DitfriMift#fi HEP BANK 17,300 Afw SH 1-0010 luuH wilr. uiouan I*ri4t?. a«aa4 Citw PoiUf* S5c PER WEEK VOL. 83, NO. 164 Fait u Red But u« at •adMoul Miilln* OfftcM. RED BANK, N. J., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1961 7c PER COPY BY CARRIER PAGE ONE 3 Airlines Halt All UN Authorizes Use Operation 84,000 to Be Laid Off In Of Force in Congo Wildcat Strike Lout Thae, In M»de Up NEW YORK (AP) — Russians Three of the nation's larg est airlines were shut down Evacuate School in Bomb Hoax completely today as a re- RUMSON — An anonymous Bow To male vpice at the other end of sult of a flight engineers' the phone caused the evacuation wildcat strike that has of about 650 teachers and stu- aused the greatest tieup dents at the Rumson-Fair Haven Pressure THIS WAS SCINI on California Highway 40 outtida Vallajo as striking flightjen- Regional High School yesterday n American aviation history. while the school was searched UNITED NATIONS, N. ajinaars assamblad prior to driva to tha stata capitoi at Sacramento. Thay formad Three other airlines snarled in for bombs. Y. (AP) — The Russians a motorcada to dramatiia thair griavancas against tha National Madiation Board he five-day-old walkout were The call, received at 12:20 p.m. bowed to the pressure of dacision which thay say might cost fham thair jobs if thay accapt it. xmtinuing to operate—at least by Mrs. Beatrice Webb, board hrough today—with drastically secretary, announced that two Asian and African opinion •educed service. bombs hidden in the school would today and permitted Secur- Trans World Airlines, Ameri- explode at 1 p.m. ty Council approval of a :an Airlines and Eastern Air- Police and fire equipment were resolution authorizing the lines have stilled all their equip- summoned to the scene while Bury White St. Plan ment for the duration of the school authorities moved the stu- United Nations to use force if itrike, with 84,000 employees dents and faculty out of the necessary to prevent civil war ilated for layoffs. building. in the Congo. Pan American World Airways A thorough search of the prem- Even before the resolution's and National Airlines planned to ises by about 20 police, fire- adoption one of its chief targets maintain token service. Western men and borough employees failed — Katanga President Moise With Boro Hall Rites Airlines, already down to four to turn up any evidence of ex- Tshombe—had rejected a key jet flights a day between Los plosives. provision calling for withdrawal Angeles and Seattle, also con' Police Chief William Zerr la- from the Congo of all Belgian Death Knell tinued a token effort. beled the bomb threat a hoax. military and political advisers, Fire Survey Reveals From Miami to Boston and Dr, John F. Kinney, Jr., super- who supply the working brains from New York to Los Angeles, intendent, said classes were re of Tshombe's provincial army Is Sounded many thousands of passengers sumed at 1:3G p.m. and the lost and administration. have already been inconven- time was added at the end of The vote on the resolution, 48 Code Violations ienced by the walkout of the the school day. which was sponsored by the By Mayor 3,500-member Flight Engineers Dr. Kinney said he informed council's three Asian-African RED BANK — An inspection and property owners "becausi International Union. the students over the school's RED BANK — Funeral of 75 business establishments by this quite obviously is for their members, was 9-0, with the 125,toa Affected loudspeaker of the seriousness of United States on the winning services were held last fire department officials revealed protection as well as the genera] such a prank and stated that dis- 48 violations of the fire code, public." Airline executives estimated side. Despite its bitter opposi- night for the proposed ex- that through last night travel missed classes would be made tion to the UN operation in the Councilman Frederic E. Giersch, Chief Scalzo said the inspec. up. tension of White St. Jr., said last night. tions of business places is con' plans of at least 125,000 persons THE SEARCH — Dr. John F, Kinney, Jr., superintendent Congo and Secretary-General in metropolitan New York alone The superintendent said Mrs Mr. Giersch, fire committee tinuing. Dag Hammarskjold's direction of Mayor George A Gray had been disrupted. An estimated Webb's attempt to have the cal of Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School, and Rum- chairman, said those merchants The inspection was started Feb it, the Soviet Union abstained, officiated. Among the pall- 700 flights affecting 35,000 per- traced was thwarted by another son Polica Chief William Zerr check a cabinat in ona of whose stores contained violations 6 and was prompted by foui apparently unwilling to incur the bearers were Joseph De- sons were canceled in the area phone call immediately after the had been notified by mail. fires in the central business dis tha classrooms after an anonymous phona call touchad anger of the "uncommitted" Chiara, associate planner of yesterday. unidentified caller hung up. Asian and African nations by a He declined to name the vio- trict within six months. Urban Planning Associates, New About half the student body off an hour-long bomb scare at tha high school yesterday veto. France also abstained. lators, but said if the conditions 'Count Basle Week* Trains, buses and the major York City; Mrs. Laura Ru- were at lunch when the "bomb' at noon. About 20 police, firemen and borough em- Soviet Move were not corrected summonses A resolution was adopted se airlines untouched by the strike dolph, secretary of the Planning call was made. Most of the stU would be issued ting the week ot March 5 s: reported a mammoth flooding of ployaes searched the entire school but found nothing. Shortly before the vote on the Board, and Mrs. Mary Lupton, requests for reservations. dents were in the cafeteria, Dr 10 Day Limit Count Basie Week" in honoi Kinney explained, since only stu Asian-African peace plan, the Fisher PI., owner of two parcels of William "Count" Basic, a na- Among the major airlines not council smashed down, 8-1, a Fire Chief Samuel Scalzo said dents living within a quarter-mile vital to the proposal who said tive of Red Bank who will give struck are United, Delta, Braniff Soviet resolution calling far an businessmen who htd fire code of the school are allowed to leave •he would not sell the necessary a concert in the Carlton Theate Capital, Northeast and Conti- •end to the UN operation in the violations in their stores have the building. land. March 9. nental. Foster Appointed Congo within a month and for 10 days from the receipt of no- Dr. Kinney said there is no The six struck; afrUner'already the dismissal of Hunmarskjold. Burial will be held in stages tice of the violations to correct Council approved a request way of telling where the call have laid off more than SI ,000 as a new three-store building them. from the Community Chamber was placed from. There is a tele- And shortly before 4 a.m. the of their workers because of the is erected on vacant lend for' (See SURVEY Page 2) phone booth in the school, he H-nation body rejected an Asian- Most of the violations, he said, curtailed service. Losses in reve- merly occupied by Loft's Candy were for trash in cellars, de- said. As Superintendent African 'resolution condemning nue and salaries approached the Store and Wolcott's Children's fective electrical wiring or no atrocities and assassinations in $5 million a day mark. ELUSIVE LOOT fire ceilings over furnaces. MATAWAN-The Board of Ed- Mr. Foster was named on a the. Congo. That resolution was Store, opposite White St., and Middletown The Walkout was being felt not PONT1AC, Mich. (AP) r- A Mr. Giersch asked for contin- temporary basis, with the term to prompted by the announcement Prawn's Department Store and only by the airlines but also by burglar stole something from ucation last night appointed high ued co-operation from merchants expire at the end of this school yesterday that six associates of Sherman's Home Decorators. the communities they serve. Es- Raymond Minchclla yesterday, school principal Luther A. Foster Adds 5 Vote year, June 30. Patrice Lumumba had been ex- Friends of Deceased pecially hard hit were Caribbean but he has high hopes the loot as acting superintendent of ecuted in Albert Kalonji's mining His salary will be prorated on Among friends of the deceased and Florida resort areas. Miami will return. The thief took two schools, replacing Russell A. G. state in South Kasai Province the basis of $10,000 per year. who attended the wake in the Space-Man estimated its daily losses at $3 homing pigeons, trained to fly Stetler, who will retire from the after deportation from Leopold- Districts The board will start interview' Municipal Building were Francis million. ville by Premier Joseph lleo's MIDDLETOWN — The Town- back to Minchella's back yard. post March 1. 3, Bolduc, executive vice presi- ing candidates for the permanent government. dent of the Chamber of Com- Capsule Gets ship Committee at a special post of superintendent within the meeting yesterday, approved the next few months, it was indi The resolution failed to get the merce; Edward H. Conway, seven votes necessary for adop- chamber president, and Joseph creation of five new voting dis- cated, Stern Test tricts in the township.
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