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Inspire industry to make more with less. www.hoganas.com 2017 .....................Sunnehanna Amateur ..... ..................... table of contents Webb Simpson 2 Schedule of Events 2006 Champion 3-4 Sunnehanna Amateur Sponsors 5 Welcome, Amateurs 6 Note from Club President Casey Craig 8-10 Host Families Play Critical Role 11 A Special Thank You to Our Host Families 12-29 Sunnehanna Amateur History 35-36 The Golf Course 38 2016 Hole Breakdown 42-43 Winners of a PGA Tournament 48-49 63 Years of Champions 52-53 Members of The U.S. Walker Cup Teams 55 The Masters Champions 56 U.S. Open Champions 59 PGA Champions 62 Rickie Fowler British Open Champions 20072007-2009 & 2008 63 U.S. Amateur Champions Champion 64 US Junior & Mid-Amateur Champions 65 NCAA Champions 67 British Amateur Champions & US Public Links 68-69 Arnold Palmer: Sunnehanna Memories 73-74 2016 Sunnehanna Amateur 75 2016 Sunnehanna Amateur Results 77 2017 Hole Sponsors 78-79 A Change of Plans: Former Champion Hudson Takes an Unlikely Path 80-81 Top Returning Players 82-95 2017 Sunnehanna Amateur Field 96 Brad Faxon, A Look Back, 35 Years Later •• 2017 TOURNAMENT SCHEDULE Sunday, June 11th Amateur Qualifier at Bedford Springs 10:30 am Amateur Registration Sunnehanna Clubhouse Lobby 12:00 - 8:00pm Monday, June 12th Dorothy G. Kunkle Amateur Junior Championship 12:00 Noon Tuesday, June 13th Roger McManus Amateur Sponsor Championship 7:15 am - 3:15 pm tee times *SPONSOR NIGHT International Buffet Dinner- Amateur Tent Use your sponsorship Reservations Required 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm Presentation of Players by Co-Chairmen – Brian Chirillo and John Yerger 2016 Sunnehanna Amateur Sunnehanna Ballroom – 8:30 pm Dylan Meyer, Garrett Rank, Collin Morikawa champion, Will Grimmer, and KK Limbhasut Wednesday, June 14th 1st Round of the Sunnehanna Amateur Begins off the 1st Tee – 8:00 am Tee Times Thursday, June 15th 2nd Round of the Sunnehanna Amateur Begins off the 1st Tee – 8:00 am Tee Times Player and Host Family Night at Bottleworks Begins at 6:30 pm Friday, June 16th 3rd Round of the Sunnehanna Amateur Begins off the 1st Tee – 8:00 am Tee Times Cut to low 50 players and ties Long Drive Contest Sponsored by Cleveland/Srixon 5:00 pm Off the 1st Tee Amateur Backyard Cookout Family Entertainment on the North Lawn 5:30 – 9:00 pm Saturday, June 17th Fourth and Final Round of the Sunnehanna Amateur Begins off the 1st Tee – 8:00 am Presentation of Awards #1 at Conclusion of Play Shuttle Leaves for Airport Sunday, June 18th John Cook, champion in 1977 and 1979. Amateur Breakfast – 6:00 am Wine Room Shuttle leaves for Pittsburgh Airport 2 6:30 am :HOFRPHWRWKH+DUWIRUG)XQGVQHWZRUNRIȴQDQFLDOUHODWLRQVKLSH[SHUWV Our Presenting Sponsors… LQYHVWRUVDQGKRZHPRWLRQVH[SHULHQFHVOLIHVWDJHDQGSV\FKRORJ\DHFWWKHLUYLHZVRILQYHVWLQJDQGȴQDQFLDODGYLVRUVb :LWKWKDWLQPLQGZHEXLOWDXQLTXHQHWZRUNRIH[SHUWVȐQRWVLPSO\RQȴQDQFHEXWRQKXPDQSV\FKRORJ\DVLWUHODWHVWR PRQH\DQGUHODWLRQVKLSV 7KURXJKKXPDQFHQWULFLQYHVWLQJFRPWKLVJURXSRIKLJKO\UHVSHFWHGWKRXJKWOHDGHUVRHUVXSWKHLUXQGHUVWDQGLQJDQGLQVLJKWV DORQJZLWKWKHLUWKLQNLQJRQKRZȴQDQFLDODGYLVRUVFDQXVHKXPDQEHKDYLRUDONQRZOHGJHWRFUHDWHVWURQJHUDQGORQJHUODVWLQJ UHODWLRQVKLSVZLWKWKHLUFOLHQWV7RUHDGZKDWWKH\KDYHWRVD\JRWR 3URJUDP'LUHFWRURI 3URIHVVRUDQG'LUHFWRURI 3K'H[SHUWDQGVSHDNHU SV\FKRORJ\DQGOLIH 'U$UFKXOHWDȇVUHVHDUFK 7LPLVWKHDXWKRURIȴYH ȴQDQFLDOWKHUDS\DQG H[FHSWLRQDOOLYHV LQȵXHQFLQJȴQDQFLDODQG ȴQDQFHDQGKRXVHKROG %XVLQHVV ΖQȵXHQFH)ULHQGV PDULWDOVDWLVIDFWLRQ ȴQDQFHZLWKWKHJRDORI 2ɝFHUIRU<DKRRDVZHOO 7KH7RGD\6KRZ PRGHOLQJȴQDQFLDOEHKDYLRU DVWKHLU/HDGHUVKLS&RDFK 7KHVHLQGLYLGXDOVDUHQRWDɝOLDWHVRI+DUWIRUG)XQGV +DUWIRUG)XQGV'LVWULEXWRUV//&k CROWWN AMERICAN ASSOCIIATATES 2017 W.............................................elcome,Amateurs! Sunnehanna Amateur ..... On behalf of the the Sunnehanna Amateur Committee, we welcome back returning champions Collin Morikawa, Derek Bard and over 90 of the finest amateur golfers from across the globe to the 64th playing of the Sunnehanna Amateur. We look forward to an outstanding four days of golf. Like last year, the Sunnehanna Amateur Foundation will again support the Johnstown Backpack Project. They provide close to 700 children with weekend meals that otherwise may go without in 5 local school districts. Without the generous support of our naming sponsors, Duke/Lifepoint and Highmark, as well as our numerous other corporate sponsors, we would not have been able to support this important initiative that is making a substantive difference addressing childhood hunger. We would like to thank the members of Sunnehanna Country Club, Ron Meyers, Bobby Helsel, Carl Seelman, Mark Leppert and their collective staffs for their incredible efforts during the week. It is appreciated by the players, their families and the committee. We couldn’t do what we do without you. Lastly we thank our host families. Without your support the Sunnehanna Amateur wouldn’t be possible. What you do for these players is remembered long after the golf. Hope to see you on the course!! Brian Chirillo John Yerger Sunnehanna Amateur COMMITTEE Scott Becker James Hargreaves Sam Price Ivar Berge John Hargreaves Frank Quitoni Paul Calandra Karen Hargreaves Tyler Robinson Jim Cascio Lou Kitsko Carl Seelman Brian Chirillo Kim Kunkle Ryan Shorto Kim Craig Dan Leaser Richard Schrott Casey Craig Kim McKinney Amy Whitlow Dr William Carney Dr. Shannon Nicoloff Robert Wise David Dill Scott Pearson John Yerger John Polacek • 5 2017 ..... Sunnehanna Amateur ............................................. n behalf of The Sunnehanna Country Club Board of Governors, we welcome you to the 2017 Sunnehanna Amateur Tournament for Champions. Players young and old have always taken great memories from Ocompeting on our A.W. Tillinghast masterfully designed golf course, where we are proud to say we are members. It has been our honor and pleasure to host so many of the world’s top amateurs, in what has become one of the premier amateur golf tournaments in the world. The list of past winners is luminous, as is the complete roster of participants, many of whom have gone on to win professional golf’s major championships and to represent their countries in the Walker Cup, Ryder Cup and President’s Cup matches. In the 64th annual tournament for champions, we expect yet another talented field of participants comprised of the world’s finest amateur contestants. A very special thank you to the Sunnehanna Amateur Tournament Co-chairmen, Brian Chirillo and John Yerger, as well as to their committee members for their absolute devotion to this tournament. Thanks also to our Sunnehanna members who have opened their homes to many of the amateurs this year and during the 60 plus years of this tournament. We never tire of hearing the warm comments and recollections of past competitors as they share remembrances of their tournament play and the hospitality of our members. Many of our members have maintained friendships with these past players that have lasted lifetimes. In addition to the committee and numerous volunteers, this event would not be possible without our excellent and professional Sunnehanna Country Club staff, who dedicate their countless hours to make this a special event. Everyone has worked to ensure the product you are experiencing and enjoying this week is first class. The week is filled with so many wonderful events that celebrate the Sunnehanna Amateur. Enclosed you will see our schedule of events for the week. The amazing golf always takes center stage, so we hope that you can come out to see the world’s best amateur golfers competing right here at Sunnehanna. The evenings are filled with grand events, so I hope that you can join us as we celebrate the Sunnehanna Amateur. On behalf of Sunnehanna Country Club, we cannot thank you enough for supporting our club and this tournament and for continuing to uphold the traditions that we celebrate. Thank you, Casey Craig Club President 6 • 2017 ..... Sunnehanna Amateur ............................................. Host families play critical role in success of Sunnehanna Amateur Before joining the PGA Tour in Canada, Taylor Moore played Amateur opens Wednesday on the Westmont country club golf in the Sunnehanna Amateur Tournament for Champions three course. times – and stayed with a local family while competing in the The Niberts were encouraged by John Yerger, co-chairman of golf event. the local golf tournament, to get involved – even though they Johnstown residents Joseph and Heather Nibert have been are not Sunnehanna Country Club members. hosting Sunnehanna Amateur tournament players – including “It’s an experience that you never forget,” Heather Nibert said. Moore, a former University of Arkansas standout – for four “Our kids even have an interest in golf now.” years. “We play cards and just get to hang out,” Joseph Nibert said. Organizers said an integral part of the event each year is the participation of the families that host players for the Amateur. “The Niberts opened up their house
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