Pegasus Group LAND SOUTH OF ROTHLEY HERITAGE DESK-BASED ASSESSMENT PREPARED BY PEGASUS GROUP ON BEHALF OF ROTHLEY TEMPLE ESTATES LIMITED P17-1201 | MARCH 2020 March 2020 | RG | P17-1201 Document Management Version Date Author Checked/approved by: Reason for revision Rebecca Gilbey Gail Stoten 3 13.03.2020 Finalisation of masterplan Senior Heritage Consultant Senior Director (Heritage) Pegasus Group Suite 4 | Pioneer House | Vison Park | Histon | Cambridge | CB24 9NL T 01223 202100 | E [email protected] | W www.pegasusgroup.co.uk Birmingham | Bracknell | Bristol | Cambridge | Cirencester | Dublin | East Midlands | Leeds | Liverpool | London | Manchester | Newcastle | Peterborough ©Copyright Pegasus Planning Group Limited 2011. The contents of this document must not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part without the written consent of Pegasus Planning Group Limited. March 2020 | RG | P17-1201 HERITAGE DESK-BASED ASSESSMENT LAND SOUTH OF ROTHLEY ON BEHALF OF: ROTHLEY TEMPLE ESTATES LIMITED Prepared by: Rebecca Gilbey, Senior Heritage Consultant Pegasus Group Suite 4 | Pioneer House | Vison Park | Histon | Cambridge | CB24 9NL T 01223 202100 | E [email protected] | W www.pegasusgroup.co.uk Birmingham | Bracknell | Bristol | Cambridge | Cirencester | Dublin | East Midlands | Leeds | Liverpool | London | Manchester | Newcastle | Peterborough ©Copyright Pegasus Planning Group Limited 2011. The contents of this document must not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part without the written consent of Pegasus Planning Group Limited. CONTENTS: INTRODUCTION 1 SITE DESCRIPTION AND PLANNING HISTORY 3 METHODOLOGY 6 PLANNING POLICY FRAMEWORK 13 THE HISTORIC ENVIRONMENT 22 SETTING ASSESSMENT 35 CONCLUSIONS 56 APPENDICES: APPENDIX 1: GAZETTEER OF HERITAGE DATA APPENDIX 2: DESIGNATION DESCRIPTIONS APPENDIX 3: FIGURES FIGURES: FIGURE 1: DESIGNATED HERITAGE ASSETS FIGURE 2: LEICESTERSHIRE HER EVENT DATA FIGURE 3: LEICESTERSHIRE HER MONUMENT DATA P17-1201 │ RG │ March 2020 Land south of Rothley PLATES: PLATE 1: SITE LOCATION PLAN 1 PLATE 2: VIEW SOUTH FROM THE NORTHERN BOUNDARY ACROSS THE SITE 3 PLATE 3: VIEW EAST WITHIN THE SITE ACROSS THE AREA OF SCRUBLAND/GRASSLAND IN THE SOUTH-EASTERN EXTENT OF THE SITE 3 PLATE 4: VIEW SOUTH FROM ROTHLEY PRIMARY SCHOOL (NORTHERN BOUNDARY OF THE SITE) ACROSS THE SITE WHICH INCLUDES THE SCHOOL GROUNDS 4 PLATE 5: EXTRACT FROM THE PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ROTHLEY AND THE EXTRA-PAROCHIAL LIBERTY OF ROTHLEY TEMPLE OF 1780 27 PLATE 6: EXTRACT FROM THE PLAN OF AN ESTATE IN THE PARISH OF ROTHLEY IN THE EXTRA-PAROCHIAL PLACE OF ROTHLEY TEMPLE OF 1842 28 PLATE 7: EXTRACT FROM THE FIRST EDITION ORDNANCE SURVEY MAP OF 1885 28 PLATE 8: EXTRACT FROM LARGER SCALE MAPPING SHOWING THE ROUTE FROM THE TEMPLE TO THE LODGE WEST OF LOUGHBOROUGH ROAD, WHICH PASSES ADJACENT TO THE SOUTHERN SITE BOUNDARY 29 PLATE 9: EXTRACT FROM THE SECOND EDITION ORDNANCE SURVEY MAP OF 1903 29 PLATE 10: EXTRACT FROM THE ORDNANCE SURVEY MAP OF 1929 30 PLATE 11: EXTRACT FROM THE ORDNANCE SURVEY MAP OF 1950 30 PLATE 12: AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH OF THE SITE FROM 1999 31 PLATE 13: AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH OF THE SITE FROM 2011 31 PLATE 14: MODERN AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH OF THE SITE 32 PLATE 15: VIEW WEST FROM TOWN GREEN SHOWING NUMBERS 80, 84, 86 AND 89 TOWN GREEN STREET 36 PLATE 16: 91 TOWN GREEN STREET AND WESTERN FAÇADE OF 89 TOWN GREEN STREET 37 PLATE 17: 81 TOWN GREEN STREET AND ATTACHED OUTBUILDINGS 37 PLATE 18: VIEW SOUTH FROM TOWN GREEN STREET IN THE DIRECTION OF THE SITE, MODERN RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT TO THE NORTH OF THE SITE ALSO VISIBLE 38 PLATE 19: VIEW NORTH FROM THE SOUTHERN SITE BOUNDARY TOWARDS TOWN GREEN 38 PLATE 20: ZOOMED IN VERSION OF PLATE 18 SHOWING DEVELOPMENT AT TOWN GREEN STREET VISIBLE FROM WITHIN THE SITE 38 P17-1201 │ RG │ March 2020 Land south of Rothley PLATE 21: THE GRADE II* LISTED CHURCH OF ST MARY THE VIRGIN AND ST JOHN THE BAPTIST 40 PLATE 22: GROUND-LEVEL VIEW SOUTH FROM THE CHURCHYARD TOWARDS THE SITE (NO INTERVISIBILITY) 40 PLATE 23: VIEW NORTH FROM THE SOUTH-EASTERN EXTENT OF THE SITE TOWARDS THE CHURCH TOWER, SEEN IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE SCHOOL BUILDING, OTHER BUILT FORM AND INTERVENING VEGETATION 41 PLATE 24: VIEW EAST FROM WITHIN THE NORTH-WESTERN EXTENT OF THE SITE TOWARDS THE CHURCH TOWER 41 PLATE 25: VIEW NORTH-EAST FROM THE TREE-LINED AVENUE ALONG THE SOUTHERN BOUNDARY OF THE SITE TOWARDS THE CHURCH TOWER, MODERN RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE FOREGROUND 42 PLATE 26: VIEW EAST FROM CHURCH STREET SHOWING THE ‘FRAMED VIEW’ OF THE CHURCH 42 PLATE 27: VIEW NORTH FROM HALLFIELDS LANE ACROSS THE MEADOWS SHOWING ‘PARTICULARLY GOOD VIEWS’ OF THE CHURCH 43 PLATE 28: VIEW EAST TOWARDS THE CHURCH TOWER FROM THE PROW ALONG THE WESTERN BOUNDARY OF THE SITE 43 PLATE 29: VIEW EAST TOWARDS THE CHURCH TOWER FROM THE CONTINUATION OF THE PROW ALONG THE WESTERN SITE BOUNDARY 44 PLATE 30: VIEW SOUTH FROM WITHIN THE CONSERVATION AREA TOWN GREEN TOWARDS THE SITE 46 PLATE 31: VIEW NORTH FROM WITHIN THE SITE INTO THE CONSERVATION AREA AT TOWN GREEN 46 PLATE 32: VIEW SOUTH FROM THE ROTHLEY PLAY PARK IN THE DIRECTION OF THE SITE, WITH GLIMPSED VIEWS, INCLUDING MODERN RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT TO THE NORTH OF THE SITE 47 PLATE 33: ROTHLEY COURT HOTEL AND ATTACHED CHAPEL 48 PLATE 34: VIEW NORTH-WEST FROM THE SOUTH-EASTERN BOUNDARY OF THE SITE IN THE DIRECTION OF ROTHLEY TEMPLE, NO INTERVISIBILITY 49 PLATE 35: LAND UNDER THE CONTROL OF THE ROTHLEY ESTATE (TURQUOISE SHADING), INCLUDING THE MAJORITY OF THE LAND WITHIN THE SITE; THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE THE ROTHLEY COURT HOTEL AND CHAPEL 49 PLATE 36: VIEW SOUTH FROM THE EASTERN EXTENT OF ROTHLEY RIDGEWAY CONSERVATION AREA TOWARDS THE SITE (UPPER ELEMENTS VISIBLE IN ASSOCIATION WITH INTERVENING BUILT FORM) 51 PLATE 37: VIEW SOUTH-EAST FROM WESTFIELD LANE TOWARDS THE LAND WITHIN THE SITE, GLIMPSED VIEWS POSSIBLE 52 PLATE 38: VIEW EAST ALONG LORD MACAULAY'S WALK, TREES FORMING THE SOUTHERN SITE BOUNDARY DEPICTED TO THE LEFT OF THE DRIVE 53 PLATE 39: VIEW WEST FROM THE LINE OF THE DRIVEWAY SHOWING A SMALL NUMBER OF TREES 54 P17-1201 │ RG │ March 2020 Land south of Rothley Introduction Pegasus Group have been commissioned by Rothley Temple Rothley Church of England Academy in its eastern extent. The Estates Limited to prepare a Heritage Desk-Based Assessment site includes an area extending the existing site drop off to the to consider the proposed mixed development at Land south of west. Rothley as shown on the Site Location Plan provided at Plate 1. This Heritage Desk-Based Assessment provides information with regards to the significance of the historic environment and archaeological resource to fulfil the requirement given in paragraph 189 of the Government’s National Planning Policy Framework (the NPPF1) which requires: “an applicant to describe the significance of any heritage assets affected, including any contribution made by their setting.”2 In order to inform an assessment of the acceptability of the scheme in relation to impacts to the historic environment and archaeological resource, following paragraphs 193 to 197 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), any harm to the historic environment resulting from the proposed development is also described, including impacts to significance through changes to setting. Plate 1: Site Location Plan As required by paragraph 189 of the NPPF, the detail and The site is approximately 7.02 ha in area and comprises an assessment in this Report is considered to be “proportionate to arable field, an area of grassland and part of the grounds of 1 Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG), National 2 MHCLG, NPPF, paragraph 189. Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) (London, February 2019). P17-1201 │ RG │ March 2020 Land south of Rothley 1 the asset’s importance”3. materially changed for the general area with the permitting and construction of the development to the north and, thirdly, that Pre-application advice has been received from Charnwood the Inspector identified a neutral impact on the character and District Council, in a letter dated 25th February 2020. This letter appearance of the Conservation Area. Hence the automatic identified less than substantial harm to St Mary’s Church and identification of harm to two assets for the current proposals on the Conservation Area. This harm was on the basis of harm the basis of the Inspector’s decision is not considered to be identified as resulting from the construction of the development sound. Any contribution of the site to the significance of these to the north in the Inspector’s Decision for that site. However, it assets is considered in full below, through appropriate site- is important to note that, firstly, each scheme should be judged specific assessment. on its own merits, secondly, that the baseline conditions have 3 MHCLG, NPPF, paragraph 189. P17-1201 │ RG │ March 2020 Land south of Rothley 2 Site Description and Planning History The site is approximately 7.02 ha in area and comprises an arable field, an area of scrubland/grassland and part of the grounds of Rothley Church of England Academy in its eastern extent, on the eastern side of the track Farmers Way (Plates 2- 4). Plate 3: View east within the site across the area of scrubland/grassland in the south-eastern extent of the site Plate 2: View south from the northern boundary across the site P17-1201 │ RG │ March 2020 Land south of Rothley 3 Planning History No planning history for the site was identified within recent planning history records held online by Charnwood Borough Council. Land to the north of the site was the subject of previous planning application (P/10/1886/2) for Land at Brookfield Farm for residential development with associated access, landscaping and open space.
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