Inside Archbishop Buechlein . 4, 5 Editorial. 4 Question Corner . 13 TheCCriterionriterion Sunday & Daily Readings. 13 Serving the Church in Central and Southern Indiana Since 1960 www.archindy.org February 15, 2002 Vol. XXXXI, No. 18 50¢ Power of prayer: For pope, it’s a way to right the world’s evils VATICAN CITY (CNS)—For as long as necessary and basic as breathing, he But at a deeper level, the pope believes as his closest aides can remember, Pope said, no less so in the modern world. that prayer is the place where people can CNS photo John Paul II has risen each morning and When terrorists attacked New York and begin to make sense of their own lives spent the first hour of the day on his Washington Sept. 11, the pope went to his and to right the evils in the world. knees, praying privately before a crucifix. chapel and prayed for hours. With the “To pray is not to escape from history Now the 81-year-old pope would like winds of war blowing in October, he and the problems which it presents. On the rest of his Church to follow suit and asked Christians around the world to pray the contrary, it is to choose to face reality rediscover the power of prayer. the rosary daily. In December, he called not on our own, but with the strength that The “down on your knees” part is for a worldwide day of fasting and prayer comes from on high, the strength of truth optional, however. Pope John Paul recom- among Catholics, and in January he con- and love which have their ultimate source mends all kinds of prayer, stand-up or sit- vened interreligious leaders to pray for in God,” the pope told fellow religious down, in church or on the subway, includ- peace in Assisi, Italy. leaders in Assisi. The breviary, or the liturgical book containing the ing such varied forms as quiet invocation, Sometimes these acts have a political A year ago, the pope said he was con- Liturgy of the Hours, is being used by lay the reading of Scripture and personal significance, as in Assisi, where the pope vinced the Church needed to deepen its Catholics for daily prayer. According to Jesuit “conversations” with God. wanted to illustrate that for true religion “art of prayer” in the third millennium. Father Gerald O'Collins, a theologian at Rome's In recent months, the pope has been violence and intolerance are incompatible Since then, he has dedicated his weekly Gregorian University, the book that priests usu- beating the prayer drum louder. Prayer is with prayer. See PRAYER, page 8 ally utilize is being picked up by other Catholics. Couple uncovers piece of religious history Pope calls for By Brandon A. Evans ‘gratuitousness’ Bob and Janet Newland arrived at Submitted photos in giving to Springdale Cemetery in Madison on an unseasonably warm morning last others this Lent December to find the gravestones shrouded in fog. WASHINGTON (CNS)—Pope John From the trunk of their car, they Paul II exhorted Catholics to a “gratu- unloaded a shovel, rake, gloves and itousness” in their service and charity to other tools that they would need to others this Lent. find a missing body. “What better time is there than Lent Janet trudged up a hill through mud for offering this testimony of gratuitous- and weeds. Her tennis shoes quickly ness which the world so badly needs?” soaked through as she searched the the pope said in his annual Lenten mes- headstones. sage. “In the very love which God has for Her husband stayed in a flat part of us, there lies the call to give ourselves the cemetery—a green, grassy field freely to others in turn.” that at first glance seemed empty. He The papal message, dated Oct. 4, the put on a pair of yellow latex gloves feast of St. Francis of Assisi, was released and began digging the moist topsoil Feb. 5 in Washington by the U.S. Confer- away from the cadaverous indenta- ence of Catholic Bishops. tions in the ground. For Latin-rite Catholics, Lent began on The rising sun was just beginning Ash Wednesday. The theme of the pope’s to burn off the morning fog. After message is “Freely You Have Received, about 20 minutes of digging, Bob Freely Give.” called out to his wife. “I think I found “ ‘What do you have,’ St. Paul asks, it!” he yelled. ‘that you did not receive?’ ” the pope What Newland had found, buried said, quoting from 1 Corinthians. “The under several inches of dirt, was a demand which follows this recognition is prize that had been hidden for the that of loving our brothers and sisters, and greater part of a century—a grave- of dedicating ourselves to them. The more stone from the first days of a religious needy they are, the more urgent the order’s new life in America. believer’s duty to serve them.” In 1841, Pierre Caillot, barely 16 Above: Bob Newland shows the long-lost grave- Pope John Paul added, “As believers, years old, came to America from stone he found marking the final resting place of we must be open to a life marked by ‘gra- France under the auspices of the Brother Anselm, one of six Brothers of St. Joseph tuitousness,’ by the giving of ourselves Brothers of St. Joseph. His religious who came to the United States from France in the unreservedly to God and neighbor.” name was Brother Anselm. early 1840s and settled in the Madison area. Brother See LENT, page 8 Four years later, having endured Anselm’s grave had been missing for more than 60 many ordeals under the critical rule of years. The other brothers went on to South Bend to Bishop Célestin de la Hailandière of help start the University of Notre Dame. the Diocese of Vincennes, Brother Right: Although Brother Anselm’s gravestone had Anselm was swept to an early death been buried under several inches of soil for many See BROTHER, page 2 years, the inscription can still be read. Student’s letter to troops yields patriotic surprise By Jennifer Del Vechio School in Indianapolis. “With all they Christmas time. have to do over there and being so busy, It was part of a class project that is Colleen Harrington never expected the why would they take the time to send a done every year by the foreign language U.S. troops fighting in Afghanistan to flag to one kid in America?” students. This year was especially mean- respond to a letter she sent. The letter that Master Sgt. Linda Long ingful after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, And she never gets mail. wrote back holds the answer. and the students “really hit it hard,” said However, last week a large envelope “In a meager attempt to show our Principal Chuck Weisenbach. arrived at her house with a special gift thanks for your personal display of love Colleen wrote that she sympathized inside from the troops—an American flag and kindness for us, we have included an with the troops who were away from their complete with a letter and certificate stat- American flag that was flown especially families. ing it was flown just for her in a mission for you,” Long wrote. “I told them that no one else was serv- over Afghanistan. Colleen had written a letter to the men ing me now but them, and how proud I “I just couldn’t believe it,” said and women serving in the Air Force at the was to be an American and that I was Colleen, a sophomore at Roncalli High Ahmed Al Jaber Air Base in Kuwait at See LETTER, page 8 Page 2 The Criterion Friday, February 15, 2002 The townspeople erected a tombstone warm seasons. No one was able to locate BROTHER and buried him in Madison Cemetery. Brother Anselm’s grave. continued from page 1 “The people loved him down there,” Years ago, Bob Newland attended said Holy Cross Brother George Cathedral High School when it was run by the strong currents of the Ohio River. Klawitter. “For some reason this young by the Holy Cross brothers at 1400 N. Vechio Del Jennifer Photo by The pastor of St. Michael Parish in guy … ran the school all by himself.” Meridian St., in Indianapolis—now the Madison eulogized the young man, who Of the five other brothers that came site of the Archbishop O’Meara Catholic was loved by nearly all in town. Catholic with him to America, one left the order, Center. and Protestant families alike had sent and the others, now known as the Bob recently had gotten back in touch their children to be educated by Brother Congregation of Holy Cross after a city with some of the Holy Cross brothers, Anselm. in France, traveled to South Bend, Ind., and heard the story about Brother to found the University of Notre Dame. Anselm and the lost gravestone. Those four brothers are buried at the A history buff, Bob was intrigued by university. the mystery and volunteered to help the That much of the history is known for brothers search for the gravestone. Submitted photo certain, but the final resting place of He and his wife went to Madison in Brother Anselm was nearly lost forever. April and gathered some information. In 1936, a Holy Cross brother visited They learned that the sextons who Brother Anselm’s gravesite in Madison previously had cared for the cemetery and took some notes about the stone said that the oldest graves left were on over his casket.
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