; g New Methods Today's Weather: In Education Party Cloudy, Cold; See Puge Four High 45 University of Kentucky LEXINGTON, KY., TUESDAY, DEC. 9, 1963 Holiday Programs Usher In Season The traditional “Hanging of tlic Greens” p usher in the Christmas season tomorrow with t\v at 4 and i pan., in the Student Center Ballroom. This year’3 program will stress the relationship ol the hanging Glee Club, and the Baptist Stu- of the greens to French, German, dent Union Carolers will sin and English traditions, as well as traditional and specialized Christ- music. the usual Nativity scene and its mas spiritual aspect. Musical selections include The Women’s Glee Club, Men’s “Conte. See A liose That Spring- etli,” a 15th century German carol; “Madonna and Child." by Donata: "Bahilalow" by B'itten: “Twelve Days of Christmas,’* aw Joiiniul “Good Christian Men Rejoice, ’’ and "O Tannenbaum.” •raws Pr aise Speaking parts in the program have been assigned to Peggy Pergrem, Lexington; Bette Cain, f rom Jurisls Independence; Jo Marie Metcalf, Paris; Macon Jones. Huntington, The current issue of the W. Va.; Carolyn McCracken, Lex- Kentucky Law Journal has ington; Howell Brady, Mayfield; been praised by nationally Mike Sells, Valley Station; and Art Henderson, Maysville. recognized jurists, including Joy Carlisle, Owensboio, will U.S. Supreme Court justices, play the harp for a selection by for its presentation of articles the Women’s Glee Club. The annual event is sponsored on the legal of question ob- by the Student Center Board, scenity. YWCA, YMCA, and the Student Robert F. Drinan, dean of the Congress. Boston College Law School, said Members of the steering com- the journal is a “very fine issue mittee are Ted Gum, Lexington, on the problem of obscenity. I Carolyn Cramer, Lexington, Linda Mitchell, Frankfort. Phi Ft thought the issue as a whole was Ardis a Sigma truly excellent.” Hoven, Lexington, Warren Smith, Vew members of Phi Eta Sigma are: First row, from Supreme Court Justice William Lexington; John Stadler. Colum- the left, Robert Rich, James Ituev, Wilson Sebas- J. Brennan said, “I have read bus. Ind.; Miss Judy Reuss, UK tian, Ben Williams, Steve Miller. Second row. Steve with interest the symposium of program director. Miss Chrystal Eeshear, Larry Kelley, Bog Young, Bill Hamilton, >etmor. f award reck. Gary Ferguson, vlews dea!ing „ m , obscenity." Kellogg. YWCA director, and Don Art Henderson. Third row, John Davis, Larry Well- s Peters, and Dexter. Geo ge Comment- were alao received Leak YMCA director. s %•' as m mm ' si 3 from Justice Arthur Goldberg. The journal, published by the College of Law, deals with eco- (riiijfiiol nomics, psychological, and soci- Cancelled Guignol ological aspects of the law, as Theater's production Approves of “Clcrambard" has been post- SC well as technical discussions Appointment on poned until 13-17 points of law. January due to illnes- in family In addition to articles by at- the of one of torneys and piofessors of law, the cast members. It was to be presented the current issue of the journal Dec. 5-7. Of : . J-Board Chairman yum ass contains an essay by Henry Mill- mumm mm By BILL GRANT the judicial bonrd, that Chell- Southern Universities Student er. author of the controversial Kernel Daily Editor gren could not appoint a second Government Association. book, "Tropic of Cancer,” who board without an amendment. discusses his views on the cen- In its second meeting of the 3. Voted to establish an agenda Coetl Named sorship his hook has encountered, Chellgren said, "The Judicial system w hereby a proposed meet- year. Student Congress ap- and on censorship in general. Board interprets the constitution. ing agenda would be mailed to John Balt, associate piofessor proved President Paul Chell- If the rongress accepts these ap- members prior to meetings of the To SC Board of Law and faculty editor of the grens appointment of Don pointments it will be setting the congress. said that in the case of A vacancy in the Junior policy and then the Judicial journal, Carson as chairman of the 4. Voted to request the Athletic obscenity, "The public problem is Board can rule on their consti- Student Center Board has Board to grant the section of to separate literature and motion Judicial Board. tutionality.” been filled by the appoint* seats next to the band section in pictures which corrupt from real- Chellgren also announced at Chris Gorman said he thought Memorial Coliseum for the use of istic writing and film drama ment of Linda Perkins, a soph- the meeting that he was seeking it unwise that the Judicial Board SuKy. which is valid social comment.” omore from Hopkinsville. to create a second Judicial Board. would have a final say in its own Following a vote by the represen- expansion. ‘‘The constitution says Miss Perkins will replace Jade tatives that defeated that pro- the board can have four members Peters as chairman of the Sub- Topics Committee during posal, Chellgren announced he and a chairman, and that’s all the spring semester. Mr. Peters will would appoint .an "advisory there is to it,” Gorman said. ‘/is The Season board” to the Judicial Board. attend Marshall University in Gilbert Adams tried to amend Chellgren said that the presi- Huntington, W. Va., next semes- the original motion to allow Pot- dent’s appointment of advisory ter and will be unable to con- ter and Carson to share equal To Be Worried boards was not subject to ap- tinue his chairmanship. power as co-chairmen of the en- By ANNE MITCHELL proval by the congress. A member of Alpha Gamma tire board. The motion failed with Kernel Staff Writer He said, "due to the heavy work Delta sorority. Miss Perkins has 16 yes votes, 21 no votes. last-minute load of the board, it takes a You say that your professor assigned a term served as an assistant guide for Potter, who was present at the great deal of time for each of the paper, and as nn after-thought, gave a pop quiz, hut you missed freshman orientation, a former meeting, told Chellgren that the members to perform their duties." member of the Student Center board expansion program had that class because you haven’t turned in the last four assign- Chellgren had first named five Social Committee, a member of been misrepresented to in appointees to the second board: him a ments? from home telling you not to Alpha Lqmbda Delta, and a mem- discussion. Martine Noojin, Larry Lovell, recent You say that your housemother expect anything for Christmas ber of Cwens. Mike Fields, Judy Stivers, and "I have been misled by you; I wants you to be in charge of because you haven’t written in last two Roy Potter (as chairman). Chell- withdraw my name from consid- Christmas decorations, and you mother and dad the gren said that Potter would serve eration on this matter,” Potter had to spend all day yesterday months? say haven't been as a rochairman of the regular said. looking for holly in the moun- You that you J-Board under Carson. Chellgren said that Potter tains, and you sprained your able to see your adviser about In naming the “advisory “must have misunderstood" the back? next semester’s schedule because board,” Chellgren said he would discussion. However, he pointed You say that you have Christ- you're afraid that you won’t be hack next semester, and besides, choose the same five that he first out that whenever they talked mas shopping to do for the aunouneed would be members of about enlarging the board he had fraternity Christmas party this wh° has time for red tape? the second board, which was no idea that congress would ques- week? You say that you don’t want to vetoed by congress. tion the motion’s constitution- You say that you sat down to K° “Hanging of the Greens" Chellgren had stated that the ality. do some work on one of the because you feel like hanging yourself? members of the second Judicial In other business, the congress: seven term papers that you have You say that you haven’t paid Board would be interchangeable 1. Began preliminary work on due within the next two weeks your senior fees because you feel with those of the first board. the budget and invited any or- only to discover that your type- like the University should pay Chellgren told the congress that ganization that wanted a bud- writer was broken? you lor service above and beyond the second board would be re- getary grant to submit its re- You say that you and your the call of duty because you've sponsible for traffic regulations quest to Treasurer Steve Be.->hear. sweetheart aren’t speaking be- been a guinea pig for this new and their enforcement. 2. Established a committee to cause you're both nervous wrecks, semester schedule? You say that James Pitts said that since the investigate whether the congress and besides, who has time for you don’t know if you’re going constitution only calls for a should affiliate with the National luve? chairman and four associates on Student Association or with the You say that you got a letter Continued on Page 2 LINDA PERKINS - — 2 — TIIF. KENTUCKY KERNEL. Tuesday, Dee. .1. 10(11 Lecture Series Begins Thursday "Economics of Developmcintal Change,” the first in a now v-vwv » .vWA\ lecture series on the social scicincos, will he presented at 7:30 ' ** p.m. Thursday in the Student Center( Theatre. The new series is designed to Chairman of the lecture series bring to the campus four distin- is Dr.
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