Report No. 22181-PH Philippines Public Disclosure Authorized FilipinoReport Card on Pro-PoorServices May 30, 2001 Environmentand SocialDevelopment Sector Unit EastAsia and PacificRegion Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Document of the World Bank CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (As of May 30, 2001) Currency unit = Peso $1.00 = 50.57 Pesos 1.00 Peso - $0.02 FISCAL YEAR January 1 - December 1 Vice-President Jemal-ud-din Kassum, EAP Country Director Vinay Bhargava, EACPF Sector Director Zafer Ecevit, EASES Task Manager Bhuvan Bhatnagar, EASES ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ACSI - American Customer Satisfaction Index ADB - Asian Development Bank AGILE - Accelerating Gross Investment and Liberalization with Equity APIS - Annual Poverty IndicatorsSurvey ARMM - Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao ASEAN - Association of Southeast Asian Nations AusAid - Australian Agency for International Development BHS - Barangay Health Station BP - Batasang Pambansa BWSA - Barangay Waterworks and Sanitation Association CDA - Cooperative Development Authority CDF - Congressional Development Fund CENTEX - Center for Excellence in Public Elementary Education CHAPEL - City Housing Acquisition of Private Lots CIDSS - Comprehensive Integrated Delivery of Social Services CMP - Community Mortgage Program COA - Commission on Audit COCA - Certificate of Occupancy COMPAS - Center for Market and Survey Research COPE - Community Organization of the Philippines Enterprise CORE - City-Owned Lots Rehabilitation and Disposition CWS - Clark Water & Sewerage DBM - Department of Budget and Management DBP - Development Bank of the Philippines DECS - Department of Education, Culture and Sports DEDP - Divisional Elementary Education Development Plan DILG - Department of Interior and Local Govemment DOF - Department of Finance DOH - Department of Health DPWH - Department of Public Works and Highways DSWD - Department of Social Welfare and Development EO - Executive Order ERAP - Enhanced Retail Access for the Poor ESC - Education Service Contracting GAO - General Accounting Office GASTPE - Government Assistance to Students for Private Education GDP - Gross Domestic Product GFI - Government Financing Institution GH - Government Hospital GLAD - Group Land Acquisition Development Program GMA - Greater Manila Area GOP - Government of the Philippines GSA - General Services Administration GSIS - GovermmentService Insurance System HDMF - Home Development Mutual Fund (or PAG-IBIG) HH - Household Filipino Report Card on Pro-Poor Services HHH - Household Head HSRA - Health Sector Reforn Agenda HUDCC - Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council IBRD - International Bank for Reconstruction and Development ICSI - Institute on Church and Social Issues IMR - Infant Mortality Rate IPC - Institute of Philippine Culture IRA - Internal Revenue Allotment KG - Kilogram LBP - Land Bank of the Philippines LGU - Local GovermmentUnit LGUUWSP - Local Government Unit Urban Water and Sanitation Program LWUA - Local Water Utilities Authority MBN - Minimum Basic Needs MCWD - Metro Cebu Water District MFI - Multilateral Financial Institution MSO - Marikina Settlements Office MTWG - Municipal Technical Working Group MWCI - Manila Water Company, Inc. MWLP - Multi-Window Lending Program MWSI - Maynilad Water Services, Inc. MWSS - Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System NAPC - National Anti-Poverty Conmmission NCR - National Capital Region NEDA - National Economic Development Authority NFA - National Food Authority NGA - National Government Agency NGO - Non-Government Organization NRA - National Housing Authority NHMFC - National Home Mortgage Finance Corporation NSCB - National Statistical Coordination Board NSO - National Statistics Office NSP - National Shelter Program NWRB - National Water Resources Board NWRC - National Water Resources Council O&M - Operations and Management OCW - Overseas Contract Worker ODA - Official Development Assistance OECF - Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund PAB - Project Advisory Board PAC - Public Affairs Center PCER - Presidential Commission on Educational Reform PAF - Poverty Alleviation Fund PD - Presidential Decree PHIC - Philippine Health Insurance Corporation PhilHEALTH - Philippine Health Insurance PHILSSA - Philippine Support Service Agencies Filipino Report Card on Pro-Poor Services PhP - Philippine Peso PIDS - Philippine Institute of Development Studies PNC/H - Private Non-Profit Clinic/Hospital PO - People's Organization PPAS - Public Performance Audit System PPC/H - Private For-Profit Clinic/Hospital PTA - Parent-Teacher Association PTFWRDM - Presidential Task Force on Water Resources Development and Management PWUA - Provincial Water Utilities Act RA - Republic Act RHU/C - Rural Health Unit/Urban Health Center RP - Republic of the Philippines SIDCA - Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency SBWS - Subic Bay Water & Sewerage SRP - Self-Rated Poverty SSS - Social Security System SWS - Social Weather Stations TA - Technical Assistance TEEP - Third Elementary Education Project TFS - Tuition Fee Subsidy TH/A - Traditional Healer/Attendant UHC - Urban Health Center UK - United Kingdom UN - United Nations UNCHBP - United Nations Centre for Housing, Building and Planning UNDP - United Nations Development Programme UNICEF - United Nations Children's Educational Fund UPA - Urban Poor Associates UPAO - Urban Poor Affairs Office URC - Urban Research Consortium WB - World Bank WD - Water District WHO - World Health Organization TABLE OF CONTENTS SUMMARY........................................ I 1. Introduction.i 2. SummaryFindings .vi 3. Institutionalization of the Report Card.xx CHAPTERI: INTRODUCTION .. 1 1. What is the Report Card . 1 2. Why Prepare a Report Card9 . 2 3. What Does the Report Card Present . 4 4. How are the Poor Identified? . 5 5. How Participatory is the Report Card? 6 6. Structure of the Report .8 7. Last Word .9 CHAPTER II: HEALTH .. 10 1. Poverty and Health .10 2. The Survey .1 3. Use and Access .11 4. Services Provided by Health Facilities .14 5. Satisfaction with Heath Facilities .16 6. Health Expenditures.20 7. Key Findings and Recommendations .23 8. The Government Health Sector Reform Agenda .27 CHAPTERIII: ELEMENTARYEDUCATION . .30 1. Poverty and Education .30 2. The Survey .31 3. Use and Access .31 4. Drop-Outs .33 5. Satisfaction with Elementary Schools.34 6. Household Expenditure on Schooling .38 7. Parent-Teacher Associations.40 8. Key Findings and Recommendations .42 CHAPTER IV: WATER SUPPLY . .49 1. Poverty and Potable Water .49 2. The Survey .52 3. Access .52 4. Reasons for Not Applying .55 5. Water Consumption .57 6. Household Expenditure on Water .60 7. Satisfaction with Water Supply Services.62 8. Key Findings and Recommendations .63 Filipino Report Card on Pro-Poor Services CHAPTERV: HOUSING .. .................................. 71 1. Poverty and Housing....................................... 71 2. Structure of the Chapter ....................................... 72 3. The Survey ....................................... 73 4. Client Assessments of Current Housing ....................................... 74 5. Client Assessments of Housing Services ............ ........................... 83 6. Key Findings and Recommendations ....................................... 92 CHAPTER VI: SUBSIDIZEDRICE DISTRIBUTION . ............................103 1. Poverty and Food Security....................................... 103 2. NFA's Mandate....................................... 103 3. The Survey ....................................... 105 4. Rice Consumption....................................... 105 5. Household Expenditure on Rice ....................................... 107 6. Awareness and Access ....................................... 109 7. Factors Influencing Rice Purchases ....................................... 110 8. Targeting Rice Subsidies to the Poor ........................................ 111 9. ERAP (Enhanced Retail Access for Poor) Stores ....................................... 113 10. Key Findings and Recommendations ........... ............................ 115 11. Targeted Low-Priced Rice Distribution Pilot Program ...................................... 117 CHAPTERVII: LINGAP PARASA MAHIHIRAP PROGRAM ................................ 120 1. Poverty Alleviation Funds ................................................. 120 2. Lingap Para sa Mahihirap Program .................. ............................... 122 3. Funding ................................................. 123 4. Progress to Date ................................................. 125 5. The Survey ................................................. 126 6. Awareness ................................................. 126 7. Inclusion of Non-Poor Barangays ................ ................................. 127 8. Inclusion of Non-Poor Households ................................................. 128 9. Role of Elected Representatives ............... .................................. 129 10. Key Findings and Recommendations ................................................. 133 CHAPTER VIII: INSTITUTIONALIZATION OF THE REPORT CARD ..................... 137 1. Why Institutionalize the Report Card?................................................. 137 2. Global Experience with Report Cards ................................................. 138 3. Institutionalizing the Report Card in the Philippines ......................................... 141 4. Improving the Report Card ................................................
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