n t57 The grand failure of the opposition to the VST ii well understood, cow. Fillmore rCorrespondeneeof It that the Louisville Democrat. Crampton's Disralal Jastlfled. We have dwilt at seme langta with tHlasoVjaot, Court i'!Sn DAILY DEMOCRAT, Nebraska II MAT of Appeal. Mi bill is apparent to all observers. ill carry about as many fre States as Fremont! County, Ills., June 20th, 1303. troiuiuei.onaon tve. Mar(toi3ea surfin), Junes, j I not oecauso we appror.ena any dagger of wr trom dieinisjal Me. At first, tha finck for freedom ranir through the ill carry elave States, and no more. Both these Messrs. Editors: Last week we had a grand There is an obvious diiposiiion in certain quar- - taa of C'raupton, if it at id alone; TWRXTY-?ECOX- crs to a D1Y. sbal1 trae-soul- In envenom the miaunderstaf.ding unbappiy 'Jt &r sfsteoritio attempt to iz3:ne pr free States, and bore down all before it ; but are etriotly sectional candidates. When we re- - ""out here of tho Damoiratf, ,ar cm SZ4 iE:iP:-:r- . iJAnrfZY, HUGHES & CO., between this country Rnd the United P"jodioe, and o to predispor--s the tublio l not the people of Kanj-- the question to memVcr honrof the nomination tf Buchanan and Breckin cia TQI&l) flTBLET, settle the antecedents of Fillmore, it is very State no American governmont ,ur w,tr DT ref.rtienuDg the conduct ot America, 1m k.jdit, Jiiae 2J. fcuit themselves, was a an- - I "dge. About5,000 were present, and listened with octu on the enli.-tuie- questi-;r- . wilfully Market and stree question net easily queer that he should bj the head of a South motive in thiinw it as irritatin Merlin v Billow, Greenup; GirrnJ. Jcfersti now purpose - an arrogant, taking without cans--, y ; ctt swered ctberri e than in the aSncative. That merican party, with a secret orzanizition. He eagerne.sa to the stirring speeches of our electors, pursuing, ly pattini? forth prsten- otubrao and Dcrca Seatoc, ffoen-io- a.'irra': !. titn sions are exorbitant exacting reparation wirtiout reason, adver-t:eu,e- that and offensive, with a Setcn v Brry, Greenup, A DV LRTl EING KOTICE. A'l jut what the bill provided for, and it was egan life an Anti-Maso- and continued an Kobt. Hamilton and William Jennings; two of the rvrsJ. trtCIA! M it View to serve Its own faOtioU8 ends in connection funa that the Araericaa Government had y Cu'ver, rjTtr-e.i- . of Public Hfrt.LH, ao Die, Odd Felloaa', Mexico our If9 fcfiy diSknlt to asail it. Utah and Xew Lad by accident, Presi- - ftna eloquent ot countrymen with the forthcoming 8Dnl"a ground for ofTeose in . F.remen'a. c, are barfed cents per square of Abolitionist. untiL he became ,(PU elections. Nothing has so t3e conduct of our Morton v Pilmer, Greenup; re vers--J- ten Uatm aca'.e the tnt iDserUon, ana twenty-fiv- e been organised on same principle, and all Al ine convention we woro Hopes ot tno nomi great a tendency to exaaperate political differences Minister, who, fully aware t f tho extreme eemi- - v cent eachubeo,uentinseruon. the dent of the United States. Before that event, the in Chafes Hardin, Bullitt; ro'ersel. te into fierce and implacable J tivenees with which peoplo guarded V Ad vertier..erit of Wanted, Religious, parties had approved or acquiesced; why, then, naucn 01 our tcllow-citize- n, step&on A. .Douglas; resentment! as personal that its rights Bojd Millar, Christian; revered. Charitable, Marrjace. and Obiuiary Notice. nf tve South would just as Boon have thought of trusting imputations of tnis nature. I of neutrality, and at the very moment when be DU our a was lir or let, arc charged twenty-liv- cents each in- - hcnld a policy that was constitutional and prac William 11. Seward or Horace Greeley. Because 8orrw wunarawai sweeienea 1 here ia a class of persons who affect in aa was allaymz eU?vicion by hytocritieal arjcWiej n . fnr. n when we heard Buchanan Q Triplett v Wadaworth, fcjP'Advertiaem.eritiTiubllibed io the morning piper ticable, and already spplicd to some of our terri- he did not veto bills unpalatable to his anti- - of the nomination of ther into millstones than their neigh oors; whoal - aasuraDces, did enter into a conspiracy for Mason. - Dunbar v Berry, are ' iiTtrd in the evening eaition at half prioe. tories, not be extended to all to be organized cow and Breckinridge. May county is all right.an J the ways undortako to explain the conduct of public 'va iin? the laws if the country to which he was Mawn. I slavery propensities, he is reckoned the very man i Dover y CarAix TaakSiKKT AcvaaTiKfciiiXTl riYABLI man oy some eeoret r.ot I mru:wa as a poa-uiu- amoawsarr. vv e mam- - Trusteed) Fax, Mason. or hereafter? The shrieks grew as the November election will not be lost for her. motives discernible by the fainter for the Southern States, by a party very much vuigar, nut wnicn tney, with the preternatural iain iaat ia9 recau 01 Mr. cramptou was no mere Sadduth Shar e. Mason. Yours, truly, in haste, G. i Waiier y Martin, For President, nVject wai understood, and the whole Abolition lapidated. Fillmore did cot veto measures penetration tney possess, never fail to detect and I lo,a 'ney were enuue-- to ueitan J, and no more Ma.i were aruej. cohort would have been of breath, for dis expose. These motives are always selfish and dia- - than our government was bound, both ia justice out but passed by Democrats, and in spite, too, of Fill- - Dyino Oct. Every day (says the Philadelphia creditable, and, we need hardly say, nine cases I ana ln pruaenoe, to concede. JAMES BUCHANAN, turbances in Kansas. Tho whole attack is now mores ne in party; tnoreiore, is an exceedingly I Argus) makes it clearer that Know Xothinaism out of ten. exidt onlv 111 th v. MlfcCKLLAiXKOUaS. - .. 7 . iiimuH iminiii.in.u..uu r--u v . k0F FEXXSYLYAMA. charged. The outcry bow is, that the people of proper man. be were now and t tne ur'I"lu,UI u 0,3eu permitting nis irienaj to if President, the is on iu last legs. Ia the South it can make but sapient quidnuncs themselves. Whatever AT I maK toola of theiajolven, riilica-- h COST! Kansas are not allowed to mansge their own af- oonate was iortnern tne House object President Pierce may have had in view, in and to nrae him Vice President, a hMo stand, and the ragged, shapeless miss of corn-fe- LC5S For is recent recognition governm-into- f ,0U?bT tim liie a d ox in the Fas cry Dry G00&3 ! fairs. The pec pie of Missouri have interfered, and now of Walker's PJing 105S is, wnat security would tne South havo. Northern i3 faiiiCff to r.ieces Nicaragua, I holidays, up an I down New C. BRECKINRIDGE. thcra in. at anv rata.no nrafjiTfc fnv. tbe atreeta of York. MILLER & TABTJ, JOHN the actual residents ; they elected the Kcow-aotnin- Ihe bouta can play the aema- - aoi denghingoff into avowed Black Itepublican ipg tha.t the demand put forth by his c ibmet for U'3 bai aaiia. various replies to stupid addreises Legh-latuie-, Comer Fourth an A'arfcel OF KEXTTCKY. made bid laws, Ac. It is now granted, the for- - DO - oaoa al n,tn DJ oooiy Aldermen, one ttrtet; gogue, ana pursue tneir wua nuni xor otuce, lor fc Thu8 that the "Fillmore National recall of Mr. Crampton, on account of the la ef nutated eign enlietment question, bad any lce '9 ce tad : 5TITII A VIEW MAKIXr; cay insisted upon, that the people of Kansas shall there is co danger ; there is a Democratic Senate reference to tie OF A riectoral Ticket. American Club" of Xew York city have unani-t- o eiecticns of November. F'or we find so no powor w W In their firm on the nt i.,i make their own laws, and the complaint ia, that next that "He had to exDros the !?rttisaMn will offer,chne For the Slat at large BOX. ELIJAH HISE, take care of the Union. Let it be changed, mously resolved :ar back as July, 13b3 is, soou irom thu d .le tuen, iheir ecure ttceii teeupeortFiemont. The bolter's that as as it wa he folt at the rjceotion witn whiu'a Li couitrv- - of fancy Dreas t, oiN t Cost : they are cot allowed to do it. This is cot the aiecovered umn-- r and owever; let any other party get the majority, convention, representing dcubtloca the majority of that to was implicated ia tbe illegal mea saw fit to honor him. Ha at:ributed not to rancy striped and Ceo 'iik; do checked Xebraeka-Kansa- do; Bil KuN-a- - ::e Firtl DitrictH. D.GEOLOX. fault oi the s bill; cor is it the VJ iTOruiMiig tais uouiucu i ir.y jp:nts oi own, out i rca Ontm Muslii do: Bnreae uo; and how long would the union of these States last7 s, fiui.ouSa iar annals ns rataer to tnat Tiasnedo; n. " JOHN 1 DHVEKEUX. xorthern have nominated Fre was virtu'auy made; and lroui the S.k L.ca JUi, o.as. toured aroud fault of the friends of that bill. They did cot in- that Americau FOKTr.sa which had followed him through lifs, nd Tisauen; Barege le Lvints; Fren.-- tze.; The country is greatly agitated and distracted, second-fiddl- e ri.i Third " JOHXA.
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