FOUL PLAY AT ATLANTIC YARDS, P AGE 4 Issue #151, May 12 - June 1, 2010 THETHE INDYPENDENINDYPENDENTT A FREE PAPER FOR FREE PEOPLE P eople Power Jed Brandt reports from inside Nepal’s revolution. PAGE 10 PHOTO: JED BRANDT A “Dry Hate” in Arizona, p8 Climate Justice Groundswell in Bolivia, p12 Are Sports P atient Profits, p14 Boring? p7 indypendent.org community calendar P LEASE SEND EVENT ANNOUNCEMENTS TO [email protected]. MAY–JUNE SAT MAY 15 316 E 88th St RSVP: 212-289-4100 • 1pm • Free nycharities.org/events EVENT: AN AFTERNOON FOR PALESTINE. Join the Palestinian Right to FRI MAY 21 Return Coalition on the 62nd anniversary 7pm • $5 Sugg Donation of Al-Nakba, the Israeli occupation in DISCUSSION: U.S. SOCIAL FORUM: Palestine. Spoken word artists Tahani ORGANIZING REGIONAL POWER. TEH INDYPENDENT, inC. Salah, Palestine Jeopardy and others will Join other local activists and interested P.O. BOX 1417 perform. strangers in organizing and sharing plans NEW YORK, NY 10276 Muslim American Society Youth Center for the U.S. Social Forum in Detroit this 1933 Bath Ave, Bklyn June. Phone: 212-904-1282 718-232-5905 • al-awdany.org Bluestockings Books, 172 Allen St 212-777-6028 • bluestockings.com G ENERAL INQUIRIES: [email protected] 12-5pm • Free FAIR: BROOKLYN PEACE FAIR. The sixth 6:30pm • Free SUBMISSIONS: [email protected] annual Brooklyn Peace Fair features DISCUSSION: WHO ARE THE PUERTO D ONATIONS: performers, kids’ activities, speakers RICAN POLITICAL PRISONERS? Guest indypendent.org/donate and workshops dedicated to non-military speaker Benjamin Ramos Rosado of Pro- NEWS TIPS: solutions and global peace and justice. Libertad Freedom Campaign will discuss [email protected] Brooklyn College Arts Lab and Student the global Puerto Rican Independence ADV ERTISING anD PROMOTION: Center, 2900 Bedford Ave, Bklyn Movement. [email protected] 718-624-5921 • brooklynpeace.org Freedom Hall, 113 W 128th St RAE DE Comments: 212-222-0633 • radicalwomen.org [email protected] SUN MAY 16 SUBSI CR PTIONS: 12-3pm • Free MON MAY 22 indypendent.org EVENT: HOMES, NOT SHELTERS! DAY 11am-1pm • Free V OLUNTEER: OF DIRECT ACTION. Celebrate Malcolm BIKE TOUR: COMMUNITY GARDEN [email protected] X’s birthday with Picture the Homeless COMPOST DEMO. Meet the NYC Com- GENERAL CoorDINATORS: Jessica Lee, Elizabeth Henderson at Brook Park. There will be food and post Project in Union Square to bike tour C ULTURE EDITOR: live music. This celebration aims to bring through five community garden Compost Kate Perkins community awareness to the political Demo sites in lower Manhattan. internationaL EDITOR: disenfranchisement of the homeless. Register online. Renée Feltz Brook Park, 141 St at Brook Ave, Bronx 17th St and Union Square East ILL USTRATIONS CoorDINATOR: 646-314-6423 • picturethehomeless.org 212-477-4022 • lesecologycenter.org GritTV host Laura Flanders for a reading 212-875-5600 • hrw.org/en/iff/new-york Frank Reynoso of June Jordan’s posthumously released Designers: 8:30am (Registration) • Free SAT MAY 23 young adult novel, His Own Where. THU JUNE 17 – 20 Ryan Dunsmuir, Anna Gold FUNDRAISER: AIDS WALK. Join other 12 pm • Free Sponsored by the Feminist Press. CONFERENCE: ALLIED MEDIA I NDYKIDS: walkers in Central Park to raise money for RALLY: BICYCLE FETISH DAY. Celebrate Strand Book Store, 828 Broadway CONFERENCE. Every summer, activists [email protected] various NYC-based AIDS organizations. Bike Month with a block party that will 212-473-1452 • strandbooks.com from around the world are invited to gath- Pub LISH YOUR NEWS: Register online. include performers such as the Rude er in Detroit to organize, plan, inform and nyc.indymedia.org 212-807-WALK(9255) • aidswalk.net Mechanical Orchestra and fun contests TUE JUNE 8 strategize for a just and creative world that include your bike. 7:30pm • $10–20 Sugg Donation through the utilization of media. Buses The Indypendent is a New York-based free newspaper published 16 times a year on TUES MAY 18 The City Reliquary Museum, DEBATE: ARE SPORTS BORING? being organized from NYC. Registration Wednesdays to our print and online reader- 5:30-7pm • Free Havemeyer St (Btwn Grand St and Political sports writer Dave Zirin will take Fee: $100-sliding scale McGregor Memo- ship of more than 200,000. It is produced by a NEW VOLUNTEER MEETING. You Metropolitan Ave), Bklyn on Indypendent writer and editor Arun rial Conference Center (Wayne State network of volunteers who report, write, edit, are invited to stop by and learn more 718-782-4842 • cityreliquary.org Gupta for a lively debate. Cash bar. All University), 495 Ferry Mall, Detroit, MI draw, design, take photos, distribute, fund- about how you can volunteer for The proceeds to benefit The Indypendent. alliedmediaconference.org raise and provide website management. Since Indypendent and meet some of our edi- SAT MAY 23 Brecht Forum, 451 West St (btwn Bank 2000, more than 650 citizen journalists, artists tors, staff and volunteers. Open house 12pm • Free and Bethune Sts) • 212-904-1282 TUE JUNE 22 – 26 and media activists have participated in this from 5:30pm-6:15pm and new volunteer VOLUNTEER: CLEAN AND GREEN THE indypendent.org • brechtforum.org CONFERENCE: U.S. SOCIAL FORUM. project. Winner of more than 50 New York meeting at 6:15pm. GOWANUS CANAL. Join the Gowanus The U.S. Social Forum will provide the Community Media Alliance awards, The Indy- pendent is dedicated to empowering people to 666 Broadway, Suite 500 • 212-904-1272 Canal Conservancy and other volunteers THU JUNE 10 – 24 space for activists from across the globe create a true alternative to the corporate press [email protected] for a day of wildflower-planting and FILM: 2010 HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH to gather together to discuss, strategize by encouraging people to produce their own trash picking along the canal in Brooklyn. INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL. Thirty and inform each other about various media. The Indypendent is funded by subscrip- THU MAY 20 Register online. films from 25 countries will be screened political projects aimed at improving our tions, reader donations, grants, merchandise 6:30-8:30pm • $5-20 Sugg donation Gowanus Canal, Bklyn • 718-541-4378 including 28 New York premieres. Co- world. See website for more information. sales, benefits and advertising. We accept sub- PANEL AND CONVERSATION: FARM- gowanuscanalconservancy.org presented by The Film Society of Lincoln Buses being organized from NYC. missions that look at news and culture through WORKER’S RIGHTS AND PRESERVING Center. See website for schedule and Cobo Hall, 1 Washington Blvd, Detroit, MI a critical lens, exploring how systems of power SMALL FARMS. Panelists will discuss TUE JUNE 1 ticket prices. ussf2010.org — economic, political and social — affect the the Farmworkers Fair Labor Practices 7pm-8pm • Free Walter Reade Theater, 165 W 65th St, up- lives of people locally and globally. The Indy- Act, which puts small farms in jeopardy. READING: HIS OWN WHERE. Join per level (btwn Broadway & Amsterdam pendent reserves the right to edit articles for length, content and clarity. Draesel Hall (Church of the Holy Trinity), writers Sapphire and Stacyann Chin and Ave) The Indypendent is affiliated with the New York City Independent Media Center, which READERS COMMENTS is part of the global Indymedia movement, Post your own comments online at the end of each article or email [email protected]. an international network that is dedicated to fostering grassroots media production, and to PI R VATIZED PRISONS ARE and careless. Visitor procedures Government-run prisons run tales of economic and physical IndyKids, a children’s newspaper. NYC IMC is REAL THREAT were not maintained carefully, the gamut of criticism, but there heartbreak from the victims an open publishing website where anyone can Response to “‘Everything Is Not and when we visited monthly are no positive words for priva- of the current health care sys- publish news (nyc.indymedia.org.) Fine’: The Immigrant detention there were always new guards. tized prisons. They’re inherent- tem. Yet this “reform” threat- Vo LUNTEER CONTRIBUTORS: system is ruining the lives of in- ly evil and not what I want my ens to produce an even more Sam Alcoff, Sabrina Alli, Steven Arnerich, nocent people,” April 21: tax dollars to support. fragmented “patient delivery Mark Bailey, Bennett Baumer, Mike Burke, —Anonymous system” that will result in even Ellen Davidson, Rob Eletto, Seth Fisher, Jeff Underlying the issue of detain- more vulnerable populations. T Friedrich, Leo Garcia, Jon Gerberg, Samantha ing undocumented immigrants ‘REFORM’ FALLS SHORT Employers need to be persuaded Gorelick, Arun Gupta, Guerruntz, Mary is the far more serious issue of Response to “Obamacare: Now that they need to abandon the Heglar, Andrew Hinderaker, Irina Ivanova, privatized prisons. They are that Congress has acted, the employer based model as a por- Alice Joyce, Alex Kane, Amy Kraft, Amelia done for profit, not for public struggle for universal, afford- tal into the healthcare delivery THE INDYPENDEN H. Krales, Ruth Kelton, Thomas Marczewski, service. There is no account- able, high-quality healthcare system in favor of a more coher- Gary Martin Jaisal Noor, Ann Schneider, Sarah ability. I first visited prisoners can finally begin,” April 21: ent and rational financing and Secunda, John Tarleton, Steven Wishnia and at the CCA jail in Indianapolis, patient delivery system. It is in Amy Wolf. Indiana. When CCA first came A public option was not enough their economic interests, their to Indianapolis it was full of and will not be enough. But sin- human capital interests, and JOIN US ON FACEBOOK, MYSPACE & TWITTER, promises, such as making sure gle payer advocates need to shift ultimately in the interests of the AND FOLLOW OUR BLOGGERS ONLINE EVERY the staff was trained. However, their emphasis. It is apparent U.S.
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