OF THE ovcrnmcnt of Palestine. PUBLISHED FORTNIGHTLY BY AUTHORITY. No. 134 7 •S JERUSALEM - 15th, Í / CONTENTS I. ORDERS : Page (a) Promulgating the Jurisdiction of Civil and Religious Courts Ordinance No. 3of 1925 124 (b) Under the Municipal Courts Ordinance 1921 125 (c) Under the Orthodox Patriarchate Ordinance 1921 ... 125 (d) Under the Plant Protection Ordinance 1924 ... ... 125 II. GOVERNMENT NOTICES: (a) Under the Animals (Export & Import) Ordinance 1920 ... 126 (b) Under the Public Health Anti-Malarial Ordinance 1922 ... 126 (c) Licensing of Doctors of Veterinary Medicine 126 (d) Examinations for Surveyors' Licences ... ... ... .. ... ••• 126-12/ (e) British visa fees 127 (/) Claims by British Nationals for war losses 127 (g) Proof of debts of Orthodox Patriarchate ... 127 (h) List of Archaeological Sites ... ... 127-128 (i) Registration of Partnerships ... ... ... ... •.. ••• ••• 128-M ־ ••• k) Lease of State Domains ... ... ... ... ... ••• •.128) (I) Tenders and adjudication of contracts ... ... ... ... ... .•• 128-129 (m) Rainfall return ... ... 129-130 (n) Appointments, etc. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ••• ••• 130 130-131׳ ... ... ... ... ... o) Orders from the District Court Jerusalem) (p) Corrigendum ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ••• ••• 131 (q) Quarantine Summary 131 132-135 ׳. • III. TRADEMARKS Price 5 P.T i 124 OFFICIAL GAZETTE. 1st. Mardi, 1925. PROMULGATION OF ORDINANCE. PALESTINE. ORDER. (Gazetted March 1st, 1925). The Jurisdiction of Civil and Religious Courts Ordinance, No. 3 of 1925, is hereby promulgated in the •form in which the draft was published in the Gazette of May 1st, 1924, subject to the following amendments; and shall be in force as from the date of publication of this Order. 1. Sections 1 to 3 of the Ordinance shall read as follows:- Citation. 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Jurisdiction of Civil and Religious Courts Ordinance 1925. Conversion of 2. Where a non-Moslem Wakf has been constituted be• non-Moslem fore a Moslem Religious Court prior to the promulgation of the Wakfs created Palestine Order in Council, 1922, the dedicator of such a Wakf, before Moslem or, if the dedicator is dead, the guardian of the Wakf, or, in Religious Courts case there is more than one, a majority of the guardians of the into charitable Wakf nominated in the Wakf Deed may, within one year of Trusts on appli• the date of the commencement of this Ordinance, apply to the cation of autho• r rised persons Civil Court for an Order to transform the W akf into a trust within one year under the provisions of the Charitable Trusts .Ordinance, of •oommence-- 1924; and the Court may thereupon declare that the" property •ment of Ordi• shall be held in trust in accordance with the provisions of the nance. said Ordinance as though the charitable endowment had been created in accordance therewith. Jurisdiction with 3. In default of such an application, or where such an regard to consti• application has been refused by the Civil Court : tution of non- Moslem Wakfs created before Moslem Religi• (a) An action or other proceeding concerning the con• ous Court. stitution or validity of such a Wakf shall be brought before the Civil Court, unless all the parties concerned shall agree to submit the question at issue to the Moslem Religious Court. It shall be competent to the parties to such an action or other proceeding in a Civil Court to obtain by agreement a stay of proceedings in the said Court at anytime before judgment for the purpose of removing such action or other proceeding into a Religious Court and bring such action or other proceeding anew in the Religious Court. Jurisdiction with (b) An action or other proceeding concerning the regard to admi• administration of such a Wakf shall be brought before the nistration of Court of the Religious Community of which the dedicator of such Wakfs. the Wakf was a member. If the dedicator did not belong to a Religious Community, or if there is no established Court of the Community, the action or proceeding shall be brought before the Civil Court, which shall apply the general principles of equity. 2. Sections 8, 4, and 5 of the draft Ordinance shall be renumbered 4, 5, and 6 respectively. HERBERT SAMUEL February 23rd, 1925. High Commissioner. 1st. March, 1925 OFFICIAL GAZETTE. 125 MUNICIPAL COURTS ORDINANCE 1921. PALESTINE- ORDER. (Gazetted March 1st, 1925). Notice is hereby given that, in pursuance of the powers vested in me by the above-mentioned Ordinance, I have been pleased to apoint Professor Bilakovsky to be an honorary Magistrate of the^Municipal Court of Jaffa, to sit at Tel-Aviv, in place of Mr. Israel*Rosoff, who has resigned. HERBERT SAMUEL February 10th, 1925. High Commissioner. ORTHODOX PATRIARCHATE ORDINANCE, J 921. PALESTINE. ORDER. (Gazetted March 1st, 1925). Appointing acting member of the Commission on the Finances of the Patriarchate. In pursuance of the powers vested in me by Section 5 (2) of the Ortho­ dox Patriachate Ordinance, 1921, I direct that Mr. J.N. Stubbs, Director of the Department of Lands, shall be a member of the Commission during the ab­ sence from Palestine on duty of Mr. R.I I. Drayton. HERBERT SAMUEL February 23rd, 1925. High Commissioner, PLANT PROTECTION ORDINANCE, 1924. PALESTINE. ORDER. (Gazetted M-xn-h 1st, 1925). In virtue of the powers conferred by Section 3 of the Plant Protection Ordinance, 1924, it is hereby ordered that in consequence of the presence of the Hibiscus Mealy Bug in tomatoes imported into Palestine, the importation of tomatoes is prohibited until further order. HERBERT SAMUEL .׳ February 23rd, 1925. High Co n i m is si o n OA 126 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 1st. March, 1925. ANIMALS (IMPORTS & EXPORT) ORDINANCE 1920. NOTICE. In accordance with the powers conferred by Section 2 of the abovemen- tioned Ordinance, notice is hereby given I tint whereas Rinderpest, Cattle Plague or Peste Bovine, a contagious disease of bovines, has occurred in cattle ship• ped from Alexandretta in Syria to Alexandria in Egypt, the importation of bulls, cows, calves, oxen and buffaloes from ports in Asia Minor and Syria, with the exception of the Port of Beirut, is prohibited until further notice. E.R. SAWER Director of Agriculture and Forests. APPROVED. HERBERT SAMUEL February 10th, 1925. High Commissioner. PUBLIC HEALTH ANTI-MALARIAL ORDINANCE, 1922. NOTICE. In pursuance of the power's vested in me by Section 2 of the above Ordinance. I hereby order that the above mentioned Ordinance, subject to the provision below, together with the Regulations issued thereunder, published in Official Gazette No. 93 dated the 15th June 1923, and No. 105 dated the 15th December, 1923, applv to the whole of the Huleh Area transfrred to Palestine on the 1st April, 1924. Permission to grow rice will be granted in cases in which the Public Health Department are satisfied that no danger of malarial infection to the public is thereby created. Applications for this permission must be made in writing to the District Officer, Safad, at least one month before the date of planting. G.S. SYMES February 13th, 1925. District Governor, Northern District. ! VETERINARY SERVICE ORDINANCE 1919. j NOTICE. NOTICE. I Examinations for Surveyors' Licences. The undermentioned gendeman has been J An Examination of candidates for Surve- granted a licence to piactise as a Doctor of I yors' Licences will be held at the Survey Office, Veterinary Medicine:- I Jaffa, during the week commencing March 22nd, 1925. Mr. Moses Rubin Gruberg Roshpina. Applications for examination should be E.R. SAWER made in writing to the Director of Surveys, Jaffa, before March 7th and should be Director of Agricidiure and Forests. accompanied by the fee prescribed in Section 2 of the Surveyors' Ordinance 1921. 1st. March, 1925. OFFICIAL GAZETTE. 127 A syllabus of subjects covered by the d. Those who have already made claims Examination can be obtained on application to' and received an acknowledgement from the Office the Director of Surveys. des Biens et Interets Prives, 146, Avenue Ma- lakoff. Candidates should state in their applica­ tion in which of the three official languages 3. Persons who have already made claims they desire their written papers to be set, and to any of the authorities above mentioned may must provide their own instruments and labour nevertheless make fresh claims, if they desire to for the practical Examination. do so, or may add to, or remodel, or otherwise modify their existing claims and, in that event C.1L LEY should signify their desire in that behalf to "The British Delegate, 66, Rue Boissiere, Paris (XVI) February 15th, 1915. Director of Surveys. France", stating to what authority their existing claim was made and the reference numb er alloted thereto. NOTICE 4. A copy of the Convention can be seen at the Office of the Clearing Claims Officer, Pub­ The following charges are now made for lic Works Department, Jerusalem. British Visas issued to nationals of the under­ mentioned countries: ­Any claim not covered by clause 2 he ׳ .5 Columbia, all visas P.T. 140 reof should be addressed to the Clearing Claims Germany, Ordinary visa 300 Officer. No claim received in Paris after the 6th Germany, Single journey visa 75 August, 1925, will be accepted. Germany, Transit visa 75 Germany, One journey in transit 10 Poland, Ordinary visa 90 Poland, Transit visa 10 Portugal, all visas 100 FINANCIAL COMMISSION OF THE Russia, Ordinary visa 45 ORTHODOX PATRIARCHATE. Russia, Transit visa 5- NOTICE In accordance with the provisions of pa­ ragraph 7 of the order regarding proof of debts published in the Official Gazette of November l5tn, 1924, notice is hereby given that any I CLAIMS BY BRITISH NATIONALS V creditor of the Orthodox Patriarchate who pos­ / FOR WAR LOSSES. sesses Promissory Notes numbered or unnum­ bered shall on or before the. 1st April 1925 Commission for the Assessment of Damage submit proof of his debt in accordance with suffered in Turkey during the War.
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