MAINE STATE LEGISLATURE The following document is provided by the LAW AND LEGISLATIVE DIGITAL LIBRARY at the Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library http://legislature.maine.gov/lawlib Reproduced from scanned originals with text recognition applied (searchable text may contain some errors and/or omissions) PUBLIC DOCUJ\iENTS OF MAINE: BEING THE It ANNUAL REPORTS OF VARIOUS PUBLIC OFFICERS AND INSTITUTIONS FOR THE YEAR • 1867-8. -... - AUGUSTA: OWEN & NASH, PRINTERS TO THE STATE, 1868. ANNUA_L REPORT OF THE ADJUTANT GENERAL OF THE STATE OF MAINE, FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1867. PUBLISHED AGREEABLY TO .A. RESOLVE APPROVED FEBRUARY 23, 1865. AUGUSTA: STEVENS & SAYWARD, PRINTERS TO THE STATE. 1868. STATE OF MAINE. ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE, } Augusta, December 31st, 1867. To His Excellency J. L. CHAMBERLAIN, Governor and Commander-in- Chief: Sm :-I have the honor to transmit herewith my report as Adju­ tant General, and Acting Quartermaster and Paymaster General, for the year ending December 31st, 1867. Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, JOHN C. CALDWELL, Adjutant General. )I ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. STATE PENSIONS FOR 1866. The following act of the Legislature was approved February 23d, 1866: AN ACT authorizing Pensions for Disabled Soldiers and Seamen. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Legislature assembled, as follows: SECTION I. Any person who bas served in the army or navy of the United States, in the war of eighteen hundred and sixty-one, on the quota of Maine, and who has been disabled by wounds or other injury receiv~d in said service and in the line of duty, shall be entitled to a pension from the State of Maine, not exceeding eight dollars per month. SECT. 2. The widow during her widowhood, orphan child or children under twelve years of age, of any soldier or seaman deceased from wounds or other injury contracted in the service while in the line of duty, shall be entitled to the same pension as is pro­ vided in section first of this act, provided that no more than eight dollars per month be paid to one family. SECT. 3. Any person or persons described in sections first and second, who are not residents of Maine, or who by the pension received from the United States, with their own labor and resources, are able to obtain a livelihood for themselves and those depen­ dent on them, shall not be entitled to the benefits of this act. SECT. 4. All applications shall be made to the governor and council, who shall regu­ late the proof required to entitle applicants to the benefits of this act, and issue certifi­ cates therefor. SECT. 5. Upon the issue of said certificate, the treasurer of the city, town or planta­ tion, where the pensioner resides, shall be notified thereof, and the said treasurer shall pay quarterly from the treasury of said city, town or plantation, to the pensioner, the amount specified and for the time specified in said certificate, take vouchers therefor, and the same shall be reimbursed to the said treasurer from the treasury of the State on application. SECT. 6. The necessary blanks shall be issued by the secretary of State to the clerks of cities, towns and plantations, and the expenses incurred in printing and distribution shall be paid from the treasury of the State. SECT. 7. This act shall continue and be in force for the term of one year from its approval. By direction of the Governor, all correspondence with municipal officers, the preparation of claims, and all business connected with 6 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. State Pensions, except the adjudication of the Governor and Coun­ cil provided for in section four of the foregoing act, was entrusted to this office. Much difficulty was at first encountered in securing, on the part of municipal officers and applicants, compliance with the require­ ments of the law and the regulations established by the Governor and Council. These difficulties, however, constantly diminished, and before the close of the year, it was seldom necessary to return applica­ tions for compliance with the regulations established. The following tables will show the amount of business done, and the number of pensioners from every town in the State, and the amount of pensions allowed : Whole number of applications, . 2,157 Number of applications disallowed, 300 Whole number of certificates issued, 1,866 Number of pensioners, 1,857 Number of cities, towns and plantations, 34:6 Whole amount of vouchers return ea, $100,730 15 Amount of certificates for reimbursement issued, $99,843 90 Number of towns that have returned vouchers, certifi- cates for reimbursement not issued, 13 Amount of money due, $886 25 Number of towns that have not returned vouchers, 19 Number of pensioners, 104 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. 7 · Number of Pensioners and Amount of Pensions Allowed. ~~I~ ~ ~ 1~ ~ ~ "O ~ 1-0 ~ """ ~ i!. "O ~ "O gs """ ·~ ~ ~ § Q) ~ § ·~ ~ ~ § Q) ~ § A .._. l...c:l c, A .._. gj ..C:: e> 0 ~ S S • S S • Towns. ~ ..... re ' 00 :9 re al Towns. Q) :: ·: gi... "',., ~ gi ~ ~~~ 1~t:~::s1 .:i. -., - ... ::s ~ ::s+>_D .aQ).Dr:i ~ g_s_g 1H::::s"' ci u .§ : §; .§ :: ci s~ .§ § i 1~ --------_z__ -cc:_~_~_}_ ... ~ __ ~_g_i --------1-z-1_-cc:__ ~ __ ~_i:>- ='"' A Abbot, 2 $51 73 1 1· Clinton 3 $123 73 Albion, 14 771 46 I1 Carthage, 3 102 00 $6 00 Alfred, 2 75 73 'I Cambrid"'e0 3 138 00 18 00 Addison, 5 219 47 1· Cornish, ' 3 Ill 73 Alna, 4 204 00 Columbia Falls, I 26 67 1 Albany, 4 204 OOi Ii Chesterville, 8~ 302 40 Avon, 2 75 50 11 Castine, 332 92 Augusta, 46 2,712 26 IICooper, 192 00 Athens, 2 144 001 11 Chelsea, 61 354 68 Andover, 2 71 34 Corinna, 3 180 00 Atkinson, 4 174 92 ! Chester, 7 411 40 Alva pl., l 48 00 Columbia, 3 216 00 Auburn, 4 288 00 Camden, IO 607 00 Appleton, 3 180 00 I Cherryfield, 15 814 93 Anson, 2 - 120 00 Carmel, 11 5D9 19 Bluebill, 8 438 92 I Concord, 3 156 00 Burnham, 1 4 99 73 '' Carroll, 3 144 00 Blanchard, 1 3 222 00 Crystal pl., 4 219 4J3 Berwick, 5 315 73 Canton, 5 264 00 Bradley, 1 48 00 Cape Elizabeth, 4 243 46 Bradford, 3 192 00 Calais, 25 1365 19 Bremen, 1 96 00 Casco, 6 387 00 Belmont, 9! 528 00 Charlotte, 5 2:16 66 South Berwick, 21 75 64 Canaan, 4 195 '73 Byron, 1 96 00 Carratunk pl.; 1 48 00 Brighton, 3 119 73 Charleston, 2 - 24 00 Biddeford, 34 1,810 00 Clifton, 3 - 162 00 Buxton, 3 1 180 00 Denmark, 3 115 46 Brewer, 14 792 001 Dennysville, 3 216 00 '->oothbay, 4 183 73 Da.yton pl., l 30 00 Belfast, 8 459 73 Dover, 8 363 64 Beddington, 2 120 OOI Danforth, 5 276 00 Buckfield, 3 120 00!' Detroit, 4 171 46 Brownfield, 2 '75 38 Dexter, lOj 543 '73i Bucksport, 3 159 73. Dresden, 2, 84 001 Bridgton, 10 521 oo! Dawariscotta, 41 288 00: Bingham, 6 480 ooi Drew pl., 21 168 00 Brooks, 3 252 00 1 Deer Islo, 4 MS 00 Brunswick, 8 37.9 461 Dedham, 61 319 38 Benton, 4 228 00 Durham, :11 27 46· Bridgewater, 21 87 73,1 Dixmont, 378 00 Baring, 31 135 201 East Livermore, 174 00 Burlington, 2 141 ool Exeter, 41 281 06 Bath, 16 795 731 , Kistport, 91 442 38 Baldwin, 8, 495 70 Edmunds, 11 36 00 West Bath, 1 27 501 Enfield, 8! 392 001 Brooklin, 1 48 00 1 E,iton Grant pl., 1: 72 00 Brownville, 5 149 76\ Emden, 41 206 67 Bowdoinham, 4 264 oo! Ellsworth, 301 1644 '79 1 Cranberry Isle8, 1\ CO oo[ Eddington, 1! 27 4'7 China 3 180 00, E,1ston, 2; 99 29 1 Corinth, (i 468 OOI , Eden, 6' 288 67 1 8 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. Number of Pensioners and Amount of Pensions Allowed, (Con.) Etna, 2 $72 00 Kennebunk, 6 $408 00 Franklin, 8 625 87 Levant, 7 384 00 $72 00 Franklin pl., l 72 00 Lincoln, 7 516 00 Forestville pl., l 72 00 Litchfield, 2 108 00 Fairfield, 6 3l9 73 Lee, 6 334 39 Freedom, 7 372 00 Liberty, 17 960 22 Farmingdale, 3 96 00 Lowell, 4 312 00 Farmington, 7 396 00 Livermore, 7 353 17 Freeport, 2 63 73 Lovell, 2 144 00 Foxcroft, 9 540 94 Lagrange, 5 348 00 Falmouth, l 48 00 Ludlow, 1 48 00 Fort Fairfield, 6 420 00 Littleton, 7 447 46 Frankfort. 7 367 46 Leeds, 3 147 46 Fryeburg, 8 492 00 Lincolnville, 8 516 00 Fayette, 2 54 92 Lewiston, 16 1068 00 Garland, 7 356 00 Limington, 2 126 oo· Gilead, l 48 00 Lebanon, 1 60 00 Gouldsborough, 5 250 09 Monroe, 3 240 00 Greenwood, 7 375 73 Mt. Desert, 4 228 00 Greene, 2 156 00 Milo, 3 147 73 24 00 Gray, 3 141 46 Machiasport, 4 207 73 Glenburn, 3 135 45 Mill bridge 8 480 00 Gardiner, 21 1004 92 Moscow, 2 99 47 West Gardiner, 2 123 47 Mexico, 3 168 00 Gorham, 12 630 92 Medford, 2 156 00 Greenbush, 4 204 00 Mattawamkeag, 3 252 00 Greenville, l 48 00 Manchester, 1 48 00 Georgetown, 5 288 00 Monson, 10 540 00 Greenfield, l 48 00 Morrill, 2 63 73 Hollis, 3 90 42 Mt. Vernon, 6 346 00 Hartland, 5 276 00 Milton pl., 4 240 00 Hancock, 5 171 73 Maysville, 3 240 00 Harrington, 2 192 00 Machias, 10 395 54 Holden, 2 96 00 Medway pl., 3 184 00 Houlton, 6 267 73 Marshfield, 3 147 47 Hermon, 11 584 58 72 00 Macwahoc pl., 2 72 00 Hartford, 2 43 73 Montville, 9 487 48 Hudson, 2 144 00 Monmouth, 13 816 00 Hodgdon, l 96 00 Milford, 2 192 00 Hampden, 12 701 34 Mt.
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