program comittee as Song A few of the Co-operati\·e Co-operative Industrial Chemis­ Social 250 body, if a form of literary guild dents of Section 1 were seen at try. The initial enrollment was Leader proved a valuable asset now being organized at the In­ essential in making the their work in the plant. "Jimmy" some twenty students. From that and an at North East Girls' Activities $1,895 stitute realizes its purposes. It evening lively. He could sing and Young who worked time on the number of students is lo be a distinctly new form in his Freshman \·ear renewed an taking advantage of the Chemi­ made everybodr else sing. Even of organization for the Institute outsiders, as they walked thru old acquaintance ·in the form of a cal Course has gained steadily Assembly Committee stude11ts. ·'Blonde" with a peculiar desire until now there are over fifty the hall. picked up the tune and Is as they went along. to "linger 011·· with the boys a attending classes. to be Elected Each month a group inter­ whistled they continued their inspection Up until this year the Chemi­ ested in cu1Tent reading and lit­ Arter the songs had do11e their of that department. cal Stuclr•nts hacl ncn·r been erature will select from their work, the President called fo1 From the Factory a trip was r0adings the arlides ,,rµ,aniz,,cl as a body such as the· ThP 8tudPnt Council is ('Onsid-t or books reports from the Secretary IL made IIto the Electrical Labor­ Mr·chanieal and EJ('clrical stu­ Pring r:ossibilities for the• l'l •c- they consider well worth rccom­ Morst'. This was followed by ne\\ atory here Charles Balliet. an d,,nl s an·. Towards th,. close of tion r,r t'n·t·t• Seniors to rc·i>r,•sent mending to the Institute at and old business under which elcetriral graduate of the Class lar . u en ma azi tbr• last s�ho,,1,,r lc>rm therP was tht· stu 11:nt IJf)rlV Pon the· ('ommit- g0 C' l'l' t g rws or came thc> election or several om­ of ·2 . eonductcd the class t,,., l'or asst·rnbli s. 'fh<'Sl' 8"n- opinion will be Co\'ered and t·ers to complete the "Guiding s,,m,• lalk forming a ('h<'mi('a] tt>t·hnical around. AE odatio11 but n<, adion was orR. r,11e from <':t!'h sehor,I, arc students will bl' irl\'ilt•d StafT." The results finally en­ As a part of the third year to list articles taken. 11,,wevel' with th•· orwn- to workJ1 with c(')'tain raeultv on specialized sub­ tt·rt>d inlo the minutes \l't'l'l': Elel'lriral Design Work a Senior s. ud n s who 111v. ,,r sd1,,01 thiR yM11' th .. Ruh­ nwmlJl ·111 s. It is to he ho1)('d t h,it .kd Sl t• t do distin­ has to write the speeitications i hed work J. J. Jacobus President1 j,-c:l was al{ai11 1,n,ughl up. A l 'ing i sud1 dost•, a!'lual toueh>1 gu s i11 litcratun• or and design a compl,•te trnns­ U nt inion ! 'lasses will be L. V. Smith \'ice Pn sident 1&Urr l,, r Wl',,( t'f .Juni,,r awl !::kni1JI' with th,• �tud,•nts th,•y will l t• t· tTt• 011 [orrncr \'ault. So. in order lo ,•n­ invited to nll'mbcrship. 11tud1 Ill r1f [hr• 11pi11irm that al,J.• lo ,·01!1rihutl'P lllll!'h lo th • II. Morsl' Secn•tar)' ublt• him to get a mon• compl,•t,• we n Rh,,utd have 8(>111" org:uiiza. SU<Tt·SR of ass rnlili,•s in tlw Tlw "guild" will post t•ach R. A.
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