SouthSouth AtlanticAtlantic proposedproposed MPAsMPAs:: threethree yearsyears ofof prepre-- closureclosure datadata onon habitathabitat andand fishfish assemblagesassemblages Principal Investigators: Stacey L. Harter Andrew W. David NOAA Fisheries, Panama City, FL SimilarSimilar projectproject inin NENE GulfGulf ofof MexicoMexico Gag Grouper High resolution (sub-meter) bathymetry and acoustic backscatter data revealed location of different habitat types Southern section within Madison-Swanson MPA Strata were delineated based upon habitat similarity and geographic proximity. Sample sites selected randomly within each stratum. Georgia Northern South Carolina ObjectivesObjectives ObtainObtain estimatesestimates ofof reefreef fishfish densitydensity andand speciesspecies compositioncomposition associatedassociated withwith bottombottom featuresfeatures withinwithin andand outsideoutside thethe preferredpreferred proposedproposed MPAsMPAs.. DescribeDescribe habitathabitat featuresfeatures withinwithin andand outsideoutside thethe preferredpreferred proposedproposed MPAsMPAs.. DocumentDocument thethe relationshiprelationship betweenbetween habitathabitat andand speciesspecies assemblages.assemblages. GearGear TypesTypes Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) Pro: Surveys large areas Con: Alters behavior of some fish Stationary Camera Array Pro: Does not alter fish behavior Con: Limited area of coverage SamplingSampling DesignDesign SampledSampled inin 2004,2004, 2006,2006, && 20072007 TargetedTargeted hardbottomhardbottom reefreef habitathabitat – Local knowledge – Split beam acoustic bathymetry on ship in 2004 – 2006 & 2007: used information from previous cruises. SampledSampled sitessites insideinside andand outsideoutside thethe preferredpreferred MPAMPA alternativesalternatives tryingtrying toto hithit asas manymany ofof thethe habitatshabitats asas possible.possible. HabitatsHabitats SandSand (SA)(SA) PavementPavement (PAV):(PAV): nono relief,relief, butbut apparentapparent presencepresence ofof hardbottomhardbottom (cracks/crevices,(cracks/crevices, epifaunaepifauna)) LowLow ReliefRelief OutcropsOutcrops (LRO):(LRO): <1m<1m reliefrelief ModerateModerate ReliefRelief OutcropsOutcrops (MRO):(MRO): 11--3m3m reliefrelief HighHigh ReliefRelief LedgeLedge (HRL):(HRL): >3m>3m relief,relief, largelarge boulders,boulders, overhangsoverhangs VideotapeVideotape analysisanalysis ROV:ROV: – All fish identified and counted and habitat type noted from videotapes. – Tapes divided into smaller transects (50-150m) within each habitat type. – Fish densities calculated as #/hectare. CameraCamera Array:Array: – All fish identified and counted in 20 minute segment of tape. – Abundance values calculated from max. number of a given species in the field of view at any one time. Relative Abundances from ROV Dives FL-IN FL-OUT tomtate 29.0 tomtate 41.2 yellowtail reeffish 17.6 vermilion snapper 17.1 vermilion snapper 16.9 grunt 13.9 tattler 5.6 yellowtail reeffish 8.0 wrasse 4.1 striped grunt 4.5 GA-IN GA-OUT flounder 18.5 scad 37.4 searobin 17.7 tattler 9.0 saddle bass 16.2 short bigeye 8.3 sand diver 12.3 red porgy 5.2 blackbar drum 8.5 bank sea bass 4.5 ED-IN ED-OUT yellowtail reeffish 23.7 tomtate 53.9 wrasse 12.0 yellowtail reeffish 9.9 damselfish 7.4 wrasse 5.1 tattler 6.7 purple reeffish 4.2 reef butterflyfish 5.6 reef butterflyfish 3.4 SC-IN SC-OUT grunt 51.3 wrasse 14.2 tomtate 16.9 anthiid 14.0 boarfish 2.6 grunt 10.7 cubbyu 2.2 short bigeye 9.9 wrasse 2.2 tattler 4.8 NC-IN NC-OUT anthiid 48.8 anthiid 45.7 roughtongue bass 32.9 red barbier 18.1 tattler 3.1 short bigeye 6.7 greenband wrasse 2.1 tattler 6.3 short bigeye1.4 roughtongue bass 6.0 Grouper Densities by Habitat SA PAV 160 LRO 120 MRO 80 HRL 40 Average #/hectare 0 FL GA ED SC NC MPA Lionfish Densities by Habitat SA 140 PAV 120 LRO 100 MRO 80 HRL 60 40 20 Average # / hectare 0 FL GA ED SC NC MPA 60 40 20 0 60 FL 40 (164) (82) 20 0 IN OUT 60 GA 40 20 Average # / hectare 0 60 ED 40 20 0 60 SC 40 20 0 lionfish NC scamp gag graysby snowy speckled hind warsaw rock hind coney red grouper red hind blueline tilefish CameraCamera ArrayArray ResultsResults FL-IN vermilion snapper red porgy greater amberjack yellowtail reeffish spotfin butterflyfish reef butterflyfish amberjack warsaw grouper tattler squirrelfish 0 5 10 15 20 Ave. # of Individuals FL-OUT vermilion snapper anthiids greenband wrasse spotfin hogfish wrasse greater amberjack yellowtail reeffish tomtate roughtongue bass reef butterflyfish 0 5 10 15 20 Ave. # of Individuals GA-OUT grunt sca d greater amberjack red porgy almaco jack sca m p red snapper tattler spotfin hogfish speckled hind 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Ave. # of Individuals ED-IN yellowtail reeffish red porgy spotfin hogfish blue angelfish porgy sca m p butterflyfish tattler short bigeye reef butterflyfish 0246810 Ave. # of Individuals ED-OUT tomtate reef butterflyfish cubbyu blue angelfish w ra sse sunshinefish spotted moray spotfin hogfish spotfin butterflyfish sca m p 0246810 Ave. # of Individuals SC-IN tomtate grunt creole-fish vermilion snapper w ra sse purple reeffish sunshinefish spotfin hogfish porgy blue angelfish 0 102030405060 Ave. # of Individuals SC-OUT red porgy porgy w ra sse gray triggerfish spotfin hogfish short bigeye sca m p creole-fish doctorfish blue angelfish 0 102030405060 Ave. # of Individuals NC-IN amberjack roughtongue bass tattler red porgy snowy grouper bank butterflyfish 0246810 Ave. # of Individuals NC-OUT anthiids (120) greenband wrasse sca m p w ra sse ba ss tattler reef butterflyfish grouper bank butterflyfish snowy grouper sharpnose puffer 0246810 Ave. # of Individuals SummarySummary Observed 4 out of 7 target species. These include: snowy grouper, warsaw grouper, speckled hind, and blueline tilefish. Depth/habitat of ROV dives may explain why we did not see tilefish, misty grouper, or yellowedge grouper. Grouper and lionfish densities increase with increasing habitat complexity. Scamp was the most abundant grouper. Lionfish displayed densities comparable to or higher than scamp for the majority of MPAs. SummarySummary UniqueUnique opportunityopportunity toto obtainobtain prepre--closureclosure datadata (habitat,(habitat, targettarget speciesspecies densities,densities, speciesspecies composition).composition). WillWill continuecontinue researchresearch afterafter fishingfishing pressurepressure isis reducedreduced toto comparecompare populationpopulation levelslevels (as(as longlong asas fundingfunding continues).continues). SummarySummary Based upon similar work in the Gulf of Mexico, the two factors most likely to affect the success of shelf edge MPAs targeting reef species with strong site fidelity are: 1. selection of locations containing sufficient amounts of suitable habitat 2. a vigilant enforcement program. AcknowledgmentsAcknowledgments Funding provided by SEFSC (2004) and Coral Reef Conservation Program (2005- 2007). NOAA Ship R/V DELAWARE II NASA Ship M/V FREEDOM STAR. Marta Ribera, Steve Matthews, Lance Horn, Craig Bussell, Kevin Joy, Chris Palmer, John Brusher, Michelle Satterwhite, and LT Jeff Taylor..
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