New Data on Minerals. 2014. Vol. 49 23 NEW DATA ON BETALOMONOSOVITE Boris Ye. Borutzky Fersman Mineralogical Museum, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, [email protected] Olga A. Ageeva, Oksana V. Karimova, Pavel M. Kartashov Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy, and Geochemistry (IGEM), Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, [email protected] Olga V. Yakubovich Moscow State University, Geological Faculty, Moscow, [email protected] The new data on compositional variations, refined crystal structure, thermal properties, and formation conditions of betalomonosovite are discussed. The results obtained assert that betalomonosovite differs from lomonosovite with which the former is identified. It has individual chemical and structural features, and distinct geological and genetic setting, and should be rehabilitated as individual mineral species. 3 tables, 6 figures, 58 references. Keywords: lomonosovite, betalomonosovite, murmanite, crystal structure, Khibiny massif, melteigite-urtite, juvite, rischorrite, hyperagpaitic minerals assemblage. The aim of this study is comparison of new (1950) was studied in detail by Es'ko va (1976), data on betalomonosovite, Na4Ti4(Si2O7)2 (O,F)4 Vlasov et al. (1959), and Semenov et al. (1961). · Na2H4(PO4)2 results of investigation of lomo- In contrast to murmanite, this mineral con- · nosovite Na4Ti4 (Si2O7)2(O,F)4 Na6(PO4)2, with tained P and was anhydrous Na4Ti4Si4(O,F)18 · which betalomonosovite is identified accor- 2Na3PO4. In Khibiny, Dorfman (1962) found ding to recommendation of the Commission lomonosovite for the first time in the district of on new Minerals and Mineral Names Interna - apatite deposits. tional Mineralogical Association in 1988, and Betalomonosovite discussed in this article, · those of murmanite Na4Ti4(Si2O7)2O4 (H2O)4 was found and described as mineral no. 2 in as final product of supergene alteration of 1938 by Gerasimovsky, but its detailed exami- lomonosovite, with which betalomonosovite is nation was started in 1960s (Gerasimovsky unreasonably attributed to the same solid so - and Kazakova, 1962), when Semenov et al. lution series as intermediate species of similar (1961) found more representative material in alteration. We do not discuss other lomonoso- the same district. In Khibiny, betalomonoso- vite group minerals: vuonnemite and episto- vite was found at the Rasvumchorr deposit in lite, Nb analogs of lomonosovite and murma - 1958 (Sokolova, 1961; Sokolova et al., 19712). nite, respectively, and quadruphite, sobole- In contrast to the previous findings, this mi - vite, and polyphite, Ca-and Mn-rich analogs neral contained P and significant amount of of lomonosovite, although they are end-mem- water; betalomonosovite1 was described by · bers of probable solid solution series for iso- the following formulae: Na4Ti4 Si4(O,F)18 (Na,H)6 · · morphic admixtures typical of betalomonoso- (PO4)2, Na4Ti4Si4(O,F)18 Na2HPO4 NaH2PO4 or · vite and could be formed in similar geological Na4Ti4Si4(O,F)18 Na3[PO4(OH)PO2(OH)2]. To environment. date, it is reasonably chemical, structural, and geological characterized in the context of its Discovery nature, abundance in alkaline rocks of ag - paitic nepheline syenite massifs and forma- In 1890, Wilhelm Ramsay described new tion conditions to regard it as individual mi - hydrous niobo-titano-silicate, mineral no. 3 neral species. Nevertheless, it was missinlcu - (Ramsay, 1890) from the Lovozero tundras. In ded by CNMMN IMA into the list of dis cre - 1923, members of the Fersman expedition dited minerals (Nickel and Mandarino, 1988) found this mineral in the same district and that hampers its further detailed study. This described it as violophillite. After detailed forced us to carry out the new measurement of exa mination, Gutkova (1930) renamed it to the chemical composition and crystal struc- mur manite with the refined composition Na4Ti4 ture of betalomonosovite, as well as, its gene - · Si4O18 4H2O (Minerals…, 1937). Lomo no so - tic relationship with lomonosovite and mur- vite, anhydrous analog of murmanite, discov- manite to additionally argue the reinstate- ered from the same massif by Gerasi movsky ment of this term. 1 – Many researchers assumed that this name is poor because betalomonosovite is not structural modification of lomonosovite, i.e., b-species (b-lomonosovite), otherwise, term a-lomonosovite should be introduced. 24 New Data on Minerals. 2014. Vol. 49 Geological setting and manite were established to be common in the formation conditions of murmanite, same rocks: leucocratic varieties of rocks from lomonosovite, and betalomonosovite the differentiated complex (III) with greater amount in foyaite than urtite and lujavrite; Murmanite. Murmanite is abundant ac - leucocratic lujavrite of the lujavrite complex cessory mineral of some peralkaline leuco- (IV), sodalite varieties of poikilitic nepheline- cratic rocks and hosted pegmatites in the sodalite syenite (II), and pegmatites hosted in Lovozero tundras. It was found at Mts. Pun - these rocks. Fresh lomonosovite was observed karuaiv, Suoluaiv, Ninchurt, and Mannepahk; in drill core below 250–300 m, whereas at the cirques Raslak, Sengischorr, and Angvun - depth of 100–200 m below surface it was fol- dasschorr; and in the Chinglusuai, Motchi - lowed by the yellow and violet-pink variety; at suai, and Muruai valleys (Minerals…, 1937). the surface murmanite is pink. Relics of al - According to Bussen and Sakharov (1972) re - tered lomonosovite retaining morphology and ferring to Gutkova (1930) and Es'kova (1959), optical orientation were observed everywhere it occurs as lenticular clusters within layers in murmanite. In other words, it was proved by I-1 and II-2 hosted in juvite, foyaite, and urtite direct methods that murmanite is secondary of the differentiated lujavrite-foyaite-urtite after lomonosovite. complex (complex III); this mineral is com- Experiments in Na and P desalination from mon in leucocratic varieties of lujavrite comp - lomonosovite using hot and cold distillated lex (complex IV) where it forms phenocrysts water performed by Gerasimovsky and Bor - in near-contact porphyry lujavrite (tinguaite) neman-Starynkevich (Borneman-Staryn ke vich, and always occurs in porphyry murmanite 1946) and specified by Zabavnikova (1967) and lujavrite (complex V). Through all rocks, mur- Sokolova et al. (1973) using chemical and ther- manite is observed with lomonosovite typical- mal analysis, and X-ray diffraction supported ly associated with agpaitic minerals: K,Na the probable formation of murmanite by this feldspar, nepheline, sodalite, aegirine, lam- manner. It was established that pink-lilac color prophyllite, and eudialyte. Pegmatite with of murmanite with characteristic absorption murmanite and lomonosovite were also hos - bands at 12650, 18850, and 20600 cm 1 is ted in porphyritic and poikilitic nepheline- caused by Mn3+ (Platonov, 1976) that is also sodalite syenite and tavite (complex II) (Mine - consistent with oxidative environment in mur- rals…, 1937). manite formation. In contrast to Lovozero, in Khibiny, negli- By the further investigations of Kho mya - gible amount of altered murmanite was found kov (1990), it has become clear that in addi- only on the surface (Gutkova, 1930; Kuplet - tion to the lomonosovite – murmanite pair, sky, 1930; 1932; Minerals…, 1937; Dorfman, there are some primary minerals, which are 1962; Tikhonenkov, 1963). Fresh murmanite transformed to the secondary species due to was identified in mines at the Rasvumchorr, Na desalination and hydration as a result of Kukisvumchorr, and Yukspor apatite deposits sharply evolved alkalinity of mineral-forming in pegmatites hosted in coarse-grained urtite medium; these minerals common close to sur- and rischorrite hosting ore sequence, as well face as rule are: vuonnemite, Na11TiNb2Si4 · as, in melteigite of the upper contact zone, P2O25F ® epistolite, Na5TiNb2Si4O17F 4H2O, where it replaces lomonosovite lamellae (So - parakeldyshite, Na2ZrSi2O7 ® keldyshite, ko lova, 1965; Sokolova et al., 1973). The fres - Na3HZr2(Si2O7)2, zirsinalite, Na6CaZrSi6O18 ® hest pinkish white fine-flake murmanite with lovozerite, Na3CaZrSi6O15(OH)3, kazakovite, nacreous luster that could be assumed as Na6MnTiSi6O18 ® tisinalite, Na3MnTiSi6O15 newly formed phase was found as thin (up to (OH)3. They are regarded as individual mine - 1 mm in thickness) stringer cutting massive ral species or varieties with prefix "hydro", for urtite at the Rasvumchorr deposit (Mine ra - example, delhayelite, K3Na2Ca2Si7AlO19(F,Cl)2 · logy…, 1978). ® hydrodelhayelite, KCaSi7AlO17(OH)2 6H2O. Murmanite (associated with lomonosovite) Cogenetic minerals typically associated was found in the same situation from agpaitic with lomonosovite and murmanite are the sa - rocks of the Ilimaussaq massif, South Gre - me: microcline, nepheline, arfvedsonite, and enland (Karup-Mшller, 1983; 1986). sodalite. Lomonosovite inclusions are obser- Lomonosovite. Es'kova (1959) studied in ved in albite, sodalite, cancrinite, ussingite, detail the geological setting of lomonosovite and natrolite; however these inclusions are in the Lovozero massif taking into account the transformed to murmanite only in natrolite. data of Gerasimovsky (1950) and Borneman- This not contradicts the pseudomorphous ori- Starynkevich (1946). Lomonosovite and mur- gin of murmanite and it is clear that meteoric New data on betalomonosovite 25 water or low-hydrothermal fluid is required to et al., 19712). Sufficiently large well-shaped form it.
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