HIGHLIGHTS OF ODISHA FORESTRY SECTOR 2020 PRINCIPAL CHIEF CONSERVATOR OF FORESTS & HEAD OF FOREST FORCE, ODISHA ARANYA BHAWAN, CHANDRASEKHARPUR BHUBANESWAR - 751 023 Indian pangolin (Manis crassicaudata) ùfûKùiaû ba^ bêaù^gße ^aú^ _…^ûdK cêLýcªú, IWÿògû aògß a^ \òai C_fùl cû^ýaûe cêLýcªúu aû©ðû icMâ aògßùe cûyð 21 ZûeòLùe ‘aògß a^ \òai’ _ûkòZ jêGö a^ý iµ\e iêelû I iõelY C_ùe @ûc @aiÚòZò ^òbðe Keê[ôaûeê G iµKðùe R^iùPZ^Zû aé¡ò Keòaû aògß a^ \òai _ûk^e cêLý CùŸgý @ùUö PkòZ ahðe aògß a^ \òaie aòhd aÉê – “Rwf I ùR÷a aòaò]Zû”ö Rwf ùR÷a aòaò]Zûe M«ûNe ùjûA[ôaûeê Gjò aòaò]Zûe iõelY Z[û @bòaé¡ò iµKðùe iaòùgh _~ðýûùfûP^û Keòaû _ûAñ Gjû CŸòÁö IWÿògû ùR÷a aòaò]Zûùe _eò_ì‰ðö aòbò^Ü _âRûZòe Cnò\ I a^ý_âûYúu C_iÚòZò jó iêiÚ _eòùage _eòPûdKö lê\âeê lê\âZc _âRûZòe Rúa I Cnò\e bìcòKû c¤ G \òMùe @Zý« MëeêZß_ì‰ðö \âëZ _eòùag _eòa©ð^ ijòZ aòek I aòfê¯ _âûd ùjaûKê [ôaû Cnò\ I Rúa ùKûh MêWÿòKê iêelòZ eLòaû _ûAñ @ûi«ê icùÉ còkòcògò iõKÌ ù^aûö iê¦e I iêelòZ baòhýZ _ûAñ CRêWû Rwfe _ê^eê¡ûe I ^ìZ^ Rwfe iéÁò ^òcù« aòbò^Ü Kû~ðýKâc jûZKê ^ò@û~ûAQòö GMêWòKê i`kZûe ij Kû~ðýKûeú KeûAaû _ûAñ cêñ icÉue @û«eòK ijù~ûM Kûc^û KeêQòö (^aú^ _…^ûdK) \ìebûh : Kû~ðýûkd : 0674-2531100, 2531500, 2535100 (`ûKè) aûiba^ : 0674-2591099, 2590299, 2590833 (`ûKè) e-mail : [email protected] | twitter : twitter.com/CMO_Odisha | Facebook : facebook.com/CMO.Odisha Red crab (Gecarcoidea natalis) bêaù^gße ZûeòL . 18.03.20 aòKâc ùKgeú @ûeêL cªú Rwf I _eòùag, iõi\úd aýû_ûe IWÿògû aògß a^ \òai C_fùl cû^ýae cªú, Rwf I _eòùagu aû©ðû “aògß a^ \òai” _âùZýK ahð, cûyð cûi 21 ZûeòLùe icMâ aògßùe _ûk^ Keû~ûA[ûGö Gjò gêb @aieùe eûRýe bûA I bCYúcû^uê ùcûe jûŸòðK gêùbzû RYûCQòö PkòZ ahð, Gjò \òai _ûk^e aòhd aÉê ejòQò - “Rwf I ùR÷a aòaò]Zû”ö Rwfe iêelû \òMùe @ûce _âùPÁûKê @]ôK \éXÿúbìZ Keòaû _ûAñ Gjò _âiw ~ù[Á ù_âeYû ù\CQòö aél ùjCQò icMâ RúaRMZùe GKcûZâ iRúa C_û\û^, ~òG aò^û \ßò]ûùe icÉue C_Kûe Keò[ûGö iêZeûõ, @]ôK cûZâû I aòbò^ÜZûe a^eûRòe iÚòZò jó RúaRMZe _âûKéZòK ù_ûhYúde ijûdK ùjûA[ûGö ùR÷a aòaò]Zûe iêelû ^òcò© @ûc iõÄéZòùe beò ejòQò @ù^K _ûeµeòK eúZò^úZòö _âûPú^ Kûkeê @ûRò _~ðý« @ûù¸cûù^ aòbò^Ü aélKê _aòZâ aél jòiûaùe aòùaP^û Keò@ûiòQêö Gjò \éÁòùKûYeê, eûRý ieKûe bò^Ü bò^Ü iÚû^ùe Gjò _aòZâ aélMêWÿòKê PòjÜU Keò Gjûe iêelû ^òcù« bò©òbìcò aòKûg KeòQ«òö Rwfe iêelû GK @Zò cjZß_ì‰ð Gaõ icùdû_ù~ûMú @ûjßû^ö KûeY Gjòiaê iµ\e ùKøYiò aòKÌ ^ûjóö @ûRò Zûe iêelûe @ûagýKZû iaðû]ôKö ùi[ô_ûAñ _eò_ì‰ð ùR÷a aòaò]Zû ^òcò© ieKûeú C\ýc ijòZ _ûeµeòK ^úZòKê @û_YûA _âûKéZòK Rwfe iêelû _ûAñ eûRýaûiú @ûùMA @ûiòaûKê ùcûe ^òùa\^ö (aòKâc ùKgeú @ûeêL) Brown-headed gull (Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus) Kharavel Bhawan, Bhubaneswar-751001 E-Mail: [email protected] / [email protected] Tel : 91 674 2536822 Dr. Mona Sharma, IAS Additional Chief Secretary Forest & Environment Department Govt. of Odisha Message United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 21st March the International Day of Forests (IDF) in 2012. The Day celebrates and raises awareness about importance of all types of forests. This year, the theme for International Day of Forests is “Forests and Biodiversity”. Amidst global loss of forest cover albeit rather slowly in recent years, India’s forest and tree cover went up by 5,188 square kilometres last year. Likewise, Odisha’s forest & tree cover has increased by 929 square kilometres in the past two years. This has primarily been possible due to a proactive approach by the State Government. Different afforestation programmes, presence of forest protection units, fire protection squads and para forest staff units and consistent efforts by Vana Surakshya Samittees has made conservation of forests easier and smoother. Today, apart from encouraging people to plant trees, it is pivotal to educate the masses about the importance of conserving forests with its positive impact on sustenance of biodiversity. This will, in turn, benefit our future generation immensely. I hope this year’s report “Highlights of Odisha Forestry Sector 2020” will be a useful reference document for academicians, researchers, policy makers, different functionaries & citizens of Odisha. “Forests & Bio-diversity” - “Too precious to lose”. (Dr. Mona Sharma) Office of the Principal CCF & Head of Forest Force, Odisha Aranya Bhawan, Bhubaneswar-751023 E-Mail: [email protected] Phone: 0674-2300853 Fax: 0674-2300049 Dr. Sandeep Tripathi, IFS Principal Chief Conservator of Forests & Head of Forest Force, Odisha FOREWORD Like every year, we celebrate International Day of Forests on 21st March. The theme for 2020 is “Forests and Biodiversity”. Forests are home to millions of plants and animal species worldwide. They help mitigate climate change, provide us with wood and other livestock, prevent soil erosion and help create a sustainable habitat for our planet. Genetic diversity helps forests to cope with climate change as it ensures conservation of species. However, biodiversity is under serious threat from deforestation, forest degradation and climate change which is detrimental for sustenance of species and maintenance of genetic diversity required for conservation. Despite best efforts, there are hundreds of species going extinct due to manmade globalisation, urbanisation and deforestation. We must come together as a community with successful implementation of afforestation and conservation schemes of the Government in order to prevent such destruction of forests and biodiversity. It is worthwhile to point out that the forest cover in our country is on the rise in the last couple of years. Our state has followed this path and the state has witnessed a rise of 929 square kilometres area of forest and tree cover in the last two years. This stands at 56,267 square kilometres which is 36.14% of the total Geographical Area of the state. On this occasion, the Forest Department is publishing a report titled as “Highlights of Odisha Forestry Sector 2020” which throws light on Odisha Forests, various activities on conservation, protection and afforestation strategies with summarizing target and achievement of implemented schemes. Besides, this publication also highlights vital statistics on forest area/ cover, Joint Forest Management, Ecotourism and many more. I am pleased to extend my thanks to Dr.A.K.Pathak, IFS, Addl. PCCF (Plan, Programme Afforestation), Smt. Sujata Rani Sahu, Sociologist and SFDA staff for their remarkable efforts towards the successful compilation of this report. I am sure that this publication will immensely help not only all functionaries, field staff, administrators but also researchers, nature lovers, media and the public. (Sandeep Tripathi) CONTENTS Sl. No. Subject Page No. 1. Odisha Forest 1-4 1.1. Background of Forests in Odisha 1 1.2. Forest Area 1 1.3. Forest and Tree Cover in Odisha 2 1.4. Growing Stock 4 1.5. Dependence of Forest Fringe villagers on Forests in Odisha 4 1.6. Map of Forest Cover of Odisha 4 2. Organization of Forest Department 5 3. Diversion of Forest Land 7-9 3.1. Diversion of Forest land under Section 2 of F(C) Act 1980 7 3.2. Diversion of Forest land under Section 3 (2) of Forest Right Act 2006 8 3.3. Diversion of Forest Land under General Approval by State Government 9 3.4. Rights to Tribal and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (OTFD) 9 4. State Budget in Forestry Sector 10 4.1. Budget from various sources 10 4.2. Budget Provision in last 10 years 10 5. Working Plans 11-13 5.1. Working Plans 11 5.2. Status of Working Plans in state 11 5.3. Status of Working Schemes in state 12 5.4. Forest Working 12 5.4.1. Production of Timber, Bamboo & Other Forest Produes 12 5.4.2. Working of Coupes 13 5.4.3. Rate of Royalty 13 5.4.4. Expenditure on Working Plan 13 6. A. Forest Protection and Management 14-17 6.A.1. Initiatives taken for Protection of Forest in the state 14 6.A.2. Rewards to Informers and Forest Officials 15 6.A.3. Online Timber Transit Permit System (OTTPS) 15 6.A.4. Forest Fire Prevention and Management 16 6.A.5. Saw Mills 17 6.A.5.1. Current Position of Saw Mills 17 6. B. Joint Forest Management (JFM) Programme 18-20 6.B.1. Implementation of JFM 18 6.B.1.1. Progress on Constitution of VSS/EDC in the state 18 6.B.1.2. Division wise target and achievement towards Constitution of VSS/EDC 19 6.B.2. Implementation of JFM under different schemes/projects 22 7. Wildlife Management 23-28 7.1. Wildlife Organization 23 7.2. Activities of Wildlife Organization 23 7.3. Management Interventions taken up for Wildlife Conservation 25 7.4. Wildlife Census 27 7.4.1. Mid-winter Water Fowl Census in Odisha during 2020 27 7.4.2. Census of 3 Crocodilian Species in Odisha during 2020 27 Salt Water Crocodile 27 Mugger & Gharial Crocodile 28 7.5. Nandankanan Zoological Park 29 7.5.1. New Facilities 30 Exotic Primate Enclosure 30 Indian Wolf Enclosure 30 7.5.2. Exchange & Procurement of Animals 31 7.5.3. Training Programme 31 7.5.4. Observation of Different Days 32 7.5.5. Other Activities 32 Severe Cyclonic Storm Fani 32 Incidence of EEHV Infection in Elephants 33 Introduction of Android Mobile Application of Nandankanan 33
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