Thank You Alumni Volunteers!

Thank You Alumni Volunteers!

Thank you Alumni Volunteers! Hundreds of alumni donated their valuable time to numerous initiatives, events and activities in support of the school. Programs for students — including conferences and competitions, mentoring, career support and recruitment initiatives — all rely heavily on alumni participation. Thanks to the involvement of the alumni listed on the following pages, the student experience at QSB remains unparalleled. Alumni guest speakers and supporters of student conferences and initiatives Heather Baker, BCom’83 Elisha Ballantyne, BCom’97 Jahangir Bhatti, BCom’09 Rob Bruce, MBA’87 Jennifer Bryant, BCom’82 Danielle Cerisano, BCom’08 Tio Chaharbaghi, BCom’09 Hugh Chasmar, BCom’79 Tiffany Chui, MBA’10 Joshua Climans, BCom’13 David Cochrane, BCom’12 Barry Cross, MBA’96 Rhiannon Davies, BScH'05, MSc’08 Sarah Davis, BCom’89 Brenna Dickison, BCom’07 Sharon Driscoll, BCom’84 A panel discussion for students in the full-time MBA class brought together students — Agustina Gargantini, at far left; Nikhil Sankar Rajagopalan Lalitha, Scott Earthy, BCom’97 second from left; and Kyle Drever, second from right, all MBA’14s — and Sarah Fawcett, BCom’10 alumni panelists, from third from left: Chris Sinkinson, MBA’11, Peter Gallant, BSc(Eng)’91, MSc’93, PhD’01, Soman Mondal, MBA’06, and, at far right, Natalie Fisher, BCom’13 Jane Wu, BCom’12. Karen Flavelle, BCom’79 Donald Gawel, BCom’13 Sarah Mainprize, CQEMBA’15 Trevor Smith, BCom’12 Heather Gouinlock, BCom’13 Somen Mondal, MBA’06 Bill Stamatis, BCom’95 Katie Hayes, BCom’12 Kate Morantz, BCom’08 Peggy Steele, BCom’99 Spenser Heard, BCom’10 Aaron Murray, BCom’13 Richard Taylor, BCom’81 Ben Hertzman, BCom’11 Tracy Muxlow, BCom’93 Meredith Van Binsbergen, BCom’90 Jeffrey Histed, BCom’86 Nicholas Neary, BScH’00, MSc’02 Tina Vandenhanenberg, BCom’08 Christopher Ho, BCom’12 Georgina Neatby, BCom’12 Adam Vigna, BCom’02 Robert Hoy, BCom’12 Kelsey Paterson, BCom’12 Bob Wardrop, BCom’86 Julia Hunter, BCom’11 Geoff Reeves, BCom’81 Trevor West, BCom’10 Marie-Michelle Jobin, MIB’14 Kelsey Roberts, BCom’12 Geoff Wilson, BCom’78 Pentti Karkkainen, MBA’81 Tomas Romita, BCom’08 Ken Wong, BCom’75, MBA’76 Corinne Kepper, BCom’96 Rob Schultz, BCom’86 Lydia Wu, BCom’12 Clarisse Lau, BCom’09 Aidan Shankman, BCom’13 David Yeatman, BCom’03 Michael Lobsinger, BCom’05 Matthew Smith, BCom’11 58 Alumni attendees at Information Sessions First-person accounts from alumni and current students who attend information sessions are crucial in helping us promote our programs. Thanks to the following supporters who attended program information sessions over the past year. FULL-TIME MBA Vivek Gopalan, MBA’13 Yongbing (Alan) Ping, MBA’10 Christal Agostino, MBA’11 Mitch Gudgeon, MBA’13 Santiago Pinzon, CQEMBA’15 Ibrahim Al-Khudairy, MBA’12 Jai Gunasekaran, MBA’12 Ardina Rahman, MBA’12 Sally Arshi, MBA’10 Gaurav Gupta, MBA’13 Meena Rajput, MBA’12 Amit Arora, MBA’12 Simon Hamilton, MBA’11 Madhur Rathaur, MBA’06 James Austin, MBA’13 Rahul Hari Saxena, MBA’10 Amol Rawate, MBA’12 Saumya Baunthiyal, MBA’12 Joshua Hutchings, MBA’13 Jared Regel, MBA’11 Rishi Behari, MBA’13 Catalina Jaramillo, CQEMBA’15 Farhad Sadeghian, MBA’12 Reetika Bhagat, MBA’13 Shengxi Jin, MBA’13 Gaurav Saluja, MBA’12 Muneet Bhatia, MBA’12 Myron Johnson, MBA’10 Vishal Sanjani, MBA’12 Rahul Bhattacharyya, MBA’12 Roshan Kalra, MBA’11 Rodolfo Sant’Anna, MBA’11 Varun Bindal, MBA’12 James Kesten, MBA’13 Fahad Siddiqui, MBA’12 Ziad Bitar, MBA’12 Lillian Kuo, MBA’13 Anoop Singh, MBA’12 Paul Bloudoff, MBA’10 Lindsey Lachance, MBA’13 Erin Smith, MBA’11 Emily Boudreau, MBA’12 Brendt Lambert, MBA’12 Sundarabalaji Somasundaram, MBA’09 Beth Cescon, MBA’12 Rick Lee, MBA’12 Peter Szaflarksi, MBA’12 Yvonne Chan, MBA’12 Jian Luo, MBA’07 Clement Tse, MBA’12 Ashutosh Chandra, MBA’06 Manish Malik, MBA’08 Jacky Wang, MBA’13 Chetan Channa, MBA’10 Vincent Marois, MBA’12 Christina Waters, MBA’12 Anando Chatterjee, MBA’12 Sarah Milton-Jordan, MBA’07 Alex Watt, MBA’13 Job Cherian, MBA’12 Moraa Mochama, MBA’12 Yogesh Yadav, MBA’11 Elaine Chow, MBA’12 Parisa Naghibi, MBA’13 David Yao, MBA’12 Kenneth Chow, MBA’12 Gleb Nikitashenko, MBA’12 Weidong (John) Zhou, MBA’05 Drew Cormier, MBA’12 Sebastian Palacio, CQEMBA’15 Calvin Zhu, MBA’10 Michal Dabrowski, MBA’13 Leonardo Pardo, CQEMBA’14 John Zhou, MBA’05 Robin Daltani, MBA’12 Roger Patterson, MBA’10 Ananya Datta, MBA’11 Aarti Deshmukh, MBA’13 Karan Dhir, MBA’13 Michelle Duan, MBA’13 Sebastian Duenas, CQEMBA’15 Gabriel Elizondo, CQEMBA’15 Aditya Fialok, MBA’13 Jamie Flegg, MBA’13 David Girard, MBA’12 Amanda Goodwin, MBA’12 59 ACCELERATED MBA Devon Bolton, EMBA’14 Steven Sapinsky, EMBA’14 Inaana Abboud, AMBA’14 Philip Cartwright, EMBA’14 Samia Sarkar, EMBA’14 Jennifer Arnold, AMBA’14 Lillianne Chevrier, EMBA'13 Steve Scholte, EMBA’13 Sophia Arvanitis, AMBA’08 Julia Chung, EMBA’13 Bob Sprague, EMBA’10 Eric Bill, AMBA’11 Megan Clements, EMBA’13 Robin Stewart, EMBA’13 Ryan Campbell, AMBA’15 Adam Cooney, EMBA’13 Kurtis Strickland, EMBA’14 Peng Yuan Chen, AMBA’15 Jamie Coulter, EMBA’11 Roy Sudipto, EMBA’08 Jana Dartnell, AMBA’14 Craig Cruikshank, EMBA’13 Rob Sukhdeo, EMBA’14 Arthur Dela Cruz, AMBA’15 Alison Crumblehulme, EMBA’14 Christine Taam, EMBA’14 David Elliott, AMBA’10 Gianni de Francesco, EMBA’12 Jamil Thobani, EMBA’14 Stephen Gardner, AMBA’13 Ken Dulai, EMBA’13 Tina Thomas, EMBA’03 Alvaro Ipanaque, AMBA’14 David Eves, EMBA’15 Curt Walker, EMBA’14 Shane Kavanagh, AMBA’13 Evan Garner, EMBA’14 Jill Winograd, EMBA’15 Nadeem Keshavjee, AMBA’13 Najwa Ghoussainy Sallman, Everett Wong, EMBA’08 EMBA’14 Jillene Lakevold, AMBA’11 Sandra Wright, EMBA’14 Alain Godin, EMBA’14 Paul Landry, AMBA’14 Tim Young, EMBA’99 Cathy Grant, EMBA'09 Paul Makowsky, AMBA’14 Shady Hamzeh, EMBA’14 CORNELL-QUEEN’S EXECUTIVE MBA Hamsa Mathew, AMBA’15 Mark Heller, EMBA’13 Laura Muisiner, AMBA’14 Van Alexopoulos, CQEMBA’13 Mark Hendricks, EMBA’12 Brian Ng, AMBA’15 James Awad, CQEMBA’14 Travis Henson, EMBA’15 Heman Nijhawan, AMBA’14 Eli Barakat, CQEMBA’12 Sheldon Ho, EMBA’12 Asya Poplavskaya, AMBA’14 Julie Bellemare, CQEMBA’14 Steven Hui, EMBA’15 Anna Popov, AMBA’15 Sean Britton, CQEMBA’14 Bill Karamouzis, EMBA’12 Mark Renneberg, AMBA’14 Stewart Campbell, CQEMBA’14 Judith Kirkness, EMBA’11 Jean-Philippe Sinanis, AMBA’14 Siddarth Deepak, CQEMBA’14 John Kump, EMBA’15 Nisveta Slijepcevic, AMBA’14 Oliver Fernandez, CQEMBA’14 Holly Lister, EMBA’02 Adam Smith, AMBA’15 Aaryn Flynn, CQEMBA’14 Stuart MacFarlane, EMBA’07 Jordan Speakman, AMBA’14 Derek Fung, CQEMBA’14 Scott Manson, EMBA’99 Ujal Thakor, AMBA’13 Raman Gakhal, CQEMBA’14 Kim McCallum, EMBA’09 Linda Walterhouse, AMBA’14 Stephanie Girard, CQEMBA’15 David McCrory, EMBA’15 Jennifer Williams, AMBA’10 Spencer Glenn, CQEMBA’15 Carisa Miklusak, EMBA’09 Will Wilson, AMBA’15 Jomo Green, CQEMBA’14 Crystal Mo, EMBA’14 Michael Wolfe, AMBA’15 Pierre Guay, CQEMBA’14 Sonia Montoni, EMBA’14 Jamie Wolfe, AMBA'11 Rick Hatswell, CQEMBA’14 Sidd Mukherjee, EMBA ‘12 Man Ching Yip, AMBA’13 Sandy Hayer, CQEMBA’14 Sean Nicolson, EMBA’15 Cody Hozack, CQEMBA’14 EXECUTIVE MBA Paul Payette, EMBA’08 Ola Ifidon, CQEMBA’14 Kath Perry, EMBA’11 Wellesley Baker, EMBA’14 Fawzi Irani, CQEMBA’13 Bettina Pierre Gilles, EMBA’14 Rob Bennett, EMBA’12 Saiful Islam, CQEMBA’15 Michael Radzichowsky, EMBA’12 Damani Best, EMBA’14 Jeff Karl, CQEMBA’13 Obaid Rahman, EMBA’15 Ron Bettin, EMBA’14 David Keller, CQEMBA’14 Monica Rye, EMBA’14 Richard Bicknell, EMBA’13 Kenya Kondo, CQEMBA’15 60 Jeannette Lawrence, CQEMBA’13 Brad Trumble, CQEMBA’07 David Canale, MFin’13 Rob Lee, CQEMBA’13 Chijioke Ukiwe, CQEMBA’15 Michael Cunningham, MFin’11 Robert Macaulay, CQEMBA’10 Dennis Uvbiama, CQEMBA’14 David Guo, MFin’13 Sarah Mainprize, CQEMBA’15 Adrienne Zwirko, CQEMBA’15 Kaustubh Kabre, MMA’14 Landon Modien, CQEMBA’12 John Kemp, MMA’14 Mo Movassaghi, CQEMBA’13 MASTER OF FINANCE, Abdur Khanani, MIB’13 Cara Salci, CQEMBA’12 MASTER OF MANAGEMENT Chiu Man, MFin’14 Todd Sayers, CQEMBA’15 ANALYTICS & MASTER OF Kimberley Richards, MFin’13 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS Michael Smith, CQEMBA’13 Rodolfo Rivas, MMA’14 Brian Starr, CQEMBA’15 Tobin Ansong, MFIN’14 Frank Van Biesen, MFin’12 Laurie Sveinson, CQEMBA’09 Frank Balazic, MFin’12 Ji Weon Yun, MMA’14 David Thorne, CQEMBA’15 Gaina Barkhudarov, MFin’12 Alumni volunteers for Commerce student recruiting Thanks to the following alumni who volunteered their time to assist in recruiting the Commerce Class of 2018. Xyza Barnes, BCom’07 Dave Bernardo, BCom’04 Emily Chambers, BCom’09 Irina Demian, BCom’08 Jeremy Einhorn, BCom’09 Michelle Heffernan, BCom’09 Kelvin Hon, BCom’09 James Hunter, BCom’09 Catalina Laset, BCom’09 Clarisse Lau, BCom’09 Jonathan Lithwick, BCom’07 Andrew Marshall, BCom’01 Alumni review applicants' Personal Statements of Experience in April, to Jennifer Min, BCom’03 assist in the selection of incoming Commerce students Milan Panic, BCom’08 Laura Robbins, BCom’09 Gurleen Singh, BCom’07 James Warren, BCom’05 Farah Rohoman, BCom’09 Sarah Turner, BCom’07 Alumni Volunteers for Business Career Centre initiatives Thanks to the following volunteers who contributed to employment related initiatives during the 2013/2014 fiscal year. This list represents many of the volunteers who returned to campus to serve as panelists for speaking engagements, mock interviews etc. Thanks also to the many others (not listed here) who have helped mentor students in their career planning activities. Fadi Abdel Massih, MFin’12 Lauren Archibald, BCom’13 Amar Bawagi, MBA’09 Christal Agostino, MBA’11 Sally Arshi, MBA’10 Rishi Behari, MBA’13 Alexandru Alexa, BCom’13 James Austen, MBA’13 Reetika Bhagat, MBA’13 Peter Andress, BCom’91 Lauren Bailey, BCom’12 Varun Bindal, MBA’12 61 Nicholas Klimchuk, BCom’13 Shannon Kot, MBA’12 Kshitiz Kumar, MBA’12 Lindsey Lachance, MBA’13 David Lahey, EMBA’99 Edward Lam, MBA’11 Caitlin Lambert, BCom’07 Guillaume Lessard, AMBA’10 Benjamin Lipsey, BCom’12 Neil Longhurst, MBA’77 Kiran Manjunath, MBA’10 Ginny Marshall, MBA’08 Danilo Martins, MBA’10 Full-time MBA students network with Queen’s School of Business Karen Matthey, BCom’03 alumni at a Business Career Centre-hosted event at McKinsey’s Andrea McCormick, BCom’08 Toronto office in June 2013.

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