Our approach 1 New Zealanders’ Perceptions of Asia and Asian Peoples 2020 Annual Survey 2 New Zealanders’ Perceptions of Asia and Asian Peoples 2020 Annual Survey Designed by Photos Chrometoaster | www.chrometoaster.com Cover image: Photo by Note Thanun (Unsplash). Page 5: View from Senbon Torii, Authors by Luna Kay (Unsplash). Asia New Zealand Foundation Te Whītau Tūhono and Colmar Brunton Page 8: Visiting the museum with a new friend, by Irene Strong (Unsplash). © Asia New Zealand Foundation Page 11: Photo by Ankita Singh, Asia New Zealand Foundation. Published June 2021 Page 21: Big Buddha, by Jason Cooper (Unsplash). Page 31: Super tree, by Hu Chen (Unsplash). ISBN (PDF) 978-0-9951363-4-2 Page 39: Photo by Note Thanun (Unsplash). Perceptions of Asia 2020 (2021 publication) Page 45: Waiting for the walk signal, ISBN (Print) by Ryoji Iwata (Unsplash). 978-0-9951363-5-9 Page 57: Photo by Yogendra Singh (Unsplash). Perceptions of Asia 2020 (2021 publication) Page 63: Melasti Festival Bali, by Dominik Vanyi Disclaimer (Unsplash). Comments made in this research report do not necessarily represent Page 65: Photo by Paula McLaughlin, the views of the Asia New Zealand Asia New Zealand Foundation. Foundation Te Whītau Tūhono. Page 71: Still want you, by Tony Pham (Unsplash). Page 75: The humanoid android robot Alter recreates human movements at the Mirakian museum in Tokyo, by Maximalfocus (Unsplash). Page 79: Restaurant chef making dough, by Aditya Romansa (Unsplash). New Zealanders’ Perceptions 1 of Asia and Asian Peoples 2020 Annual Survey Introduction 2 Our approach 5 Do we view Asia as How does the Part 1: an important part media influence Asia by the of our future? 11 our perceptions of Asia? 39 numbers What do we know about Asia? 21 What skills do we need to be How do New Asia-savvy? 45 Zealanders perceive the Asia region? 31 How has COVID-19 impacted our relationship with Asia? 57 Introduction: The power Part 2: New Zealanders of personal Asia by the share their stories connections 71 and connections people to Asia 64 New Zealand and Asia: Barriers Narratives, insights, to connection 75 and aspirations of Māori in Asia 65 Background, methodology, and sample profiles 79 2 New Zealanders’ Perceptions of Asia and Asian Peoples 2020 Annual Survey Comment from the Executive Director The latest New Zealanders’ Perceptions of Asia Those two figures are virtually unchanged from and Asian Peoples survey makes for encouraging four years earlier, and positive views had increased reading. More New Zealanders are of the view that across a range of other areas, including investment developing political, social and economic ties with and immigration from Asia, and the impact of Asia’s Asia is important for New Zealand’s future (73 culture and traditions on New Zealand. percent of respondents felt this way, up from 67 Additionally, New Zealanders are becoming more percent in 2019). sophisticated in their knowledge of Asia and their This finding is particularly significant when you interests. While food and travel remain the top consider that polling for this survey was carried Asia-related interests, music, art, and literature out in October and November 2020, more than from Asia are also increasingly on the radar. We are six months after New Zealand’s borders had been encouraged to see New Zealanders finding ways closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic and many of to enjoy and learn about Asia from their homes and our international travel plans curtailed. Rather than communities. And while they recalled hearing less turning inward, this research shows New Zealanders about Asia in mainstream media in 2020, their are keen for their country to move forward with access to digital sources and Asia-related film building and deepening key relationships in Asia. and TV entertainment is growing. COVID-19 has caused disruption to an extent that On the other hand, the report also has findings many of us had not previously experienced in our on the more challenging aspects of New Zealand’s lifetimes. Against this backdrop, it is striking just international engagement. China is seen to be how stable New Zealanders’ views of Asia are over significantly less friendly to New Zealand than a range of measures. For instance, 79 percent of in previous years; and for the first time, more those surveyed felt that tourism from Asia would New Zealanders see China as a threat than those have positive impacts on Aotearoa over the next who view it as a friend. Likewise, the United 10-20 years; and 69 percent saw the region’s States has also seen a decline in its perceived economic growth as positive for this country. level of friendliness. Introduction 3 At the same time, survey participants named China From all participants, we heard about the diverse and the US, alongside countries such as India and ways in which New Zealanders engage with Japan, as key relationships that New Zealand should Asia: through travel and connections, through put extra effort into. They cited the importance experiences in their communities and through of trade, tourism, technology and innovation in their education and work. We also heard about the case of China; and trade, international power, some of the barriers they face; in particular, a sense security and defence in the case of the US. that opportunities to learn about Asia were more limited in some communities and remote corners New Zealanders also felt closer to many Asian of New Zealand. nations than they did in previous years, with more people seeing South Korea, Thailand, the We know that personal connections and experiences Philippines, India and Viet Nam as friendly are at the heart of building New Zealanders’ compared to 2019 or 2018. knowledge, understanding and their confidence to engage with Asia. Face-to-face connections are also This year, the Perceptions of Asia and Asian vital for relationship building in many Asian cultures. Peoples report also contains 16 in-depth interviews New Zealand will need to work hard to keep its with New Zealanders who have shared their own connections with Asia alive — and this report shows experiences and connections to Asia, as well as a clear willingness from New Zealanders for their some of the barriers they faced in their engagement. country to continue to invest in the region, and as Māori participants highlighted the importance of borders re-open, to continue their learning journey cultural commonalities between Te Ao Māori and once again with Asia. Asia and of their aspirations in relation to Asia — for themselves, their whānau, their wider community and for Aotearoa as a whole. Simon J Draper Asia New Zealand Foundation Te Whītau Tūhono 4 New Zealanders’ Perceptions of Asia and Asian Peoples 2020 Annual Survey Figure 1 Census 2018: Asian New Zealanders 2018 707,598 2013 471,708 2006 354,552 Largest 10 Asian ethnic groups in 2018 Census 231,387 72,612 Filipino Chinese 10,623 Thai 35,664 10,086 Korean Vietnamese 9,672 Cambodian 18,141 Japanese 9,171 221,916 Sinhalese Indian 15,132 Fijian Indian Source: Statistics New Zealand, Census 2018 Note: The total responses is higher than the count of Asian New Zealanders because people could identify with more than one Asian ethnicity. Our approach 5 The Asia New Zealand Foundation Te Whītau Tūhono has Our approach been surveying New Zealanders’ perceptions of Asia for more than two decades. The annual survey supports an informed public conversation about New Zealanders’ engagement with the countries and peoples of Asia, and it also guides the Foundation’s own work: equipping New Zealanders to thrive in Asia. 6 New Zealanders’ Perceptions of Asia and Asian Peoples 2020 Annual Survey This report presents the results of a survey of 2,001 New Zealanders aged 15 years and over Changes to the questionnaire conducted from 27 October to 6 November 2020. The results have been weighted so that they are This year’s survey includes a small number of minor representative of New Zealanders by age, gender, changes to some survey questions, as well as a ethnicity and location. small number of new questions that help us to This year’s report also includes the results of 16 in- gain a greater understanding of New Zealanders’ depth interviews with New Zealanders from a range perceptions of Asia. They include: of diverse backgrounds, covering their knowledge • A question exploring interest in learning and experiences of Asia and Asia peoples as a new language; well as their aspirations for New Zealand’s future engagement with Asia. • A question about New Zealanders’ everyday connection to Asian cultures, places, These stories help to give meaning and context and people; to the numbers, highlighting how New Zealanders engage with Asia and Asian peoples in their • A question about the importance and everyday lives through friends, family, travel, consumption of Asia-related entertainment; and employment, food, culture, media, and sport. • Questions related to the COVID-19 pandemic Each section of the report contains insights and and its impact on the Asia region. observations drawn from these interviews in addition to the quantitative findings. This year’s qualitative component featured Since this research started over 20 years ago, 16 in-depth semi-structured interviews with a New Zealand has experienced several demographic demographically diverse group of New Zealanders changes. One prominent feature of change has with varying knowledge levels of Asia. Topics been New Zealand’s growing ethnic diversity, with explored included: 707,598 New Zealanders identifying as being of Asian ethnicity in the 2018 Census (representing • Personal stories of connection with Asia 15 percent of New Zealand’s total population) and Asian peoples; compared to 354,552 in 2006 (see figure 1).
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