Kobe University Repository : Kernel THE CATALOGUE OF THE JAPANESE TIPULIDAE, WITH THE KEYS タイトル TO THE GENERA AND SUBGENERA (Diptera) (VI) : LIMONIINAE, Title TRIBE ERIOPTERINI (1)(日本産ガガンボ科目録及び属,亜属の検索 (VI)) 著者 Ishida, Hiroshi Author(s) 掲載誌・巻号・ページ 兵庫農科大学研究報告. 自然科学編,4(2):27-34 Citation 刊行日 1960 Issue date 資源タイプ Departmental Bulletin Paper / 紀要論文 Resource Type 版区分 publisher Resource Version 権利 Rights DOI JaLCDOI 10.24546/81006076 URL http://www.lib.kobe-u.ac.jp/handle_kernel/81006076 PDF issue: 2021-10-05 THE CATALOGUE OF THE JAPANESE TIPULIDAE, WITH THE KEYS TO THE GENERA AND SUBGENERA (Diptera) VI. LIMONIINAE, TRIBE ERIOPTERINI (1) Hiroshi IsHIDA PUNM. 44: 491 (1913); MCAS, 25:890, 897 (1919); List of Abbreviations (II) PUNM, 58:392, 413-4 (1920) (with McATEE). AH : - Archiv fur Hydrobiologie. Suppl.-Bd. IX. Antochinae, part, SHIR.: CI, 642 (1954) . .. Tropische Binnengewiisser Band II"; AN:­ Crypterini, part. PIERRE: FF, 8:69, 113 (1924). Archiv fur Naturgeschichte; CI: -- Classification Crypterinae, part, END.: TM. 17, 21 (1936); SHIR.: of Insects, Hokuryfikan, Tokyo; CIS: - Catalogus CI, 642 (1954). Insectorum Sinensium; DS: - Diptera Scandina­ viae; JMM: - Journal of the Federated Malay Key to Genera and Subgenera States museums; KB:- Konchfi Bunruigaku, (Including Hexatomine genera without tibial spurs.) Keiseisha-shoten, Tokyo; KPD: - Katalog der 1. Nearly apterous species, the wings reduced to paliiarktischen Dipteren; MPMM: - Miscellaneous microscopic structure that are smaller than the Publications of the Museum of Zoology, Univer­ halteres ....................................... ·· .. ···Chionea sity of Michigan; VZBG:- Verhandlungen der Fully-winged species. .. ............................... 2 Zoologisch-botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien; 2. Wings with cell M, present......................... 3 WEZ : - Wiener entomologische Zeitung; ZA:­ Wings with cell M, lacking ......................... 6 Zoologischer Anzeiger; 6000: - 6000 Illustrated 3. Apical cells of wing with macrotrichia....... · .. Insects of Japan-Empire, T6k6shoin, Tokyo. ................. (Paradelphomyia (Oxyrhiza) J BIG.:- BIGOT; CURT.:- CURTIS; DALM.:- DALMAN; Cells of wing without macrotrichia. ............ 4 GOETG.:- GOETGHEBUER; HOFFM.:- HOFFMANNSEGG; 4. Wings with r-m distinctly beyond cell 1st KOL.:- KOLENATI; LUNDST.:- LUNDSTROEM; M • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Conosia MERG.:- MERGERLE; PHIL.:- PHILIPPI; RIED.:­ Wings with r-m at the beginning of, or over RIEDEL; SHIR.:- SHIRAKI; TOK.:- TOKUNAGA. the middle of, the cell 1st M2, in the absence alt.: - altitude; ft.: - feet; *: - Original not seen; of cell 1st M2, at the base of cell M2 ............. 5 t: According to Dr. C. P. ALEXANDER. 5. Wings with R 2.3 •• subequal to or longer than Tribe ERIOPTERINI vein R3, cell R3 thus being sub equal to its Eriopterini, BRUN.: FBI, 357, 436-40 (1912); ALEX.: petiole; vein R2 at or before fork of R3 ••. ...... PUNM, 44:491, 492 (1913); MCAS, 25:890, 901-2 .......................................... Neolimnophila (1919); PUNM, 58:392, 416 (1920) (with McATEE); Wings with R 2.3+4 shorter than vein R" cell MCAS, 38:794, 795, 908-11 (1920)(L; PJ; FG, 43, R3 being much longer than its petiole; R2 far 48-52 (1934); BCSS, 64: 297, 424-6 (1942); PIERRE: beyond fork of R 2.3•• .......................... ·Cladura FF, 8:69, 91-2 (1924); COE: HIBI, 22, 45-7 (1950). 6. Two branches of Rs reach the wing-margin ... · 7 Limnobiinae eriopteraeformes, O. S.; SCHIN.: FA, Three branches of Rs reach the wing- margin....................................................... ···14 2: XXVII, 535 (1864). Eriopterina, O.S.: MD, 4:46-7, 135-8 (1869); BEZ, 7. Rostrum elongate, exceeding one-half the 31:191-2 (1887); SKUSE: PLSN, (2) 4: 799800 length of the entire body ............................. .. (1890) . ...... (Elephantomyia (Elephantomyodes) J Eriopterinae, KERT.: KPD, 1:289 (1903); END.: Rostrum short, or of moderate length only, TM, 17, 19-21 (1936); LACKS.: ANMW, 50:10 not exceeding in length the remainder of head. 8 (1940); SHIR.: CI, 642, 643-4 (1954). 8. Wings with R, ending before midlength; Chioneidae, ROND.: PD!, 1:38 (1856). anterior branch of Rs diverging strongly from Chioneina, ROND.: PD!, 1:38, 189 (1856). posterior branch, arising at or close to r-m, Limnobina anoma/a, part, O. S.: MD, 4:46, 100-1 straight and oblique ................. ·Styringomyia (1869); BEZ, 31:183 (1887); SKUSE: PLSN, (2) Wings with R, ending about opposite two­ 4:787-8 (1890). thirds their length; branches of Rs subparallel Antochini, part, ALEX.: *Psyche, 20:40-1 (1913); on basal half................................................. 9 27 Sci. Rep. Hyogo Univ. Agric. Vol. 4, No.2 9. Wings with R, lacking; Sc short, SCt ending ............ Rhabdomastix (Sacandaga, part) opposite or before origin of Rs; m-cu at or Wings with Sc short, not extending beyond before fork of M.········································· ·10 midlength of Rs; if Sc is relatively long (Sg Wings with R, present; Sc usually long, SCt Idiocera) , m-cu lies more than its own length ending beyond origin of Rs; m-cu beyond fork before fork of M; mid and hind coxae close of M . ...................................................... ······11 together, meron small ....... (Gonomyia, part) .. ·20 10. Mid and hind coxae close together, meron 20. Wings with cell R3 very small, its extent small. ............... Gonomyia (Lipophleps, part) along costal margin subequal to that of cell Mid and hind coxae separated, meron large. R 2 ; anterior arculus lacking. .. .................... .. .............................. (Atarba (Atarbodes») ...... ........................... Sg Lipophleps, part 11. Wings with R, near tip of RI; two or three Wings with cell R, large, its extent along branches of M reach the margin. ................ costal margin much greater than that of cell .................................... (Trentepohlia) ···12 R,. ·· .... ······· .. · .. ·········· .. · .. ···· .. ······· .. ···· .. ·· .... · .. 21 Wings with R, close to fork of Rs; three 21. Wings with m-cu about its own length before branches of M reach the margin. ................. l3 fork of M; anterior arculus present. .. .......... 12. Wings with cell 1st M, open by atrophy of m .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .... ........ ... Sg Idiocera and two distal sections of M3; the outer medial Wings with m-cu at or close to fork of M; veins, MH' and M, . ..... ·Sg Trentepohlia, s. str. anterior arculus lacking... , Sg Gonomyia, s. str. Wings with cell 1st M, closed; three outer 22. Wings with distinct macrotrichia in outer medial veins, MI+', M3, and M, . ··Sg Mongoma cells. ..................................................... ······23 l3. Wings with cell 2nd M, approximately rec­ Wings with the oueer cells glabrous ......... , .. ·27 tangular at base; hind femora not clubbed.... 23. Size very small (wing, 3 mm. or less); wings . ............ ........ Teucholabis (Teucholabis) with Rs ending in cell R" this cell thus being Wings with cell 2nd M, pointed at base; sessile, without element R2+3+ .... _............ _...... .. hind femora distinctly clubbed towards tip.... ...... ............ Tasiocera (Dasymolophilus) .. ............. ... Gymnastes (Paragymnastes) Size larger (wing, 4 mm. or more); wings 14. Wings with cell R3 short, vein R3 shorter with Rs ending in cell R" cell Rs being petio­ than the petiole of cell R3. ...................... ····15 late by the presence of a distinct element Wings with cell R3 long, vein R3 longer than R2+3+ •. -·················································_·········24 the petiole of cell R3 . ......................... ···········22 24. Wings with Sc, close to tip of SCI, the two 15. Wings with R, present. ....................... ······16 veins thus being subequal in length or nearly Wings with R2 lacking. ······························19 so ........................................ Gnophomyia, part 16. Wings with R, at the end of Rs, in alignment Wings with Sc, far removed from tip of SCI, with the other elements of the cord; rom ob­ the latter vein long, subequal in length to Rs. literated by the long fusion of veins R'+5 and .......................................... (Ormosia)··-25 MI+'. ·····················Teucholabis (Paratropesa) 25. Wings with cell 1st M, open by atrophy of Wings with R, its length or more beyond m.· .. ······ .. · .. ··_·_· .... ······ .... ······ ........ Sg Oreophila fork of Rs; R'+3+' subequal to or longer than Wings with cell 1st M, closed or open by R,; rom distinct. ··········································17 atrophy of the basal section of M3 ............... ·26 17. Wings with Rs long and straight, exceeding 26. Postnotum glabrous; wings with cell 1st M, the distal section of MH'; tuberculate pits on closed ..................................... Sg ScIeroprocta cephalic portion of praescutum; trochanters Postnotum with soft hairs; wings with cell elongate. ······Rhabdomastix (Sacandaga, part) 1st M2 closed or open ......... ·Sg Ormosia, s. str. Wings with Rs shorter, less than the distal 27. Wings with Rs ending in cell R3, there being section of MI+'; tuberculate pits removed from no element R'+3+ ............................ · Molophilus cephalic margin of praescutum, nearly in trans­ Wings with Rs ending in cell R., cell R3 verse alignment with the pseudosutural fovea; being petiolate by a distinct element R'+3+'; or trochanters short............. (Erioptera, part)·· ·18 R. in direct longitudinal alignment with Rs ... ·28 18. Wings with cell 1st M,
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