2U - MANCHKSTKK HKUALU,S;ilurd;i.v, AuK. 27. I9HH m He never went to school, Martina: Will this be Phone workers " but he’ll go to Harvard year she wins Open? back on the Job MORIARTY BROTHERS ... page 2 page 9 ... page 5 c^nniveiTsary^ Clearing tonight;, sunny Tuesday Manchester, Conn. — See page 2 Monday, Aug. 29, 1983 maitrhpHtpr UrralJi Single copy: 25<t YEARtEND m o d e l c l o s e o u t Marines Crucial ALL deadline are killed looming Bv Alex Girelll 1983 MERCURYS & LINCOLNS Herald City Editor by mortars Wednesday will be crucial day for the renovation of Cheney Hall. Wednesday is the deadline by By Scott MacLeod ing fire with the Lebanese army, which the Little Theater of Man­ United Press International state-run Beirut radio said. chester must submit documenta­ PRICED TO SELL TO The airport remained closed for tion to justify the $50,000 grant it BEIRUT, Lebanon — Shiite a second day because of shelling has been awarded by the Connecti­ militiamen seized a government and Christian east Beirut was ■ t'. cut Historical Commission. television station in dayiong street effectively cut off from Moslem west Beirut due to sniper fire and It’s also the day for the next fighting and artiilery battles today sporatic clashes on major arteries. meeting of the Cheney Hall Board that killed two U.S. Marines and State-run Beirut radio broadcast of Commissioners. They will be MAKE ROOM FOR 1984's wounded seven others, radio re­ a warning to citizens to keep off the asked to approve final plans for the ports said. streets. exterior renovation and to permit The first Marines to die in actual “ Most streets are dangerous,” the LTM to seek bids for the work. combat in Lebanon were kiiied the broadcast said. Another key day is Sunday, Sept. 1983 CAPRI — 3 DOOR during a five hour barrage of U PI photographer Jack Dabagh- I 25. On that afternoon a kind of open mortar fire that struck U.S. ian said the shelling at the airport house for Cheney Hall will be holt, positions outside the airport Just struck a fighter plane, igniting at the offices of the Chamber of ammunition and setting the air­ Commerce. south of Beirut, Marine spokesman craft on fire. Several Lebanese Maj. Robert Jordan said. A scale model of the hall and army helicopters also were ablaze, The Marines returned fire for the construction drawings will be on he said. display. first time since arriving in Le­ After a brief afternoon lull, new banon last summer, using two clashes erupted at army positions Representatives of the groups Cobra helicopter gunships, 155mm in Shiite-Sunni neighborhoods of involved in the restoration will be Howitzers and 81mm mortars Qanatri, Beshara Khoury and there to explain aspects of the against Shiite Moslem positions Sodeco, as well as neighborhood of $1.2-million project. south of Beirut, Jordan said. Wadi Abu Jmil where gunmen Mary Blish, of the LTM, said the clashed with the army in mid-July. INCLUDES: Christian Phalange radio said 60 open house will be a kind of Beirut radio reported that the armed men from the Shiite Amal preview. Lebanese army's airbase, 30 miles Immediately after it, the organi­ militia group stormed the govern­ from Beirut in Rayak, the Bekaa ment television station in Tallat zation will begin its public drive for ELECTRIC REAR DEFROSTER Valley, also came under artillery renovation funds. STK #3P-31 Khayyat in West Beirut. shelling. • POWER STEERING The radio said the gunmen President Amin Gemayel and The LTM had hoped to hold open threatened the employees if they Prim e Minister Chefik Wazzan house at the hall, but it was decided that it would be too difficult to did not cooperate and a picture of convened an emergency cabinet •AM/FM STEREO W/CASSETTE monitor a large crowd to be sure SPECIAL GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY PRICE Musa Sadr, a Shiite Moslem imam meeting at the presidential palace in suburban Baabda as Lebanon I there would be no accidents caused • STEEL BELTED RADIALS who disappeared five years ago,, by the defects in the building appeared on two channels with a appeared to be sliding toward a new civil War. Herald photo by Tarquinio Bricks threaten to fall from the top commentary. of the building. • AND MORE... ^ President Reagan’s special Mid­ The takeover came amid day­ dle East envoy Robert McFarlane Down to the wire at MHS The Federal Emergency Jobs long warfare that erupted as the arrived from London for urgent ,A ct grant for which the documen­ $7135 Lebanese army conducted a house- talks with Gemayel's national tation must be submitted Wednes­ to-house search in Shiite neighbor­ security adviser, Wadih Haddad Don Orcott, member of the work crew opening day on Wednesday, fiddles day is a $50,000 sum that will be w ^ paid when $100,000 worth of work hoods for gunmen who attacked a and Foreign Mmnister Elie Salem. which is scurrying to complete renova­ with a circuit breaker. Story and more on the stucture is completed. joint U.S.-Lebanese road check­ A government spokesman said tions at Manchester High School before pictures on page 3. three Lebanese army soldiers The LTM has the $100,000 to point Sunday, engaging the Ma­ begin. One source of it is a $100,000 rines in their first full gunbattle. were killed and 60 were wounded in Nsss LYNX L 3 DR HATCHBACK addition to the two U.S. Marines grant from the Hartford Founda­ Street fighting quickly spread to who were killed and the seven tion for Public Giving. It also has the center of Beirut and Moslem wounded. An Italian peacekeeper pledges of gifts from other sources. west Beirut as armed men fanned also was injured slightly. Begin postpones decision Among the documents to be out through the capital, exchang- Beirut radio reports had indi­ submitted are plans and elevations cated 15 people, including civili­ for the exterior work, lists of the ans, were killed and 73 wounded in types of materials to be used, two days of fighting although descriptions of the work processes INCLUDES: emergency crews had trouble on whether he’ii step down to be followed, explanations of the Inslde Today reaching many casualties. historical research carried out to Nabih Berri, leader of the Amal JERUSALEM (UPI) — Prime determine what materials to use 30 pages, 2 sections Shiite militia, denied his fighters Minister Menachem Begin, with and what processes to follow, a FRONT WHEEL DRIVE had attacked the Marines. his coalition partners beseeching construction schedule, phototo- Advice ............................ “ It is a big lie. We didn’t do it. I him not to quit, today briefly graphs of the building, and certifi­ Business.......................... cates of insurance. want to clear it up,” he said. “ We postponed his final decision on • CLOTH SEATS Classified..................................... i The grant is part of a federal Comics............................... don’t attack the Marines. We whether he will resign. one-time emergency job fund Entertainment............................. appreciate their job here with the Chanting “ Begin, Begin," • 4 SPEED Lottery..................... international force and we have crowds of supporters besieged the which includes a portion for Obituaries.......................... good relations with them all over. ’ ’ historic restoration work. STK #3Y-79 Opinion............................... prime minister’s residence as • FRONT DISC BRAKES In Santa Barbara, Calif., Presi­ Begin met with his ministers and Connecticut has about $500,000 to Peopletalk ................................... distribute with keen competition dent Reagan expressed “ profound ! Likud coalition partners and Sports...................................... 1 for the funds. The largest single • STEEL BELTED RADIALS Television.............................. sorrow" over the deaths and promised to consider their argu­ Weather........................ “ praised the courage of the U.S. ments before making a final grant permitted was for $50,000 SPECIAL GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY PRICE Cheney Hall and the P.T. Barnum Marines for their role as decision later today or Tuesday. museum in Bridgeport tied for first peacekeepers.” “ Everything is open,” Begin’’s place among the projects. A N D MORE ... press adviser Uri Porat said after the three hour meeting. “ The fact The sign that stood outside Cheney Hall since the spring was that he promised to consider a couple of arguments he just blown loose by the wind in a recent Interest lacking heard...is the best proof of the fact storm and was taken down for h* repairs, Mrs. Blish said. SIMILAR the prime minister did not make up In chamber fair his mind already.” SAVINGS ON $5851 Porat said Begin, 70, responding X to a “ special request” by his OTHER Wonder what happened to the displaying and selling merchan­ political allies, put off his final arts and crafts fair scheduled dise on Bfain Street. decision to this evening oi^early Panel backs MODELS! for last week on Main Street? Apter partially attributed the Tuesday “ at the latest.” ' The fair was canceled, ac­ lack of interest in the fair to a Likud Knesset deputy Ehud five choices cording to representatives of lack of followup by the Chamber Ulmert, who attended the meeting, the Greater Manchester of Commerce. Mrs. Flint, he said “ I must tell you quite frankly I Chamber of Conunerce, owing said, “ sent out feelers and then personally do not think at this UPI p h o l ^ for judges to a lack hf response from went on vacation.” stage he has changed his mind. craftapeopleto invitations. He said the statement should “ I think he indeed has personal HARTFORD (UPI) — A legisla­ Anne Flint, chamber presi­ not be taken as criticism of Mrs. PRIME MINISTER MENACHEM BEGIN ‘ConnecUcuVs Oldest Llncoln-Mercury-Mazda Dealer” reasons.
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